diff --git a/aidge_core/unit_tests/test_recipies.py b/aidge_core/unit_tests/test_recipies.py
index 6cf89a45fd0d4cf1dc970d199d074e886b131896..26ae544d6e05f2f9a9da371d3617f9265a037364 100644
--- a/aidge_core/unit_tests/test_recipies.py
+++ b/aidge_core/unit_tests/test_recipies.py
@@ -20,6 +20,18 @@ class test_recipies(unittest.TestCase):
     def tearDown(self):
+    def test_remove_dropout(self):
+        graph_view = aidge_core.sequential([
+            aidge_core.GenericOperator("Conv", 1, 0, 1, "Conv0"),
+            aidge_core.GenericOperator("Dropout", 1, 0, 1, name="Dropout0")
+        ])
+        old_nodes = graph_view.get_nodes()
+        aidge_core.remove_dropout(graph_view)
+        self.assertTrue(len(graph_view.get_nodes()) == len(old_nodes) - 1)
+        self.assertTrue("Dropout0" not in [i.name for i in graph_view.get_nodes()])
+        self.assertTrue(all([i in old_nodes for i in graph_view.get_nodes()]))
     def test_remove_flatten(self):
         graph_view = aidge_core.sequential([
             aidge_core.GenericOperator("Flatten", 1, 0, 1, name="Flatten0"),
diff --git a/include/aidge/aidge.hpp b/include/aidge/aidge.hpp
index 4fea0f4950c0d48ed3eaadf361438e2859692e10..09ebccb7e830d6576f1c3c7d9e7eb057b91c055c 100644
--- a/include/aidge/aidge.hpp
+++ b/include/aidge/aidge.hpp
@@ -36,7 +36,9 @@
 #include "aidge/operator/Conv.hpp"
 #include "aidge/operator/ConvDepthWise.hpp"
 #include "aidge/operator/Div.hpp"
+#include "aidge/operator/Erf.hpp"
 #include "aidge/operator/FC.hpp"
+#include "aidge/operator/Gather.hpp"
 #include "aidge/operator/GenericOperator.hpp"
 #include "aidge/operator/MatMul.hpp"
 #include "aidge/operator/MaxPooling.hpp"
@@ -47,13 +49,15 @@
 #include "aidge/operator/Pad.hpp"
 #include "aidge/operator/Producer.hpp"
 #include "aidge/operator/Pow.hpp"
+#include "aidge/operator/ReduceMean.hpp"
 #include "aidge/operator/ReLU.hpp"
+#include "aidge/operator/Reshape.hpp"
 #include "aidge/operator/Scaling.hpp"
 #include "aidge/operator/Slice.hpp"
 #include "aidge/operator/Softmax.hpp"
 #include "aidge/operator/Sqrt.hpp"
 #include "aidge/operator/Sub.hpp"
+#include "aidge/operator/Transpose.hpp"
 #include "aidge/scheduler/Scheduler.hpp"
 #include "aidge/stimuli/Stimuli.hpp"
diff --git a/include/aidge/backend/TensorImpl.hpp b/include/aidge/backend/TensorImpl.hpp
index f8d398c7801f45a0411fafa446ae7c51ce671cfc..a27f0317c59916facef970a3c1b91704fb485cd4 100644
--- a/include/aidge/backend/TensorImpl.hpp
+++ b/include/aidge/backend/TensorImpl.hpp
@@ -14,29 +14,154 @@
 #include <cstddef>
 #include <cstdio>
+#include "aidge/data/Data.hpp"
 #include "aidge/utils/Types.h"
+#include "aidge/utils/ErrorHandling.hpp"
 namespace Aidge {
+ * This is a thin wrapper around std::any that can only hold pointers.
+ * It also handles the case where a U* pointer is stored and a const U* pointer
+ * is requested, which is legit (std::any would throw a bad_cast exception in
+ * this case).
+ * Note: not used yet, put in reserve here for possible future use.
+class AnyPtr {
+    template <typename T, typename = std::enable_if_t<std::is_pointer<T>::value>>
+    constexpr inline AnyPtr(T value) : data(value), ptrToConst(std::is_const<std::remove_pointer_t<T>>::value) {}
+    // Requested T is "U*"
+    template <typename T, typename std::enable_if<std::is_same<std::remove_pointer_t<T>, std::remove_const_t<std::remove_pointer_t<T>>>::value>::type* = nullptr>
+    constexpr inline T get() const {
+        // data has to be "U*"
+        return future_std::any_cast<T>(data);
+    }
+    // Requested T is "const U*"
+    template <typename T, typename std::enable_if<!std::is_same<std::remove_pointer_t<T>, std::remove_const_t<std::remove_pointer_t<T>>>::value>::type* = nullptr>
+    constexpr inline T get() const {
+        if (ptrToConst) {
+            // data is "const U*" => OK, no bad cast
+            return future_std::any_cast<T>(data);
+        }
+        else {
+            // data is "U*" => need to remove const from request to avoid bad cast
+            return future_std::any_cast<std::add_pointer_t<std::remove_const_t<std::remove_pointer_t<T>>>>(data);
+        }
+    }
+    const future_std::any data;
+    const bool ptrToConst;
+ * This class manages the raw data storage of a Tensor and provide generic copy
+ * primitives from other devices and from/to host.
+ * It can own the data or not (use setRawPtr() to set an external data owner).
+ * It only knows the data type and data capacity, but does not handle anything else.
 class TensorImpl {
     TensorImpl() = delete;
-    TensorImpl(const char *backend) : mBackend(backend){};
-    virtual void copy(const void *src, NbElts_t length, std::size_t offset = 0) = 0;
-    virtual void *rawPtr() = 0;
-    virtual void setRawPtr(void* /*ptr*/)
+    TensorImpl(const char *backend, DeviceIdx_t device = 0) : mBackend(backend), mDevice(device){};
+    /**
+     * Return the (backend, device) pair for this implementation.
+    */
+    std::pair<std::string, DeviceIdx_t> device() const { return std::make_pair(mBackend, mDevice); }
+    /**
+     * Set the device ID for current backend.
+     * @param device New device ID on current backend.
+    */
+    virtual void setDevice(DeviceIdx_t device) = 0;
+    /**
+     * Copy data from the same device.
+     * @param src Pointer on current implementation device.
+     * @param length Number of elements to copy.
+     * @param offset Destination offset (in number of elements).
+    */
+    virtual void copy(const void *src, NbElts_t length, NbElts_t offset = 0) = 0;
+    /**
+     * Copy-convert data from the same device.
+     * @param srcDt Source data type.
+     * @param src Pointer on current implementation device.
+     * @param length Number of elements to copy.
+    */
+    virtual void copyCast(const void *src, NbElts_t length, const DataType srcDt) = 0;
+    /**
+     * Copy data from an other device on the same backend.
+     * @param device (backend, device) pair to copy from. The backend must match current implementation backend.
+     * @param src Pointer on current implementation backend.
+     * @param length Number of elements to copy.
+    */
+    virtual void copyFromDevice(const void *src, NbElts_t length, const std::pair<std::string, DeviceIdx_t>& device) = 0;
+    /**
+     * Copy data from host.
+     * @param src Host pointer to copy from.
+     * @param length Number of elements to copy.
+    */
+    virtual void copyFromHost(const void *src, NbElts_t length) = 0;
+    /**
+     * Copy data to host.
+     * @param src Host pointer to copy to.
+     * @param length Number of elements to copy.
+    */
+    virtual void copyToHost(void *dst, NbElts_t length) const = 0;
+    /**
+     * Return the raw device pointer.
+     * The raw pointer is garanteed to be valid only on the *same* device.
+     * @param offset Offset, in number of elements.
+    */
+    virtual void* rawPtr(NbElts_t offset = 0) = 0;
+    virtual const void* rawPtr(NbElts_t offset = 0) const = 0;
+    /**
+     * Return the host pointer.
+     * If the implementation does not have a valid host pointer, nullptr is returned.
+     * @param offset Offset, in number of elements.
+    */
+    virtual void* hostPtr(NbElts_t /*offset*/ = 0) { return nullptr; };
+    virtual const void* hostPtr(NbElts_t /*offset*/ = 0) const { return nullptr; };
+    /**
+     * Sets the device pointer. The previously owned data is deleted.
+     * UNSAFE: directly setting the device pointer may lead to undefined behavior
+     * if it does not match the required storage.
+     * @param ptr A valid device pointer.
+     * @param length Storage capacity at the provided pointer
+    */
+    virtual void setRawPtr(void* /*ptr*/, NbElts_t /*length*/)
-        printf("Cannot set raw pointer for backend %s\n", mBackend);
+        AIDGE_THROW_OR_ABORT(std::runtime_error, "Cannot set raw pointer for backend %s", mBackend);
-    virtual void* getRaw(std::size_t /*idx*/)=0;
+    virtual std::size_t size() const = 0; // Storage size
     virtual std::size_t scalarSize() const = 0; // Size of one scalar (in bytes)
     constexpr const char *backend() const { return mBackend; }
     virtual ~TensorImpl() = default;
     virtual bool operator==(const TensorImpl &othImpl) const = 0;
+    /**
+     * Copy from another backend.
+     * @param srcImpl Source TensorImpl to copy from.
+     * @param length Number of elements of size scalarSize() to copy
+    */
+    void copyFrom(const TensorImpl& srcImpl, NbElts_t length);
     const char *mBackend;
+    DeviceIdx_t mDevice;
 } // namespace Aidge
diff --git a/include/aidge/data/Data.hpp b/include/aidge/data/Data.hpp
index 953f684c9ceeae52b67977460256c8ed61ce9a41..bf34860fbc4e4d6cfef8528d20de40c3e31a292b 100644
--- a/include/aidge/data/Data.hpp
+++ b/include/aidge/data/Data.hpp
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
 #ifndef AIDGE_DATA_H_
 #define AIDGE_DATA_H_
+#include "aidge/data/half.hpp"
 #include "aidge/utils/Attributes.hpp"
 namespace Aidge {
@@ -61,12 +62,15 @@ namespace {
 template <typename T> struct NativeType { static const Aidge::DataType type; };
 template <> const Aidge::DataType NativeType<double>::type = Aidge::DataType::Float64;
 template <> const Aidge::DataType NativeType<float>::type = Aidge::DataType::Float32;
-template <> const Aidge::DataType NativeType<long>::type = Aidge::DataType::Int64;
-template <> const Aidge::DataType NativeType<int>::type = Aidge::DataType::Int32;
-template <> const Aidge::DataType NativeType<int16_t>::type = Aidge::DataType::Int16;
-template <> const Aidge::DataType NativeType<uint16_t>::type = Aidge::DataType::UInt16;
+template <> const Aidge::DataType NativeType<half_float::half>::type = Aidge::DataType::Float16;
 template <> const Aidge::DataType NativeType<int8_t>::type = Aidge::DataType::Int8;
+template <> const Aidge::DataType NativeType<int16_t>::type = Aidge::DataType::Int16;
+template <> const Aidge::DataType NativeType<int32_t>::type = Aidge::DataType::Int32;
+template <> const Aidge::DataType NativeType<int64_t>::type = Aidge::DataType::Int64;
 template <> const Aidge::DataType NativeType<uint8_t>::type = Aidge::DataType::UInt8;
+template <> const Aidge::DataType NativeType<uint16_t>::type = Aidge::DataType::UInt16;
+template <> const Aidge::DataType NativeType<uint32_t>::type = Aidge::DataType::UInt32;
+template <> const Aidge::DataType NativeType<uint64_t>::type = Aidge::DataType::UInt64;
 template <>
 const char* const EnumStrings<Aidge::DataType>::data[]
diff --git a/include/aidge/data/Tensor.hpp b/include/aidge/data/Tensor.hpp
index 021f8a88b326a08a7b96a1dd5c98832cc0d607cb..3780e0f4c001581c09af80f9e664a0c4e09c5796 100644
--- a/include/aidge/data/Tensor.hpp
+++ b/include/aidge/data/Tensor.hpp
@@ -23,114 +23,9 @@
 #include "aidge/data/Data.hpp"
 #include "aidge/utils/Registrar.hpp"
 #include "aidge/utils/Types.h"
+#include "aidge/utils/ArrayHelpers.hpp"
 namespace Aidge {
-// Helper to create default arrays
-template <typename T, std::size_t ... Is>
-constexpr std::array<T, sizeof...(Is)>
-create_array_impl(T value, std::index_sequence<Is...>)
-    // cast Is to void to remove the warning: unused value
-    return {{(static_cast<void>(Is), value)...}};
-template <typename T, std::size_t N>
-constexpr std::array<T, N> create_array(const T& value)
-    return create_array_impl(value, std::make_index_sequence<N>());
-// Helper to convert vector to array
-template <typename T, typename Iter, std::size_t... Is>
-constexpr auto to_array(Iter &iter, std::index_sequence<Is...>) -> std::array<T, sizeof...(Is)> {
-    return {{((void)Is, T(*iter++))...}};
- * @brief Convert an object with an iterator to an std::array.
- */
-template <std::size_t N, typename U = void, typename Iter, typename V = typename std::iterator_traits<Iter>::value_type,
-          typename T = std::conditional_t<std::is_same<U, void>{}, V, U>>
-constexpr auto to_array(Iter iter) -> std::array<T, N> {
-    return to_array<T>(iter, std::make_index_sequence<N>{});
-namespace detail {
-template <class T, std::size_t N, std::size_t... I>
-constexpr std::array<std::remove_cv_t<T>, N> to_array_impl(T (&a)[N], std::index_sequence<I...>) {
-    return {{a[I]...}};
-}  // namespace detail
- * @brief Convert a C-stype array into a C++ std::array.
- *
- * @tparam T Data type.
- * @tparam N Number of elements.
- * @param a C-style array to convert.
- * @return constexpr std::array<std::remove_cv_t<T>, N>
- */
-template <class T, std::size_t N>
-constexpr std::array<std::remove_cv_t<T>, N> to_array(T (&a)[N]) {
-    return detail::to_array_impl(a, std::make_index_sequence<N>{});
-template <typename T, std::size_t N, std::size_t... I>
-constexpr std::array<T, N + 1> append(std::array<T, N> a, T t, std::index_sequence<I...>) {
-    return std::array<T, N + 1>{a[I]..., t};
-template <typename T, std::size_t N, std::size_t... I>
-constexpr std::array<T, N + 1> append(T t, std::array<T, N> a, std::index_sequence<I...>) {
-    return std::array<T, N + 1>{t, a[I]...};
- * @brief Create a new array concatenating the initial one with the value to
- * add.
- * @details append({1,2,7}, 3) -> {1,2,7,3}
- *
- * @tparam T Data type.
- * @tparam N Number of elements in the initilial array.
- * @param a Initial array.
- * @param t Element to add.
- * @return constexpr std::array<T, N + 1>
- */
-template <typename T, std::size_t N>
-constexpr std::array<T, N + 1> append(std::array<T, N> a, T t) {
-    return append(a, t, std::make_index_sequence<N>());
-template <typename T, std::size_t N>
-constexpr std::array<T, N + 1> append(T t, std::array<T, N> a) {
-    return append(t, a, std::make_index_sequence<N>());
-// Generic helper for initializing a Tensor
-template <typename T, std::size_t SIZE_0>
-struct Array1D {
-    T data[SIZE_0];
-template <typename T, std::size_t SIZE_0, std::size_t SIZE_1>
-struct Array2D {
-    T data[SIZE_0][SIZE_1];
-template <typename T, std::size_t SIZE_0, std::size_t SIZE_1, std::size_t SIZE_2>
-struct Array3D {
-    T data[SIZE_0][SIZE_1][SIZE_2];
-template <typename T, std::size_t SIZE_0, std::size_t SIZE_1, std::size_t SIZE_2, std::size_t SIZE_3>
-struct Array4D {
-    T data[SIZE_0][SIZE_1][SIZE_2][SIZE_3];
  * @brief Description for the tensor data structure.
  * @details Sets the properties of the tensor without actually containing any data.
@@ -145,8 +40,7 @@ class Tensor : public Data,
     std::shared_ptr<Tensor> mGrad; /** Pointer to the associated gradient Tensor instance. */
     // Cached data
-    std::size_t mSize;    /** Number of elements in the Tensor. */
-    std::size_t mSizeM1;  /** Number of elements in the N-1 first dimensions */
+    std::size_t mSize = 0;    /** Number of elements in the Tensor. */
     static constexpr const char *Type = "Tensor";
@@ -157,10 +51,7 @@ class Tensor : public Data,
     Tensor(DataType dataType = DataType::Float32)
         : Data(Type),
-          mDataType(dataType),
-          mDims({}),
-          mSize(0),
-          mSizeM1(0)
+          mDataType(dataType)
         // ctor
@@ -187,11 +78,12 @@ class Tensor : public Data,
         : Data(Type),
-          mSize(otherTensor.mSize),
-          mSizeM1(otherTensor.mSizeM1)
+          mSize(otherTensor.mSize)
         if (otherTensor.hasImpl()) {
             mImpl = Registrar<Tensor>::create({otherTensor.mImpl->backend(), dataType()})(*this);
+            mImpl->setDevice(otherTensor.mImpl->device().second);
+            // Same backend, same device => directly use copy()
             mImpl->copy(otherTensor.mImpl->rawPtr(), mSize);
@@ -207,9 +99,8 @@ class Tensor : public Data,
           mImpl(Registrar<Tensor>::create({"cpu", NativeType<T>::type})(*this)),
-          mSize(SIZE_0),
-          mSizeM1(SIZE_0) {
-        mImpl->copy(&arr.data[0], SIZE_0);
+          mSize(SIZE_0) {
+        mImpl->copyFromHost(&arr.data[0], SIZE_0);
     template <typename T, std::size_t SIZE_0>
@@ -218,7 +109,7 @@ class Tensor : public Data,
         if (!mImpl) {
             mImpl = Registrar<Tensor>::create({"cpu", NativeType<T>::type})(*this);
-        mImpl->copy(&arr.data[0], SIZE_0);
+        mImpl->copyFromHost(&arr.data[0], SIZE_0);
         return *this;
@@ -234,9 +125,8 @@ class Tensor : public Data,
           mDims({SIZE_0, SIZE_1}),
           mImpl(Registrar<Tensor>::create({"cpu", NativeType<T>::type})(*this)),
-          mSize(SIZE_0 * SIZE_1),
-          mSizeM1(SIZE_1) {
-        mImpl->copy(&arr.data[0][0], SIZE_0 * SIZE_1);
+          mSize(SIZE_0 * SIZE_1) {
+        mImpl->copyFromHost(&arr.data[0][0], SIZE_0 * SIZE_1);
     template <typename T, std::size_t SIZE_0, std::size_t SIZE_1>
@@ -245,7 +135,7 @@ class Tensor : public Data,
         if (!mImpl) {
             mImpl = Registrar<Tensor>::create({"cpu", NativeType<T>::type})(*this);
-        mImpl->copy(&arr.data[0][0], SIZE_0 * SIZE_1);
+        mImpl->copyFromHost(&arr.data[0][0], SIZE_0 * SIZE_1);
         return *this;
@@ -262,9 +152,8 @@ class Tensor : public Data,
           mDims({SIZE_0, SIZE_1, SIZE_2}),
           mImpl(Registrar<Tensor>::create({"cpu", NativeType<T>::type})(*this)),
-          mSize(SIZE_0 * SIZE_1 * SIZE_2),
-          mSizeM1(SIZE_1 * SIZE_2) {
-        mImpl->copy(&arr.data[0][0][0], SIZE_0 * SIZE_1 * SIZE_2);
+          mSize(SIZE_0 * SIZE_1 * SIZE_2) {
+        mImpl->copyFromHost(&arr.data[0][0][0], SIZE_0 * SIZE_1 * SIZE_2);
     template <typename T, std::size_t SIZE_0, std::size_t SIZE_1, std::size_t SIZE_2>
@@ -273,7 +162,7 @@ class Tensor : public Data,
         if (!mImpl) {
             mImpl = Registrar<Tensor>::create({"cpu", NativeType<T>::type})(*this);
-        mImpl->copy(&arr.data[0][0][0], SIZE_0 * SIZE_1 * SIZE_2);
+        mImpl->copyFromHost(&arr.data[0][0][0], SIZE_0 * SIZE_1 * SIZE_2);
         return *this;
@@ -291,9 +180,8 @@ class Tensor : public Data,
           mDims({SIZE_0, SIZE_1, SIZE_2, SIZE_3}),
           mImpl(Registrar<Tensor>::create({"cpu", NativeType<T>::type})(*this)),
-          mSize(SIZE_0 * SIZE_1 * SIZE_2 * SIZE_3),
-          mSizeM1(SIZE_1 * SIZE_2 * SIZE_3) {
-        mImpl->copy(&arr.data[0][0][0][0], SIZE_0 * SIZE_1 * SIZE_2 * SIZE_3);
+          mSize(SIZE_0 * SIZE_1 * SIZE_2 * SIZE_3) {
+        mImpl->copyFromHost(&arr.data[0][0][0][0], SIZE_0 * SIZE_1 * SIZE_2 * SIZE_3);
     template <typename T, std::size_t SIZE_0, std::size_t SIZE_1, std::size_t SIZE_2, std::size_t SIZE_3>
@@ -302,7 +190,7 @@ class Tensor : public Data,
         if (!mImpl) {
             mImpl = Registrar<Tensor>::create({"cpu", NativeType<T>::type})(*this);
-        mImpl->copy(&arr.data[0][0][0][0], SIZE_0 * SIZE_1 * SIZE_2 * SIZE_3);
+        mImpl->copyFromHost(&arr.data[0][0][0][0], SIZE_0 * SIZE_1 * SIZE_2 * SIZE_3);
         return *this;
@@ -315,8 +203,15 @@ class Tensor : public Data,
         if (t.hasImpl()) {
-            setBackend(t.mImpl->backend());
-            mImpl->copy(t.mImpl->rawPtr(), size());
+            if (hasImpl()) {
+                copyCastFrom(t);
+            }
+            else {
+                mImpl = Registrar<Tensor>::create({t.mImpl->backend(), dataType()})(*this);
+                mImpl->setDevice(t.mImpl->device().second);
+                // Same backend, same device => directly use copy()
+                mImpl->copy(t.mImpl->rawPtr(), mSize);
+            }
         else {
             mImpl = nullptr;
@@ -337,21 +232,33 @@ class Tensor : public Data,
-     * @brief Set the backend of the Tensor associated implementation
-     * @details Create and initialized an implementation if non was associated.
-     * @param name
+     * @brief Set the backend of the Tensor associated implementation. If there
+     * was no previous implementation set, data will be allocated, but it will
+     * not be initialized to any particular value.
+     * If data was already initialized in a previous backend, it will be moved
+     * to the new one except if copyFrom is false.
+     * @param name Backend name
+     * @param device Backend device
+     * @param copyFrom If true (default), move data from previous backend/device
+     * to the new one. Previous data is lost otherwise.
-    inline void setBackend(const std::string &name) {
+    inline void setBackend(const std::string &name, DeviceIdx_t device = 0, bool copyFrom = true) {
         if (mImpl) {
-            if (strcmp(mImpl->backend(), name.c_str()) != 0) {
+            if (mImpl->device() != std::make_pair(name, device)) {
                 // Backend change: create new impl, copy from old to new and replace
                 // impl
                 std::unique_ptr<TensorImpl> newImpl = Registrar<Tensor>::create({name, mDataType})(*this);
-                newImpl->copy(mImpl->rawPtr(), size());
+                newImpl->setDevice(device);
+                if (copyFrom) {
+                    newImpl->copyFrom(*mImpl, size());
+                }
                 mImpl = std::move(newImpl);
-        } else
+        }
+        else {
             mImpl = Registrar<Tensor>::create({name, mDataType})(*this);
+            mImpl->setDevice(device);
+        }
@@ -373,16 +280,17 @@ class Tensor : public Data,
      * @brief Set the DataType of the Tensor and converts data
-     * if the Tensor has already been initialized.
-     * @param dt DataType.
+     * if the Tensor has already been initialized and copyCast is true.
+     * @param dt DataType
+     * @param copyCast If true (default), previous data is copy-casted. Otherwise
+     * previous data is lost.
-    void setDataType(const DataType dt) {
+    void setDataType(const DataType dt, bool copyCast = true) {
         if (mImpl && (dataType() != dt)) {
-            // get ptr before changing Tensor backend or the type difference will trigger a warning
-            const void *data = mImpl->rawPtr();
-            mDataType = dt;
             std::unique_ptr<TensorImpl> newImpl = Registrar<Tensor>::create({mImpl->backend(), dt})(*this);
-            newImpl->copy(data, size());  // /!\ it does not cast data but reinterpret them
+            if (copyCast) {
+                newImpl->copyCast(mImpl->rawPtr(), size(), mDataType);
+            }
             mImpl = std::move(newImpl);
         mDataType = dt;
@@ -393,6 +301,7 @@ class Tensor : public Data,
      * @return constexpr const std::unique_ptr<TensorImpl>&
     constexpr const std::unique_ptr<TensorImpl> &getImpl() { return mImpl; }
+    constexpr const std::unique_ptr<TensorImpl> &getImpl() const { return mImpl; }
      * @brief Return if an implementaiton has been associated.
@@ -431,23 +340,31 @@ class Tensor : public Data,
     constexpr std::size_t size() const { return mSize; }
-     * @brief Get the number of elements in the N-1 dimensions of the Tensor object.
-     * @return constexpr std::size_t
-     */
-    constexpr std::size_t sizeM1() const { return mSizeM1; }
-    /**
-     * @brief Change the shape of the Tensor object according to the given argument.
-     * @tparam DIM new dimensions.
-     * @param dims
+     * @brief Change the dimensions of the Tensor object according to the given argument.
+     * If the overall size is not changed (meaning we actually only performed a 
+     * reshape), data is garanteed to remain valid.
+     * Otherwise, no garantee is provided regarding the validy of previous data 
+     * (unlike std::vector). If the new overall size is larger than the previous 
+     * one, all previous data is invalided. Otherwise, previous data may or may 
+     * not remain valid, depending on the backend implementation.
+     * @tparam DIM Number of dimensions.
+     * @param dims New dimensions
     template <std::array<DimSize_t, 1>::size_type DIM> // deducing std::array size_type and declaring DIM accordingly
     void resize(const std::array<DimSize_t, DIM> &dims) {
-        static_assert(DIM<=MaxDim,"Too many tensor dimensions required by resize, not supported");
-        mDims.assign(dims.begin(), dims.end());
-        computeSize();
+        resize(std::vector<DimSize_t>(dims.begin(), dims.end()));
+    /**
+     * @brief Change the dimensions of the Tensor object according to the given argument.
+     * If the overall size is not changed (meaning we actually only performed a 
+     * reshape), data is garanteed to remain valid.
+     * Otherwise, no garantee is provided regarding the validy of previous data 
+     * (unlike std::vector). If the new overall size is larger than the previous 
+     * one, all previous data is invalided. Otherwise, previous data may or may 
+     * not remain valid, depending on the backend implementation.
+     * @param dims New dimensions
+     */
     void resize(const std::vector<DimSize_t> &dims) {
         mDims = dims;
@@ -461,23 +378,23 @@ class Tensor : public Data,
     bool empty() const { return mDims.empty(); }
     template <typename expectedType>
-    expectedType& get(std::size_t idx){
-        // TODO : add assert expected Type compatible with datatype
-        // TODO : add assert idx < Size
-        return *reinterpret_cast<expectedType *>(mImpl->getRaw(idx));
+    const expectedType& get(std::size_t idx) const {
+        AIDGE_ASSERT(NativeType<expectedType>::type == mDataType, "wrong data type");
+        AIDGE_ASSERT(idx < mSize, "idx out of range");
+        return *reinterpret_cast<expectedType *>(mImpl->hostPtr(idx));
     template <typename expectedType>
-    expectedType& get(std::vector<std::size_t> coordIdx){
+    const expectedType& get(std::vector<std::size_t> coordIdx) const {
         return get<expectedType>(getIdx(coordIdx));
     template <typename expectedType>
     void set(std::size_t idx, expectedType value){
-        // TODO : add assert expected Type compatible with datatype
-        // TODO : add assert idx < Size
-        void* dataPtr = mImpl->getRaw(idx);
-        std::memcpy(dataPtr, &value, sizeof(expectedType));
+        AIDGE_ASSERT(NativeType<expectedType>::type == mDataType, "wrong data type");
+        AIDGE_ASSERT(idx < mSize, "idx out of range");
+        expectedType* dataPtr = static_cast<expectedType*>(mImpl->hostPtr(idx));
+        *dataPtr = value;
     template <typename expectedType>
@@ -487,17 +404,46 @@ class Tensor : public Data,
-    std::string toString() {
+    std::string toString() const {
+        AIDGE_ASSERT(mImpl && mImpl->hostPtr() != nullptr, "tensor should have a valid host pointer");
+        // TODO: move lambda elsewhere?
