diff --git a/include/aidge/graph/GraphView.hpp b/include/aidge/graph/GraphView.hpp
index f11136adaaa3d23fa9d3dc5749dd5d6771cbc42c..7a2b4bac008a82d0454a6dd057d8bf78c7605926 100644
--- a/include/aidge/graph/GraphView.hpp
+++ b/include/aidge/graph/GraphView.hpp
@@ -320,8 +320,20 @@ public:
     void link(std::string name1_inID, std::string name2_outID);
-    void insert(Node &newNode, Node &inNode, std::initializer_list<Node> outNodes,
-                IOIndex_t tensorIdx);
+    /**
+     * @brief Insert a node (newParentNode) as a parent of the passed node (childNode).
+     * 
+     * @param childNode Node that gets a new parent.
+     * @param newParentNode Inserted Node.
+     * @param childInputTensorIdx Index of the input Tensor for the childNode linked to the inserted Node output.
+     * @param newParentInputTensorIdx Index of the input Tensor for the newParentNode linked to the former parent of childNode.
+     * @param newParentOutputTensorIdx Index of the output Tensor for the newParentNode linked to the childNode's input Tensor.
+     */
+    void insertParent(NodePtr childNode, 
+                        NodePtr newParentNode, 
+                        IOIndex_t childInputTensorIdx, 
+                        IOIndex_t newParentInputTensorIdx, 
+                        IOIndex_t newParentOutputTensorIdx);
      * @brief Replace the current GraphView with the set of given Nodes if possible
diff --git a/src/graph/GraphView.cpp b/src/graph/GraphView.cpp
index 1a377fb1ce49ccac5d065cf2e994a0f876713410..e50ea20e680e6ab874b14c14b23f77b27286f367 100644
--- a/src/graph/GraphView.cpp
+++ b/src/graph/GraphView.cpp
@@ -519,12 +519,24 @@ void Aidge::GraphView::link(std::string /*name1_inID*/,
   printf("Not implemented yet.\n");
-void Aidge::GraphView::insert(Node & /*newNode*/, Node & /*inNode*/,
-                             std::initializer_list<Node> /*outNodes*/,
-                             IOIndex_t /*tensorIdx*/) {
-  printf("Not implemented yet.\n");
+void Aidge::GraphView::insertParent(NodePtr childNode, 
+                  NodePtr newParentNode, 
+                  IOIndex_t childInputTensorIdx, 
+                  IOIndex_t newParentInputTensorIdx, 
+                  IOIndex_t newParentOutputTensorIdx){
+  NodePtr currentParentNode = childNode->getParent(childInputTensorIdx);
+  const IOIndex_t currentParentOutputTensorIdx = childNode->input(childInputTensorIdx).second;
+  // Remove child from current parent & current Parent from child 
+  currentParentNode->removeChild(childNode, currentParentOutputTensorIdx);
+  // Add child 
+  currentParentNode->addChild(newParentNode,currentParentOutputTensorIdx, newParentInputTensorIdx);
+  newParentNode->addChild(childNode, newParentOutputTensorIdx, childInputTensorIdx);
+  add(newParentNode);
 bool Aidge::GraphView::replaceWith(std::set<std::shared_ptr<Node>> newNodes) {
   // TODO : only supports one input/output node for now
   assert(mNodes.size()>0 && "There must be at least one Node to replace");
diff --git a/unit_tests/graph/Test_GraphView.cpp b/unit_tests/graph/Test_GraphView.cpp
index dc693193c6606c99b1628d23ad253015f8f8dbe6..319370ebad95869efd450eade58a2ecd36075090 100644
--- a/unit_tests/graph/Test_GraphView.cpp
+++ b/unit_tests/graph/Test_GraphView.cpp
@@ -330,4 +330,48 @@ TEST_CASE("[core/graph] GraphView(replaceWith)") {
         REQUIRE(g->getNodes() == std::set<std::shared_ptr<Node>>({r1, r4}));
         REQUIRE((r1->output(0))[0].first == r4);
+TEST_CASE("[core/graph] GraphView(insertParent)") {
+    auto dataProvider = Producer({16, 3, 224, 224}, "dataProvider");
+    auto conv1 = Conv(3, 32, {3, 3}, "conv1");
+    auto conv2 = Conv(32, 64, {3, 3}, "conv2");
+    auto conv3 = Conv(32, 64, {1, 1}, "conv3");
+    auto g = std::make_shared<GraphView>("TestGraph");
+    dataProvider->addChild(conv1, 0);
+    g->add(conv1);
+    g->addChild(conv2, conv1, 0);
+    g->addChild(conv3, conv1, 0);
+    g->save("graphForwardDims");
+    g->forwardDims();
+    auto newConv = Conv(32, 32, {1, 1}, "newConv");
+    SECTION("Check insertParent conv2 then insertParent conv3") {
+        g->insertParent(conv2, newConv, 0, 0, 0);
+        std::set<NodePtr> expectedConv1Children = {conv3, newConv};
+        std::set<NodePtr> expectedNewConvChildren = {conv2};
+        REQUIRE(conv1->getOperator()->getOutput(0) == conv3->getOperator()->getInput(0));
+        REQUIRE(conv1->getOperator()->getOutput(0) == newConv->getOperator()->getInput(0));
+        REQUIRE(conv1->getOperator()->getOutput(0) != conv2->getOperator()->getInput(0));
+        REQUIRE(newConv->getOperator()->getOutput(0) == conv2->getOperator()->getInput(0));
+        REQUIRE((newConv->getChildren()) == expectedNewConvChildren);
+        REQUIRE((conv1->getChildren()) == expectedConv1Children);
+        g->insertParent(conv3, newConv, 0, 0, 0);
+        std::set<NodePtr> expectedConv1Children2 = {newConv};
+        std::set<NodePtr> expectedNewConvChildren2 = {conv2, conv3};
+        REQUIRE(conv1->getOperator()->getOutput(0) != conv3->getOperator()->getInput(0));
+        REQUIRE(conv1->getOperator()->getOutput(0) == newConv->getOperator()->getInput(0));
+        REQUIRE(conv1->getOperator()->getOutput(0) != conv2->getOperator()->getInput(0));
+        REQUIRE(newConv->getOperator()->getOutput(0) == conv2->getOperator()->getInput(0));
+        REQUIRE(newConv->getOperator()->getOutput(0) == conv3->getOperator()->getInput(0));
+        REQUIRE((newConv->getChildren()) == expectedNewConvChildren2);
+        REQUIRE((conv1->getChildren()) == expectedConv1Children2);
+    }
\ No newline at end of file