+        auto ptrToString = [](DataType dt, void* ptr, size_t idx) {
+            switch (dt) {
+            case DataType::Float64:
+                return std::to_string(static_cast<double*>(ptr)[idx]);
+            case DataType::Float32:
+                return std::to_string(static_cast<float*>(ptr)[idx]);
+            case DataType::Float16:
+                return std::to_string(static_cast<half_float::half*>(ptr)[idx]);
+            case DataType::Int8:
+                return std::to_string(static_cast<int8_t*>(ptr)[idx]);
+            case DataType::Int16:
+                return std::to_string(static_cast<int16_t*>(ptr)[idx]);
+            case DataType::Int32:
+                return std::to_string(static_cast<int32_t*>(ptr)[idx]);
+            case DataType::Int64:
+                return std::to_string(static_cast<int64_t*>(ptr)[idx]);
+            case DataType::UInt8:
+                return std::to_string(static_cast<uint8_t*>(ptr)[idx]);
+            case DataType::UInt16:
+                return std::to_string(static_cast<uint16_t*>(ptr)[idx]);
+            case DataType::UInt32:
+                return std::to_string(static_cast<uint32_t*>(ptr)[idx]);
+            case DataType::UInt64:
+                return std::to_string(static_cast<uint64_t*>(ptr)[idx]);
+            default:
+                AIDGE_ASSERT(true, "unsupported type to convert to string");
+            }
+            return std::string("?");  // To make Clang happy
+        };
         if (dims().empty()) { return "{}"; }
         std::string res;
         std::size_t dim = 0;
         std::size_t counter = 0;
         if (nbDims()>=2) {
-            std::size_t *dimVals = new std::size_t[nbDims()];
-            for (std::size_t i = 0; i < nbDims(); ++i) {
-                dimVals[i] = 0;
-            }
-            // std::vector<std::size_t> dimVals = std::vector<std::size_t>(nbDims(), 0);
+            std::vector<std::size_t> dimVals(nbDims(), 0);
             res += "{\n";
             while (counter < mSize) {
                 std::string spaceString = std::string((dim+1)<<1,' ');
@@ -517,31 +463,9 @@ class Tensor : public Data,
                     for (; dimVals[dim] < static_cast<std::size_t>(dims()[dim]); ++dimVals[dim]) {
                         res += spaceString + "{";
                         for (DimSize_t j = 0; j < dims()[dim + 1] - 1; ++j) {
-                            switch (mDataType)
-                            {
-                            case DataType::Int32:
-                                res += " " + std::to_string(static_cast<int *>(mImpl->rawPtr())[counter++]) + ",";
-                                break;
-                            case DataType::Float64:
-                                res += " " + std::to_string(static_cast<double *>(mImpl->rawPtr())[counter++]) + ",";
-                                break;
-                            default:
-                                res += " " + std::to_string(static_cast<float *>(mImpl->rawPtr())[counter++]) + ",";
-                                break;
-                            }
-                        }
-                        switch (mDataType)
-                        {
-                        case DataType::Int32:
-                            res += " " + std::to_string(static_cast<int *>(mImpl->rawPtr())[counter++]) + "}";
-                            break;
-                        case DataType::Float64:
-                            res += " " + std::to_string(static_cast<double *>(mImpl->rawPtr())[counter++]) + "}";
-                            break;
-                        default:
-                            res += " " + std::to_string(static_cast<float *>(mImpl->rawPtr())[counter++]) + "}";
-                            break;
+                            res += " " + ptrToString(mDataType, mImpl->hostPtr(), counter++) + ",";
+                        res += " " + ptrToString(mDataType, mImpl->hostPtr(), counter++) + "}";
                         if (dimVals[dim] < static_cast<std::size_t>(dims()[dim] - 1)) {
                             res += ",";
@@ -554,7 +478,6 @@ class Tensor : public Data,
-            delete[] dimVals;
             for(int i = static_cast<int>(dim); i > 0; --i) {
                 res += std::string((dim+1)<<1,' ') + "}\n";
@@ -562,25 +485,14 @@ class Tensor : public Data,
         } else {
             res += "{";
             for (DimSize_t j = 0; j < dims()[0]; ++j) {
-                switch (mDataType)
-                {
-                case DataType::Int32:
-                    res += " " + std::to_string(static_cast<int *>(mImpl->rawPtr())[j]) + ((j < dims()[0]-1) ? "," : "");
-                    break;
-                case DataType::Float64:
-                    res += " " + std::to_string(static_cast<double *>(mImpl->rawPtr())[j]) + ((j < dims()[0]-1) ? "," : "");
-                    break;
-                default:
-                    res += " " + std::to_string(static_cast<float *>(mImpl->rawPtr())[j]) + ((j < dims()[0]-1) ? "," : "");
-                    break;
-                }
+                res += " " + ptrToString(mDataType, mImpl->hostPtr(), j) + ((j < dims()[0]-1) ? "," : "");
         res += "}";
         return res;
-    inline void print() { printf("%s\n", toString().c_str()); }
+    inline void print() const { printf("%s\n", toString().c_str()); }
     std::shared_ptr<Tensor> grad() {
         if (!mGrad) {
@@ -594,9 +506,9 @@ class Tensor : public Data,
-     * @brief From the the 1D index, return the coordinate of an element in the tensor.
+     * @brief From the the 1D contiguous index, return the coordinate of an element in the tensor.
-     * @param flatIdx 1D index of the value considering a flatten tensor.
+     * @param flatIdx 1D contiguous index of the value considering a flatten, contiguous, tensor.
      * @return std::vector<DimSize_t>
     std::vector<std::size_t> getCoord(std::size_t flatIdx) const {
@@ -611,39 +523,147 @@ class Tensor : public Data,
-     * @brief From the coordinate returns the 1D index of an element in the tensor.
+     * @brief From the coordinate returns the 1D contiguous index of an element in the tensor.
+     * If the number of coordinates is inferior to the number of dimensions,
+     * the remaining coordinates are assumed to be 0.
      * @param coordIdx Coordinate to an element in the tensor
-     * @return DimSize_t
+     * @return DimSize_t Contiguous index
-    std::size_t getIdx(std::vector<std::size_t> coordIdx) const {
-        // std::size_t flatIdx = 0;
-        // std::size_t stride = 1;
+    std::size_t getIdx(const std::vector<std::size_t>& coordIdx) const {
+        AIDGE_ASSERT(coordIdx.size() <= mDims.size(), "Coordinates does not match number of dimensions");
         std::size_t flatIdx = 0;
-        assert(coordIdx.size() == mDims.size() && "Coordinates does not match number of dimensions");
         std::size_t i = 0;
-        for(; i < mDims.size() - 1; ++i){
-            assert(coordIdx[i] < mDims[i] && "Coordinates dimensions does not fit the dimensions of the tensor");
+        for(; i < coordIdx.size() - 1; ++i){
+            AIDGE_ASSERT(coordIdx[i] < mDims[i], "Coordinates dimensions does not fit the dimensions of the tensor");
             flatIdx = (flatIdx + coordIdx[i]) * mDims[i + 1];
         return flatIdx + coordIdx[i];
+    /**
+     * Copy-cast data from a Tensor on the same device.
+     * If current tensor backend/device is set and is different from src, an
+     * assertion is raised.
+     * @param src Source tensor to copy-cast from.
+    */
+    void copyCast(const Tensor& src);
+    /**
+     * Copy data from a Tensor from another backend/device.
+     * If current tensor data type is set and is different from src, an
+     * assertion is raised.
+     * @param src Source tensor to copy from.
+    */
+    void copyFrom(const Tensor& src);
+    /**
+     * Copy-cast data from a Tensor.
+     * @param src Source tensor to copy-cast from.
+     * @param movedSrc shared_ptr to an indermediate Tensor that will 
+     * contain the moved data if a device change should occur AND a type 
+     * conversion is necessary (otherwise it remains unused).
+     * Any data already present will be overwritten. No new memory allocation 
+     * will occur if movedSrc has already been allocated with the right 
+     * type/size/device.
+     * If required, memory is always allocated on current (destination) 
+     * Tensor's device.
+    */
+    void copyCastFrom(const Tensor& src, std::shared_ptr<Tensor>& movedSrc);
+    /**
+     * Copy-cast data from a Tensor.
+     * In case of both a device change AND a data type conversion, an 
+     * intermediate buffer on will be allocated and deallocated each time.
+     * If required, buffer's memory is always allocated on current (destination) 
+     * Tensor's device.
+     * @param src Source tensor to copy-cast from.
+    */
+    void copyCastFrom(const Tensor& src) {
+        // Internal buffer will be allocated and deallocated at each call
+        // (only if needed)
+        std::shared_ptr<Tensor> movedSrc;
+        copyCastFrom(src, movedSrc);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Return a reference to a Tensor casted to the desired data type:
+     * - itself, if already at the right data type;
+     * - the provided Tensor, overwritten with the copy-casted data.
+     * The backend stays the same.
+     * @param fallback A shared_ptr to Tensor ready to be overwritten if necessary.
+     * The shared_ptr does not need to be initialized. No new memory allocation
+     * will occur if fallback has already been allocated with the right 
+     * type/size/device.
+     * @param dt The desired data type.
+     * @return Reference to either itself or to fallback.
+    */
+    Tensor& refCast(std::shared_ptr<Tensor>& fallback, const Aidge::DataType& dt);
+    const Tensor& refCast(std::shared_ptr<Tensor>& fallback, const Aidge::DataType& dt) const;
+    /**
+     * Return a reference to a Tensor on the desired backend/device:
+     * - itself, if already on the right device;
+     * - the provided Tensor, overwritten with the copied data.
+     * The data type stays the same.
+     * @param fallback A shared_ptr to Tensor ready to be overwritten if necessary.
+     * The shared_ptr does not need to be initialized. No new memory allocation
+     * will occur if fallback has already been allocated with the right 
+     * type/size/device.
+     * @param backend The desired backend.
+     * @param device The desired device.
+     * @return Reference to either itself or to fallback.
+    */
+    Tensor& refFrom(std::shared_ptr<Tensor>& fallback, const std::string &backend, DeviceIdx_t device = 0);
+    const Tensor& refFrom(std::shared_ptr<Tensor>& fallback, const std::string &backend, DeviceIdx_t device = 0) const;
+    /**
+     * Return a reference to a Tensor on desired data type and backend/device:
+     * - itself, if already with the right characteristics;
+     * - the provided Tensor, overwritten with the copy-casted data.
+     * If required, fallback is always allocated on desired (destination) 
+     * device.
+     * @param fallback A shared_ptr to Tensor ready to be overwritten if necessary.
+     * The shared_ptr does not need to be initialized. No new memory allocation
+     * will occur if fallback has already been allocated with the right 
+     * type/size/device.
+     * @param dt The desired data type.
+     * @param backend The desired backend.
+     * @param device The desired device.
+     * @return Reference to either itself or to fallback.
+    */
+    Tensor& refCastFrom(std::shared_ptr<Tensor>& fallback, const Aidge::DataType& dt, const std::string &backend, DeviceIdx_t device = 0) {
+        // First refFrom, to ensure that fallback, if required, is also on desired device
+        return refFrom(fallback, backend, device).refCast(fallback, dt);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Return a reference to a Tensor with same characteristics
+     * (data type, backend/device) as targetReqs Tensor:
+     * - itself, if already with the right characteristics;
+     * - the provided Tensor, overwritten with the copy-casted data.
+     * If required, fallback is always allocated on current (destination) 
+     * Tensor's device.
+     * @param fallback A shared_ptr to Tensor ready to be overwritten if necessary.
+     * The shared_ptr does not need to be initialized. No new memory allocation
+     * will occur if fallback has already been allocated with the right 
+     * type/size/device.
+     * @param targetReqs Tensor with the desired target characteristics.
+     * @return Reference to either itself or to fallback.
+    */
+    Tensor& refCastFrom(std::shared_ptr<Tensor>& fallback, const Tensor& targetReqs) {
+        const auto& device = targetReqs.getImpl()->device();
+        return refCastFrom(fallback, targetReqs.dataType(), device.first, device.second);
+    }
     ///\bug not protected against overflow
     std::size_t computeSize() {
         if (mDims.empty()) {
-            mSizeM1 = DimSize_t(0);
             mSize = DimSize_t(0);
-        else if (mDims.size() == 1)
-        {
-            mSizeM1 = mDims[0];
-            mSize = mDims[0];
-        }
         else {
-            mSizeM1 = std::accumulate(++mDims.begin(),mDims.end(), DimSize_t(1), std::multiplies<DimSize_t>());
-            mSize = static_cast<std::size_t>(mSizeM1 * mDims[0]);
+            mSize = std::accumulate(mDims.begin(), mDims.end(), DimSize_t(1), std::multiplies<DimSize_t>());
         return mSize;
diff --git a/include/aidge/data/half.hpp b/include/aidge/data/half.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..89df93cf3d10087833b3ad00dfbe3afd4e94c725
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/aidge/data/half.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,3067 @@
+// half - IEEE 754-based half-precision floating point library.
+// Copyright (c) 2012-2017 Christian Rau <rauy@users.sourceforge.net>
+// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation
+// files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy,
+// modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
+// Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+// Version 1.12.0
+/// \file
+/// Main header file for half precision functionality.
+#ifndef HALF_HALF_HPP
+#define HALF_HALF_HPP
+/// Combined gcc version number.
+#define HALF_GNUC_VERSION (__GNUC__*100+__GNUC_MINOR__)
+//check C++11 language features
+#if defined(__clang__)										//clang
+	#if __has_feature(cxx_static_assert) && !defined(HALF_ENABLE_CPP11_STATIC_ASSERT)
+	#endif
+	#if __has_feature(cxx_constexpr) && !defined(HALF_ENABLE_CPP11_CONSTEXPR)
+	#endif
+	#if __has_feature(cxx_noexcept) && !defined(HALF_ENABLE_CPP11_NOEXCEPT)
+	#endif
+	#if __has_feature(cxx_user_literals) && !defined(HALF_ENABLE_CPP11_USER_LITERALS)
+	#endif
+	#if (defined(__GXX_EXPERIMENTAL_CXX0X__) || __cplusplus >= 201103L) && !defined(HALF_ENABLE_CPP11_LONG_LONG)
+	#endif
+/*#elif defined(__INTEL_COMPILER)								//Intel C++
+	#if __INTEL_COMPILER >= 1100 && !defined(HALF_ENABLE_CPP11_STATIC_ASSERT)		????????
+	#endif
+	#if __INTEL_COMPILER >= 1300 && !defined(HALF_ENABLE_CPP11_CONSTEXPR)			????????
+	#endif
+	#if __INTEL_COMPILER >= 1300 && !defined(HALF_ENABLE_CPP11_NOEXCEPT)			????????
+	#endif
+	#if __INTEL_COMPILER >= 1100 && !defined(HALF_ENABLE_CPP11_LONG_LONG)			????????
+	#endif*/
+#elif defined(__GNUC__)										//gcc
+	#if defined(__GXX_EXPERIMENTAL_CXX0X__) || __cplusplus >= 201103L
+		#endif
+		#endif
+		#endif
+		#endif
+		#if !defined(HALF_ENABLE_CPP11_LONG_LONG)
+		#endif
+	#endif
+#elif defined(_MSC_VER)										//Visual C++
+	#if _MSC_VER >= 1900 && !defined(HALF_ENABLE_CPP11_CONSTEXPR)
+	#endif
+	#if _MSC_VER >= 1900 && !defined(HALF_ENABLE_CPP11_NOEXCEPT)
+	#endif
+	#if _MSC_VER >= 1900 && !defined(HALF_ENABLE_CPP11_USER_LITERALS)
+	#endif
+	#if _MSC_VER >= 1600 && !defined(HALF_ENABLE_CPP11_STATIC_ASSERT)
+	#endif
+	#if _MSC_VER >= 1310 && !defined(HALF_ENABLE_CPP11_LONG_LONG)
+	#endif
+	#pragma warning(push)
+	#pragma warning(disable : 4099 4127 4146)	//struct vs class, constant in if, negative unsigned
+//check C++11 library features
+#include <utility>
+#if defined(_LIBCPP_VERSION)								//libc++
+	#if defined(__GXX_EXPERIMENTAL_CXX0X__) || __cplusplus >= 201103
+		#endif
+		#endif
+			#define HALF_ENABLE_CPP11_CMATH 1
+		#endif
+			#define HALF_ENABLE_CPP11_HASH 1
+		#endif
+	#endif
+#elif defined(__GLIBCXX__)									//libstdc++
+	#if defined(__GXX_EXPERIMENTAL_CXX0X__) || __cplusplus >= 201103
+		#ifdef __clang__
+			#if __GLIBCXX__ >= 20080606 && !defined(HALF_ENABLE_CPP11_TYPE_TRAITS)
+			#endif
+			#if __GLIBCXX__ >= 20080606 && !defined(HALF_ENABLE_CPP11_CSTDINT)
+				#define HALF_ENABLE_CPP11_CSTDINT 1
+			#endif
+			#if __GLIBCXX__ >= 20080606 && !defined(HALF_ENABLE_CPP11_CMATH)
+				#define HALF_ENABLE_CPP11_CMATH 1
+			#endif
+			#if __GLIBCXX__ >= 20080606 && !defined(HALF_ENABLE_CPP11_HASH)
+				#define HALF_ENABLE_CPP11_HASH 1
+			#endif
+		#else
+			#if HALF_GNUC_VERSION >= 403 && !defined(HALF_ENABLE_CPP11_CSTDINT)
+				#define HALF_ENABLE_CPP11_CSTDINT 1
+			#endif
+			#if HALF_GNUC_VERSION >= 403 && !defined(HALF_ENABLE_CPP11_CMATH)
+				#define HALF_ENABLE_CPP11_CMATH 1
+			#endif
+			#if HALF_GNUC_VERSION >= 403 && !defined(HALF_ENABLE_CPP11_HASH)
+				#define HALF_ENABLE_CPP11_HASH 1
+			#endif
+		#endif
+	#endif
+#elif defined(_CPPLIB_VER)									//Dinkumware/Visual C++
+	#if _CPPLIB_VER >= 520
+		#endif
+		#endif
+			#define HALF_ENABLE_CPP11_HASH 1
+		#endif
+	#endif
+	#if _CPPLIB_VER >= 610
+			#define HALF_ENABLE_CPP11_CMATH 1
+		#endif
+	#endif
+//support constexpr
+	#define HALF_CONSTEXPR			constexpr
+	#define HALF_CONSTEXPR_CONST	constexpr
+	#define HALF_CONSTEXPR_CONST	const
+//support noexcept
+	#define HALF_NOEXCEPT	noexcept
+	#define HALF_NOTHROW	noexcept
+	#define HALF_NOTHROW	throw()
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <limits>
+#include <climits>
+#include <cmath>
+#include <cstring>
+	#include <type_traits>
+	#include <cstdint>
+	#include <functional>
+/// Default rounding mode.
+/// This specifies the rounding mode used for all conversions between [half](\ref half_float::half)s and `float`s as well as
+/// for the half_cast() if not specifying a rounding mode explicitly. It can be redefined (before including half.hpp) to one
+/// of the standard rounding modes using their respective constants or the equivalent values of `std::float_round_style`:
+/// `std::float_round_style`         | value | rounding
+/// ---------------------------------|-------|-------------------------
+/// `std::round_indeterminate`       | -1    | fastest (default)
+/// `std::round_toward_zero`         | 0     | toward zero
+/// `std::round_to_nearest`          | 1     | to nearest
+/// `std::round_toward_infinity`     | 2     | toward positive infinity
+/// `std::round_toward_neg_infinity` | 3     | toward negative infinity
+/// By default this is set to `-1` (`std::round_indeterminate`), which uses truncation (round toward zero, but with overflows
+/// set to infinity) and is the fastest rounding mode possible. It can even be set to `std::numeric_limits<float>::round_style`
+/// to synchronize the rounding mode with that of the underlying single-precision implementation.
+	#define HALF_ROUND_STYLE	-1			// = std::round_indeterminate
+/// Tie-breaking behaviour for round to nearest.
+/// This specifies if ties in round to nearest should be resolved by rounding to the nearest even value. By default this is
+/// defined to `0` resulting in the faster but slightly more biased behaviour of rounding away from zero in half-way cases (and
+/// thus equal to the round() function), but can be redefined to `1` (before including half.hpp) if more IEEE-conformant
+/// behaviour is needed.
+	#define HALF_ROUND_TIES_TO_EVEN	0		// ties away from zero
+/// Value signaling overflow.
+/// In correspondence with `HUGE_VAL[F|L]` from `<cmath>` this symbol expands to a positive value signaling the overflow of an
+/// operation, in particular it just evaluates to positive infinity.
+#define HUGE_VALH	std::numeric_limits<half_float::half>::infinity()
+/// Fast half-precision fma function.
+/// This symbol is only defined if the fma() function generally executes as fast as, or faster than, a separate
+/// half-precision multiplication followed by an addition. Due to the internal single-precision implementation of all
+/// arithmetic operations, this is in fact always the case.
+#define FP_FAST_FMAH	1
+#ifndef FP_ILOGB0
+	#define FP_ILOGB0		INT_MIN
+#ifndef FP_ILOGBNAN
+	#define FP_SUBNORMAL	0
+#ifndef FP_ZERO
+	#define FP_ZERO			1
+#ifndef FP_NAN
+	#define FP_NAN			2
+#ifndef FP_INFINITE
+	#define FP_INFINITE		3
+#ifndef FP_NORMAL
+	#define FP_NORMAL		4
+/// Main namespace for half precision functionality.
+/// This namespace contains all the functionality provided by the library.
+namespace half_float
+	class half;
+	/// Library-defined half-precision literals.
+	/// Import this namespace to enable half-precision floating point literals:
+	/// ~~~~{.cpp}
+	/// using namespace half_float::literal;
+	/// half_float::half = 4.2_h;
+	/// ~~~~
+	namespace literal
+	{
+		half operator"" _h(long double);
+	}
+	/// \internal
+	/// \brief Implementation details.
+	namespace detail
+	{
+		/// Conditional type.
+		template<bool B,typename T,typename F> struct conditional : std::conditional<B,T,F> {};
+		/// Helper for tag dispatching.
+		template<bool B> struct bool_type : std::integral_constant<bool,B> {};
+		using std::true_type;
+		using std::false_type;
+		/// Type traits for floating point types.
+		template<typename T> struct is_float : std::is_floating_point<T> {};
+	#else
+		/// Conditional type.
+		template<bool,typename T,typename> struct conditional { typedef T type; };
+		template<typename T,typename F> struct conditional<false,T,F> { typedef F type; };
+		/// Helper for tag dispatching.
+		template<bool> struct bool_type {};
+		typedef bool_type<true> true_type;
+		typedef bool_type<false> false_type;
+		/// Type traits for floating point types.
+		template<typename> struct is_float : false_type {};
+		template<typename T> struct is_float<const T> : is_float<T> {};
+		template<typename T> struct is_float<volatile T> : is_float<T> {};
+		template<typename T> struct is_float<const volatile T> : is_float<T> {};
+		template<> struct is_float<float> : true_type {};
+		template<> struct is_float<double> : true_type {};
+		template<> struct is_float<long double> : true_type {};
+	#endif
+		/// Type traits for floating point bits.
+		template<typename T> struct bits { typedef unsigned char type; };
+		template<typename T> struct bits<const T> : bits<T> {};
+		template<typename T> struct bits<volatile T> : bits<T> {};
+		template<typename T> struct bits<const volatile T> : bits<T> {};
+		/// Unsigned integer of (at least) 16 bits width.
+		typedef std::uint_least16_t uint16;
+		/// Unsigned integer of (at least) 32 bits width.
+		template<> struct bits<float> { typedef std::uint_least32_t type; };
+		/// Unsigned integer of (at least) 64 bits width.
+		template<> struct bits<double> { typedef std::uint_least64_t type; };
+	#else
+		/// Unsigned integer of (at least) 16 bits width.
+		typedef unsigned short uint16;
+		/// Unsigned integer of (at least) 32 bits width.
+		template<> struct bits<float> : conditional<std::numeric_limits<unsigned int>::digits>=32,unsigned int,unsigned long> {};
+			/// Unsigned integer of (at least) 64 bits width.
+			template<> struct bits<double> : conditional<std::numeric_limits<unsigned long>::digits>=64,unsigned long,unsigned long long> {};
+		#else
+			/// Unsigned integer of (at least) 64 bits width.
+			template<> struct bits<double> { typedef unsigned long type; };
+		#endif
+	#endif
+		/// Tag type for binary construction.
+		struct binary_t {};
+		/// Tag for binary construction.
+		HALF_CONSTEXPR_CONST binary_t binary = binary_t();
+		/// Temporary half-precision expression.
+		/// This class represents a half-precision expression which just stores a single-precision value internally.
+		struct expr
+		{
+			/// Conversion constructor.
+			/// \param f single-precision value to convert
+			explicit HALF_CONSTEXPR expr(float f) HALF_NOEXCEPT : value_(f) {}
+			/// Conversion to single-precision.
+			/// \return single precision value representing expression value
+			HALF_CONSTEXPR operator float() const HALF_NOEXCEPT { return value_; }
+		private:
+			/// Internal expression value stored in single-precision.
+			float value_;
+		};
+		/// SFINAE helper for generic half-precision functions.
+		/// This class template has to be specialized for each valid combination of argument types to provide a corresponding
+		/// `type` member equivalent to \a T.
+		/// \tparam T type to return
+		template<typename T,typename,typename=void,typename=void> struct enable {};
+		template<typename T> struct enable<T,half,void,void> { typedef T type; };
+		template<typename T> struct enable<T,expr,void,void> { typedef T type; };
+		template<typename T> struct enable<T,half,half,void> { typedef T type; };
+		template<typename T> struct enable<T,half,expr,void> { typedef T type; };
+		template<typename T> struct enable<T,expr,half,void> { typedef T type; };
+		template<typename T> struct enable<T,expr,expr,void> { typedef T type; };
+		template<typename T> struct enable<T,half,half,half> { typedef T type; };
+		template<typename T> struct enable<T,half,half,expr> { typedef T type; };
+		template<typename T> struct enable<T,half,expr,half> { typedef T type; };
+		template<typename T> struct enable<T,half,expr,expr> { typedef T type; };
+		template<typename T> struct enable<T,expr,half,half> { typedef T type; };
+		template<typename T> struct enable<T,expr,half,expr> { typedef T type; };
+		template<typename T> struct enable<T,expr,expr,half> { typedef T type; };
+		template<typename T> struct enable<T,expr,expr,expr> { typedef T type; };
+		/// Return type for specialized generic 2-argument half-precision functions.
+		/// This class template has to be specialized for each valid combination of argument types to provide a corresponding
+		/// `type` member denoting the appropriate return type.
+		/// \tparam T first argument type
+		/// \tparam U first argument type
+		template<typename T,typename U> struct result : enable<expr,T,U> {};
+		template<> struct result<half,half> { typedef half type; };
+		/// \name Classification helpers
+		/// \{
+		/// Check for infinity.
+		/// \tparam T argument type (builtin floating point type)
+		/// \param arg value to query
+		/// \retval true if infinity
+		/// \retval false else
+		template<typename T> bool builtin_isinf(T arg)
+		{
+			return std::isinf(arg);
+		#elif defined(_MSC_VER)
+			return !::_finite(static_cast<double>(arg)) && !::_isnan(static_cast<double>(arg));
+		#else
+			return arg == std::numeric_limits<T>::infinity() || arg == -std::numeric_limits<T>::infinity();
+		#endif
+		}
+		/// Check for NaN.
+		/// \tparam T argument type (builtin floating point type)
+		/// \param arg value to query
+		/// \retval true if not a number
+		/// \retval false else
+		template<typename T> bool builtin_isnan(T arg)
+		{
+			return std::isnan(arg);
+		#elif defined(_MSC_VER)
+			return ::_isnan(static_cast<double>(arg)) != 0;
+		#else
+			return arg != arg;
+		#endif
+		}
+		/// Check sign.
+		/// \tparam T argument type (builtin floating point type)
+		/// \param arg value to query
+		/// \retval true if signbit set
+		/// \retval false else
+		template<typename T> bool builtin_signbit(T arg)
+		{
+			return std::signbit(arg);
+		#else
+			return arg < T() || (arg == T() && T(1)/arg < T());
+		#endif
+		}
+		/// \}
+		/// \name Conversion
+		/// \{
+		/// Convert IEEE single-precision to half-precision.
+		/// Credit for this goes to [Jeroen van der Zijp](ftp://ftp.fox-toolkit.org/pub/fasthalffloatconversion.pdf).
+		/// \tparam R rounding mode to use, `std::round_indeterminate` for fastest rounding
+		/// \param value single-precision value
+		/// \return binary representation of half-precision value
+		template<std::float_round_style R> uint16 float2half_impl(float value, true_type)
+		{
+			typedef bits<float>::type uint32;
+			uint32 bits;// = *reinterpret_cast<uint32*>(&value);		//violating strict aliasing!
+			std::memcpy(&bits, &value, sizeof(float));
+/*			uint16 hbits = (bits>>16) & 0x8000;
+			bits &= 0x7FFFFFFF;
+			int exp = bits >> 23;
+			if(exp == 255)
+				return hbits | 0x7C00 | (0x3FF&-static_cast<unsigned>((bits&0x7FFFFF)!=0));
+			if(exp > 142)
+			{
+				if(R == std::round_toward_infinity)
+					return hbits | 0x7C00 - (hbits>>15);
+				if(R == std::round_toward_neg_infinity)
+					return hbits | 0x7BFF + (hbits>>15);
+				return hbits | 0x7BFF + (R!=std::round_toward_zero);
+			}
+			int g, s;
+			if(exp > 112)
+			{
+				g = (bits>>12) & 1;
+				s = (bits&0xFFF) != 0;
+				hbits |= ((exp-112)<<10) | ((bits>>13)&0x3FF);
+			}
+			else if(exp > 101)
+			{
+				int i = 125 - exp;
+				bits = (bits&0x7FFFFF) | 0x800000;
+				g = (bits>>i) & 1;
+				s = (bits&((1L<<i)-1)) != 0;
+				hbits |= bits >> (i+1);
+			}
+			else
+			{
+				g = 0;
+				s = bits != 0;
+			}
+			if(R == std::round_to_nearest)
+					hbits += g & (s|hbits);
+				#else
+					hbits += g;
+				#endif
+			else if(R == std::round_toward_infinity)
+				hbits += ~(hbits>>15) & (s|g);
+			else if(R == std::round_toward_neg_infinity)
+				hbits += (hbits>>15) & (g|s);
+*/			static const uint16 base_table[512] = {
+				0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000,
+				0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000,
+				0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000,
+				0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000,
+				0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000,
+				0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000,
+				0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0001, 0x0002, 0x0004, 0x0008, 0x0010, 0x0020, 0x0040, 0x0080, 0x0100,
+				0x0200, 0x0400, 0x0800, 0x0C00, 0x1000, 0x1400, 0x1800, 0x1C00, 0x2000, 0x2400, 0x2800, 0x2C00, 0x3000, 0x3400, 0x3800, 0x3C00,
+				0x4000, 0x4400, 0x4800, 0x4C00, 0x5000, 0x5400, 0x5800, 0x5C00, 0x6000, 0x6400, 0x6800, 0x6C00, 0x7000, 0x7400, 0x7800, 0x7C00,
+				0x7C00, 0x7C00, 0x7C00, 0x7C00, 0x7C00, 0x7C00, 0x7C00, 0x7C00, 0x7C00, 0x7C00, 0x7C00, 0x7C00, 0x7C00, 0x7C00, 0x7C00, 0x7C00,
+				0x7C00, 0x7C00, 0x7C00, 0x7C00, 0x7C00, 0x7C00, 0x7C00, 0x7C00, 0x7C00, 0x7C00, 0x7C00, 0x7C00, 0x7C00, 0x7C00, 0x7C00, 0x7C00,
+				0x7C00, 0x7C00, 0x7C00, 0x7C00, 0x7C00, 0x7C00, 0x7C00, 0x7C00, 0x7C00, 0x7C00, 0x7C00, 0x7C00, 0x7C00, 0x7C00, 0x7C00, 0x7C00,
+				0x7C00, 0x7C00, 0x7C00, 0x7C00, 0x7C00, 0x7C00, 0x7C00, 0x7C00, 0x7C00, 0x7C00, 0x7C00, 0x7C00, 0x7C00, 0x7C00, 0x7C00, 0x7C00,
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+				0x7C00, 0x7C00, 0x7C00, 0x7C00, 0x7C00, 0x7C00, 0x7C00, 0x7C00, 0x7C00, 0x7C00, 0x7C00, 0x7C00, 0x7C00, 0x7C00, 0x7C00, 0x7C00,
+				0x7C00, 0x7C00, 0x7C00, 0x7C00, 0x7C00, 0x7C00, 0x7C00, 0x7C00, 0x7C00, 0x7C00, 0x7C00, 0x7C00, 0x7C00, 0x7C00, 0x7C00, 0x7C00,
+				0x8000, 0x8000, 0x8000, 0x8000, 0x8000, 0x8000, 0x8000, 0x8000, 0x8000, 0x8000, 0x8000, 0x8000, 0x8000, 0x8000, 0x8000, 0x8000,
+				0x8000, 0x8000, 0x8000, 0x8000, 0x8000, 0x8000, 0x8000, 0x8000, 0x8000, 0x8000, 0x8000, 0x8000, 0x8000, 0x8000, 0x8000, 0x8000,
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+				0x8000, 0x8000, 0x8000, 0x8000, 0x8000, 0x8000, 0x8000, 0x8000, 0x8000, 0x8000, 0x8000, 0x8000, 0x8000, 0x8000, 0x8000, 0x8000,
+				0x8000, 0x8000, 0x8000, 0x8000, 0x8000, 0x8000, 0x8000, 0x8000, 0x8000, 0x8000, 0x8000, 0x8000, 0x8000, 0x8000, 0x8000, 0x8000,
+				0x8000, 0x8000, 0x8000, 0x8000, 0x8000, 0x8000, 0x8000, 0x8001, 0x8002, 0x8004, 0x8008, 0x8010, 0x8020, 0x8040, 0x8080, 0x8100,
+				0x8200, 0x8400, 0x8800, 0x8C00, 0x9000, 0x9400, 0x9800, 0x9C00, 0xA000, 0xA400, 0xA800, 0xAC00, 0xB000, 0xB400, 0xB800, 0xBC00,
+				0xC000, 0xC400, 0xC800, 0xCC00, 0xD000, 0xD400, 0xD800, 0xDC00, 0xE000, 0xE400, 0xE800, 0xEC00, 0xF000, 0xF400, 0xF800, 0xFC00,
+				0xFC00, 0xFC00, 0xFC00, 0xFC00, 0xFC00, 0xFC00, 0xFC00, 0xFC00, 0xFC00, 0xFC00, 0xFC00, 0xFC00, 0xFC00, 0xFC00, 0xFC00, 0xFC00,
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+				0xFC00, 0xFC00, 0xFC00, 0xFC00, 0xFC00, 0xFC00, 0xFC00, 0xFC00, 0xFC00, 0xFC00, 0xFC00, 0xFC00, 0xFC00, 0xFC00, 0xFC00, 0xFC00,
+				0xFC00, 0xFC00, 0xFC00, 0xFC00, 0xFC00, 0xFC00, 0xFC00, 0xFC00, 0xFC00, 0xFC00, 0xFC00, 0xFC00, 0xFC00, 0xFC00, 0xFC00, 0xFC00,
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+				0xFC00, 0xFC00, 0xFC00, 0xFC00, 0xFC00, 0xFC00, 0xFC00, 0xFC00, 0xFC00, 0xFC00, 0xFC00, 0xFC00, 0xFC00, 0xFC00, 0xFC00, 0xFC00,
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+			static const unsigned char shift_table[512] = {
+				24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24,
+				24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24,
+				24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24,
+				24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 23, 22, 21, 20, 19, 18, 17, 16, 15, 14, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13,
+				13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24,
+				24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24,
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+				13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24,
+				24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24,
+				24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24,
+				24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 13 };
+			uint16 hbits = base_table[bits>>23] + static_cast<uint16>((bits&0x7FFFFF)>>shift_table[bits>>23]);
+			if(R == std::round_to_nearest)
+				hbits += (((bits&0x7FFFFF)>>(shift_table[bits>>23]-1))|(((bits>>23)&0xFF)==102)) & ((hbits&0x7C00)!=0x7C00)
+					& (((((static_cast<uint32>(1)<<(shift_table[bits>>23]-1))-1)&bits)!=0)|hbits)
+				#endif
+				;
+			else if(R == std::round_toward_zero)
+				hbits -= ((hbits&0x7FFF)==0x7C00) & ~shift_table[bits>>23];
+			else if(R == std::round_toward_infinity)
+				hbits += ((((bits&0x7FFFFF&((static_cast<uint32>(1)<<(shift_table[bits>>23]))-1))!=0)|(((bits>>23)<=102)&
+					((bits>>23)!=0)))&(hbits<0x7C00)) - ((hbits==0xFC00)&((bits>>23)!=511));
+			else if(R == std::round_toward_neg_infinity)
+				hbits += ((((bits&0x7FFFFF&((static_cast<uint32>(1)<<(shift_table[bits>>23]))-1))!=0)|(((bits>>23)<=358)&
+					((bits>>23)!=256)))&(hbits<0xFC00)&(hbits>>15)) - ((hbits==0x7C00)&((bits>>23)!=255));
+			return hbits;
+		}
+		/// Convert IEEE double-precision to half-precision.
+		/// \tparam R rounding mode to use, `std::round_indeterminate` for fastest rounding
+		/// \param value double-precision value
+		/// \return binary representation of half-precision value
+		template<std::float_round_style R> uint16 float2half_impl(double value, true_type)
+		{
+			typedef bits<float>::type uint32;
+			typedef bits<double>::type uint64;
+			uint64 bits;// = *reinterpret_cast<uint64*>(&value);		//violating strict aliasing!
+			std::memcpy(&bits, &value, sizeof(double));
+			uint32 hi = bits >> 32, lo = bits & 0xFFFFFFFF;
+			uint16 hbits = (hi>>16) & 0x8000;
+			hi &= 0x7FFFFFFF;
+			int exp = hi >> 20;
+			if(exp == 2047)
+				return hbits | 0x7C00 | (0x3FF&-static_cast<unsigned>((bits&0xFFFFFFFFFFFFF)!=0));
+			if(exp > 1038)
+			{
+				if(R == std::round_toward_infinity)
+					return hbits | (0x7C00 - (hbits>>15));
+				if(R == std::round_toward_neg_infinity)
+					return hbits | (0x7BFF + (hbits>>15));
+				return hbits | (0x7BFF + (R!=std::round_toward_zero));
+			}
+			int g, s = lo != 0;
+			if(exp > 1008)
+			{
+				g = (hi>>9) & 1;
+				s |= (hi&0x1FF) != 0;
+				hbits |= ((exp-1008)<<10) | ((hi>>10)&0x3FF);
+			}
+			else if(exp > 997)
+			{
+				int i = 1018 - exp;
+				hi = (hi&0xFFFFF) | 0x100000;
+				g = (hi>>i) & 1;
+				s |= (hi&((1L<<i)-1)) != 0;
+				hbits |= hi >> (i+1);
+			}
+			else
+			{
+				g = 0;
+				s |= hi != 0;
+			}
+			if(R == std::round_to_nearest)
+					hbits += g & (s|hbits);
+				#else
+					hbits += g;
+				#endif
+			else if(R == std::round_toward_infinity)
+				hbits += ~(hbits>>15) & (s|g);
+			else if(R == std::round_toward_neg_infinity)
+				hbits += (hbits>>15) & (g|s);
+			return hbits;
+		}
+		/// Convert non-IEEE floating point to half-precision.
+		/// \tparam R rounding mode to use, `std::round_indeterminate` for fastest rounding
+		/// \tparam T source type (builtin floating point type)
+		/// \param value floating point value
+		/// \return binary representation of half-precision value
+		template<std::float_round_style R,typename T> uint16 float2half_impl(T value, ...)
+		{
+			uint16 hbits = static_cast<unsigned>(builtin_signbit(value)) << 15;
+			if(value == T())
+				return hbits;
+			if(builtin_isnan(value))
+				return hbits | 0x7FFF;
+			if(builtin_isinf(value))
+				return hbits | 0x7C00;
+			int exp;
+			std::frexp(value, &exp);
+			if(exp > 16)
+			{
+				if(R == std::round_toward_infinity)
+					return hbits | (0x7C00 - (hbits>>15));
+				else if(R == std::round_toward_neg_infinity)
+					return hbits | (0x7BFF + (hbits>>15));
+				return hbits | (0x7BFF + (R!=std::round_toward_zero));
+			}
+			if(exp < -13)
+				value = std::ldexp(value, 24);
+			else
+			{
+				value = std::ldexp(value, 11-exp);
+				hbits |= ((exp+13)<<10);
+			}
+			T ival, frac = std::modf(value, &ival);
+			hbits += static_cast<uint16>(std::abs(static_cast<int>(ival)));
+			if(R == std::round_to_nearest)
+			{
+				frac = std::abs(frac);
+					hbits += (frac>T(0.5)) | ((frac==T(0.5))&hbits);
+				#else
+					hbits += frac >= T(0.5);
+				#endif
+			}
+			else if(R == std::round_toward_infinity)
+				hbits += frac > T();
+			else if(R == std::round_toward_neg_infinity)
+				hbits += frac < T();
+			return hbits;
+		}
+		/// Convert floating point to half-precision.
+		/// \tparam R rounding mode to use, `std::round_indeterminate` for fastest rounding
+		/// \tparam T source type (builtin floating point type)
+		/// \param value floating point value
+		/// \return binary representation of half-precision value
+		template<std::float_round_style R,typename T> uint16 float2half(T value)
+		{
+			return float2half_impl<R>(value, bool_type<std::numeric_limits<T>::is_iec559&&sizeof(typename bits<T>::type)==sizeof(T)>());
+		}
+		/// Convert integer to half-precision floating point.
+		/// \tparam R rounding mode to use, `std::round_indeterminate` for fastest rounding
+		/// \tparam S `true` if value negative, `false` else
+		/// \tparam T type to convert (builtin integer type)
+		/// \param value non-negative integral value
+		/// \return binary representation of half-precision value
+		template<std::float_round_style R,bool S,typename T> uint16 int2half_impl(T value)
+		{
+			static_assert(std::is_integral<T>::value, "int to half conversion only supports builtin integer types");
+		#endif
+			if(S)
+				value = -value;
+			uint16 bits = S << 15;
+			if(value > 0xFFFF)
+			{
+				if(R == std::round_toward_infinity)
+					bits |= 0x7C00 - S;
+				else if(R == std::round_toward_neg_infinity)
+					bits |= 0x7BFF + S;
+				else
+					bits |= 0x7BFF + (R!=std::round_toward_zero);
+			}
+			else if(value)
+			{
+				unsigned int m = value, exp = 24;
+				for(; m<0x400; m<<=1,--exp) ;
+				for(; m>0x7FF; m>>=1,++exp) ;
+				bits |= (exp<<10) + m;
+				if(exp > 24)
+				{
+					if(R == std::round_to_nearest)
+						bits += (value>>(exp-25)) & 1
+							& (((((1<<(exp-25))-1)&value)!=0)|bits)
+						#endif
+						;
+					else if(R == std::round_toward_infinity)
+						bits += ((value&((1<<(exp-24))-1))!=0) & !S;
+					else if(R == std::round_toward_neg_infinity)
+						bits += ((value&((1<<(exp-24))-1))!=0) & S;
+				}
+			}
+			return bits;
+		}
+		/// Convert integer to half-precision floating point.
+		/// \tparam R rounding mode to use, `std::round_indeterminate` for fastest rounding
+		/// \tparam T type to convert (builtin integer type)
+		/// \param value integral value
+		/// \return binary representation of half-precision value
+		template<std::float_round_style R,typename T> uint16 int2half(T value)
+		{
+			return (value<0) ? int2half_impl<R,true>(value) : int2half_impl<R,false>(value);
+		}
+		/// Convert half-precision to IEEE single-precision.
+		/// Credit for this goes to [Jeroen van der Zijp](ftp://ftp.fox-toolkit.org/pub/fasthalffloatconversion.pdf).
+		/// \param value binary representation of half-precision value
+		/// \return single-precision value
+		inline float half2float_impl(uint16 value, float, true_type)
+		{
+			typedef bits<float>::type uint32;
+/*			uint32 bits = static_cast<uint32>(value&0x8000) << 16;
+			int abs = value & 0x7FFF;
+			if(abs)
+			{
+				bits |= 0x38000000 << static_cast<unsigned>(abs>=0x7C00);
+				for(; abs<0x400; abs<<=1,bits-=0x800000) ;
+				bits += static_cast<uint32>(abs) << 13;
+			}
+*/			static const uint32 mantissa_table[2048] = {
+				0x00000000, 0x33800000, 0x34000000, 0x34400000, 0x34800000, 0x34A00000, 0x34C00000, 0x34E00000, 0x35000000, 0x35100000, 0x35200000, 0x35300000, 0x35400000, 0x35500000, 0x35600000, 0x35700000,
+				0x35800000, 0x35880000, 0x35900000, 0x35980000, 0x35A00000, 0x35A80000, 0x35B00000, 0x35B80000, 0x35C00000, 0x35C80000, 0x35D00000, 0x35D80000, 0x35E00000, 0x35E80000, 0x35F00000, 0x35F80000,
+				0x36000000, 0x36040000, 0x36080000, 0x360C0000, 0x36100000, 0x36140000, 0x36180000, 0x361C0000, 0x36200000, 0x36240000, 0x36280000, 0x362C0000, 0x36300000, 0x36340000, 0x36380000, 0x363C0000,
+				0x36400000, 0x36440000, 0x36480000, 0x364C0000, 0x36500000, 0x36540000, 0x36580000, 0x365C0000, 0x36600000, 0x36640000, 0x36680000, 0x366C0000, 0x36700000, 0x36740000, 0x36780000, 0x367C0000,
+				0x36800000, 0x36820000, 0x36840000, 0x36860000, 0x36880000, 0x368A0000, 0x368C0000, 0x368E0000, 0x36900000, 0x36920000, 0x36940000, 0x36960000, 0x36980000, 0x369A0000, 0x369C0000, 0x369E0000,
+				0x36A00000, 0x36A20000, 0x36A40000, 0x36A60000, 0x36A80000, 0x36AA0000, 0x36AC0000, 0x36AE0000, 0x36B00000, 0x36B20000, 0x36B40000, 0x36B60000, 0x36B80000, 0x36BA0000, 0x36BC0000, 0x36BE0000,
+				0x36C00000, 0x36C20000, 0x36C40000, 0x36C60000, 0x36C80000, 0x36CA0000, 0x36CC0000, 0x36CE0000, 0x36D00000, 0x36D20000, 0x36D40000, 0x36D60000, 0x36D80000, 0x36DA0000, 0x36DC0000, 0x36DE0000,
+				0x36E00000, 0x36E20000, 0x36E40000, 0x36E60000, 0x36E80000, 0x36EA0000, 0x36EC0000, 0x36EE0000, 0x36F00000, 0x36F20000, 0x36F40000, 0x36F60000, 0x36F80000, 0x36FA0000, 0x36FC0000, 0x36FE0000,
+				0x37000000, 0x37010000, 0x37020000, 0x37030000, 0x37040000, 0x37050000, 0x37060000, 0x37070000, 0x37080000, 0x37090000, 0x370A0000, 0x370B0000, 0x370C0000, 0x370D0000, 0x370E0000, 0x370F0000,
+				0x37100000, 0x37110000, 0x37120000, 0x37130000, 0x37140000, 0x37150000, 0x37160000, 0x37170000, 0x37180000, 0x37190000, 0x371A0000, 0x371B0000, 0x371C0000, 0x371D0000, 0x371E0000, 0x371F0000,
+				0x37200000, 0x37210000, 0x37220000, 0x37230000, 0x37240000, 0x37250000, 0x37260000, 0x37270000, 0x37280000, 0x37290000, 0x372A0000, 0x372B0000, 0x372C0000, 0x372D0000, 0x372E0000, 0x372F0000,
+				0x37300000, 0x37310000, 0x37320000, 0x37330000, 0x37340000, 0x37350000, 0x37360000, 0x37370000, 0x37380000, 0x37390000, 0x373A0000, 0x373B0000, 0x373C0000, 0x373D0000, 0x373E0000, 0x373F0000,
+				0x37400000, 0x37410000, 0x37420000, 0x37430000, 0x37440000, 0x37450000, 0x37460000, 0x37470000, 0x37480000, 0x37490000, 0x374A0000, 0x374B0000, 0x374C0000, 0x374D0000, 0x374E0000, 0x374F0000,
+				0x37500000, 0x37510000, 0x37520000, 0x37530000, 0x37540000, 0x37550000, 0x37560000, 0x37570000, 0x37580000, 0x37590000, 0x375A0000, 0x375B0000, 0x375C0000, 0x375D0000, 0x375E0000, 0x375F0000,
+				0x37600000, 0x37610000, 0x37620000, 0x37630000, 0x37640000, 0x37650000, 0x37660000, 0x37670000, 0x37680000, 0x37690000, 0x376A0000, 0x376B0000, 0x376C0000, 0x376D0000, 0x376E0000, 0x376F0000,
+				0x37700000, 0x37710000, 0x37720000, 0x37730000, 0x37740000, 0x37750000, 0x37760000, 0x37770000, 0x37780000, 0x37790000, 0x377A0000, 0x377B0000, 0x377C0000, 0x377D0000, 0x377E0000, 0x377F0000,
+				0x37800000, 0x37808000, 0x37810000, 0x37818000, 0x37820000, 0x37828000, 0x37830000, 0x37838000, 0x37840000, 0x37848000, 0x37850000, 0x37858000, 0x37860000, 0x37868000, 0x37870000, 0x37878000,
+				0x37880000, 0x37888000, 0x37890000, 0x37898000, 0x378A0000, 0x378A8000, 0x378B0000, 0x378B8000, 0x378C0000, 0x378C8000, 0x378D0000, 0x378D8000, 0x378E0000, 0x378E8000, 0x378F0000, 0x378F8000,
+				0x37900000, 0x37908000, 0x37910000, 0x37918000, 0x37920000, 0x37928000, 0x37930000, 0x37938000, 0x37940000, 0x37948000, 0x37950000, 0x37958000, 0x37960000, 0x37968000, 0x37970000, 0x37978000,
+				0x37980000, 0x37988000, 0x37990000, 0x37998000, 0x379A0000, 0x379A8000, 0x379B0000, 0x379B8000, 0x379C0000, 0x379C8000, 0x379D0000, 0x379D8000, 0x379E0000, 0x379E8000, 0x379F0000, 0x379F8000,
+				0x37A00000, 0x37A08000, 0x37A10000, 0x37A18000, 0x37A20000, 0x37A28000, 0x37A30000, 0x37A38000, 0x37A40000, 0x37A48000, 0x37A50000, 0x37A58000, 0x37A60000, 0x37A68000, 0x37A70000, 0x37A78000,
+				0x37A80000, 0x37A88000, 0x37A90000, 0x37A98000, 0x37AA0000, 0x37AA8000, 0x37AB0000, 0x37AB8000, 0x37AC0000, 0x37AC8000, 0x37AD0000, 0x37AD8000, 0x37AE0000, 0x37AE8000, 0x37AF0000, 0x37AF8000,
+				0x37B00000, 0x37B08000, 0x37B10000, 0x37B18000, 0x37B20000, 0x37B28000, 0x37B30000, 0x37B38000, 0x37B40000, 0x37B48000, 0x37B50000, 0x37B58000, 0x37B60000, 0x37B68000, 0x37B70000, 0x37B78000,
+				0x37B80000, 0x37B88000, 0x37B90000, 0x37B98000, 0x37BA0000, 0x37BA8000, 0x37BB0000, 0x37BB8000, 0x37BC0000, 0x37BC8000, 0x37BD0000, 0x37BD8000, 0x37BE0000, 0x37BE8000, 0x37BF0000, 0x37BF8000,
+				0x37C00000, 0x37C08000, 0x37C10000, 0x37C18000, 0x37C20000, 0x37C28000, 0x37C30000, 0x37C38000, 0x37C40000, 0x37C48000, 0x37C50000, 0x37C58000, 0x37C60000, 0x37C68000, 0x37C70000, 0x37C78000,
+				0x37C80000, 0x37C88000, 0x37C90000, 0x37C98000, 0x37CA0000, 0x37CA8000, 0x37CB0000, 0x37CB8000, 0x37CC0000, 0x37CC8000, 0x37CD0000, 0x37CD8000, 0x37CE0000, 0x37CE8000, 0x37CF0000, 0x37CF8000,
+				0x37D00000, 0x37D08000, 0x37D10000, 0x37D18000, 0x37D20000, 0x37D28000, 0x37D30000, 0x37D38000, 0x37D40000, 0x37D48000, 0x37D50000, 0x37D58000, 0x37D60000, 0x37D68000, 0x37D70000, 0x37D78000,
+				0x37D80000, 0x37D88000, 0x37D90000, 0x37D98000, 0x37DA0000, 0x37DA8000, 0x37DB0000, 0x37DB8000, 0x37DC0000, 0x37DC8000, 0x37DD0000, 0x37DD8000, 0x37DE0000, 0x37DE8000, 0x37DF0000, 0x37DF8000,
+				0x37E00000, 0x37E08000, 0x37E10000, 0x37E18000, 0x37E20000, 0x37E28000, 0x37E30000, 0x37E38000, 0x37E40000, 0x37E48000, 0x37E50000, 0x37E58000, 0x37E60000, 0x37E68000, 0x37E70000, 0x37E78000,
+				0x37E80000, 0x37E88000, 0x37E90000, 0x37E98000, 0x37EA0000, 0x37EA8000, 0x37EB0000, 0x37EB8000, 0x37EC0000, 0x37EC8000, 0x37ED0000, 0x37ED8000, 0x37EE0000, 0x37EE8000, 0x37EF0000, 0x37EF8000,
+				0x37F00000, 0x37F08000, 0x37F10000, 0x37F18000, 0x37F20000, 0x37F28000, 0x37F30000, 0x37F38000, 0x37F40000, 0x37F48000, 0x37F50000, 0x37F58000, 0x37F60000, 0x37F68000, 0x37F70000, 0x37F78000,
+				0x37F80000, 0x37F88000, 0x37F90000, 0x37F98000, 0x37FA0000, 0x37FA8000, 0x37FB0000, 0x37FB8000, 0x37FC0000, 0x37FC8000, 0x37FD0000, 0x37FD8000, 0x37FE0000, 0x37FE8000, 0x37FF0000, 0x37FF8000,
+				0x38000000, 0x38004000, 0x38008000, 0x3800C000, 0x38010000, 0x38014000, 0x38018000, 0x3801C000, 0x38020000, 0x38024000, 0x38028000, 0x3802C000, 0x38030000, 0x38034000, 0x38038000, 0x3803C000,
+				0x38040000, 0x38044000, 0x38048000, 0x3804C000, 0x38050000, 0x38054000, 0x38058000, 0x3805C000, 0x38060000, 0x38064000, 0x38068000, 0x3806C000, 0x38070000, 0x38074000, 0x38078000, 0x3807C000,
+				0x38080000, 0x38084000, 0x38088000, 0x3808C000, 0x38090000, 0x38094000, 0x38098000, 0x3809C000, 0x380A0000, 0x380A4000, 0x380A8000, 0x380AC000, 0x380B0000, 0x380B4000, 0x380B8000, 0x380BC000,
+				0x380C0000, 0x380C4000, 0x380C8000, 0x380CC000, 0x380D0000, 0x380D4000, 0x380D8000, 0x380DC000, 0x380E0000, 0x380E4000, 0x380E8000, 0x380EC000, 0x380F0000, 0x380F4000, 0x380F8000, 0x380FC000,
+				0x38100000, 0x38104000, 0x38108000, 0x3810C000, 0x38110000, 0x38114000, 0x38118000, 0x3811C000, 0x38120000, 0x38124000, 0x38128000, 0x3812C000, 0x38130000, 0x38134000, 0x38138000, 0x3813C000,
+				0x38140000, 0x38144000, 0x38148000, 0x3814C000, 0x38150000, 0x38154000, 0x38158000, 0x3815C000, 0x38160000, 0x38164000, 0x38168000, 0x3816C000, 0x38170000, 0x38174000, 0x38178000, 0x3817C000,
+				0x38180000, 0x38184000, 0x38188000, 0x3818C000, 0x38190000, 0x38194000, 0x38198000, 0x3819C000, 0x381A0000, 0x381A4000, 0x381A8000, 0x381AC000, 0x381B0000, 0x381B4000, 0x381B8000, 0x381BC000,
+				0x381C0000, 0x381C4000, 0x381C8000, 0x381CC000, 0x381D0000, 0x381D4000, 0x381D8000, 0x381DC000, 0x381E0000, 0x381E4000, 0x381E8000, 0x381EC000, 0x381F0000, 0x381F4000, 0x381F8000, 0x381FC000,
+				0x38200000, 0x38204000, 0x38208000, 0x3820C000, 0x38210000, 0x38214000, 0x38218000, 0x3821C000, 0x38220000, 0x38224000, 0x38228000, 0x3822C000, 0x38230000, 0x38234000, 0x38238000, 0x3823C000,
+				0x38240000, 0x38244000, 0x38248000, 0x3824C000, 0x38250000, 0x38254000, 0x38258000, 0x3825C000, 0x38260000, 0x38264000, 0x38268000, 0x3826C000, 0x38270000, 0x38274000, 0x38278000, 0x3827C000,
+				0x38280000, 0x38284000, 0x38288000, 0x3828C000, 0x38290000, 0x38294000, 0x38298000, 0x3829C000, 0x382A0000, 0x382A4000, 0x382A8000, 0x382AC000, 0x382B0000, 0x382B4000, 0x382B8000, 0x382BC000,
+				0x382C0000, 0x382C4000, 0x382C8000, 0x382CC000, 0x382D0000, 0x382D4000, 0x382D8000, 0x382DC000, 0x382E0000, 0x382E4000, 0x382E8000, 0x382EC000, 0x382F0000, 0x382F4000, 0x382F8000, 0x382FC000,
+				0x38300000, 0x38304000, 0x38308000, 0x3830C000, 0x38310000, 0x38314000, 0x38318000, 0x3831C000, 0x38320000, 0x38324000, 0x38328000, 0x3832C000, 0x38330000, 0x38334000, 0x38338000, 0x3833C000,
+				0x38340000, 0x38344000, 0x38348000, 0x3834C000, 0x38350000, 0x38354000, 0x38358000, 0x3835C000, 0x38360000, 0x38364000, 0x38368000, 0x3836C000, 0x38370000, 0x38374000, 0x38378000, 0x3837C000,
+				0x38380000, 0x38384000, 0x38388000, 0x3838C000, 0x38390000, 0x38394000, 0x38398000, 0x3839C000, 0x383A0000, 0x383A4000, 0x383A8000, 0x383AC000, 0x383B0000, 0x383B4000, 0x383B8000, 0x383BC000,
+				0x383C0000, 0x383C4000, 0x383C8000, 0x383CC000, 0x383D0000, 0x383D4000, 0x383D8000, 0x383DC000, 0x383E0000, 0x383E4000, 0x383E8000, 0x383EC000, 0x383F0000, 0x383F4000, 0x383F8000, 0x383FC000,
+				0x38400000, 0x38404000, 0x38408000, 0x3840C000, 0x38410000, 0x38414000, 0x38418000, 0x3841C000, 0x38420000, 0x38424000, 0x38428000, 0x3842C000, 0x38430000, 0x38434000, 0x38438000, 0x3843C000,
+				0x38440000, 0x38444000, 0x38448000, 0x3844C000, 0x38450000, 0x38454000, 0x38458000, 0x3845C000, 0x38460000, 0x38464000, 0x38468000, 0x3846C000, 0x38470000, 0x38474000, 0x38478000, 0x3847C000,
+				0x38480000, 0x38484000, 0x38488000, 0x3848C000, 0x38490000, 0x38494000, 0x38498000, 0x3849C000, 0x384A0000, 0x384A4000, 0x384A8000, 0x384AC000, 0x384B0000, 0x384B4000, 0x384B8000, 0x384BC000,
+				0x384C0000, 0x384C4000, 0x384C8000, 0x384CC000, 0x384D0000, 0x384D4000, 0x384D8000, 0x384DC000, 0x384E0000, 0x384E4000, 0x384E8000, 0x384EC000, 0x384F0000, 0x384F4000, 0x384F8000, 0x384FC000,
+				0x38500000, 0x38504000, 0x38508000, 0x3850C000, 0x38510000, 0x38514000, 0x38518000, 0x3851C000, 0x38520000, 0x38524000, 0x38528000, 0x3852C000, 0x38530000, 0x38534000, 0x38538000, 0x3853C000,
+				0x38540000, 0x38544000, 0x38548000, 0x3854C000, 0x38550000, 0x38554000, 0x38558000, 0x3855C000, 0x38560000, 0x38564000, 0x38568000, 0x3856C000, 0x38570000, 0x38574000, 0x38578000, 0x3857C000,
+				0x38580000, 0x38584000, 0x38588000, 0x3858C000, 0x38590000, 0x38594000, 0x38598000, 0x3859C000, 0x385A0000, 0x385A4000, 0x385A8000, 0x385AC000, 0x385B0000, 0x385B4000, 0x385B8000, 0x385BC000,
+				0x385C0000, 0x385C4000, 0x385C8000, 0x385CC000, 0x385D0000, 0x385D4000, 0x385D8000, 0x385DC000, 0x385E0000, 0x385E4000, 0x385E8000, 0x385EC000, 0x385F0000, 0x385F4000, 0x385F8000, 0x385FC000,
+				0x38600000, 0x38604000, 0x38608000, 0x3860C000, 0x38610000, 0x38614000, 0x38618000, 0x3861C000, 0x38620000, 0x38624000, 0x38628000, 0x3862C000, 0x38630000, 0x38634000, 0x38638000, 0x3863C000,
+				0x38640000, 0x38644000, 0x38648000, 0x3864C000, 0x38650000, 0x38654000, 0x38658000, 0x3865C000, 0x38660000, 0x38664000, 0x38668000, 0x3866C000, 0x38670000, 0x38674000, 0x38678000, 0x3867C000,
+				0x38680000, 0x38684000, 0x38688000, 0x3868C000, 0x38690000, 0x38694000, 0x38698000, 0x3869C000, 0x386A0000, 0x386A4000, 0x386A8000, 0x386AC000, 0x386B0000, 0x386B4000, 0x386B8000, 0x386BC000,
+				0x386C0000, 0x386C4000, 0x386C8000, 0x386CC000, 0x386D0000, 0x386D4000, 0x386D8000, 0x386DC000, 0x386E0000, 0x386E4000, 0x386E8000, 0x386EC000, 0x386F0000, 0x386F4000, 0x386F8000, 0x386FC000,
+				0x38700000, 0x38704000, 0x38708000, 0x3870C000, 0x38710000, 0x38714000, 0x38718000, 0x3871C000, 0x38720000, 0x38724000, 0x38728000, 0x3872C000, 0x38730000, 0x38734000, 0x38738000, 0x3873C000,
+				0x38740000, 0x38744000, 0x38748000, 0x3874C000, 0x38750000, 0x38754000, 0x38758000, 0x3875C000, 0x38760000, 0x38764000, 0x38768000, 0x3876C000, 0x38770000, 0x38774000, 0x38778000, 0x3877C000,
+				0x38780000, 0x38784000, 0x38788000, 0x3878C000, 0x38790000, 0x38794000, 0x38798000, 0x3879C000, 0x387A0000, 0x387A4000, 0x387A8000, 0x387AC000, 0x387B0000, 0x387B4000, 0x387B8000, 0x387BC000,
+				0x387C0000, 0x387C4000, 0x387C8000, 0x387CC000, 0x387D0000, 0x387D4000, 0x387D8000, 0x387DC000, 0x387E0000, 0x387E4000, 0x387E8000, 0x387EC000, 0x387F0000, 0x387F4000, 0x387F8000, 0x387FC000,
+				0x38000000, 0x38002000, 0x38004000, 0x38006000, 0x38008000, 0x3800A000, 0x3800C000, 0x3800E000, 0x38010000, 0x38012000, 0x38014000, 0x38016000, 0x38018000, 0x3801A000, 0x3801C000, 0x3801E000,
+				0x38020000, 0x38022000, 0x38024000, 0x38026000, 0x38028000, 0x3802A000, 0x3802C000, 0x3802E000, 0x38030000, 0x38032000, 0x38034000, 0x38036000, 0x38038000, 0x3803A000, 0x3803C000, 0x3803E000,
+				0x38040000, 0x38042000, 0x38044000, 0x38046000, 0x38048000, 0x3804A000, 0x3804C000, 0x3804E000, 0x38050000, 0x38052000, 0x38054000, 0x38056000, 0x38058000, 0x3805A000, 0x3805C000, 0x3805E000,
+				0x38060000, 0x38062000, 0x38064000, 0x38066000, 0x38068000, 0x3806A000, 0x3806C000, 0x3806E000, 0x38070000, 0x38072000, 0x38074000, 0x38076000, 0x38078000, 0x3807A000, 0x3807C000, 0x3807E000,
+				0x38080000, 0x38082000, 0x38084000, 0x38086000, 0x38088000, 0x3808A000, 0x3808C000, 0x3808E000, 0x38090000, 0x38092000, 0x38094000, 0x38096000, 0x38098000, 0x3809A000, 0x3809C000, 0x3809E000,
+				0x380A0000, 0x380A2000, 0x380A4000, 0x380A6000, 0x380A8000, 0x380AA000, 0x380AC000, 0x380AE000, 0x380B0000, 0x380B2000, 0x380B4000, 0x380B6000, 0x380B8000, 0x380BA000, 0x380BC000, 0x380BE000,
+				0x380C0000, 0x380C2000, 0x380C4000, 0x380C6000, 0x380C8000, 0x380CA000, 0x380CC000, 0x380CE000, 0x380D0000, 0x380D2000, 0x380D4000, 0x380D6000, 0x380D8000, 0x380DA000, 0x380DC000, 0x380DE000,
+				0x380E0000, 0x380E2000, 0x380E4000, 0x380E6000, 0x380E8000, 0x380EA000, 0x380EC000, 0x380EE000, 0x380F0000, 0x380F2000, 0x380F4000, 0x380F6000, 0x380F8000, 0x380FA000, 0x380FC000, 0x380FE000,
+				0x38100000, 0x38102000, 0x38104000, 0x38106000, 0x38108000, 0x3810A000, 0x3810C000, 0x3810E000, 0x38110000, 0x38112000, 0x38114000, 0x38116000, 0x38118000, 0x3811A000, 0x3811C000, 0x3811E000,
+				0x38120000, 0x38122000, 0x38124000, 0x38126000, 0x38128000, 0x3812A000, 0x3812C000, 0x3812E000, 0x38130000, 0x38132000, 0x38134000, 0x38136000, 0x38138000, 0x3813A000, 0x3813C000, 0x3813E000,
+				0x38140000, 0x38142000, 0x38144000, 0x38146000, 0x38148000, 0x3814A000, 0x3814C000, 0x3814E000, 0x38150000, 0x38152000, 0x38154000, 0x38156000, 0x38158000, 0x3815A000, 0x3815C000, 0x3815E000,
+				0x38160000, 0x38162000, 0x38164000, 0x38166000, 0x38168000, 0x3816A000, 0x3816C000, 0x3816E000, 0x38170000, 0x38172000, 0x38174000, 0x38176000, 0x38178000, 0x3817A000, 0x3817C000, 0x3817E000,
+				0x38180000, 0x38182000, 0x38184000, 0x38186000, 0x38188000, 0x3818A000, 0x3818C000, 0x3818E000, 0x38190000, 0x38192000, 0x38194000, 0x38196000, 0x38198000, 0x3819A000, 0x3819C000, 0x3819E000,
+				0x381A0000, 0x381A2000, 0x381A4000, 0x381A6000, 0x381A8000, 0x381AA000, 0x381AC000, 0x381AE000, 0x381B0000, 0x381B2000, 0x381B4000, 0x381B6000, 0x381B8000, 0x381BA000, 0x381BC000, 0x381BE000,
+				0x381C0000, 0x381C2000, 0x381C4000, 0x381C6000, 0x381C8000, 0x381CA000, 0x381CC000, 0x381CE000, 0x381D0000, 0x381D2000, 0x381D4000, 0x381D6000, 0x381D8000, 0x381DA000, 0x381DC000, 0x381DE000,
+				0x381E0000, 0x381E2000, 0x381E4000, 0x381E6000, 0x381E8000, 0x381EA000, 0x381EC000, 0x381EE000, 0x381F0000, 0x381F2000, 0x381F4000, 0x381F6000, 0x381F8000, 0x381FA000, 0x381FC000, 0x381FE000,
+				0x38200000, 0x38202000, 0x38204000, 0x38206000, 0x38208000, 0x3820A000, 0x3820C000, 0x3820E000, 0x38210000, 0x38212000, 0x38214000, 0x38216000, 0x38218000, 0x3821A000, 0x3821C000, 0x3821E000,
+				0x38220000, 0x38222000, 0x38224000, 0x38226000, 0x38228000, 0x3822A000, 0x3822C000, 0x3822E000, 0x38230000, 0x38232000, 0x38234000, 0x38236000, 0x38238000, 0x3823A000, 0x3823C000, 0x3823E000,
+				0x38240000, 0x38242000, 0x38244000, 0x38246000, 0x38248000, 0x3824A000, 0x3824C000, 0x3824E000, 0x38250000, 0x38252000, 0x38254000, 0x38256000, 0x38258000, 0x3825A000, 0x3825C000, 0x3825E000,
+				0x38260000, 0x38262000, 0x38264000, 0x38266000, 0x38268000, 0x3826A000, 0x3826C000, 0x3826E000, 0x38270000, 0x38272000, 0x38274000, 0x38276000, 0x38278000, 0x3827A000, 0x3827C000, 0x3827E000,
+				0x38280000, 0x38282000, 0x38284000, 0x38286000, 0x38288000, 0x3828A000, 0x3828C000, 0x3828E000, 0x38290000, 0x38292000, 0x38294000, 0x38296000, 0x38298000, 0x3829A000, 0x3829C000, 0x3829E000,
+				0x382A0000, 0x382A2000, 0x382A4000, 0x382A6000, 0x382A8000, 0x382AA000, 0x382AC000, 0x382AE000, 0x382B0000, 0x382B2000, 0x382B4000, 0x382B6000, 0x382B8000, 0x382BA000, 0x382BC000, 0x382BE000,
+				0x382C0000, 0x382C2000, 0x382C4000, 0x382C6000, 0x382C8000, 0x382CA000, 0x382CC000, 0x382CE000, 0x382D0000, 0x382D2000, 0x382D4000, 0x382D6000, 0x382D8000, 0x382DA000, 0x382DC000, 0x382DE000,
+				0x382E0000, 0x382E2000, 0x382E4000, 0x382E6000, 0x382E8000, 0x382EA000, 0x382EC000, 0x382EE000, 0x382F0000, 0x382F2000, 0x382F4000, 0x382F6000, 0x382F8000, 0x382FA000, 0x382FC000, 0x382FE000,
+				0x38300000, 0x38302000, 0x38304000, 0x38306000, 0x38308000, 0x3830A000, 0x3830C000, 0x3830E000, 0x38310000, 0x38312000, 0x38314000, 0x38316000, 0x38318000, 0x3831A000, 0x3831C000, 0x3831E000,
+				0x38320000, 0x38322000, 0x38324000, 0x38326000, 0x38328000, 0x3832A000, 0x3832C000, 0x3832E000, 0x38330000, 0x38332000, 0x38334000, 0x38336000, 0x38338000, 0x3833A000, 0x3833C000, 0x3833E000,
+				0x38340000, 0x38342000, 0x38344000, 0x38346000, 0x38348000, 0x3834A000, 0x3834C000, 0x3834E000, 0x38350000, 0x38352000, 0x38354000, 0x38356000, 0x38358000, 0x3835A000, 0x3835C000, 0x3835E000,
+				0x38360000, 0x38362000, 0x38364000, 0x38366000, 0x38368000, 0x3836A000, 0x3836C000, 0x3836E000, 0x38370000, 0x38372000, 0x38374000, 0x38376000, 0x38378000, 0x3837A000, 0x3837C000, 0x3837E000,
+				0x38380000, 0x38382000, 0x38384000, 0x38386000, 0x38388000, 0x3838A000, 0x3838C000, 0x3838E000, 0x38390000, 0x38392000, 0x38394000, 0x38396000, 0x38398000, 0x3839A000, 0x3839C000, 0x3839E000,
+				0x383A0000, 0x383A2000, 0x383A4000, 0x383A6000, 0x383A8000, 0x383AA000, 0x383AC000, 0x383AE000, 0x383B0000, 0x383B2000, 0x383B4000, 0x383B6000, 0x383B8000, 0x383BA000, 0x383BC000, 0x383BE000,
+				0x383C0000, 0x383C2000, 0x383C4000, 0x383C6000, 0x383C8000, 0x383CA000, 0x383CC000, 0x383CE000, 0x383D0000, 0x383D2000, 0x383D4000, 0x383D6000, 0x383D8000, 0x383DA000, 0x383DC000, 0x383DE000,
+				0x383E0000, 0x383E2000, 0x383E4000, 0x383E6000, 0x383E8000, 0x383EA000, 0x383EC000, 0x383EE000, 0x383F0000, 0x383F2000, 0x383F4000, 0x383F6000, 0x383F8000, 0x383FA000, 0x383FC000, 0x383FE000,
+				0x38400000, 0x38402000, 0x38404000, 0x38406000, 0x38408000, 0x3840A000, 0x3840C000, 0x3840E000, 0x38410000, 0x38412000, 0x38414000, 0x38416000, 0x38418000, 0x3841A000, 0x3841C000, 0x3841E000,
+				0x38420000, 0x38422000, 0x38424000, 0x38426000, 0x38428000, 0x3842A000, 0x3842C000, 0x3842E000, 0x38430000, 0x38432000, 0x38434000, 0x38436000, 0x38438000, 0x3843A000, 0x3843C000, 0x3843E000,
+				0x38440000, 0x38442000, 0x38444000, 0x38446000, 0x38448000, 0x3844A000, 0x3844C000, 0x3844E000, 0x38450000, 0x38452000, 0x38454000, 0x38456000, 0x38458000, 0x3845A000, 0x3845C000, 0x3845E000,
+				0x38460000, 0x38462000, 0x38464000, 0x38466000, 0x38468000, 0x3846A000, 0x3846C000, 0x3846E000, 0x38470000, 0x38472000, 0x38474000, 0x38476000, 0x38478000, 0x3847A000, 0x3847C000, 0x3847E000,
+				0x38480000, 0x38482000, 0x38484000, 0x38486000, 0x38488000, 0x3848A000, 0x3848C000, 0x3848E000, 0x38490000, 0x38492000, 0x38494000, 0x38496000, 0x38498000, 0x3849A000, 0x3849C000, 0x3849E000,
+				0x384A0000, 0x384A2000, 0x384A4000, 0x384A6000, 0x384A8000, 0x384AA000, 0x384AC000, 0x384AE000, 0x384B0000, 0x384B2000, 0x384B4000, 0x384B6000, 0x384B8000, 0x384BA000, 0x384BC000, 0x384BE000,
+				0x384C0000, 0x384C2000, 0x384C4000, 0x384C6000, 0x384C8000, 0x384CA000, 0x384CC000, 0x384CE000, 0x384D0000, 0x384D2000, 0x384D4000, 0x384D6000, 0x384D8000, 0x384DA000, 0x384DC000, 0x384DE000,
+				0x384E0000, 0x384E2000, 0x384E4000, 0x384E6000, 0x384E8000, 0x384EA000, 0x384EC000, 0x384EE000, 0x384F0000, 0x384F2000, 0x384F4000, 0x384F6000, 0x384F8000, 0x384FA000, 0x384FC000, 0x384FE000,
+				0x38500000, 0x38502000, 0x38504000, 0x38506000, 0x38508000, 0x3850A000, 0x3850C000, 0x3850E000, 0x38510000, 0x38512000, 0x38514000, 0x38516000, 0x38518000, 0x3851A000, 0x3851C000, 0x3851E000,
+				0x38520000, 0x38522000, 0x38524000, 0x38526000, 0x38528000, 0x3852A000, 0x3852C000, 0x3852E000, 0x38530000, 0x38532000, 0x38534000, 0x38536000, 0x38538000, 0x3853A000, 0x3853C000, 0x3853E000,
+				0x38540000, 0x38542000, 0x38544000, 0x38546000, 0x38548000, 0x3854A000, 0x3854C000, 0x3854E000, 0x38550000, 0x38552000, 0x38554000, 0x38556000, 0x38558000, 0x3855A000, 0x3855C000, 0x3855E000,
+				0x38560000, 0x38562000, 0x38564000, 0x38566000, 0x38568000, 0x3856A000, 0x3856C000, 0x3856E000, 0x38570000, 0x38572000, 0x38574000, 0x38576000, 0x38578000, 0x3857A000, 0x3857C000, 0x3857E000,
+				0x38580000, 0x38582000, 0x38584000, 0x38586000, 0x38588000, 0x3858A000, 0x3858C000, 0x3858E000, 0x38590000, 0x38592000, 0x38594000, 0x38596000, 0x38598000, 0x3859A000, 0x3859C000, 0x3859E000,
+				0x385A0000, 0x385A2000, 0x385A4000, 0x385A6000, 0x385A8000, 0x385AA000, 0x385AC000, 0x385AE000, 0x385B0000, 0x385B2000, 0x385B4000, 0x385B6000, 0x385B8000, 0x385BA000, 0x385BC000, 0x385BE000,
+				0x385C0000, 0x385C2000, 0x385C4000, 0x385C6000, 0x385C8000, 0x385CA000, 0x385CC000, 0x385CE000, 0x385D0000, 0x385D2000, 0x385D4000, 0x385D6000, 0x385D8000, 0x385DA000, 0x385DC000, 0x385DE000,
+				0x385E0000, 0x385E2000, 0x385E4000, 0x385E6000, 0x385E8000, 0x385EA000, 0x385EC000, 0x385EE000, 0x385F0000, 0x385F2000, 0x385F4000, 0x385F6000, 0x385F8000, 0x385FA000, 0x385FC000, 0x385FE000,
+				0x38600000, 0x38602000, 0x38604000, 0x38606000, 0x38608000, 0x3860A000, 0x3860C000, 0x3860E000, 0x38610000, 0x38612000, 0x38614000, 0x38616000, 0x38618000, 0x3861A000, 0x3861C000, 0x3861E000,
+				0x38620000, 0x38622000, 0x38624000, 0x38626000, 0x38628000, 0x3862A000, 0x3862C000, 0x3862E000, 0x38630000, 0x38632000, 0x38634000, 0x38636000, 0x38638000, 0x3863A000, 0x3863C000, 0x3863E000,
+				0x38640000, 0x38642000, 0x38644000, 0x38646000, 0x38648000, 0x3864A000, 0x3864C000, 0x3864E000, 0x38650000, 0x38652000, 0x38654000, 0x38656000, 0x38658000, 0x3865A000, 0x3865C000, 0x3865E000,
+				0x38660000, 0x38662000, 0x38664000, 0x38666000, 0x38668000, 0x3866A000, 0x3866C000, 0x3866E000, 0x38670000, 0x38672000, 0x38674000, 0x38676000, 0x38678000, 0x3867A000, 0x3867C000, 0x3867E000,
+				0x38680000, 0x38682000, 0x38684000, 0x38686000, 0x38688000, 0x3868A000, 0x3868C000, 0x3868E000, 0x38690000, 0x38692000, 0x38694000, 0x38696000, 0x38698000, 0x3869A000, 0x3869C000, 0x3869E000,
+				0x386A0000, 0x386A2000, 0x386A4000, 0x386A6000, 0x386A8000, 0x386AA000, 0x386AC000, 0x386AE000, 0x386B0000, 0x386B2000, 0x386B4000, 0x386B6000, 0x386B8000, 0x386BA000, 0x386BC000, 0x386BE000,
+				0x386C0000, 0x386C2000, 0x386C4000, 0x386C6000, 0x386C8000, 0x386CA000, 0x386CC000, 0x386CE000, 0x386D0000, 0x386D2000, 0x386D4000, 0x386D6000, 0x386D8000, 0x386DA000, 0x386DC000, 0x386DE000,
+				0x386E0000, 0x386E2000, 0x386E4000, 0x386E6000, 0x386E8000, 0x386EA000, 0x386EC000, 0x386EE000, 0x386F0000, 0x386F2000, 0x386F4000, 0x386F6000, 0x386F8000, 0x386FA000, 0x386FC000, 0x386FE000,
+				0x38700000, 0x38702000, 0x38704000, 0x38706000, 0x38708000, 0x3870A000, 0x3870C000, 0x3870E000, 0x38710000, 0x38712000, 0x38714000, 0x38716000, 0x38718000, 0x3871A000, 0x3871C000, 0x3871E000,
+				0x38720000, 0x38722000, 0x38724000, 0x38726000, 0x38728000, 0x3872A000, 0x3872C000, 0x3872E000, 0x38730000, 0x38732000, 0x38734000, 0x38736000, 0x38738000, 0x3873A000, 0x3873C000, 0x3873E000,
+				0x38740000, 0x38742000, 0x38744000, 0x38746000, 0x38748000, 0x3874A000, 0x3874C000, 0x3874E000, 0x38750000, 0x38752000, 0x38754000, 0x38756000, 0x38758000, 0x3875A000, 0x3875C000, 0x3875E000,
+				0x38760000, 0x38762000, 0x38764000, 0x38766000, 0x38768000, 0x3876A000, 0x3876C000, 0x3876E000, 0x38770000, 0x38772000, 0x38774000, 0x38776000, 0x38778000, 0x3877A000, 0x3877C000, 0x3877E000,
+				0x38780000, 0x38782000, 0x38784000, 0x38786000, 0x38788000, 0x3878A000, 0x3878C000, 0x3878E000, 0x38790000, 0x38792000, 0x38794000, 0x38796000, 0x38798000, 0x3879A000, 0x3879C000, 0x3879E000,
+				0x387A0000, 0x387A2000, 0x387A4000, 0x387A6000, 0x387A8000, 0x387AA000, 0x387AC000, 0x387AE000, 0x387B0000, 0x387B2000, 0x387B4000, 0x387B6000, 0x387B8000, 0x387BA000, 0x387BC000, 0x387BE000,
+				0x387C0000, 0x387C2000, 0x387C4000, 0x387C6000, 0x387C8000, 0x387CA000, 0x387CC000, 0x387CE000, 0x387D0000, 0x387D2000, 0x387D4000, 0x387D6000, 0x387D8000, 0x387DA000, 0x387DC000, 0x387DE000,
+				0x387E0000, 0x387E2000, 0x387E4000, 0x387E6000, 0x387E8000, 0x387EA000, 0x387EC000, 0x387EE000, 0x387F0000, 0x387F2000, 0x387F4000, 0x387F6000, 0x387F8000, 0x387FA000, 0x387FC000, 0x387FE000 };
+			static const uint32 exponent_table[64] = {
+				0x00000000, 0x00800000, 0x01000000, 0x01800000, 0x02000000, 0x02800000, 0x03000000, 0x03800000, 0x04000000, 0x04800000, 0x05000000, 0x05800000, 0x06000000, 0x06800000, 0x07000000, 0x07800000,
+				0x08000000, 0x08800000, 0x09000000, 0x09800000, 0x0A000000, 0x0A800000, 0x0B000000, 0x0B800000, 0x0C000000, 0x0C800000, 0x0D000000, 0x0D800000, 0x0E000000, 0x0E800000, 0x0F000000, 0x47800000,
+				0x80000000, 0x80800000, 0x81000000, 0x81800000, 0x82000000, 0x82800000, 0x83000000, 0x83800000, 0x84000000, 0x84800000, 0x85000000, 0x85800000, 0x86000000, 0x86800000, 0x87000000, 0x87800000,
+				0x88000000, 0x88800000, 0x89000000, 0x89800000, 0x8A000000, 0x8A800000, 0x8B000000, 0x8B800000, 0x8C000000, 0x8C800000, 0x8D000000, 0x8D800000, 0x8E000000, 0x8E800000, 0x8F000000, 0xC7800000 };
+			static const unsigned short offset_table[64] = {
+				   0, 1024, 1024, 1024, 1024, 1024, 1024, 1024, 1024, 1024, 1024, 1024, 1024, 1024, 1024, 1024, 1024, 1024, 1024, 1024, 1024, 1024, 1024, 1024, 1024, 1024, 1024, 1024, 1024, 1024, 1024, 1024,
+				   0, 1024, 1024, 1024, 1024, 1024, 1024, 1024, 1024, 1024, 1024, 1024, 1024, 1024, 1024, 1024, 1024, 1024, 1024, 1024, 1024, 1024, 1024, 1024, 1024, 1024, 1024, 1024, 1024, 1024, 1024, 1024 };
+			uint32 bits = mantissa_table[offset_table[value>>10]+(value&0x3FF)] + exponent_table[value>>10];
+//			return *reinterpret_cast<float*>(&bits);			//violating strict aliasing!
+			float out;
+			std::memcpy(&out, &bits, sizeof(float));
+			return out;
+		}
+		/// Convert half-precision to IEEE double-precision.
+		/// \param value binary representation of half-precision value
+		/// \return double-precision value
+		inline double half2float_impl(uint16 value, double, true_type)
+		{
+			typedef bits<float>::type uint32;
+			typedef bits<double>::type uint64;
+			uint32 hi = static_cast<uint32>(value&0x8000) << 16;
+			int abs = value & 0x7FFF;
+			if(abs)
+			{
+				hi |= 0x3F000000 << static_cast<unsigned>(abs>=0x7C00);
+				for(; abs<0x400; abs<<=1,hi-=0x100000) ;
+				hi += static_cast<uint32>(abs) << 10;
+			}
+			uint64 bits = static_cast<uint64>(hi) << 32;
+//			return *reinterpret_cast<double*>(&bits);			//violating strict aliasing!
+			double out;
+			std::memcpy(&out, &bits, sizeof(double));
+			return out;
+		}
+		/// Convert half-precision to non-IEEE floating point.
+		/// \tparam T type to convert to (builtin integer type)
+		/// \param value binary representation of half-precision value
+		/// \return floating point value
+		template<typename T> T half2float_impl(uint16 value, T, ...)
+		{
+			T out;
+			int abs = value & 0x7FFF;
+			if(abs > 0x7C00)
+				out = std::numeric_limits<T>::has_quiet_NaN ? std::numeric_limits<T>::quiet_NaN() : T();
+			else if(abs == 0x7C00)
+				out = std::numeric_limits<T>::has_infinity ? std::numeric_limits<T>::infinity() : std::numeric_limits<T>::max();
+			else if(abs > 0x3FF)
+				out = std::ldexp(static_cast<T>((abs&0x3FF)|0x400), (abs>>10)-25);
+			else
+				out = std::ldexp(static_cast<T>(abs), -24);
+			return (value&0x8000) ? -out : out;
+		}
+		/// Convert half-precision to floating point.
+		/// \tparam T type to convert to (builtin integer type)
+		/// \param value binary representation of half-precision value
+		/// \return floating point value
+		template<typename T> T half2float(uint16 value)
+		{
+			return half2float_impl(value, T(), bool_type<std::numeric_limits<T>::is_iec559&&sizeof(typename bits<T>::type)==sizeof(T)>());
+		}
+		/// Convert half-precision floating point to integer.
+		/// \tparam R rounding mode to use, `std::round_indeterminate` for fastest rounding
+		/// \tparam E `true` for round to even, `false` for round away from zero
+		/// \tparam T type to convert to (buitlin integer type with at least 16 bits precision, excluding any implicit sign bits)
+		/// \param value binary representation of half-precision value
+		/// \return integral value
+		template<std::float_round_style R,bool E,typename T> T half2int_impl(uint16 value)
+		{
+			static_assert(std::is_integral<T>::value, "half to int conversion only supports builtin integer types");
+		#endif
+			unsigned int e = value & 0x7FFF;
+			if(e >= 0x7C00)
+				return (value&0x8000) ? std::numeric_limits<T>::min() : std::numeric_limits<T>::max();
+			if(e < 0x3800)
+			{
+				if(R == std::round_toward_infinity)
+					return T(~(value>>15)&(e!=0));
+				else if(R == std::round_toward_neg_infinity)
+					return -T(value>0x8000);
+				return T();
+			}
+			unsigned int m = (value&0x3FF) | 0x400;
+			e >>= 10;
+			if(e < 25)
+			{
+				if(R == std::round_to_nearest)
+					m += (1<<(24-e)) - (~(m>>(25-e))&E);
+				else if(R == std::round_toward_infinity)
+					m += ((value>>15)-1) & ((1<<(25-e))-1U);
+				else if(R == std::round_toward_neg_infinity)
+					m += -(value>>15) & ((1<<(25-e))-1U);
+				m >>= 25 - e;
+			}
+			else
+				m <<= e - 25;
+			return (value&0x8000) ? -static_cast<T>(m) : static_cast<T>(m);
+		}
+		/// Convert half-precision floating point to integer.
+		/// \tparam R rounding mode to use, `std::round_indeterminate` for fastest rounding
+		/// \tparam T type to convert to (buitlin integer type with at least 16 bits precision, excluding any implicit sign bits)
+		/// \param value binary representation of half-precision value
+		/// \return integral value
+		template<std::float_round_style R,typename T> T half2int(uint16 value) { return half2int_impl<R,HALF_ROUND_TIES_TO_EVEN,T>(value); }
+		/// Convert half-precision floating point to integer using round-to-nearest-away-from-zero.
+		/// \tparam T type to convert to (buitlin integer type with at least 16 bits precision, excluding any implicit sign bits)
+		/// \param value binary representation of half-precision value
+		/// \return integral value
+		template<typename T> T half2int_up(uint16 value) { return half2int_impl<std::round_to_nearest,0,T>(value); }
+		/// Round half-precision number to nearest integer value.
+		/// \tparam R rounding mode to use, `std::round_indeterminate` for fastest rounding
+		/// \tparam E `true` for round to even, `false` for round away from zero
+		/// \param value binary representation of half-precision value
+		/// \return half-precision bits for nearest integral value
+		template<std::float_round_style R,bool E> uint16 round_half_impl(uint16 value)
+		{
+			unsigned int e = value & 0x7FFF;
+			uint16 result = value;
+			if(e < 0x3C00)
+			{
+				result &= 0x8000;
+				if(R == std::round_to_nearest)
+					result |= 0x3C00U & -(e>=(0x3800+E));
+				else if(R == std::round_toward_infinity)
+					result |= 0x3C00U & -(~(value>>15)&(e!=0));
+				else if(R == std::round_toward_neg_infinity)
+					result |= 0x3C00U & -(value>0x8000);
+			}
+			else if(e < 0x6400)
+			{
+				e = 25 - (e>>10);
+				unsigned int mask = (1<<e) - 1;
+				if(R == std::round_to_nearest)
+					result += (1<<(e-1)) - (~(result>>e)&E);
+				else if(R == std::round_toward_infinity)
+					result += mask & ((value>>15)-1);
+				else if(R == std::round_toward_neg_infinity)
+					result += mask & -(value>>15);
+				result &= ~mask;
+			}
+			return result;
+		}
+		/// Round half-precision number to nearest integer value.
+		/// \tparam R rounding mode to use, `std::round_indeterminate` for fastest rounding
+		/// \param value binary representation of half-precision value
+		/// \return half-precision bits for nearest integral value
+		template<std::float_round_style R> uint16 round_half(uint16 value) { return round_half_impl<R,HALF_ROUND_TIES_TO_EVEN>(value); }
+		/// Round half-precision number to nearest integer value using round-to-nearest-away-from-zero.
+		/// \param value binary representation of half-precision value
+		/// \return half-precision bits for nearest integral value
+		inline uint16 round_half_up(uint16 value) { return round_half_impl<std::round_to_nearest,0>(value); }
+		/// \}
+		struct functions;
+		template<typename> struct unary_specialized;
+		template<typename,typename> struct binary_specialized;
+		template<typename,typename,std::float_round_style> struct half_caster;
+	}
+	/// Half-precision floating point type.
+	/// This class implements an IEEE-conformant half-precision floating point type with the usual arithmetic operators and
+	/// conversions. It is implicitly convertible to single-precision floating point, which makes artihmetic expressions and
+	/// functions with mixed-type operands to be of the most precise operand type. Additionally all arithmetic operations
+	/// (and many mathematical functions) are carried out in single-precision internally. All conversions from single- to
+	/// half-precision are done using the library's default rounding mode, but temporary results inside chained arithmetic
+	/// expressions are kept in single-precision as long as possible (while of course still maintaining a strong half-precision type).
+	///
+	/// According to the C++98/03 definition, the half type is not a POD type. But according to C++11's less strict and
+	/// extended definitions it is both a standard layout type and a trivially copyable type (even if not a POD type), which
+	/// means it can be standard-conformantly copied using raw binary copies. But in this context some more words about the
+	/// actual size of the type. Although the half is representing an IEEE 16-bit type, it does not neccessarily have to be of
+	/// exactly 16-bits size. But on any reasonable implementation the actual binary representation of this type will most
+	/// probably not ivolve any additional "magic" or padding beyond the simple binary representation of the underlying 16-bit
+	/// IEEE number, even if not strictly guaranteed by the standard. But even then it only has an actual size of 16 bits if
+	/// your C++ implementation supports an unsigned integer type of exactly 16 bits width. But this should be the case on
+	/// nearly any reasonable platform.
+	///
+	/// So if your C++ implementation is not totally exotic or imposes special alignment requirements, it is a reasonable
+	/// assumption that the data of a half is just comprised of the 2 bytes of the underlying IEEE representation.
+	class half
+	{
+		friend struct detail::functions;
+		friend struct detail::unary_specialized<half>;
+		friend struct detail::binary_specialized<half,half>;
+		template<typename,typename,std::float_round_style> friend struct detail::half_caster;
+		friend class std::numeric_limits<half>;
+		friend struct std::hash<half>;
+	#endif
+		friend half literal::operator"" _h(long double);
+	#endif
+	public:
+		/// Default constructor.
+		/// This initializes the half to 0. Although this does not match the builtin types' default-initialization semantics
+		/// and may be less efficient than no initialization, it is needed to provide proper value-initialization semantics.
+		HALF_CONSTEXPR half() HALF_NOEXCEPT : data_() {}
+		/// Copy constructor.
+		/// \tparam T type of concrete half expression
+		/// \param rhs half expression to copy from
+		half(detail::expr rhs) : data_(detail::float2half<round_style>(static_cast<float>(rhs))) {}
+		/// Conversion constructor.
+		/// \param rhs float to convert
+		explicit half(float rhs) : data_(detail::float2half<round_style>(rhs)) {}
+		/// Conversion to single-precision.
+		/// \return single precision value representing expression value
+		operator float() const { return detail::half2float<float>(data_); }
+		/// Assignment operator.
+		/// \tparam T type of concrete half expression
+		/// \param rhs half expression to copy from
+		/// \return reference to this half
+		half& operator=(detail::expr rhs) { return *this = static_cast<float>(rhs); }
+		/// Arithmetic assignment.
+		/// \tparam T type of concrete half expression
+		/// \param rhs half expression to add
+		/// \return reference to this half
+		template<typename T> typename detail::enable<half&,T>::type operator+=(T rhs) { return *this += static_cast<float>(rhs); }
+		/// Arithmetic assignment.
+		/// \tparam T type of concrete half expression
+		/// \param rhs half expression to subtract
+		/// \return reference to this half
+		template<typename T> typename detail::enable<half&,T>::type operator-=(T rhs) { return *this -= static_cast<float>(rhs); }
+		/// Arithmetic assignment.
+		/// \tparam T type of concrete half expression
+		/// \param rhs half expression to multiply with
+		/// \return reference to this half
+		template<typename T> typename detail::enable<half&,T>::type operator*=(T rhs) { return *this *= static_cast<float>(rhs); }
+		/// Arithmetic assignment.
+		/// \tparam T type of concrete half expression
+		/// \param rhs half expression to divide by
+		/// \return reference to this half
+		template<typename T> typename detail::enable<half&,T>::type operator/=(T rhs) { return *this /= static_cast<float>(rhs); }
+		/// Assignment operator.
+		/// \param rhs single-precision value to copy from
+		/// \return reference to this half
+		half& operator=(float rhs) { data_ = detail::float2half<round_style>(rhs); return *this; }
+		/// Arithmetic assignment.
+		/// \param rhs single-precision value to add
+		/// \return reference to this half
+		half& operator+=(float rhs) { data_ = detail::float2half<round_style>(detail::half2float<float>(data_)+rhs); return *this; }
+		/// Arithmetic assignment.
+		/// \param rhs single-precision value to subtract
+		/// \return reference to this half
+		half& operator-=(float rhs) { data_ = detail::float2half<round_style>(detail::half2float<float>(data_)-rhs); return *this; }
+		/// Arithmetic assignment.
+		/// \param rhs single-precision value to multiply with
+		/// \return reference to this half
+		half& operator*=(float rhs) { data_ = detail::float2half<round_style>(detail::half2float<float>(data_)*rhs); return *this; }
+		/// Arithmetic assignment.
+		/// \param rhs single-precision value to divide by
+		/// \return reference to this half
+		half& operator/=(float rhs) { data_ = detail::float2half<round_style>(detail::half2float<float>(data_)/rhs); return *this; }
+		/// Prefix increment.
+		/// \return incremented half value
+		half& operator++() { return *this += 1.0f; }
+		/// Prefix decrement.
+		/// \return decremented half value
+		half& operator--() { return *this -= 1.0f; }
+		/// Postfix increment.
+		/// \return non-incremented half value
+		half operator++(int) { half out(*this); ++*this; return out; }
+		/// Postfix decrement.
+		/// \return non-decremented half value
+		half operator--(int) { half out(*this); --*this; return out; }
+	private:
+		/// Rounding mode to use
+		static const std::float_round_style round_style = static_cast<std::float_round_style>(HALF_ROUND_STYLE);
+		/// Constructor.
+		/// \param bits binary representation to set half to
+		HALF_CONSTEXPR half(detail::binary_t, detail::uint16 bits) HALF_NOEXCEPT : data_(bits) {}
+		/// Internal binary representation
+		detail::uint16 data_;
+	};
+	namespace literal
+	{
+		/// Half literal.
+		/// While this returns an actual half-precision value, half literals can unfortunately not be constant expressions due
+		/// to rather involved conversions.
+		/// \param value literal value
+		/// \return half with given value (if representable)
+		inline half operator"" _h(long double value) { return half(detail::binary, detail::float2half<half::round_style>(value)); }
+	}
+	namespace detail
+	{
+		/// Wrapper implementing unspecialized half-precision functions.
+		struct functions
+		{
+			/// Addition implementation.
+			/// \param x first operand
+			/// \param y second operand
+			/// \return Half-precision sum stored in single-precision
+			static expr plus(float x, float y) { return expr(x+y); }
+			/// Subtraction implementation.
+			/// \param x first operand
+			/// \param y second operand
+			/// \return Half-precision difference stored in single-precision
+			static expr minus(float x, float y) { return expr(x-y); }
+			/// Multiplication implementation.
+			/// \param x first operand
+			/// \param y second operand
+			/// \return Half-precision product stored in single-precision
+			static expr multiplies(float x, float y) { return expr(x*y); }
+			/// Division implementation.
+			/// \param x first operand
+			/// \param y second operand
+			/// \return Half-precision quotient stored in single-precision
+			static expr divides(float x, float y) { return expr(x/y); }
+			/// Output implementation.
+			/// \param out stream to write to
+			/// \param arg value to write
+			/// \return reference to stream
+			template<typename charT,typename traits> static std::basic_ostream<charT,traits>& write(std::basic_ostream<charT,traits> &out, float arg) { return out << arg; }
+			/// Input implementation.
+			/// \param in stream to read from
+			/// \param arg half to read into
+			/// \return reference to stream
+			template<typename charT,typename traits> static std::basic_istream<charT,traits>& read(std::basic_istream<charT,traits> &in, half &arg)
+			{
+				float f;
+				if(in >> f)
+					arg = f;
+				return in;
+			}
+			/// Modulo implementation.
+			/// \param x first operand
+			/// \param y second operand
+			/// \return Half-precision division remainder stored in single-precision
+			static expr fmod(float x, float y) { return expr(std::fmod(x, y)); }
+			/// Remainder implementation.
+			/// \param x first operand
+			/// \param y second operand
+			/// \return Half-precision division remainder stored in single-precision
+			static expr remainder(float x, float y)
+			{
+				return expr(std::remainder(x, y));
+			#else
+				if(builtin_isnan(x) || builtin_isnan(y))
+					return expr(std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN());
+				float ax = std::fabs(x), ay = std::fabs(y);
+				if(ax >= 65536.0f || ay < std::ldexp(1.0f, -24))
+					return expr(std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN());
+				if(ay >= 65536.0f)
+					return expr(x);
+				if(ax == ay)
+					return expr(builtin_signbit(x) ? -0.0f : 0.0f);
+				ax = std::fmod(ax, ay+ay);
+				float y2 = 0.5f * ay;
+				if(ax > y2)
+				{
+					ax -= ay;
+					if(ax >= y2)
+						ax -= ay;
+				}
+				return expr(builtin_signbit(x) ? -ax : ax);
+			#endif
+			}
+			/// Remainder implementation.
+			/// \param x first operand
+			/// \param y second operand
+			/// \param quo address to store quotient bits at
+			/// \return Half-precision division remainder stored in single-precision
+			static expr remquo(float x, float y, int *quo)
+			{
+				return expr(std::remquo(x, y, quo));
+			#else
+				if(builtin_isnan(x) || builtin_isnan(y))
+					return expr(std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN());
+				bool sign = builtin_signbit(x), qsign = static_cast<bool>(sign^builtin_signbit(y));
+				float ax = std::fabs(x), ay = std::fabs(y);
+				if(ax >= 65536.0f || ay < std::ldexp(1.0f, -24))
+					return expr(std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN());
+				if(ay >= 65536.0f)
+					return expr(x);
+				if(ax == ay)
+					return *quo = qsign ? -1 : 1, expr(sign ? -0.0f : 0.0f);
+				ax = std::fmod(ax, 8.0f*ay);
+				int cquo = 0;
+				if(ax >= 4.0f * ay)
+				{
+					ax -= 4.0f * ay;
+					cquo += 4;
+				}
+				if(ax >= 2.0f * ay)
+				{
+					ax -= 2.0f * ay;
+					cquo += 2;
+				}
+				float y2 = 0.5f * ay;
+				if(ax > y2)
+				{
+					ax -= ay;
+					++cquo;
+					if(ax >= y2)
+					{
+						ax -= ay;
+						++cquo;
+					}
+				}
+				return *quo = qsign ? -cquo : cquo, expr(sign ? -ax : ax);
+			#endif
+			}
+			/// Positive difference implementation.
+			/// \param x first operand
+			/// \param y second operand
+			/// \return Positive difference stored in single-precision
+			static expr fdim(float x, float y)
+			{
+				return expr(std::fdim(x, y));
+			#else
+				return expr((x<=y) ? 0.0f : (x-y));
+			#endif
+			}
+			/// Fused multiply-add implementation.
+			/// \param x first operand
+			/// \param y second operand
+			/// \param z third operand
+			/// \return \a x * \a y + \a z stored in single-precision
+			static expr fma(float x, float y, float z)
+			{
+			#if HALF_ENABLE_CPP11_CMATH && defined(FP_FAST_FMAF)
+				return expr(std::fma(x, y, z));
+			#else
+				return expr(x*y+z);
+			#endif
+			}
+			/// Get NaN.
+			/// \return Half-precision quiet NaN
+			static half nanh() { return half(binary, 0x7FFF); }
+			/// Exponential implementation.
+			/// \param arg function argument
+			/// \return function value stored in single-preicision
+			static expr exp(float arg) { return expr(std::exp(arg)); }
+			/// Exponential implementation.
+			/// \param arg function argument
+			/// \return function value stored in single-preicision
+			static expr expm1(float arg)
+			{
+				return expr(std::expm1(arg));
+			#else
+				return expr(static_cast<float>(std::exp(static_cast<double>(arg))-1.0));
+			#endif
+			}
+			/// Binary exponential implementation.
+			/// \param arg function argument
+			/// \return function value stored in single-preicision
+			static expr exp2(float arg)
+			{
+				return expr(std::exp2(arg));
+			#else
+				return expr(static_cast<float>(std::exp(arg*0.69314718055994530941723212145818)));
+			#endif
+			}
+			/// Logarithm implementation.
+			/// \param arg function argument
+			/// \return function value stored in single-preicision
+			static expr log(float arg) { return expr(std::log(arg)); }
+			/// Common logarithm implementation.
+			/// \param arg function argument
+			/// \return function value stored in single-preicision
+			static expr log10(float arg) { return expr(std::log10(arg)); }
+			/// Logarithm implementation.
+			/// \param arg function argument
+			/// \return function value stored in single-preicision
+			static expr log1p(float arg)
+			{
+				return expr(std::log1p(arg));
+			#else
+				return expr(static_cast<float>(std::log(1.0+arg)));
+			#endif
+			}
+			/// Binary logarithm implementation.
+			/// \param arg function argument
+			/// \return function value stored in single-preicision
+			static expr log2(float arg)
+			{
+				return expr(std::log2(arg));
+			#else
+				return expr(static_cast<float>(std::log(static_cast<double>(arg))*1.4426950408889634073599246810019));
+			#endif
+			}
+			/// Square root implementation.
+			/// \param arg function argument
+			/// \return function value stored in single-preicision
+			static expr sqrt(float arg) { return expr(std::sqrt(arg)); }
+			/// Cubic root implementation.
+			/// \param arg function argument
+			/// \return function value stored in single-preicision
+			static expr cbrt(float arg)
+			{
+				return expr(std::cbrt(arg));
+			#else
+				if(builtin_isnan(arg) || builtin_isinf(arg))
+					return expr(arg);
+				return expr(builtin_signbit(arg) ? -static_cast<float>(std::pow(-static_cast<double>(arg), 1.0/3.0)) :
+					static_cast<float>(std::pow(static_cast<double>(arg), 1.0/3.0)));
+			#endif
+			}
+			/// Hypotenuse implementation.
+			/// \param x first argument
+			/// \param y second argument
+			/// \return function value stored in single-preicision
+			static expr hypot(float x, float y)
+			{
+				return expr(std::hypot(x, y));
+			#else
+				return expr((builtin_isinf(x) || builtin_isinf(y)) ? std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity() :
+					static_cast<float>(std::sqrt(static_cast<double>(x)*x+static_cast<double>(y)*y)));
+			#endif
+			}
+			/// Power implementation.
+			/// \param base value to exponentiate
+			/// \param exp power to expontiate to
+			/// \return function value stored in single-preicision
+			static expr pow(float base, float exp) { return expr(std::pow(base, exp)); }
+			/// Sine implementation.
+			/// \param arg function argument
+			/// \return function value stored in single-preicision
+			static expr sin(float arg) { return expr(std::sin(arg)); }
+			/// Cosine implementation.
+			/// \param arg function argument
+			/// \return function value stored in single-preicision
+			static expr cos(float arg) { return expr(std::cos(arg)); }
+			/// Tan implementation.
+			/// \param arg function argument
+			/// \return function value stored in single-preicision
+			static expr tan(float arg) { return expr(std::tan(arg)); }
+			/// Arc sine implementation.
+			/// \param arg function argument
+			/// \return function value stored in single-preicision
+			static expr asin(float arg) { return expr(std::asin(arg)); }
+			/// Arc cosine implementation.
+			/// \param arg function argument
+			/// \return function value stored in single-preicision
+			static expr acos(float arg) { return expr(std::acos(arg)); }
+			/// Arc tangent implementation.
+			/// \param arg function argument
+			/// \return function value stored in single-preicision
+			static expr atan(float arg) { return expr(std::atan(arg)); }
+			/// Arc tangent implementation.
+			/// \param x first argument
+			/// \param y second argument
+			/// \return function value stored in single-preicision
+			static expr atan2(float x, float y) { return expr(std::atan2(x, y)); }
+			/// Hyperbolic sine implementation.
+			/// \param arg function argument
+			/// \return function value stored in single-preicision
+			static expr sinh(float arg) { return expr(std::sinh(arg)); }
+			/// Hyperbolic cosine implementation.
+			/// \param arg function argument
+			/// \return function value stored in single-preicision
+			static expr cosh(float arg) { return expr(std::cosh(arg)); }
+			/// Hyperbolic tangent implementation.
+			/// \param arg function argument
+			/// \return function value stored in single-preicision
+			static expr tanh(float arg) { return expr(std::tanh(arg)); }
+			/// Hyperbolic area sine implementation.
+			/// \param arg function argument
+			/// \return function value stored in single-preicision
+			static expr asinh(float arg)
+			{
+				return expr(std::asinh(arg));
+			#else
+				return expr((arg==-std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity()) ? arg : static_cast<float>(std::log(arg+std::sqrt(arg*arg+1.0))));
+			#endif
+			}
+			/// Hyperbolic area cosine implementation.
+			/// \param arg function argument
+			/// \return function value stored in single-preicision
+			static expr acosh(float arg)
+			{
+				return expr(std::acosh(arg));
+			#else
+				return expr((arg<-1.0f) ? std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN() : static_cast<float>(std::log(arg+std::sqrt(arg*arg-1.0))));
+			#endif
+			}
+			/// Hyperbolic area tangent implementation.
+			/// \param arg function argument
+			/// \return function value stored in single-preicision
+			static expr atanh(float arg)
+			{
+				return expr(std::atanh(arg));
+			#else
+				return expr(static_cast<float>(0.5*std::log((1.0+arg)/(1.0-arg))));
+			#endif
+			}
+			/// Error function implementation.
+			/// \param arg function argument
+			/// \return function value stored in single-preicision
+			static expr erf(float arg)
+			{
+				return expr(std::erf(arg));
+			#else
+				return expr(static_cast<float>(erf(static_cast<double>(arg))));
+			#endif
+			}
+			/// Complementary implementation.
+			/// \param arg function argument
+			/// \return function value stored in single-preicision
+			static expr erfc(float arg)
+			{
+				return expr(std::erfc(arg));
+			#else
+				return expr(static_cast<float>(1.0-erf(static_cast<double>(arg))));
+			#endif
+			}
+			/// Gamma logarithm implementation.
+			/// \param arg function argument
+			/// \return function value stored in single-preicision
+			static expr lgamma(float arg)
+			{
+				return expr(std::lgamma(arg));
+			#else
+				if(builtin_isinf(arg))
+					return expr(std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity());
+				if(arg < 0.0f)
+				{
+					float i, f = std::modf(-arg, &i);
+					if(f == 0.0f)
+						return expr(std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity());
+					return expr(static_cast<float>(1.1447298858494001741434273513531-
+						std::log(std::abs(std::sin(3.1415926535897932384626433832795*f)))-lgamma(1.0-arg)));
+				}
+				return expr(static_cast<float>(lgamma(static_cast<double>(arg))));
+			#endif
+			}
+			/// Gamma implementation.
+			/// \param arg function argument
+			/// \return function value stored in single-preicision
+			static expr tgamma(float arg)
+			{
+				return expr(std::tgamma(arg));
+			#else
+				if(arg == 0.0f)
+					return builtin_signbit(arg) ? expr(-std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity()) : expr(std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity());
+				if(arg < 0.0f)
+				{
+					float i, f = std::modf(-arg, &i);
+					if(f == 0.0f)
+						return expr(std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN());
+					double value = 3.1415926535897932384626433832795 / (std::sin(3.1415926535897932384626433832795*f)*std::exp(lgamma(1.0-arg)));
+					return expr(static_cast<float>((std::fmod(i, 2.0f)==0.0f) ? -value : value));
+				}
+				if(builtin_isinf(arg))
+					return expr(arg);
+				return expr(static_cast<float>(std::exp(lgamma(static_cast<double>(arg)))));
+			#endif
+			}
+			/// Floor implementation.
+			/// \param arg value to round
+			/// \return rounded value
+			static half floor(half arg) { return half(binary, round_half<std::round_toward_neg_infinity>(arg.data_)); }
+			/// Ceiling implementation.
+			/// \param arg value to round
+			/// \return rounded value
+			static half ceil(half arg) { return half(binary, round_half<std::round_toward_infinity>(arg.data_)); }
+			/// Truncation implementation.
+			/// \param arg value to round
+			/// \return rounded value
+			static half trunc(half arg) { return half(binary, round_half<std::round_toward_zero>(arg.data_)); }
+			/// Nearest integer implementation.
+			/// \param arg value to round
+			/// \return rounded value
+			static half round(half arg) { return half(binary, round_half_up(arg.data_)); }
+			/// Nearest integer implementation.
+			/// \param arg value to round
+			/// \return rounded value
+			static long lround(half arg) { return detail::half2int_up<long>(arg.data_); }
+			/// Nearest integer implementation.
+			/// \param arg value to round
+			/// \return rounded value
+			static half rint(half arg) { return half(binary, round_half<half::round_style>(arg.data_)); }
+			/// Nearest integer implementation.
+			/// \param arg value to round
+			/// \return rounded value
+			static long lrint(half arg) { return detail::half2int<half::round_style,long>(arg.data_); }
+			/// Nearest integer implementation.
+			/// \param arg value to round
+			/// \return rounded value
+			static long long llround(half arg) { return detail::half2int_up<long long>(arg.data_); }
+			/// Nearest integer implementation.
+			/// \param arg value to round
+			/// \return rounded value
+			static long long llrint(half arg) { return detail::half2int<half::round_style,long long>(arg.data_); }
+		#endif
+			/// Decompression implementation.
+			/// \param arg number to decompress
+			/// \param exp address to store exponent at
+			/// \return normalized significant
+			static half frexp(half arg, int *exp)
+			{
+				int m = arg.data_ & 0x7FFF, e = -14;
+				if(m >= 0x7C00 || !m)
+					return *exp = 0, arg;
+				for(; m<0x400; m<<=1,--e) ;
+				return *exp = e+(m>>10), half(binary, (arg.data_&0x8000)|0x3800|(m&0x3FF));
+			}
+			/// Decompression implementation.
+			/// \param arg number to decompress
+			/// \param iptr address to store integer part at
+			/// \return fractional part
+			static half modf(half arg, half *iptr)
+			{
+				unsigned int e = arg.data_ & 0x7FFF;
+				if(e >= 0x6400)
+					return *iptr = arg, half(binary, arg.data_&(0x8000U|-(e>0x7C00)));
+				if(e < 0x3C00)
+					return iptr->data_ = arg.data_ & 0x8000, arg;
+				e >>= 10;
+				unsigned int mask = (1<<(25-e)) - 1, m = arg.data_ & mask;
+				iptr->data_ = arg.data_ & ~mask;
+				if(!m)
+					return half(binary, arg.data_&0x8000);
+				for(; m<0x400; m<<=1,--e) ;
+				return half(binary, static_cast<uint16>((arg.data_&0x8000)|(e<<10)|(m&0x3FF)));
+			}
+			/// Scaling implementation.
+			/// \param arg number to scale
+			/// \param exp power of two to scale by
+			/// \return scaled number
+			static half scalbln(half arg, long exp)
+			{
+				unsigned int m = arg.data_ & 0x7FFF;
+				if(m >= 0x7C00 || !m)
+					return arg;
+				for(; m<0x400; m<<=1,--exp) ;
+				exp += m >> 10;
+				uint16 value = arg.data_ & 0x8000;
+				if(exp > 30)
+				{
+					if(half::round_style == std::round_toward_zero)
+						value |= 0x7BFF;
+					else if(half::round_style == std::round_toward_infinity)
+						value |= 0x7C00 - (value>>15);
+					else if(half::round_style == std::round_toward_neg_infinity)
+						value |= 0x7BFF + (value>>15);
+					else
+						value |= 0x7C00;
+				}
+				else if(exp > 0)
+					value |= (exp<<10) | (m&0x3FF);
+				else if(exp > -11)
+				{
+					m = (m&0x3FF) | 0x400;
+					if(half::round_style == std::round_to_nearest)
+					{
+						m += 1 << -exp;
+						m -= (m>>(1-exp)) & 1;
+					#endif
+					}
+					else if(half::round_style == std::round_toward_infinity)
+						m += ((value>>15)-1) & ((1<<(1-exp))-1U);
+					else if(half::round_style == std::round_toward_neg_infinity)
+						m += -(value>>15) & ((1<<(1-exp))-1U);
+					value |= m >> (1-exp);
+				}
+				else if(half::round_style == std::round_toward_infinity)
+					value -= (value>>15) - 1;
+				else if(half::round_style == std::round_toward_neg_infinity)
+					value += value >> 15;
+				return half(binary, value);
+			}
+			/// Exponent implementation.
+			/// \param arg number to query
+			/// \return floating point exponent
+			static int ilogb(half arg)
+			{
+				int abs = arg.data_ & 0x7FFF;
+				if(!abs)
+					return FP_ILOGB0;
+				if(abs < 0x7C00)
+				{
+					int exp = (abs>>10) - 15;
+					if(abs < 0x400)
+						for(; abs<0x200; abs<<=1,--exp) ;
+					return exp;
+				}
+				if(abs > 0x7C00)
+					return FP_ILOGBNAN;
+				return INT_MAX;
+			}
+			/// Exponent implementation.
+			/// \param arg number to query
+			/// \return floating point exponent
+			static half logb(half arg)
+			{
+				int abs = arg.data_ & 0x7FFF;
+				if(!abs)
+					return half(binary, 0xFC00);
+				if(abs < 0x7C00)
+				{
+					int exp = (abs>>10) - 15;
+					if(abs < 0x400)
+						for(; abs<0x200; abs<<=1,--exp) ;
+					uint16 bits = (exp<0) << 15;
+					if(exp)
+					{
+						unsigned int m = std::abs(exp) << 6, e = 18;
+						for(; m<0x400; m<<=1,--e) ;
+						bits |= (e<<10) + m;
+					}
+					return half(binary, bits);
+				}
+				if(abs > 0x7C00)
+					return arg;
+				return half(binary, 0x7C00);
+			}
+			/// Enumeration implementation.
+			/// \param from number to increase/decrease
+			/// \param to direction to enumerate into
+			/// \return next representable number
+			static half nextafter(half from, half to)
+			{
+				uint16 fabs = from.data_ & 0x7FFF, tabs = to.data_ & 0x7FFF;
+				if(fabs > 0x7C00)
+					return from;
+				if(tabs > 0x7C00 || from.data_ == to.data_ || !(fabs|tabs))
+					return to;
+				if(!fabs)
+					return half(binary, (to.data_&0x8000)+1);
+				bool lt = ((fabs==from.data_) ? static_cast<int>(fabs) : -static_cast<int>(fabs)) <
+					((tabs==to.data_) ? static_cast<int>(tabs) : -static_cast<int>(tabs));
+				return half(binary, from.data_+(((from.data_>>15)^static_cast<unsigned>(lt))<<1)-1);
+			}
+			/// Enumeration implementation.
+			/// \param from number to increase/decrease
+			/// \param to direction to enumerate into
+			/// \return next representable number
+			static half nexttoward(half from, long double to)
+			{
+				if(isnan(from))
+					return from;
+				long double lfrom = static_cast<long double>(from);
+				if(builtin_isnan(to) || lfrom == to)
+					return half(static_cast<float>(to));
+				if(!(from.data_&0x7FFF))
+					return half(binary, (static_cast<detail::uint16>(builtin_signbit(to))<<15)+1);
+				return half(binary, from.data_+(((from.data_>>15)^static_cast<unsigned>(lfrom<to))<<1)-1);
+			}
+			/// Sign implementation
+			/// \param x first operand
+			/// \param y second operand
+			/// \return composed value
+			static half copysign(half x, half y) { return half(binary, x.data_^((x.data_^y.data_)&0x8000)); }
+			/// Classification implementation.
+			/// \param arg value to classify
+			/// \retval true if infinite number
+			/// \retval false else
+			static int fpclassify(half arg)
+			{
+				unsigned int abs = arg.data_ & 0x7FFF;
+				return abs ? ((abs>0x3FF) ? ((abs>=0x7C00) ? ((abs>0x7C00) ? FP_NAN : FP_INFINITE) : FP_NORMAL) :FP_SUBNORMAL) : FP_ZERO;
+			}
+			/// Classification implementation.
+			/// \param arg value to classify
+			/// \retval true if finite number
+			/// \retval false else
+			static bool isfinite(half arg) { return (arg.data_&0x7C00) != 0x7C00; }
+			/// Classification implementation.
+			/// \param arg value to classify
+			/// \retval true if infinite number
+			/// \retval false else
+			static bool isinf(half arg) { return (arg.data_&0x7FFF) == 0x7C00; }
+			/// Classification implementation.
+			/// \param arg value to classify
+			/// \retval true if not a number
+			/// \retval false else
+			static bool isnan(half arg) { return (arg.data_&0x7FFF) > 0x7C00; }
+			/// Classification implementation.
+			/// \param arg value to classify
+			/// \retval true if normal number
+			/// \retval false else
+			static bool isnormal(half arg) { return ((arg.data_&0x7C00)!=0) & ((arg.data_&0x7C00)!=0x7C00); }
+			/// Sign bit implementation.
+			/// \param arg value to check
+			/// \retval true if signed
+			/// \retval false if unsigned
+			static bool signbit(half arg) { return (arg.data_&0x8000) != 0; }
+			/// Comparison implementation.
+			/// \param x first operand
+			/// \param y second operand
+			/// \retval true if operands equal
+			/// \retval false else
+			static bool isequal(half x, half y) { return (x.data_==y.data_ || !((x.data_|y.data_)&0x7FFF)) && !isnan(x); }
+			/// Comparison implementation.
+			/// \param x first operand
+			/// \param y second operand
+			/// \retval true if operands not equal
+			/// \retval false else
+			static bool isnotequal(half x, half y) { return (x.data_!=y.data_ && ((x.data_|y.data_)&0x7FFF)) || isnan(x); }
+			/// Comparison implementation.
+			/// \param x first operand
+			/// \param y second operand
+			/// \retval true if \a x > \a y
+			/// \retval false else
+			static bool isgreater(half x, half y)
+			{
+				int xabs = x.data_ & 0x7FFF, yabs = y.data_ & 0x7FFF;
+				return xabs<=0x7C00 && yabs<=0x7C00 && (((xabs==x.data_) ? xabs : -xabs) > ((yabs==y.data_) ? yabs : -yabs));
+			}
+			/// Comparison implementation.
+			/// \param x first operand
+			/// \param y second operand
+			/// \retval true if \a x >= \a y
+			/// \retval false else
+			static bool isgreaterequal(half x, half y)
+			{
+				int xabs = x.data_ & 0x7FFF, yabs = y.data_ & 0x7FFF;
+				return xabs<=0x7C00 && yabs<=0x7C00 && (((xabs==x.data_) ? xabs : -xabs) >= ((yabs==y.data_) ? yabs : -yabs));
+			}
+			/// Comparison implementation.
+			/// \param x first operand
+			/// \param y second operand
+			/// \retval true if \a x < \a y
+			/// \retval false else
+			static bool isless(half x, half y)
+			{
+				int xabs = x.data_ & 0x7FFF, yabs = y.data_ & 0x7FFF;
+				return xabs<=0x7C00 && yabs<=0x7C00 && (((xabs==x.data_) ? xabs : -xabs) < ((yabs==y.data_) ? yabs : -yabs));
+			}
+			/// Comparison implementation.
+			/// \param x first operand
+			/// \param y second operand
+			/// \retval true if \a x <= \a y
+			/// \retval false else
+			static bool islessequal(half x, half y)
+			{
+				int xabs = x.data_ & 0x7FFF, yabs = y.data_ & 0x7FFF;
+				return xabs<=0x7C00 && yabs<=0x7C00 && (((xabs==x.data_) ? xabs : -xabs) <= ((yabs==y.data_) ? yabs : -yabs));
+			}
+			/// Comparison implementation.
+			/// \param x first operand
+			/// \param y second operand
+			/// \retval true if either \a x > \a y nor \a x < \a y
+			/// \retval false else
+			static bool islessgreater(half x, half y)
+			{
+				int xabs = x.data_ & 0x7FFF, yabs = y.data_ & 0x7FFF;
+				if(xabs > 0x7C00 || yabs > 0x7C00)
+					return false;
+				int a = (xabs==x.data_) ? xabs : -xabs, b = (yabs==y.data_) ? yabs : -yabs;
+				return a < b || a > b;
+			}
+			/// Comparison implementation.
+			/// \param x first operand
+			/// \param y second operand
+			/// \retval true if operand unordered
+			/// \retval false else
+			static bool isunordered(half x, half y) { return isnan(x) || isnan(y); }
+		private:
+			static double erf(double arg)
+			{
+				if(builtin_isinf(arg))
+					return (arg<0.0) ? -1.0 : 1.0;
+				double x2 = arg * arg, ax2 = 0.147 * x2, value = std::sqrt(1.0-std::exp(-x2*(1.2732395447351626861510701069801+ax2)/(1.0+ax2)));
+				return builtin_signbit(arg) ? -value : value;
+			}
+			static double lgamma(double arg)
+			{
+				double v = 1.0;
+				for(; arg<8.0; ++arg) v *= arg;
+				double w = 1.0 / (arg*arg);
+				return (((((((-0.02955065359477124183006535947712*w+0.00641025641025641025641025641026)*w+
+					-0.00191752691752691752691752691753)*w+8.4175084175084175084175084175084e-4)*w+
+					-5.952380952380952380952380952381e-4)*w+7.9365079365079365079365079365079e-4)*w+
+					-0.00277777777777777777777777777778)*w+0.08333333333333333333333333333333)/arg +
+					0.91893853320467274178032973640562 - std::log(v) - arg + (arg-0.5) * std::log(arg);
+			}
+		};
+		/// Wrapper for unary half-precision functions needing specialization for individual argument types.
+		/// \tparam T argument type
+		template<typename T> struct unary_specialized
+		{
+			/// Negation implementation.
+			/// \param arg value to negate
+			/// \return negated value
+			static HALF_CONSTEXPR half negate(half arg) { return half(binary, arg.data_^0x8000); }
+			/// Absolute value implementation.
+			/// \param arg function argument
+			/// \return absolute value
+			static half fabs(half arg) { return half(binary, arg.data_&0x7FFF); }
+		};
+		template<> struct unary_specialized<expr>
+		{
+			static HALF_CONSTEXPR expr negate(float arg) { return expr(-arg); }
+			static expr fabs(float arg) { return expr(std::fabs(arg)); }
+		};
+		/// Wrapper for binary half-precision functions needing specialization for individual argument types.
+		/// \tparam T first argument type
+		/// \tparam U first argument type
+		template<typename T,typename U> struct binary_specialized
+		{
+			/// Minimum implementation.
+			/// \param x first operand
+			/// \param y second operand
+			/// \return minimum value
+			static expr fmin(float x, float y)
+			{
+				return expr(std::fmin(x, y));
+			#else
+				if(builtin_isnan(x))
+					return expr(y);
+				if(builtin_isnan(y))
+					return expr(x);
+				return expr(std::min(x, y));
+			#endif
+			}
+			/// Maximum implementation.
+			/// \param x first operand
+			/// \param y second operand
+			/// \return maximum value
+			static expr fmax(float x, float y)
+			{
+				return expr(std::fmax(x, y));
+			#else
+				if(builtin_isnan(x))
+					return expr(y);
+				if(builtin_isnan(y))
+					return expr(x);
+				return expr(std::max(x, y));
+			#endif
+			}
+		};
+		template<> struct binary_specialized<half,half>
+		{
+			static half fmin(half x, half y)
+			{
+				int xabs = x.data_ & 0x7FFF, yabs = y.data_ & 0x7FFF;
+				if(xabs > 0x7C00)
+					return y;
+				if(yabs > 0x7C00)
+					return x;
+				return (((xabs==x.data_) ? xabs : -xabs) > ((yabs==y.data_) ? yabs : -yabs)) ? y : x;
+			}
+			static half fmax(half x, half y)
+			{
+				int xabs = x.data_ & 0x7FFF, yabs = y.data_ & 0x7FFF;
+				if(xabs > 0x7C00)
+					return y;
+				if(yabs > 0x7C00)
+					return x;
+				return (((xabs==x.data_) ? xabs : -xabs) < ((yabs==y.data_) ? yabs : -yabs)) ? y : x;
+			}
+		};
+		/// Helper class for half casts.
+		/// This class template has to be specialized for all valid cast argument to define an appropriate static `cast` member
+		/// function and a corresponding `type` member denoting its return type.
+		/// \tparam T destination type
+		/// \tparam U source type
+		/// \tparam R rounding mode to use
+		template<typename T,typename U,std::float_round_style R=static_cast<std::float_round_style>(HALF_ROUND_STYLE)> struct half_caster {};
+		template<typename U,std::float_round_style R> struct half_caster<half,U,R>
+		{
+			static_assert(std::is_arithmetic<U>::value, "half_cast from non-arithmetic type unsupported");
+		#endif
+			static half cast(U arg) { return cast_impl(arg, is_float<U>()); };
+		private:
+			static half cast_impl(U arg, true_type) { return half(binary, float2half<R>(arg)); }
+			static half cast_impl(U arg, false_type) { return half(binary, int2half<R>(arg)); }
+		};
+		template<typename T,std::float_round_style R> struct half_caster<T,half,R>
+		{
+			static_assert(std::is_arithmetic<T>::value, "half_cast to non-arithmetic type unsupported");
+		#endif
+			static T cast(half arg) { return cast_impl(arg, is_float<T>()); }
+		private:
+			static T cast_impl(half arg, true_type) { return half2float<T>(arg.data_); }
+			static T cast_impl(half arg, false_type) { return half2int<R,T>(arg.data_); }
+		};
+		template<typename T,std::float_round_style R> struct half_caster<T,expr,R>
+		{
+			static_assert(std::is_arithmetic<T>::value, "half_cast to non-arithmetic type unsupported");
+		#endif
+			static T cast(expr arg) { return cast_impl(arg, is_float<T>()); }
+		private:
+			static T cast_impl(float arg, true_type) { return static_cast<T>(arg); }
+			static T cast_impl(half arg, false_type) { return half2int<R,T>(arg.data_); }
+		};
+		template<std::float_round_style R> struct half_caster<half,half,R>
+		{
+			static half cast(half arg) { return arg; }
+		};
+		template<std::float_round_style R> struct half_caster<half,expr,R> : half_caster<half,half,R> {};
+		/// \name Comparison operators
+		/// \{
+		/// Comparison for equality.
+		/// \param x first operand
+		/// \param y second operand
+		/// \retval true if operands equal
+		/// \retval false else
+		template<typename T,typename U> typename enable<bool,T,U>::type operator==(T x, U y) { return functions::isequal(x, y); }
+		/// Comparison for inequality.
+		/// \param x first operand
+		/// \param y second operand
+		/// \retval true if operands not equal
+		/// \retval false else
+		template<typename T,typename U> typename enable<bool,T,U>::type operator!=(T x, U y) { return functions::isnotequal(x, y); }
+		/// Comparison for less than.
+		/// \param x first operand
+		/// \param y second operand
+		/// \retval true if \a x less than \a y
+		/// \retval false else
+		template<typename T,typename U> typename enable<bool,T,U>::type operator<(T x, U y) { return functions::isless(x, y); }
+		/// Comparison for greater than.
+		/// \param x first operand
+		/// \param y second operand
+		/// \retval true if \a x greater than \a y
+		/// \retval false else
+		template<typename T,typename U> typename enable<bool,T,U>::type operator>(T x, U y) { return functions::isgreater(x, y); }
+		/// Comparison for less equal.
+		/// \param x first operand
+		/// \param y second operand
+		/// \retval true if \a x less equal \a y
+		/// \retval false else
+		template<typename T,typename U> typename enable<bool,T,U>::type operator<=(T x, U y) { return functions::islessequal(x, y); }
+		/// Comparison for greater equal.
+		/// \param x first operand
+		/// \param y second operand
+		/// \retval true if \a x greater equal \a y
+		/// \retval false else
+		template<typename T,typename U> typename enable<bool,T,U>::type operator>=(T x, U y) { return functions::isgreaterequal(x, y); }
+		/// \}
+		/// \name Arithmetic operators
+		/// \{
+		/// Add halfs.
+		/// \param x left operand
+		/// \param y right operand
+		/// \return sum of half expressions
+		template<typename T,typename U> typename enable<expr,T,U>::type operator+(T x, U y) { return functions::plus(x, y); }
+		/// Subtract halfs.
+		/// \param x left operand
+		/// \param y right operand
+		/// \return difference of half expressions
+		template<typename T,typename U> typename enable<expr,T,U>::type operator-(T x, U y) { return functions::minus(x, y); }
+		/// Multiply halfs.
+		/// \param x left operand
+		/// \param y right operand
+		/// \return product of half expressions
+		template<typename T,typename U> typename enable<expr,T,U>::type operator*(T x, U y) { return functions::multiplies(x, y); }
+		/// Divide halfs.
+		/// \param x left operand
+		/// \param y right operand
+		/// \return quotient of half expressions
+		template<typename T,typename U> typename enable<expr,T,U>::type operator/(T x, U y) { return functions::divides(x, y); }
+		/// Identity.
+		/// \param arg operand
+		/// \return uncahnged operand
+		template<typename T> HALF_CONSTEXPR typename enable<T,T>::type operator+(T arg) { return arg; }
+		/// Negation.
+		/// \param arg operand
+		/// \return negated operand
+		template<typename T> HALF_CONSTEXPR typename enable<T,T>::type operator-(T arg) { return unary_specialized<T>::negate(arg); }
+		/// \}
+		/// \name Input and output
+		/// \{
+		/// Output operator.
+		/// \param out output stream to write into
+		/// \param arg half expression to write
+		/// \return reference to output stream
+		template<typename T,typename charT,typename traits> typename enable<std::basic_ostream<charT,traits>&,T>::type
+			operator<<(std::basic_ostream<charT,traits> &out, T arg) { return functions::write(out, arg); }
+		/// Input operator.
+		/// \param in input stream to read from
+		/// \param arg half to read into
+		/// \return reference to input stream
+		template<typename charT,typename traits> std::basic_istream<charT,traits>&
+			operator>>(std::basic_istream<charT,traits> &in, half &arg) { return functions::read(in, arg); }
+		/// \}
+		/// \name Basic mathematical operations
+		/// \{
+		/// Absolute value.
+		/// \param arg operand
+		/// \return absolute value of \a arg
+//		template<typename T> typename enable<T,T>::type abs(T arg) { return unary_specialized<T>::fabs(arg); }
+		inline half abs(half arg) { return unary_specialized<half>::fabs(arg); }
+		inline expr abs(expr arg) { return unary_specialized<expr>::fabs(arg); }
+		/// Absolute value.
+		/// \param arg operand
+		/// \return absolute value of \a arg
+//		template<typename T> typename enable<T,T>::type fabs(T arg) { return unary_specialized<T>::fabs(arg); }
+		inline half fabs(half arg) { return unary_specialized<half>::fabs(arg); }
+		inline expr fabs(expr arg) { return unary_specialized<expr>::fabs(arg); }
+		/// Remainder of division.
+		/// \param x first operand
+		/// \param y second operand
+		/// \return remainder of floating point division.
+//		template<typename T,typename U> typename enable<expr,T,U>::type fmod(T x, U y) { return functions::fmod(x, y); }
+		inline expr fmod(half x, half y) { return functions::fmod(x, y); }
+		inline expr fmod(half x, expr y) { return functions::fmod(x, y); }
+		inline expr fmod(expr x, half y) { return functions::fmod(x, y); }
+		inline expr fmod(expr x, expr y) { return functions::fmod(x, y); }
+		/// Remainder of division.
+		/// \param x first operand
+		/// \param y second operand
+		/// \return remainder of floating point division.
+//		template<typename T,typename U> typename enable<expr,T,U>::type remainder(T x, U y) { return functions::remainder(x, y); }
+		inline expr remainder(half x, half y) { return functions::remainder(x, y); }
+		inline expr remainder(half x, expr y) { return functions::remainder(x, y); }
+		inline expr remainder(expr x, half y) { return functions::remainder(x, y); }
+		inline expr remainder(expr x, expr y) { return functions::remainder(x, y); }
+		/// Remainder of division.
+		/// \param x first operand
+		/// \param y second operand
+		/// \param quo address to store some bits of quotient at
+		/// \return remainder of floating point division.
+//		template<typename T,typename U> typename enable<expr,T,U>::type remquo(T x, U y, int *quo) { return functions::remquo(x, y, quo); }
+		inline expr remquo(half x, half y, int *quo) { return functions::remquo(x, y, quo); }
+		inline expr remquo(half x, expr y, int *quo) { return functions::remquo(x, y, quo); }
+		inline expr remquo(expr x, half y, int *quo) { return functions::remquo(x, y, quo); }
+		inline expr remquo(expr x, expr y, int *quo) { return functions::remquo(x, y, quo); }
+		/// Fused multiply add.
+		/// \param x first operand
+		/// \param y second operand
+		/// \param z third operand
+		/// \return ( \a x * \a y ) + \a z rounded as one operation.
+//		template<typename T,typename U,typename V> typename enable<expr,T,U,V>::type fma(T x, U y, V z) { return functions::fma(x, y, z); }
+		inline expr fma(half x, half y, half z) { return functions::fma(x, y, z); }
+		inline expr fma(half x, half y, expr z) { return functions::fma(x, y, z); }
+		inline expr fma(half x, expr y, half z) { return functions::fma(x, y, z); }
+		inline expr fma(half x, expr y, expr z) { return functions::fma(x, y, z); }
+		inline expr fma(expr x, half y, half z) { return functions::fma(x, y, z); }
+		inline expr fma(expr x, half y, expr z) { return functions::fma(x, y, z); }
+		inline expr fma(expr x, expr y, half z) { return functions::fma(x, y, z); }
+		inline expr fma(expr x, expr y, expr z) { return functions::fma(x, y, z); }
+		/// Maximum of half expressions.
+		/// \param x first operand
+		/// \param y second operand
+		/// \return maximum of operands
+//		template<typename T,typename U> typename result<T,U>::type fmax(T x, U y) { return binary_specialized<T,U>::fmax(x, y); }
+		inline half fmax(half x, half y) { return binary_specialized<half,half>::fmax(x, y); }
+		inline expr fmax(half x, expr y) { return binary_specialized<half,expr>::fmax(x, y); }
+		inline expr fmax(expr x, half y) { return binary_specialized<expr,half>::fmax(x, y); }
+		inline expr fmax(expr x, expr y) { return binary_specialized<expr,expr>::fmax(x, y); }
+		/// Minimum of half expressions.
+		/// \param x first operand
+		/// \param y second operand
+		/// \return minimum of operands
+//		template<typename T,typename U> typename result<T,U>::type fmin(T x, U y) { return binary_specialized<T,U>::fmin(x, y); }
+		inline half fmin(half x, half y) { return binary_specialized<half,half>::fmin(x, y); }
+		inline expr fmin(half x, expr y) { return binary_specialized<half,expr>::fmin(x, y); }
+		inline expr fmin(expr x, half y) { return binary_specialized<expr,half>::fmin(x, y); }
+		inline expr fmin(expr x, expr y) { return binary_specialized<expr,expr>::fmin(x, y); }
+		/// Positive difference.
+		/// \param x first operand
+		/// \param y second operand
+		/// \return \a x - \a y or 0 if difference negative
+//		template<typename T,typename U> typename enable<expr,T,U>::type fdim(T x, U y) { return functions::fdim(x, y); }
+		inline expr fdim(half x, half y) { return functions::fdim(x, y); }
+		inline expr fdim(half x, expr y) { return functions::fdim(x, y); }
+		inline expr fdim(expr x, half y) { return functions::fdim(x, y); }
+		inline expr fdim(expr x, expr y) { return functions::fdim(x, y); }
+		/// Get NaN value.
+		/// \return quiet NaN
+		inline half nanh(const char*) { return functions::nanh(); }
+		/// \}
+		/// \name Exponential functions
+		/// \{
+		/// Exponential function.
+		/// \param arg function argument
+		/// \return e raised to \a arg
+//		template<typename T> typename enable<expr,T>::type exp(T arg) { return functions::exp(arg); }
+		inline expr exp(half arg) { return functions::exp(arg); }
+		inline expr exp(expr arg) { return functions::exp(arg); }
+		/// Exponential minus one.
+		/// \param arg function argument
+		/// \return e raised to \a arg subtracted by 1
+//		template<typename T> typename enable<expr,T>::type expm1(T arg) { return functions::expm1(arg); }
+		inline expr expm1(half arg) { return functions::expm1(arg); }
+		inline expr expm1(expr arg) { return functions::expm1(arg); }
+		/// Binary exponential.
+		/// \param arg function argument
+		/// \return 2 raised to \a arg
+//		template<typename T> typename enable<expr,T>::type exp2(T arg) { return functions::exp2(arg); }
+		inline expr exp2(half arg) { return functions::exp2(arg); }
+		inline expr exp2(expr arg) { return functions::exp2(arg); }
+		/// Natural logorithm.
+		/// \param arg function argument
+		/// \return logarithm of \a arg to base e
+//		template<typename T> typename enable<expr,T>::type log(T arg) { return functions::log(arg); }
+		inline expr log(half arg) { return functions::log(arg); }
+		inline expr log(expr arg) { return functions::log(arg); }
+		/// Common logorithm.
+		/// \param arg function argument
+		/// \return logarithm of \a arg to base 10
+//		template<typename T> typename enable<expr,T>::type log10(T arg) { return functions::log10(arg); }
+		inline expr log10(half arg) { return functions::log10(arg); }
+		inline expr log10(expr arg) { return functions::log10(arg); }
+		/// Natural logorithm.
+		/// \param arg function argument
+		/// \return logarithm of \a arg plus 1 to base e
+//		template<typename T> typename enable<expr,T>::type log1p(T arg) { return functions::log1p(arg); }
+		inline expr log1p(half arg) { return functions::log1p(arg); }
+		inline expr log1p(expr arg) { return functions::log1p(arg); }
+		/// Binary logorithm.
+		/// \param arg function argument
+		/// \return logarithm of \a arg to base 2
+//		template<typename T> typename enable<expr,T>::type log2(T arg) { return functions::log2(arg); }
+		inline expr log2(half arg) { return functions::log2(arg); }
+		inline expr log2(expr arg) { return functions::log2(arg); }
+		/// \}
+		/// \name Power functions
+		/// \{
+		/// Square root.
+		/// \param arg function argument
+		/// \return square root of \a arg
+//		template<typename T> typename enable<expr,T>::type sqrt(T arg) { return functions::sqrt(arg); }
+		inline expr sqrt(half arg) { return functions::sqrt(arg); }
+		inline expr sqrt(expr arg) { return functions::sqrt(arg); }
+		/// Cubic root.
+		/// \param arg function argument
+		/// \return cubic root of \a arg
+//		template<typename T> typename enable<expr,T>::type cbrt(T arg) { return functions::cbrt(arg); }
+		inline expr cbrt(half arg) { return functions::cbrt(arg); }
+		inline expr cbrt(expr arg) { return functions::cbrt(arg); }
+		/// Hypotenuse function.
+		/// \param x first argument
+		/// \param y second argument
+		/// \return square root of sum of squares without internal over- or underflows
+//		template<typename T,typename U> typename enable<expr,T,U>::type hypot(T x, U y) { return functions::hypot(x, y); }
+		inline expr hypot(half x, half y) { return functions::hypot(x, y); }
+		inline expr hypot(half x, expr y) { return functions::hypot(x, y); }
+		inline expr hypot(expr x, half y) { return functions::hypot(x, y); }
+		inline expr hypot(expr x, expr y) { return functions::hypot(x, y); }
+		/// Power function.
+		/// \param base first argument
+		/// \param exp second argument
+		/// \return \a base raised to \a exp
+//		template<typename T,typename U> typename enable<expr,T,U>::type pow(T base, U exp) { return functions::pow(base, exp); }
+		inline expr pow(half base, half exp) { return functions::pow(base, exp); }
+		inline expr pow(half base, expr exp) { return functions::pow(base, exp); }
+		inline expr pow(expr base, half exp) { return functions::pow(base, exp); }
+		inline expr pow(expr base, expr exp) { return functions::pow(base, exp); }
+		/// \}
+		/// \name Trigonometric functions
+		/// \{
+		/// Sine function.
+		/// \param arg function argument
+		/// \return sine value of \a arg
+//		template<typename T> typename enable<expr,T>::type sin(T arg) { return functions::sin(arg); }
+		inline expr sin(half arg) { return functions::sin(arg); }
+		inline expr sin(expr arg) { return functions::sin(arg); }
+		/// Cosine function.
+		/// \param arg function argument
+		/// \return cosine value of \a arg
+//		template<typename T> typename enable<expr,T>::type cos(T arg) { return functions::cos(arg); }
+		inline expr cos(half arg) { return functions::cos(arg); }
+		inline expr cos(expr arg) { return functions::cos(arg); }
+		/// Tangent function.
+		/// \param arg function argument
+		/// \return tangent value of \a arg
+//		template<typename T> typename enable<expr,T>::type tan(T arg) { return functions::tan(arg); }
+		inline expr tan(half arg) { return functions::tan(arg); }
+		inline expr tan(expr arg) { return functions::tan(arg); }
+		/// Arc sine.
+		/// \param arg function argument
+		/// \return arc sine value of \a arg
+//		template<typename T> typename enable<expr,T>::type asin(T arg) { return functions::asin(arg); }
+		inline expr asin(half arg) { return functions::asin(arg); }
+		inline expr asin(expr arg) { return functions::asin(arg); }
+		/// Arc cosine function.
+		/// \param arg function argument
+		/// \return arc cosine value of \a arg
+//		template<typename T> typename enable<expr,T>::type acos(T arg) { return functions::acos(arg); }
+		inline expr acos(half arg) { return functions::acos(arg); }
+		inline expr acos(expr arg) { return functions::acos(arg); }
+		/// Arc tangent function.
+		/// \param arg function argument
+		/// \return arc tangent value of \a arg
+//		template<typename T> typename enable<expr,T>::type atan(T arg) { return functions::atan(arg); }
+		inline expr atan(half arg) { return functions::atan(arg); }
+		inline expr atan(expr arg) { return functions::atan(arg); }
+		/// Arc tangent function.
+		/// \param x first argument
+		/// \param y second argument
+		/// \return arc tangent value
+//		template<typename T,typename U> typename enable<expr,T,U>::type atan2(T x, U y) { return functions::atan2(x, y); }
+		inline expr atan2(half x, half y) { return functions::atan2(x, y); }
+		inline expr atan2(half x, expr y) { return functions::atan2(x, y); }
+		inline expr atan2(expr x, half y) { return functions::atan2(x, y); }
+		inline expr atan2(expr x, expr y) { return functions::atan2(x, y); }
+		/// \}
+		/// \name Hyperbolic functions
+		/// \{
+		/// Hyperbolic sine.
+		/// \param arg function argument
+		/// \return hyperbolic sine value of \a arg
+//		template<typename T> typename enable<expr,T>::type sinh(T arg) { return functions::sinh(arg); }
+		inline expr sinh(half arg) { return functions::sinh(arg); }
+		inline expr sinh(expr arg) { return functions::sinh(arg); }
+		/// Hyperbolic cosine.
+		/// \param arg function argument
+		/// \return hyperbolic cosine value of \a arg
+//		template<typename T> typename enable<expr,T>::type cosh(T arg) { return functions::cosh(arg); }
+		inline expr cosh(half arg) { return functions::cosh(arg); }
+		inline expr cosh(expr arg) { return functions::cosh(arg); }
+		/// Hyperbolic tangent.
+		/// \param arg function argument
+		/// \return hyperbolic tangent value of \a arg
+//		template<typename T> typename enable<expr,T>::type tanh(T arg) { return functions::tanh(arg); }
+		inline expr tanh(half arg) { return functions::tanh(arg); }
+		inline expr tanh(expr arg) { return functions::tanh(arg); }
+		/// Hyperbolic area sine.
+		/// \param arg function argument
+		/// \return area sine value of \a arg
+//		template<typename T> typename enable<expr,T>::type asinh(T arg) { return functions::asinh(arg); }
+		inline expr asinh(half arg) { return functions::asinh(arg); }
+		inline expr asinh(expr arg) { return functions::asinh(arg); }
+		/// Hyperbolic area cosine.
+		/// \param arg function argument
+		/// \return area cosine value of \a arg
+//		template<typename T> typename enable<expr,T>::type acosh(T arg) { return functions::acosh(arg); }
+		inline expr acosh(half arg) { return functions::acosh(arg); }
+		inline expr acosh(expr arg) { return functions::acosh(arg); }
+		/// Hyperbolic area tangent.
+		/// \param arg function argument
+		/// \return area tangent value of \a arg
+//		template<typename T> typename enable<expr,T>::type atanh(T arg) { return functions::atanh(arg); }
+		inline expr atanh(half arg) { return functions::atanh(arg); }
+		inline expr atanh(expr arg) { return functions::atanh(arg); }
+		/// \}
+		/// \name Error and gamma functions
+		/// \{
+		/// Error function.
+		/// \param arg function argument
+		/// \return error function value of \a arg
+//		template<typename T> typename enable<expr,T>::type erf(T arg) { return functions::erf(arg); }
+		inline expr erf(half arg) { return functions::erf(arg); }
+		inline expr erf(expr arg) { return functions::erf(arg); }
+		/// Complementary error function.
+		/// \param arg function argument
+		/// \return 1 minus error function value of \a arg
+//		template<typename T> typename enable<expr,T>::type erfc(T arg) { return functions::erfc(arg); }
+		inline expr erfc(half arg) { return functions::erfc(arg); }
+		inline expr erfc(expr arg) { return functions::erfc(arg); }
+		/// Natural logarithm of gamma function.
+		/// \param arg function argument
+		/// \return natural logarith of gamma function for \a arg
+//		template<typename T> typename enable<expr,T>::type lgamma(T arg) { return functions::lgamma(arg); }
+		inline expr lgamma(half arg) { return functions::lgamma(arg); }
+		inline expr lgamma(expr arg) { return functions::lgamma(arg); }
+		/// Gamma function.
+		/// \param arg function argument
+		/// \return gamma function value of \a arg
+//		template<typename T> typename enable<expr,T>::type tgamma(T arg) { return functions::tgamma(arg); }
+		inline expr tgamma(half arg) { return functions::tgamma(arg); }
+		inline expr tgamma(expr arg) { return functions::tgamma(arg); }
+		/// \}
+		/// \name Rounding
+		/// \{
+		/// Nearest integer not less than half value.
+		/// \param arg half to round
+		/// \return nearest integer not less than \a arg
+//		template<typename T> typename enable<half,T>::type ceil(T arg) { return functions::ceil(arg); }
+		inline half ceil(half arg) { return functions::ceil(arg); }
+		inline half ceil(expr arg) { return functions::ceil(arg); }
+		/// Nearest integer not greater than half value.
+		/// \param arg half to round
+		/// \return nearest integer not greater than \a arg
+//		template<typename T> typename enable<half,T>::type floor(T arg) { return functions::floor(arg); }
+		inline half floor(half arg) { return functions::floor(arg); }
+		inline half floor(expr arg) { return functions::floor(arg); }
+		/// Nearest integer not greater in magnitude than half value.
+		/// \param arg half to round
+		/// \return nearest integer not greater in magnitude than \a arg
+//		template<typename T> typename enable<half,T>::type trunc(T arg) { return functions::trunc(arg); }
+		inline half trunc(half arg) { return functions::trunc(arg); }
+		inline half trunc(expr arg) { return functions::trunc(arg); }
+		/// Nearest integer.
+		/// \param arg half to round
+		/// \return nearest integer, rounded away from zero in half-way cases
+//		template<typename T> typename enable<half,T>::type round(T arg) { return functions::round(arg); }
+		inline half round(half arg) { return functions::round(arg); }
+		inline half round(expr arg) { return functions::round(arg); }
+		/// Nearest integer.
+		/// \param arg half to round
+		/// \return nearest integer, rounded away from zero in half-way cases
+//		template<typename T> typename enable<long,T>::type lround(T arg) { return functions::lround(arg); }
+		inline long lround(half arg) { return functions::lround(arg); }
+		inline long lround(expr arg) { return functions::lround(arg); }
+		/// Nearest integer using half's internal rounding mode.
+		/// \param arg half expression to round
+		/// \return nearest integer using default rounding mode
+//		template<typename T> typename enable<half,T>::type nearbyint(T arg) { return functions::nearbyint(arg); }
+		inline half nearbyint(half arg) { return functions::rint(arg); }
+		inline half nearbyint(expr arg) { return functions::rint(arg); }
+		/// Nearest integer using half's internal rounding mode.
+		/// \param arg half expression to round
+		/// \return nearest integer using default rounding mode
+//		template<typename T> typename enable<half,T>::type rint(T arg) { return functions::rint(arg); }
+		inline half rint(half arg) { return functions::rint(arg); }
+		inline half rint(expr arg) { return functions::rint(arg); }
+		/// Nearest integer using half's internal rounding mode.
+		/// \param arg half expression to round
+		/// \return nearest integer using default rounding mode
+//		template<typename T> typename enable<long,T>::type lrint(T arg) { return functions::lrint(arg); }
+		inline long lrint(half arg) { return functions::lrint(arg); }
+		inline long lrint(expr arg) { return functions::lrint(arg); }
+		/// Nearest integer.
+		/// \param arg half to round
+		/// \return nearest integer, rounded away from zero in half-way cases
+//		template<typename T> typename enable<long long,T>::type llround(T arg) { return functions::llround(arg); }
+		inline long long llround(half arg) { return functions::llround(arg); }
+		inline long long llround(expr arg) { return functions::llround(arg); }
+		/// Nearest integer using half's internal rounding mode.
+		/// \param arg half expression to round
+		/// \return nearest integer using default rounding mode
+//		template<typename T> typename enable<long long,T>::type llrint(T arg) { return functions::llrint(arg); }
+		inline long long llrint(half arg) { return functions::llrint(arg); }
+		inline long long llrint(expr arg) { return functions::llrint(arg); }
+	#endif
+		/// \}
+		/// \name Floating point manipulation
+		/// \{
+		/// Decompress floating point number.
+		/// \param arg number to decompress
+		/// \param exp address to store exponent at
+		/// \return significant in range [0.5, 1)
+//		template<typename T> typename enable<half,T>::type frexp(T arg, int *exp) { return functions::frexp(arg, exp); }
+		inline half frexp(half arg, int *exp) { return functions::frexp(arg, exp); }
+		inline half frexp(expr arg, int *exp) { return functions::frexp(arg, exp); }
+		/// Multiply by power of two.
+		/// \param arg number to modify
+		/// \param exp power of two to multiply with
+		/// \return \a arg multplied by 2 raised to \a exp
+//		template<typename T> typename enable<half,T>::type ldexp(T arg, int exp) { return functions::scalbln(arg, exp); }
+		inline half ldexp(half arg, int exp) { return functions::scalbln(arg, exp); }
+		inline half ldexp(expr arg, int exp) { return functions::scalbln(arg, exp); }
+		/// Extract integer and fractional parts.
+		/// \param arg number to decompress
+		/// \param iptr address to store integer part at
+		/// \return fractional part
+//		template<typename T> typename enable<half,T>::type modf(T arg, half *iptr) { return functions::modf(arg, iptr); }
+		inline half modf(half arg, half *iptr) { return functions::modf(arg, iptr); }
+		inline half modf(expr arg, half *iptr) { return functions::modf(arg, iptr); }
+		/// Multiply by power of two.
+		/// \param arg number to modify
+		/// \param exp power of two to multiply with
+		/// \return \a arg multplied by 2 raised to \a exp
+//		template<typename T> typename enable<half,T>::type scalbn(T arg, int exp) { return functions::scalbln(arg, exp); }
+		inline half scalbn(half arg, int exp) { return functions::scalbln(arg, exp); }
+		inline half scalbn(expr arg, int exp) { return functions::scalbln(arg, exp); }
+		/// Multiply by power of two.
+		/// \param arg number to modify
+		/// \param exp power of two to multiply with
+		/// \return \a arg multplied by 2 raised to \a exp
+//		template<typename T> typename enable<half,T>::type scalbln(T arg, long exp) { return functions::scalbln(arg, exp); }
+		inline half scalbln(half arg, long exp) { return functions::scalbln(arg, exp); }
+		inline half scalbln(expr arg, long exp) { return functions::scalbln(arg, exp); }
+		/// Extract exponent.
+		/// \param arg number to query
+		/// \return floating point exponent
+		/// \retval FP_ILOGB0 for zero
+		/// \retval FP_ILOGBNAN for NaN
+		/// \retval MAX_INT for infinity
+//		template<typename T> typename enable<int,T>::type ilogb(T arg) { return functions::ilogb(arg); }
+		inline int ilogb(half arg) { return functions::ilogb(arg); }
+		inline int ilogb(expr arg) { return functions::ilogb(arg); }
+		/// Extract exponent.
+		/// \param arg number to query
+		/// \return floating point exponent
+//		template<typename T> typename enable<half,T>::type logb(T arg) { return functions::logb(arg); }
+		inline half logb(half arg) { return functions::logb(arg); }
+		inline half logb(expr arg) { return functions::logb(arg); }
+		/// Next representable value.
+		/// \param from value to compute next representable value for
+		/// \param to direction towards which to compute next value
+		/// \return next representable value after \a from in direction towards \a to
+//		template<typename T,typename U> typename enable<half,T,U>::type nextafter(T from, U to) { return functions::nextafter(from, to); }
+		inline half nextafter(half from, half to) { return functions::nextafter(from, to); }
+		inline half nextafter(half from, expr to) { return functions::nextafter(from, to); }
+		inline half nextafter(expr from, half to) { return functions::nextafter(from, to); }
+		inline half nextafter(expr from, expr to) { return functions::nextafter(from, to); }
+		/// Next representable value.
+		/// \param from value to compute next representable value for
+		/// \param to direction towards which to compute next value
+		/// \return next representable value after \a from in direction towards \a to
+//		template<typename T> typename enable<half,T>::type nexttoward(T from, long double to) { return functions::nexttoward(from, to); }
+		inline half nexttoward(half from, long double to) { return functions::nexttoward(from, to); }
+		inline half nexttoward(expr from, long double to) { return functions::nexttoward(from, to); }
+		/// Take sign.
+		/// \param x value to change sign for
+		/// \param y value to take sign from
+		/// \return value equal to \a x in magnitude and to \a y in sign
+//		template<typename T,typename U> typename enable<half,T,U>::type copysign(T x, U y) { return functions::copysign(x, y); }
+		inline half copysign(half x, half y) { return functions::copysign(x, y); }
+		inline half copysign(half x, expr y) { return functions::copysign(x, y); }
+		inline half copysign(expr x, half y) { return functions::copysign(x, y); }
+		inline half copysign(expr x, expr y) { return functions::copysign(x, y); }
+		/// \}
+		/// \name Floating point classification
+		/// \{
+		/// Classify floating point value.
+		/// \param arg number to classify
+		/// \retval FP_ZERO for positive and negative zero
+		/// \retval FP_SUBNORMAL for subnormal numbers
+		/// \retval FP_INFINITY for positive and negative infinity
+		/// \retval FP_NAN for NaNs
+		/// \retval FP_NORMAL for all other (normal) values
+//		template<typename T> typename enable<int,T>::type fpclassify(T arg) { return functions::fpclassify(arg); }
+		inline int fpclassify(half arg) { return functions::fpclassify(arg); }
+		inline int fpclassify(expr arg) { return functions::fpclassify(arg); }
+		/// Check if finite number.
+		/// \param arg number to check
+		/// \retval true if neither infinity nor NaN
+		/// \retval false else
+//		template<typename T> typename enable<bool,T>::type isfinite(T arg) { return functions::isfinite(arg); }
+		inline bool isfinite(half arg) { return functions::isfinite(arg); }
+		inline bool isfinite(expr arg) { return functions::isfinite(arg); }
+		/// Check for infinity.
+		/// \param arg number to check
+		/// \retval true for positive or negative infinity
+		/// \retval false else
+//		template<typename T> typename enable<bool,T>::type isinf(T arg) { return functions::isinf(arg); }
+		inline bool isinf(half arg) { return functions::isinf(arg); }
+		inline bool isinf(expr arg) { return functions::isinf(arg); }
+		/// Check for NaN.
+		/// \param arg number to check
+		/// \retval true for NaNs
+		/// \retval false else
+//		template<typename T> typename enable<bool,T>::type isnan(T arg) { return functions::isnan(arg); }
+		inline bool isnan(half arg) { return functions::isnan(arg); }
+		inline bool isnan(expr arg) { return functions::isnan(arg); }
+		/// Check if normal number.
+		/// \param arg number to check
+		/// \retval true if normal number
+		/// \retval false if either subnormal, zero, infinity or NaN
+//		template<typename T> typename enable<bool,T>::type isnormal(T arg) { return functions::isnormal(arg); }
+		inline bool isnormal(half arg) { return functions::isnormal(arg); }
+		inline bool isnormal(expr arg) { return functions::isnormal(arg); }
+		/// Check sign.
+		/// \param arg number to check
+		/// \retval true for negative number
+		/// \retval false for positive number
+//		template<typename T> typename enable<bool,T>::type signbit(T arg) { return functions::signbit(arg); }
+		inline bool signbit(half arg) { return functions::signbit(arg); }
+		inline bool signbit(expr arg) { return functions::signbit(arg); }
+		/// \}
+		/// \name Comparison
+		/// \{
+		/// Comparison for greater than.
+		/// \param x first operand
+		/// \param y second operand
+		/// \retval true if \a x greater than \a y
+		/// \retval false else
+//		template<typename T,typename U> typename enable<bool,T,U>::type isgreater(T x, U y) { return functions::isgreater(x, y); }
+		inline bool isgreater(half x, half y) { return functions::isgreater(x, y); }
+		inline bool isgreater(half x, expr y) { return functions::isgreater(x, y); }
+		inline bool isgreater(expr x, half y) { return functions::isgreater(x, y); }
+		inline bool isgreater(expr x, expr y) { return functions::isgreater(x, y); }
+		/// Comparison for greater equal.
+		/// \param x first operand
+		/// \param y second operand
+		/// \retval true if \a x greater equal \a y
+		/// \retval false else
+//		template<typename T,typename U> typename enable<bool,T,U>::type isgreaterequal(T x, U y) { return functions::isgreaterequal(x, y); }
+		inline bool isgreaterequal(half x, half y) { return functions::isgreaterequal(x, y); }
+		inline bool isgreaterequal(half x, expr y) { return functions::isgreaterequal(x, y); }
+		inline bool isgreaterequal(expr x, half y) { return functions::isgreaterequal(x, y); }
+		inline bool isgreaterequal(expr x, expr y) { return functions::isgreaterequal(x, y); }
+		/// Comparison for less than.
+		/// \param x first operand
+		/// \param y second operand
+		/// \retval true if \a x less than \a y
+		/// \retval false else
+//		template<typename T,typename U> typename enable<bool,T,U>::type isless(T x, U y) { return functions::isless(x, y); }
+		inline bool isless(half x, half y) { return functions::isless(x, y); }
+		inline bool isless(half x, expr y) { return functions::isless(x, y); }
+		inline bool isless(expr x, half y) { return functions::isless(x, y); }
+		inline bool isless(expr x, expr y) { return functions::isless(x, y); }
+		/// Comparison for less equal.
+		/// \param x first operand
+		/// \param y second operand
+		/// \retval true if \a x less equal \a y
+		/// \retval false else
+//		template<typename T,typename U> typename enable<bool,T,U>::type islessequal(T x, U y) { return functions::islessequal(x, y); }
+		inline bool islessequal(half x, half y) { return functions::islessequal(x, y); }
+		inline bool islessequal(half x, expr y) { return functions::islessequal(x, y); }
+		inline bool islessequal(expr x, half y) { return functions::islessequal(x, y); }
+		inline bool islessequal(expr x, expr y) { return functions::islessequal(x, y); }
+		/// Comarison for less or greater.
+		/// \param x first operand
+		/// \param y second operand
+		/// \retval true if either less or greater
+		/// \retval false else
+//		template<typename T,typename U> typename enable<bool,T,U>::type islessgreater(T x, U y) { return functions::islessgreater(x, y); }
+		inline bool islessgreater(half x, half y) { return functions::islessgreater(x, y); }
+		inline bool islessgreater(half x, expr y) { return functions::islessgreater(x, y); }
+		inline bool islessgreater(expr x, half y) { return functions::islessgreater(x, y); }
+		inline bool islessgreater(expr x, expr y) { return functions::islessgreater(x, y); }
+		/// Check if unordered.
+		/// \param x first operand
+		/// \param y second operand
+		/// \retval true if unordered (one or two NaN operands)
+		/// \retval false else
+//		template<typename T,typename U> typename enable<bool,T,U>::type isunordered(T x, U y) { return functions::isunordered(x, y); }
+		inline bool isunordered(half x, half y) { return functions::isunordered(x, y); }
+		inline bool isunordered(half x, expr y) { return functions::isunordered(x, y); }
+		inline bool isunordered(expr x, half y) { return functions::isunordered(x, y); }
+		inline bool isunordered(expr x, expr y) { return functions::isunordered(x, y); }
+		/// \name Casting
+		/// \{
+		/// Cast to or from half-precision floating point number.
+		/// This casts between [half](\ref half_float::half) and any built-in arithmetic type. The values are converted
+		/// directly using the given rounding mode, without any roundtrip over `float` that a `static_cast` would otherwise do.
+		/// It uses the default rounding mode.
+		///
+		/// Using this cast with neither of the two types being a [half](\ref half_float::half) or with any of the two types
+		/// not being a built-in arithmetic type (apart from [half](\ref half_float::half), of course) results in a compiler
+		/// error and casting between [half](\ref half_float::half)s is just a no-op.
+		/// \tparam T destination type (half or built-in arithmetic type)
+		/// \tparam U source type (half or built-in arithmetic type)
+		/// \param arg value to cast
+		/// \return \a arg converted to destination type
+		template<typename T,typename U> T half_cast(U arg) { return half_caster<T,U>::cast(arg); }
+		/// Cast to or from half-precision floating point number.
+		/// This casts between [half](\ref half_float::half) and any built-in arithmetic type. The values are converted
+		/// directly using the given rounding mode, without any roundtrip over `float` that a `static_cast` would otherwise do.
+		///
+		/// Using this cast with neither of the two types being a [half](\ref half_float::half) or with any of the two types
+		/// not being a built-in arithmetic type (apart from [half](\ref half_float::half), of course) results in a compiler
+		/// error and casting between [half](\ref half_float::half)s is just a no-op.
+		/// \tparam T destination type (half or built-in arithmetic type)
+		/// \tparam R rounding mode to use.
+		/// \tparam U source type (half or built-in arithmetic type)
+		/// \param arg value to cast
+		/// \return \a arg converted to destination type
+		template<typename T,std::float_round_style R,typename U> T half_cast(U arg) { return half_caster<T,U,R>::cast(arg); }
+		/// \}
+	}
+	using detail::operator==;
+	using detail::operator!=;
+	using detail::operator<;
+	using detail::operator>;
+	using detail::operator<=;
+	using detail::operator>=;
+	using detail::operator+;
+	using detail::operator-;
+	using detail::operator*;
+	using detail::operator/;
+	using detail::operator<<;
+	using detail::operator>>;
+	using detail::abs;
+	using detail::fabs;
+	using detail::fmod;
+	using detail::remainder;
+	using detail::remquo;
+	using detail::fma;
+	using detail::fmax;
+	using detail::fmin;
+	using detail::fdim;
+	using detail::nanh;
+	using detail::exp;
+	using detail::expm1;
+	using detail::exp2;
+	using detail::log;
+	using detail::log10;
+	using detail::log1p;
+	using detail::log2;
+	using detail::sqrt;
+	using detail::cbrt;
+	using detail::hypot;
+	using detail::pow;
+	using detail::sin;
+	using detail::cos;
+	using detail::tan;
+	using detail::asin;
+	using detail::acos;
+	using detail::atan;
+	using detail::atan2;
+	using detail::sinh;
+	using detail::cosh;
+	using detail::tanh;
+	using detail::asinh;
+	using detail::acosh;
+	using detail::atanh;
+	using detail::erf;
+	using detail::erfc;
+	using detail::lgamma;
+	using detail::tgamma;
+	using detail::ceil;
+	using detail::floor;
+	using detail::trunc;
+	using detail::round;
+	using detail::lround;
+	using detail::nearbyint;
+	using detail::rint;
+	using detail::lrint;
+	using detail::llround;
+	using detail::llrint;
+	using detail::frexp;
+	using detail::ldexp;
+	using detail::modf;
+	using detail::scalbn;
+	using detail::scalbln;
+	using detail::ilogb;
+	using detail::logb;
+	using detail::nextafter;
+	using detail::nexttoward;
+	using detail::copysign;
+	using detail::fpclassify;
+	using detail::isfinite;
+	using detail::isinf;
+	using detail::isnan;
+	using detail::isnormal;
+	using detail::signbit;
+	using detail::isgreater;
+	using detail::isgreaterequal;
+	using detail::isless;
+	using detail::islessequal;
+	using detail::islessgreater;
+	using detail::isunordered;
+	using detail::half_cast;
+/// Extensions to the C++ standard library.
+namespace std
+	/// Numeric limits for half-precision floats.
+	/// Because of the underlying single-precision implementation of many operations, it inherits some properties from
+	/// `std::numeric_limits<float>`.
+	template<> class numeric_limits<half_float::half> : public numeric_limits<float>
+	{
+	public:
+		/// Supports signed values.
+		static HALF_CONSTEXPR_CONST bool is_signed = true;
+		/// Is not exact.
+		static HALF_CONSTEXPR_CONST bool is_exact = false;
+		/// Doesn't provide modulo arithmetic.
+		static HALF_CONSTEXPR_CONST bool is_modulo = false;
+		/// IEEE conformant.
+		static HALF_CONSTEXPR_CONST bool is_iec559 = true;
+		/// Supports infinity.
+		static HALF_CONSTEXPR_CONST bool has_infinity = true;
+		/// Supports quiet NaNs.
+		static HALF_CONSTEXPR_CONST bool has_quiet_NaN = true;
+		/// Supports subnormal values.
+		static HALF_CONSTEXPR_CONST float_denorm_style has_denorm = denorm_present;
+		/// Rounding mode.
+		/// Due to the mix of internal single-precision computations (using the rounding mode of the underlying
+		/// single-precision implementation) with the rounding mode of the single-to-half conversions, the actual rounding
+		/// mode might be `std::round_indeterminate` if the default half-precision rounding mode doesn't match the
+		/// single-precision rounding mode.
+		static HALF_CONSTEXPR_CONST float_round_style round_style = (std::numeric_limits<float>::round_style==
+			half_float::half::round_style) ? half_float::half::round_style : round_indeterminate;
+		/// Significant digits.
+		static HALF_CONSTEXPR_CONST int digits = 11;
+		/// Significant decimal digits.
+		static HALF_CONSTEXPR_CONST int digits10 = 3;
+		/// Required decimal digits to represent all possible values.
+		static HALF_CONSTEXPR_CONST int max_digits10 = 5;
+		/// Number base.
+		static HALF_CONSTEXPR_CONST int radix = 2;
+		/// One more than smallest exponent.
+		static HALF_CONSTEXPR_CONST int min_exponent = -13;
+		/// Smallest normalized representable power of 10.
+		static HALF_CONSTEXPR_CONST int min_exponent10 = -4;
+		/// One more than largest exponent
+		static HALF_CONSTEXPR_CONST int max_exponent = 16;
+		/// Largest finitely representable power of 10.
+		static HALF_CONSTEXPR_CONST int max_exponent10 = 4;
+		/// Smallest positive normal value.
+		static HALF_CONSTEXPR half_float::half min() HALF_NOTHROW { return half_float::half(half_float::detail::binary, 0x0400); }
+		/// Smallest finite value.
+		static HALF_CONSTEXPR half_float::half lowest() HALF_NOTHROW { return half_float::half(half_float::detail::binary, 0xFBFF); }
+		/// Largest finite value.
+		static HALF_CONSTEXPR half_float::half max() HALF_NOTHROW { return half_float::half(half_float::detail::binary, 0x7BFF); }
+		/// Difference between one and next representable value.
+		static HALF_CONSTEXPR half_float::half epsilon() HALF_NOTHROW { return half_float::half(half_float::detail::binary, 0x1400); }
+		/// Maximum rounding error.
+		static HALF_CONSTEXPR half_float::half round_error() HALF_NOTHROW
+			{ return half_float::half(half_float::detail::binary, (round_style==std::round_to_nearest) ? 0x3800 : 0x3C00); }
+		/// Positive infinity.
+		static HALF_CONSTEXPR half_float::half infinity() HALF_NOTHROW { return half_float::half(half_float::detail::binary, 0x7C00); }
+		/// Quiet NaN.
+		static HALF_CONSTEXPR half_float::half quiet_NaN() HALF_NOTHROW { return half_float::half(half_float::detail::binary, 0x7FFF); }
+		/// Signalling NaN.
+		static HALF_CONSTEXPR half_float::half signaling_NaN() HALF_NOTHROW { return half_float::half(half_float::detail::binary, 0x7DFF); }
+		/// Smallest positive subnormal value.
+		static HALF_CONSTEXPR half_float::half denorm_min() HALF_NOTHROW { return half_float::half(half_float::detail::binary, 0x0001); }
+	};
+	/// Hash function for half-precision floats.
+	/// This is only defined if C++11 `std::hash` is supported and enabled.
+	template<> struct hash<half_float::half> //: unary_function<half_float::half,size_t>
+	{
+		/// Type of function argument.
+		typedef half_float::half argument_type;
+		/// Function return type.
+		typedef size_t result_type;
+		/// Compute hash function.
+		/// \param arg half to hash
+		/// \return hash value
+		result_type operator()(argument_type arg) const
+			{ return hash<half_float::detail::uint16>()(static_cast<unsigned>(arg.data_)&-(arg.data_!=0x8000)); }
+	};
+	#pragma warning(pop)
diff --git a/include/aidge/graph/GraphView.hpp b/include/aidge/graph/GraphView.hpp
index 6b23cda0d86a77487af7d63b3e7a0dfeae57bb37..0fe66e4b64e4113901db2bcd525e1895e642c6de 100644
--- a/include/aidge/graph/GraphView.hpp
+++ b/include/aidge/graph/GraphView.hpp
@@ -35,37 +35,34 @@ private:
     /// @brief Name of the graphview
     std::string mName;
+    /// @brief GraphView root node
+    NodePtr mRootNode;
     /// @brief Set of nodes included in the GraphView
     std::set<NodePtr> mNodes;
     /// @brief Set of nodes included in the graphview with names
     std::map<std::string, NodePtr> mNodeRegistry;
-    /// @brief Nodes without input link
-    std::set<NodePtr> mInputNodes;
+    /// @brief GraphView inputs
+    std::vector<std::pair<NodePtr, IOIndex_t>> mInputNodes;
-    /// @brief Nodes without output link
-    std::set<NodePtr> mOutputNodes;
+    /// @brief GraphView outputs
+    std::vector<std::pair<NodePtr, IOIndex_t>> mOutputNodes;
-    GraphView(std::string name="")
+    GraphView(const std::string& name="")
         : mName(name)
         // ctor
-    // GraphView(std::set<NodePtr> nodes, std::string name="")
-    //     : mName(name)
-    // {
-    //     add(nodes);
-    // }
     bool operator==(const GraphView &gv) const
         return mNodes == gv.mNodes;
-    NodePtr operator[](std::string name)
+    NodePtr operator[](const std::string& name)
         assert(mNodeRegistry.find(name) != mNodeRegistry.end() && "Could not find Node in the GraphView.");
         return mNodeRegistry.at(name);
@@ -105,57 +102,88 @@ public:
         return mNodes.find(nodePtr) != mNodes.end();
+    NodePtr getRootNode() {
+        return mRootNode;
+    }
     /** @brief Get reference to the set of input Nodes. */
-    inline const std::set<NodePtr>& inputNodes() const noexcept { return mInputNodes; }
+    inline std::set<NodePtr> inputNodes() const noexcept {
+        std::set<NodePtr> nodes;
+        for (auto node : mInputNodes) {
+            nodes.insert(node.first);
+        }
+        return nodes;
+    }
     /** @brief Get reference to the set of output Nodes. */
-    inline const std::set<NodePtr>& outputNodes() const noexcept { return mOutputNodes; }
+    inline std::set<NodePtr> outputNodes() const noexcept {
+        std::set<NodePtr> nodes;
+        for (auto node : mOutputNodes) {
+            nodes.insert(node.first);
+        }
+        return nodes;
+    }
     /** @brief Assess if the given Node is an input Node of the GraphView object. */
     inline bool isInputNode(NodePtr nodePtr) const {
-        return (mInputNodes.find(nodePtr) != mInputNodes.end()) ? true : false;
+        const auto nodes = inputNodes();
+        return (nodes.find(nodePtr) != nodes.end()) ? true : false;
     /** @brief Assess if the given Node is an output Node of the GraphView object. */
     inline bool isOutputNode(NodePtr nodePtr) const {
-        return (mOutputNodes.find(nodePtr) != mOutputNodes.end()) ? true : false;
+        const auto nodes = outputNodes();
+        return (nodes.find(nodePtr) != nodes.end()) ? true : false;
+    void setOrderedInputs(const std::vector<std::pair<NodePtr, IOIndex_t>>& inputs);
+    void setOrderedOutputs(const std::vector<std::pair<NodePtr, IOIndex_t>>& outputs);
+    inline const std::vector<std::pair<NodePtr, IOIndex_t>>& getOrderedInputs() { return mInputNodes; };
+    inline const std::vector<std::pair<NodePtr, IOIndex_t>>& getOrderedOutputs() { return mOutputNodes; };
-     * @brief List outside dataInput connections of the GraphView object's inputNodes.
+     * @brief List outside data input connections of the GraphView.
+     * Data inputs exclude inputs expecting parameters (weights or bias).
+     * The vector size is garanteed to match the number of outside data inputs of the GraphView. If there is
+     * no external connection to a given input, a pair of nullptr and gk_IODefaultIndex is returned.
      * @return std::vector<std::pair<NodePtr, IOIndex_t>>
     std::vector<std::pair<NodePtr, IOIndex_t>> dataInputs() const;
-     * @brief List dataInput connections of the GraphView object's inputNodes.
+     * @brief List all dataInput connections (within and outside) of the specified GraphView node named "name".
+     * Data inputs exclude inputs expecting parameters (weights or bias).
      * @param name Name of the Node.
      * @return std::vector<std::pair<NodePtr, IOIndex_t>>
     inline auto dataInputs(const std::string name) const { return mNodeRegistry.at(name)->dataInputs(); }
-     * @brief List outside input connections of the GraphView object's inputNodes.
+     * @brief List outside input connections of the GraphView. The vector
+     * size is garanteed to match the number of outside inputs of the GraphView. If there is
+     * no external connection to a given input, a pair of nullptr and gk_IODefaultIndex is returned.
      * @return std::vector<std::pair<NodePtr, IOIndex_t>>
     std::vector<std::pair<NodePtr, IOIndex_t>> inputs() const;
-     * @brief List input connections of the specified GraphView object's inputNode.
+     * @brief List all input connections (within and outside) of the specified GraphView node named "name".
      * @return std::vector<std::pair<NodePtr, IOIndex_t>>
     std::vector<std::pair<NodePtr, IOIndex_t>> inputs(std::string name) const;
-     * @brief List output connections of the GraphView object's outputNodes.
+     * @brief List outside output connections of the GraphView. The vector
+     * size is garanteed to match the number of outputs of the GraphView. If there is
+     * no connection to a given output, the corresponding sub-vector will be empty.
      * @return std::vector<std::pair<NodePtr, IOIndex_t>>
     std::vector<std::vector<std::pair<NodePtr, IOIndex_t>>> outputs() const;
-     * @brief Specific i-th output connection of the GraphView object.
+     * @brief List all output connections (within and outside) of the specified GraphView node named "name".
      * @param nodeName Name of the Node of which to show the output.
      * @return std::vector<std::vector<std::pair<NodePtr, IOIndex_t>>>
@@ -175,7 +203,7 @@ public:
      * If not, add a Transpose Operator.
      * 4 - Propagate Tensor dimensions through the consecutive Operators.
-    void compile(const std::string& backend, const Aidge::DataType datatype);
+    void compile(const std::string& backend, const Aidge::DataType datatype, DeviceIdx_t device = 0);
      * @brief Compute dimensions of input/output Tensors for each Operator of the
@@ -184,7 +212,7 @@ public:
     void forwardDims();
     /** @brief Set the same backend for each Operator of the GraphView object's Nodes. */
-    void setBackend(const std::string &backend);
+    void setBackend(const std::string &backend, DeviceIdx_t device = 0);
     /** @brief Set the same backend for each Operator of the GraphView object's Nodes. */
     void setDataType(const DataType &datatype);
@@ -229,7 +257,7 @@ public:
      * @brief Get the operator with the corresponding name if it is in the
      * GraphView.
      * @param nodeName Name of the node.
-     * @return NodePtr returns a new empty node if the one asked for
+     * @return NodePtr returns a nullptr if the one asked for
      * was not found.
     NodePtr getNode(const std::string& nodeName) const;
@@ -252,20 +280,34 @@ public:
      * in the GraphView automatically. Default: true.
     void add(NodePtr otherNode, bool includeLearnableParam = true);
+    /**
+     * @brief Include a set of Nodes to the current GraphView object.
+     * @param otherNodes
+     * @param includeLearnableParam
+     * @return true if graph ordering is unique (meaning inputs/outputs order is well defined).
+     */
+    bool add(std::set<NodePtr> otherNodes,
+             bool includeLearnableParam = true);
      * @brief Include a set of Nodes to the current GraphView object.
+     * The first element of the otherNodes pair is the start node and
+     * the second is the remaining nodes to add.
      * @param otherNodes
      * @param includeLearnableParam
+     * @return true if graph ordering is unique (meaning inputs/outputs order is well defined).
-    void add(std::set<NodePtr> otherNodes,
+    bool add(std::pair<NodePtr, std::set<NodePtr>> otherNodes,
              bool includeLearnableParam = true);
      * @brief Include every Node inside another GraphView to the current
      * GraphView.
      * @param other_graph GraphView containing the Nodes to include.
+     * @return true if graph ordering is unique (meaning inputs/outputs order is well defined).
-    void add(std::shared_ptr<GraphView> otherGraph);
+    bool add(std::shared_ptr<GraphView> otherGraph);
      * @brief Include a Node in the current GraphView and link it to another
@@ -350,26 +392,27 @@ public:
                         IOIndex_t newParentInputTensorIdx,
                         IOIndex_t newParentOutputTensorIdx);
      * @brief Replace a set of Nodes in every available GraphView with a new set of Nodes if possible.
      * Both sets should include all the necessary Producers.
-     * @details Replaced Nodes are removed from any GraphView pointing at them all.
-     * The oldNodes set should have only one input/output
-     * Tensor for automatic connections of newNodes set.
-     * @param oldNodes actual set of shared_ptr<Node> to replace.
-     * @param newNodes new set of shared_ptr<Node>.
-     * @return true
-     * @return false
+     * @details There are 3 cases of replacement:
+     * Case 1: same number of input/output connections for oldNodes and newNodes sets.
+     *     - input/output connections are replacated according to their IDs.
+     * Case 2: different number of input/output connections for oldNodes and newNodes sets.
+     *     - only a single parent/child node for the newNodes set, every input/output is
+     *       connected to it.
+     *     - several parents/children nodes for newNodes set => impossible to know, return false
+     * Case 3: newNodes set is empty
+     *     - same number of input/output connections in oldNodes, parents and children are linked according
+     *       to these connections IDs
+     *     - different number of input/output connections in oldNodes => return false
+     * @param oldNodes
+     * @param newNodes
+     * @return true replacement has been performed
+     * @return false no replacement has been performed
     static bool replace(const std::set<NodePtr>& oldNodes, const std::set<NodePtr>& newNodes);
-    void updateInputNodes();
-    /**
-     * @brief Process from zero the set of output Nodes.
-     */
-    void updateOutputNodes();
      * @brief Clone the GraphView with shared Operators. It is a new GraphView, with cloned Nodes, but the new Nodes refer to the same Operators as the original ones.
      * @return std::shared_ptr<GraphView>
@@ -403,6 +446,7 @@ public:
      * @brief Get the sum of the number of free dataInput connection for all inputNodes of the GraphView object.
+     * Data inputs exclude inputs expecting parameters (weights or bias).
      * @return IOIndex_t
     IOIndex_t getNbFreeDataInputs() const;
@@ -413,33 +457,34 @@ private:
-     * @brief Get the sum of the number of dataInput Nodes for all inputNodes of the GraphView object.
+     * @brief Get the number of dataInput that are outside the GraphView.
+     * Data inputs exclude inputs expecting parameters (weights or bias).
+     * This number matches the size of the vector returned by GraphView::dataInputs().
      * @return IOIndex_t
     IOIndex_t getNbDataInputs() const;
-     * @brief Update the set of inputNodes with a new Node, checking if it can be
-     * added and removing any Node not part of mInputNode anymore.
+     * @brief Automatically update GraphView inputs/outputs with a new Node, checking if
+     * it this Node becomes an input/output for the graph and if previous inputs are still
+     * inputs/outputs after adding this node.
      * @param nodePtr
-    void updateInputNodes(NodePtr node);
+    void updateInputsOutputsNew(NodePtr newNode);
-     * @brief Update the set of outputNodes with a new Node, checking if it can be
-     * added and removing any Node not part of mOutputNode anymore.
+     * @brief Automatically update GraphView inputs/outputs with a Node removed, checking if
+     * it this Node was an input/output for the graph and if this node childs become new inputs/outputs
+     * for the graph.
      * @param nodePtr
-    void updateOutputNodes(NodePtr node);
+    void updateInputsOutputsDelete(NodePtr deletedNode);
     //        TOPOLOGY
     void _forwardDims(std::set<NodePtr> listNodes);
-    void removeInputNode(const std::string nodeName);
-    void removeOutputNode(const std::string nodeName);
 }  // namespace Aidge
diff --git a/include/aidge/graph/Node.hpp b/include/aidge/graph/Node.hpp
index 118d925e1e5b7c4fcd0c353236998ff831f7e42d..5ae4eb5d893244fa842e6bb0435c0a8ab3bc0ac5 100644
--- a/include/aidge/graph/Node.hpp
+++ b/include/aidge/graph/Node.hpp
@@ -140,7 +140,8 @@ public:
    * @brief List of pair <Parent, ID of the data intput>. When an input is not
-   * linked to any Parent, the pair is <nullptr, gk_IODefaultIndex>.
+   * linked to any Parent, the pair is <nullptr, gk_IODefaultIndex>. 
+   * Data inputs exclude inputs expecting parameters (weights or bias).
    * @return std::vector<std::pair<std::shared_ptr<Node>, IOIndex_t>>
   std::vector<std::pair<NodePtr, IOIndex_t>> dataInputs() const;
@@ -167,6 +168,7 @@ public:
    * @brief Get the lowest index in the InputData Parent list equal to the
    * nullptr.
+   * Data inputs exclude inputs expecting parameters (weights or bias).
    * @return std::size_t
   inline IOIndex_t getFirstFreeDataInput() const {
@@ -180,7 +182,9 @@ public:
   IOIndex_t getNbFreeDataInputs() const;
-   * @brief List input ids of children linked to outputs of the node
+   * @brief List input ids of children linked to outputs of the node. The vector
+   * size is garanteed to match the number of outputs of the node. If there is
+   * no connection to a given output, the corresponding sub-vector will be empty.
    * @return std::vector<std::vector<std::pair<std::shared_ptr<Node>,
    * IOIndex_t>>>
@@ -203,7 +207,8 @@ public:
   inline IOIndex_t nbInputs() const noexcept { return getOperator()->nbInputs(); }
-   * @brief Number of input specifically for data
+   * @brief Number of input specifically for data.
+   * Data inputs exclude inputs expecting parameters (weights or bias).
    * @details [data, data, weight, bias] => 2
    * @return IOIndex_t
diff --git a/include/aidge/graph/Testing.hpp b/include/aidge/graph/Testing.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ecacdf66298cb83c919ad447c82463206836a3e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/aidge/graph/Testing.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2023 CEA-List
+ *
+ * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
+ * terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at
+ * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-2.0.
+ *
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
+ *
+ ********************************************************************************/
+#include <cstddef>
+#include <vector>
+#include <set>
+#include <random>     // std::mt19937::result_type
+#include <utility>    // std::pair
+#include "aidge/graph/Node.hpp"
+#include "aidge/utils/Types.h"
+namespace Aidge {
+ * Random (directed) graph generator
+struct RandomGraph {
+    /// @brief If true, the generated graph is a DAG (no cycle)
+    bool acyclic = false;
+    /// @brief Connection density (between 0 and 1)
+    float density = 0.5;
+    /// @brief Max number of inputs per node (regardless if they are connected or not)
+    std::size_t maxIn = 5;
+    /// @brief Average number of inputs per node (regardless if they are connected or not)
+    float avgIn = 1.5;
+    /// @brief Max number of outputs per node (regardless if they are connected or not)
+    std::size_t maxOut = 2;
+    /// @brief Average number of outputs per node (regardless if they are connected or not)
+    float avgOut = 1.1;
+    /// @brief List of node types that should be generated in the graph (as GenericOperator)
+    std::vector<std::string> types = {"Fictive"};
+    /// @brief Weights of each node type, used to compute the probability of generating this type
+    std::vector<float> typesWeights = {1.0};
+    /// @brief Type of node that should be omitted from the generated topology
+    std::string omitType;
+    /**
+     * Generate a DAG according to the parameters of the class.
+     * @param seed Random seed. For an identical seed, an identical topology is
+     * generated, but with a random node ordering in the return set of nodes.
+     * @param nbNodes Number of nodes to generate.
+    */
+    std::pair<NodePtr, std::set<NodePtr>> gen(std::mt19937::result_type seed, std::size_t nbNodes) const;
+std::string nodePtrToType(NodePtr node);
+std::string nodePtrToName(NodePtr node);
+std::set<std::string> nodePtrTo(const std::set<NodePtr>& nodes,
+    std::string(*nodeTo)(NodePtr) = nodePtrToType);
+std::vector<std::pair<std::string, IOIndex_t>> nodePtrTo(
+    const std::vector<std::pair<NodePtr, IOIndex_t>>& nodes,
+    std::string(*nodeTo)(NodePtr) = nodePtrToType);
+} // namespace Aidge
diff --git a/include/aidge/graphRegex/GraphStrInterpreter.hpp b/include/aidge/graphRegex/GraphStrInterpreter.hpp
index 98dca0e9f84de0be2614aed0e47c9d86ae552674..38e89b3733e1a07062661fa520485f92fbd7f026 100644
--- a/include/aidge/graphRegex/GraphStrInterpreter.hpp
+++ b/include/aidge/graphRegex/GraphStrInterpreter.hpp
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
-#include <iostream>
 #include <sstream>
 #include <memory>
 #include <algorithm>
diff --git a/include/aidge/operator/Add.hpp b/include/aidge/operator/Add.hpp
index f5521a1d12728a7957cb67c09861ee673e21cbae..9aed8299a67ab719141b6fe199ebf3f52fb7d387 100644
--- a/include/aidge/operator/Add.hpp
+++ b/include/aidge/operator/Add.hpp
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ namespace Aidge {
 class Add_Op : public OperatorTensor,
     public Registrable<Add_Op, std::string, std::unique_ptr<OperatorImpl>(const Add_Op&)> {
-    static constexpr const char* Type = "Add";
+    static const std::string Type;
     Add_Op(const IOIndex_t nbIn)
         : OperatorTensor(Type, nbIn, 0, 1)
@@ -76,20 +76,15 @@ public:
     // }
-    void setBackend(const std::string& name) override {
+    void setBackend(const std::string& name, DeviceIdx_t device = 0) override {
         mImpl = Registrar<Add_Op>::create(name)(*this);
-        mOutputs[0]->setBackend(name);
-        // FIXME: temporary workaround
-        for (std::size_t i = 0; i < nbInputs(); ++i) {
-            getInput(i)->setBackend(name);
-        }
+        mOutputs[0]->setBackend(name, device);
-    static const std::vector<std::string> getInputsName(){
+    static const std::vector<std::string> getInputsName() {
         return {"data_input_0", "data_input_n"};
-    static const std::vector<std::string> getOutputsName(){
+    static const std::vector<std::string> getOutputsName() {
         return {"data_output"};
diff --git a/include/aidge/operator/AvgPooling.hpp b/include/aidge/operator/AvgPooling.hpp
index 5fb1d5b16c55f7f5b6cea4db02d3aa955831e08b..a2098ff36b40b78eb12a36fe28793e8dd73d9d9c 100644
--- a/include/aidge/operator/AvgPooling.hpp
+++ b/include/aidge/operator/AvgPooling.hpp
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ class AvgPooling_Op : public OperatorTensor,
                                        std::array<DimSize_t, DIM>> {
-    static constexpr const char *Type = "AvgPooling";
+    static const std::string Type;
     AvgPooling_Op() = delete;
@@ -94,22 +94,24 @@ public:
-    std::vector<std::pair<std::size_t, std::vector<DimSize_t>>>
-    computeReceptiveField(const std::size_t firstIdx,
+    std::vector<std::pair<std::vector<Aidge::DimSize_t>, std::vector<DimSize_t>>>
+    computeReceptiveField(const std::vector<DimSize_t>& firstEltDims,
                             const std::vector<DimSize_t>& outputDims,
                             const IOIndex_t outputIdx = 0) const override final
         if (outputIdx != 0) {
             AIDGE_THROW_OR_ABORT(std::runtime_error, "Conv_Op Operator has got only one output Tensor.");
+        if (firstEltDims.size() != outputDims.size()) {
+            AIDGE_THROW_OR_ABORT(std::runtime_error, "outputDims and firstEltDims should have the size of the output Tensor dimensions.");
+        }
         if ((outputDims.size() == (DIM+2)) && outputDimsForwarded()) {
             // Offset
-            const auto outputIdxDims = mOutputs[0]->getCoord(firstIdx);
-            std::vector<DimSize_t> inputIdxDims = outputIdxDims;
+            std::vector<DimSize_t> inputIdxDims = firstEltDims;
             for (DimIdx_t i = 0; i < (DIM+2); ++i) {
-                if (((outputDims[i] + outputIdxDims[i]) > mOutputs[0]->template dims<DIM+2>()[i]) || (outputDims[i] == 0)) {
-                    AIDGE_THROW_OR_ABORT(std::runtime_error, "Given outputDim out of range for dimension %lu (%lu + %lu)", static_cast<std::size_t>(i), outputIdxDims[i], outputDims[i]);
+                if (((outputDims[i] + firstEltDims[i]) > mOutputs[0]->template dims<DIM+2>()[i]) || (outputDims[i] == 0)) {
+                    AIDGE_THROW_OR_ABORT(std::runtime_error, "Given outputDim out of range for dimension %lu (%lu + %lu)", static_cast<std::size_t>(i), firstEltDims[i], outputDims[i]);
@@ -126,20 +128,17 @@ public:
                             + (this->template getAttr<AvgPoolingAttr::KernelDims>()[static_cast<std::size_t>(i)] - 1));
                 inputIdxDims[2+i] *= this->template getAttr<AvgPoolingAttr::StrideDims>()[static_cast<std::size_t>(i)];
-            std::vector<std::pair<std::size_t, std::vector<DimSize_t>>> res;
-            res.push_back(std::pair<std::size_t, std::vector<DimSize_t>>(mInputs[0]->getIdx(inputIdxDims), inputDims));
+            std::vector<std::pair<std::vector<Aidge::DimSize_t>, std::vector<DimSize_t>>> res;
+            res.push_back(std::pair<std::vector<Aidge::DimSize_t>, std::vector<DimSize_t>>(inputIdxDims, inputDims));
             return res;
         AIDGE_THROW_OR_ABORT(std::runtime_error, "Given outputDim out of range or output dim not forwarded yet.");
-    void setBackend(const std::string &name) override {
+    void setBackend(const std::string &name, DeviceIdx_t device = 0) override {
         mImpl = Registrar<AvgPooling_Op<DIM>>::create(name)(*this);
-        mOutputs[0]->setBackend(name);
-        // FIXME: temporary workaround
-        getInput(0)->setBackend(name);
+        mOutputs[0]->setBackend(name, device);
     static const std::vector<std::string> getInputsName(){
@@ -150,6 +149,9 @@ public:
+template <DimIdx_t DIM>
+const std::string AvgPooling_Op<DIM>::Type = "AvgPooling";
 template <std::array<DimSize_t, 1>::size_type DIM>
 inline std::shared_ptr<Node> AvgPooling(const std::array<DimSize_t, DIM> &kernel_dims,
                                            const std::string& name = "",
diff --git a/include/aidge/operator/BatchNorm.hpp b/include/aidge/operator/BatchNorm.hpp
index be850d377e5a1781b2cb04b5040c257ecc30cd92..4a0f40c034c7738a33eb8a9569fac4aa2fff465d 100644
--- a/include/aidge/operator/BatchNorm.hpp
+++ b/include/aidge/operator/BatchNorm.hpp
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ class BatchNorm_Op : public OperatorTensor,
                 public Registrable<BatchNorm_Op<DIM>, std::string, std::unique_ptr<OperatorImpl>(const BatchNorm_Op<DIM> &)>,
                 public StaticAttributes<BatchNormAttr, float, float> {
-    static constexpr const char *Type = "BatchNorm";
+    static const std::string Type;
     BatchNorm_Op() = delete;
@@ -82,27 +82,27 @@ public:
             associated &= !(getInput(i)->empty());
         if (associated) {
-            const DimSize_t nbChannels =  getInput(0)->dims()[1];
+            const DimSize_t nbFeatures =  getInput(0)->dims()[1];
             for (std::size_t i = nbData(); i < nbInputs(); ++i) {
-                if(getInput(i)->size() != nbChannels) {
+                if(getInput(i)->size() != nbFeatures) {
                     // /!\ Input size should be handled BEFORE calling this function
                     // This should raise an error
-                    getInput(i)->resize(std::array<DimSize_t, 1>({getInput(0)->dims()[1]}));
+                    getInput(i)->resize({getInput(0)->dims()[1]});
-    void setBackend(const std::string &name) override {
+    void setBackend(const std::string &name, DeviceIdx_t device = 0) override {
         mImpl = Registrar<BatchNorm_Op<DIM>>::create(name)(*this);
-        mOutputs[0]->setBackend(name);
+        mOutputs[0]->setBackend(name, device);
-        // FIXME: temporary workaround
-        getInput(1)->setBackend(name);
-        getInput(2)->setBackend(name);
-        getInput(3)->setBackend(name);
-        getInput(4)->setBackend(name);
+        // By default, automatically set backend for scale, shift, mean and variance
+        getInput(1)->setBackend(name, device);
+        getInput(2)->setBackend(name, device);
+        getInput(3)->setBackend(name, device);
+        getInput(4)->setBackend(name, device);
     static const std::vector<std::string> getInputsName() {
@@ -113,16 +113,20 @@ public:
+template <DimIdx_t DIM>
+const std::string BatchNorm_Op<DIM>::Type = "BatchNorm";
 template <DimSize_t DIM>
-inline std::shared_ptr<Node> BatchNorm(const float epsilon = 1.0e-5F,
+inline std::shared_ptr<Node> BatchNorm(const DimSize_t nbFeatures,
+                                       const float epsilon = 1.0e-5F,
                                        const float momentum = 0.1F,
                                        const std::string& name = "") {
     static_assert(DIM<=MaxDim,"Too many kernel dimensions required by BatchNorm, not supported");
     auto batchNorm = std::make_shared<Node>(std::make_shared<BatchNorm_Op<static_cast<DimIdx_t>(DIM)>>(epsilon, momentum), name);
-    addProducer(batchNorm, 1, std::array<DimSize_t,0>({}), "scale");
-    addProducer(batchNorm, 2, std::array<DimSize_t,0>({}), "shift");
-    addProducer(batchNorm, 3, std::array<DimSize_t,0>({}), "batch_mean");
-    addProducer(batchNorm, 4, std::array<DimSize_t,0>({}), "batch_variance");
+    addProducer(batchNorm, 1, {nbFeatures}, "scale");
+    addProducer(batchNorm, 2, {nbFeatures}, "shift");
+    addProducer(batchNorm, 3, {nbFeatures}, "batch_mean");
+    addProducer(batchNorm, 4, {nbFeatures}, "batch_variance");
     return batchNorm;
 }  // namespace Aidge
diff --git a/include/aidge/operator/Cast.hpp b/include/aidge/operator/Cast.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7cc3985674219daf087381049d3a845299b3e250
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/aidge/operator/Cast.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2023 CEA-List
+ *
+ * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
+ * terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at
+ * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-2.0.
+ *
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
+ *
+ ********************************************************************************/
+#include <cassert>
+#include <memory>
+#include <vector>
+#include "aidge/utils/Registrar.hpp"
+#include "aidge/operator/OperatorTensor.hpp"
+#include "aidge/backend/OperatorImpl.hpp"
+#include "aidge/data/Tensor.hpp"
+#include "aidge/graph/Node.hpp"
+#include "aidge/utils/Types.h"
+namespace Aidge {
+class Cast_Op : public OperatorTensor,
+    public Registrable<Cast_Op, std::string, std::unique_ptr<OperatorImpl>(const Cast_Op&)> {
+    static const std::string Type;
+    Cast_Op() : OperatorTensor(Type, 1, 0, 1) {}
+    /**
+     * @brief Copy-constructor. Copy the operator attributes and its output tensor(s), but not its input tensors (the new operator has no input associated).
+     * @param op Operator to copy.
+     */
+    Cast_Op(const Cast_Op& op)
+        : OperatorTensor(op)
+    {
+        mImpl = op.mImpl ? Registrar<Cast_Op>::create(mOutputs[0]->getImpl()->backend())(*this) : nullptr;
+    }
+    /**
+     * @brief Clone the operator using its copy-constructor.
+     * @see Operator::Cast_Op
+     */
+    std::shared_ptr<Operator> clone() const override {
+        return std::make_shared<Cast_Op>(*this);
+    }
+    void setBackend(const std::string& name, DeviceIdx_t device = 0) override {
+        if (Registrar<Cast_Op>::exists({name})) {
+            mImpl = Registrar<Cast_Op>::create({name})(*this);
+        }
+        mOutputs[0]->setBackend(name, device);
+    }
+    void forward() override;
+    static const std::vector<std::string> getInputsName(){
+        return {"data_input"};
+    }
+    static const std::vector<std::string> getOutputsName(){
+        return {"data_output"};
+    }
+inline std::shared_ptr<Node> Cast(const std::string& name = "") {
+    return std::make_shared<Node>(std::make_shared<Cast_Op>(), name);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/include/aidge/operator/Concat.hpp b/include/aidge/operator/Concat.hpp
index 78e21f85250c361053857e27c582e1487aeec64e..06cc468bd7266bbcfeb6802f274c536ec09867fc 100644
--- a/include/aidge/operator/Concat.hpp
+++ b/include/aidge/operator/Concat.hpp
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ class Concat_Op : public OperatorTensor,
     public Registrable<Concat_Op, std::string, std::unique_ptr<OperatorImpl>(const Concat_Op&)>,
     public StaticAttributes<ConcatAttr, DimSize_t> {
-    static constexpr const char* Type = "Concat";
+    static const std::string Type;
     using Attributes_ = StaticAttributes<ConcatAttr, DimSize_t>;
     template <ConcatAttr e>
@@ -101,14 +101,9 @@ public:
-    void setBackend(const std::string& name) override {
+    void setBackend(const std::string& name, DeviceIdx_t device = 0) override {
         mImpl = Registrar<Concat_Op>::create(name)(*this);
-        mOutputs[0]->setBackend(name);
-        // FIXME: temporary workaround
-        for (std::size_t i = 0; i < nbInputs(); ++i) {
-            getInput(i)->setBackend(name);
-        }
+        mOutputs[0]->setBackend(name, device);
     static const std::vector<std::string> getInputsName(){
diff --git a/include/aidge/operator/Conv.hpp b/include/aidge/operator/Conv.hpp
index b62d393bc37859f24c4f54f8ce1ba4458bf11ab4..be5fb3e393ced7ee7a53e27426b4247e48b478e8 100644
--- a/include/aidge/operator/Conv.hpp
+++ b/include/aidge/operator/Conv.hpp
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ class Conv_Op : public OperatorTensor,
                                        DimSize_t, std::array<DimSize_t, DIM>> {
-    static constexpr const char *Type = "Conv";
+    static const std::string Type;
     Conv_Op() = delete;
@@ -119,19 +119,21 @@ public:
-std::vector<std::pair<std::size_t, std::vector<DimSize_t>>> computeReceptiveField(const std::size_t firstIdx, const std::vector<DimSize_t>& outputDims, const IOIndex_t outputIdx = 0) const override {
+std::vector<std::pair<std::vector<Aidge::DimSize_t>, std::vector<DimSize_t>>> computeReceptiveField(const std::vector<DimSize_t>& firstEltDims, const std::vector<DimSize_t>& outputDims, const IOIndex_t outputIdx = 0) const override {
         if (outputIdx != 0) {
             AIDGE_THROW_OR_ABORT(std::runtime_error, "Conv_Op Operator has got only one output Tensor.");
+        if (firstEltDims.size() != outputDims.size()) {
+            AIDGE_THROW_OR_ABORT(std::runtime_error, "outputDims and firstEltDims should have the size of the output Tensor dimensions.");
+        }
         if ((outputDims.size() == (DIM+2)) && outputDimsForwarded()) {
             // Offset
-            const auto outputIdxDims = mOutputs[0]->getCoord(firstIdx);
-            auto inputIdxDims = outputIdxDims; // batch idx is the same
+            auto inputIdxDims = firstEltDims; // batch idx is the same
             inputIdxDims[1] = 0; // each channel is used so start with the first one
             for (DimIdx_t i = 0; i < (DIM+2); ++i) {
-                if (((outputDims[i] + outputIdxDims[i]) > mOutputs[0]->template dims<DIM+2>()[i]) || (outputDims[i] == 0)) {
-                    AIDGE_THROW_OR_ABORT(std::runtime_error, "Given outputDim out of range for dimension %lu (%lu + %lu)", static_cast<std::size_t>(i), outputIdxDims[i], outputDims[i]);
+                if (((outputDims[i] + firstEltDims[i]) > mOutputs[0]->template dims<DIM+2>()[i]) || (outputDims[i] == 0)) {
+                    AIDGE_THROW_OR_ABORT(std::runtime_error, "Given outputDim out of range for dimension %lu (%lu + %lu)", static_cast<std::size_t>(i), firstEltDims[i], outputDims[i]);
@@ -155,29 +157,29 @@ std::vector<std::pair<std::size_t, std::vector<DimSize_t>>> computeReceptiveFiel
                 weightDims.push_back(this->template getAttr<ConvAttr::KernelDims>()[i]);
             std::vector<DimSize_t> weightIdxDims = std::vector<DimSize_t>(DIM+2, 0);
-            weightIdxDims[0] = outputIdxDims[1];
+            weightIdxDims[0] = firstEltDims[1];
             // Bias
             const std::vector<DimSize_t> biasDims{outputDims[1]}; // the number of output channel
-            const std::vector<DimSize_t> biasIdxDims{outputIdxDims[1]};
+            const std::vector<DimSize_t> biasIdxDims{firstEltDims[1]};
             // Result
-            std::vector<std::pair<std::size_t, std::vector<DimSize_t>>> res;
-            res.push_back(std::pair<std::size_t, std::vector<DimSize_t>>(getInput(0)->getIdx(inputIdxDims), inputDims));
-            res.push_back(std::pair<std::size_t, std::vector<DimSize_t>>(getInput(1)->getIdx(weightIdxDims), weightDims));
-            res.push_back(std::pair<std::size_t, std::vector<DimSize_t>>(getInput(2)->getIdx(biasIdxDims), biasDims));
+            std::vector<std::pair<std::vector<Aidge::DimSize_t>, std::vector<DimSize_t>>> res;
+            res.push_back(std::pair<std::vector<Aidge::DimSize_t>, std::vector<DimSize_t>>(inputIdxDims, inputDims));
+            res.push_back(std::pair<std::vector<Aidge::DimSize_t>, std::vector<DimSize_t>>(weightIdxDims, weightDims));
+            res.push_back(std::pair<std::vector<Aidge::DimSize_t>, std::vector<DimSize_t>>(biasIdxDims, biasDims));
             return res;
         AIDGE_THROW_OR_ABORT(std::runtime_error, "Given outputDim out of range or output dim not forwarded yet.");
-    void setBackend(const std::string &name) override {
+    void setBackend(const std::string &name, DeviceIdx_t device = 0) override {
         mImpl = Registrar<Conv_Op<DIM>>::create(name)(*this);
-        mOutputs[0]->setBackend(name);
+        mOutputs[0]->setBackend(name, device);
-        // FIXME: temporary workaround
-        getInput(1)->setBackend(name);
-        getInput(2)->setBackend(name);
+        // By default, automatically set backend for weight and bias inputs
+        getInput(1)->setBackend(name, device);
+        getInput(2)->setBackend(name, device);
     static const std::vector<std::string> getInputsName(){
@@ -188,6 +190,21 @@ std::vector<std::pair<std::size_t, std::vector<DimSize_t>>> computeReceptiveFiel
+template <DimIdx_t DIM>
+const std::string Conv_Op<DIM>::Type = "Conv";
+ * @brief Perform a convolution on the input Tensor.
+ *
+ * @tparam DIM Number of dimensions for the feature map.
+ * @param inChannels Number of input channels.
+ * @param outChannels Number of output channels.
+ * @param kernelDims Dimensions of the kernel. Must be the same number of dimensions as the feature map.
+ * @param name Name of the operator.
+ * @param strideDims Dimensions of the stride attribute. Must be the same number of dimensions as the feature map.
+ * @param dilationDims Dimensions of the dilation attribute. Must be the same number of dimensions as the feature map.
+ * @return std::shared_ptr<Node> A Node containing the operator.
+ */
 template <std::array<DimSize_t, 1>::size_type DIM>
 inline std::shared_ptr<Node> Conv(DimSize_t inChannels,
                                   DimSize_t outChannels,
@@ -198,9 +215,8 @@ inline std::shared_ptr<Node> Conv(DimSize_t inChannels,
     // FIXME: properly handle default w&b initialization in every cases
     static_assert(DIM<=MaxDim,"Too many kernel dimensions required by Conv, not supported");
     auto conv = std::make_shared<Node>(std::make_shared<Conv_Op<static_cast<DimIdx_t>(DIM)>>(inChannels, outChannels, kernelDims, strideDims, dilationDims), name);
-    // addProducer(conv, 1, append(append(kernel_dims, in_channels), out_channels), "w");
     addProducer(conv, 1, append(outChannels, append(inChannels, kernelDims)), "w");
-    addProducer(conv, 2, std::array<DimSize_t, 1>({outChannels}), "b");
+    addProducer(conv, 2, {outChannels}, "b");
     return conv;
diff --git a/include/aidge/operator/ConvDepthWise.hpp b/include/aidge/operator/ConvDepthWise.hpp
index c95315f6d63e817354fc82dded4e3cfb4ed1b704..9d0c0bf408a2f634f96881cd339c330340d5e344 100644
--- a/include/aidge/operator/ConvDepthWise.hpp
+++ b/include/aidge/operator/ConvDepthWise.hpp
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ class ConvDepthWise_Op : public OperatorTensor,
                                        std::array<DimSize_t, DIM>> {
-    static constexpr const char *Type = "ConvDepthWise";
+    static const std::string Type;
     ConvDepthWise_Op() = delete;
@@ -115,18 +115,20 @@ public:
-    std::vector<std::pair<std::size_t, std::vector<DimSize_t>>> computeReceptiveField(const std::size_t firstIdx, const std::vector<DimSize_t>& outputDims, const IOIndex_t outputIdx = 0) const override {
+    std::vector<std::pair<std::vector<Aidge::DimSize_t>, std::vector<DimSize_t>>> computeReceptiveField(const std::vector<DimSize_t>& firstEltDims, const std::vector<DimSize_t>& outputDims, const IOIndex_t outputIdx = 0) const override {
         if (outputIdx != 0) {
             AIDGE_THROW_OR_ABORT(std::runtime_error, "Conv_Op Operator has got only one output Tensor.");
+        if (firstEltDims.size() != outputDims.size()) {
+            AIDGE_THROW_OR_ABORT(std::runtime_error, "outputDims and firstEltDims should have the size of the output Tensor dimensions.");
+        }
         if ((outputDims.size() == (DIM+2)) && outputDimsForwarded()) {
             // Offset
-            const auto outputIdxDims = mOutputs[0]->getCoord(firstIdx);
-            auto inputIdxDims = outputIdxDims; // batch idx is the same
+            auto inputIdxDims = firstEltDims; // batch idx is the same
             for (DimIdx_t i = 0; i < (DIM+2); ++i) {
-                if (((outputDims[i] + outputIdxDims[i]) > mOutputs[0]->template dims<DIM+2>()[i]) || (outputDims[i] == 0)) {
-                    AIDGE_THROW_OR_ABORT(std::runtime_error, "Given outputDim out of range for dimension %lu (%lu + %lu)", static_cast<std::size_t>(i), outputIdxDims[i], outputDims[i]);
+                if (((outputDims[i] + firstEltDims[i]) > mOutputs[0]->template dims<DIM+2>()[i]) || (outputDims[i] == 0)) {
+                    AIDGE_THROW_OR_ABORT(std::runtime_error, "Given outputDim out of range for dimension %lu (%lu + %lu)", static_cast<std::size_t>(i), firstEltDims[i], outputDims[i]);
@@ -149,29 +151,29 @@ public:
                 weightDims.push_back(this->template getAttr<ConvDepthWiseAttr::KernelDims>()[i]);
             std::vector<DimSize_t> weightIdxDims = std::vector<DimSize_t>(DIM+2, 0);
-            weightIdxDims[0] = outputIdxDims[1];
+            weightIdxDims[0] = firstEltDims[1];
             // Bias
             const std::vector<DimSize_t> biasDims{outputDims[1]}; // the number of output channel
-            const std::vector<DimSize_t> biasIdxDims{outputIdxDims[1]};
+            const std::vector<DimSize_t> biasIdxDims{firstEltDims[1]};
             // Result
-            std::vector<std::pair<std::size_t, std::vector<DimSize_t>>> res;
-            res.push_back(std::pair<std::size_t, std::vector<DimSize_t>>(getInput(0)->getIdx(inputIdxDims), inputDims));
-            res.push_back(std::pair<std::size_t, std::vector<DimSize_t>>(getInput(1)->getIdx(weightIdxDims), weightDims));
-            res.push_back(std::pair<std::size_t, std::vector<DimSize_t>>(getInput(2)->getIdx(biasIdxDims), biasDims));
+            std::vector<std::pair<std::vector<Aidge::DimSize_t>, std::vector<DimSize_t>>> res;
+            res.push_back(std::pair<std::vector<Aidge::DimSize_t>, std::vector<DimSize_t>>(inputIdxDims, inputDims));
+            res.push_back(std::pair<std::vector<Aidge::DimSize_t>, std::vector<DimSize_t>>(weightIdxDims, weightDims));
+            res.push_back(std::pair<std::vector<Aidge::DimSize_t>, std::vector<DimSize_t>>(biasIdxDims, biasDims));
             return res;
         AIDGE_THROW_OR_ABORT(std::runtime_error, "Given outputDim out of range or output dim not forwarded yet.");
-    void setBackend(const std::string &name) override {
+    void setBackend(const std::string &name, DeviceIdx_t device = 0) override {
         mImpl = Registrar<ConvDepthWise_Op<DIM>>::create(name)(*this);
-        mOutputs[0]->setBackend(name);
+        mOutputs[0]->setBackend(name, device);
-        // FIXME: temporary workaround
-        getInput(1)->setBackend(name);
-        getInput(2)->setBackend(name);
+        // By default, automatically set backend for weight and bias inputs
+        getInput(1)->setBackend(name, device);
+        getInput(2)->setBackend(name, device);
     static const std::vector<std::string> getInputsName(){
@@ -182,6 +184,9 @@ public:
+template <DimIdx_t DIM>
+const std::string ConvDepthWise_Op<DIM>::Type = "ConvDepthWise";
 template <std::array<DimSize_t, 1>::size_type DIM>
 inline std::shared_ptr<Node> ConvDepthWise(const DimSize_t nbChannels,
                                            const std::array<DimSize_t, DIM> &kernelDims,
@@ -192,7 +197,7 @@ inline std::shared_ptr<Node> ConvDepthWise(const DimSize_t nbChannels,
     static_assert(DIM<=MaxDim,"Too many kernel dimensions required by ConvDepthWise, not supported");
     auto convDW = std::make_shared<Node>(std::make_shared<ConvDepthWise_Op<static_cast<DimIdx_t>(DIM)>>(nbChannels, kernelDims, strideDims, dilationDims), name);
     addProducer(convDW, 1, append(nbChannels, append(DimSize_t(1), kernelDims)), "w");
-    addProducer(convDW, 2, std::array<DimSize_t, 1>({nbChannels}), "b");
+    addProducer(convDW, 2, {nbChannels}, "b");
     return convDW;
diff --git a/include/aidge/operator/Div.hpp b/include/aidge/operator/Div.hpp
index fcdb03a6be36bc9e1be7d69d01005f92b535d00c..94b755e0fdb0f76d54cd4f046fb8b08dda05b6b2 100644
--- a/include/aidge/operator/Div.hpp
+++ b/include/aidge/operator/Div.hpp
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ class Div_Op : public OperatorTensor,
     public Registrable<Div_Op, std::string, std::unique_ptr<OperatorImpl>(const Div_Op&)> {
-    static constexpr const char* Type = "Div";
+    static const std::string Type;
     Div_Op() : OperatorTensor(Type, 2, 0, 1) {}
@@ -54,13 +54,9 @@ public:
     void computeOutputDims() override final;
-    void setBackend(const std::string& name) override {
+    void setBackend(const std::string& name, DeviceIdx_t device = 0) override {
         mImpl = Registrar<Div_Op>::create(name)(*this);
-        mOutputs[0]->setBackend(name);
-        // FIXME: temporary workaround
-        getInput(0)->setBackend(name);
-        getInput(1)->setBackend(name);
+        mOutputs[0]->setBackend(name, device);
     static const std::vector<std::string> getInputsName(){
diff --git a/include/aidge/operator/Erf.hpp b/include/aidge/operator/Erf.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6395756f3b08c5838d390ab45d38fa9c03cb91cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/aidge/operator/Erf.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2023 CEA-List
+ *
+ * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
+ * terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at
+ * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-2.0.
+ *
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
+ *
+ ********************************************************************************/
+#include <cassert>
+#include <memory>
+#include <vector>
+#include "aidge/utils/Registrar.hpp"
+#include "aidge/operator/OperatorTensor.hpp"
+#include "aidge/backend/OperatorImpl.hpp"
+#include "aidge/data/Tensor.hpp"
+#include "aidge/data/Data.hpp"
+#include "aidge/graph/Node.hpp"
+#include "aidge/utils/Types.h"
+namespace Aidge {
+class Erf_Op : public OperatorTensor,
+    public Registrable<Erf_Op, std::string, std::unique_ptr<OperatorImpl>(const Erf_Op&)> {
+    static const std::string Type;
+    Erf_Op() : OperatorTensor(Type, 1, 0, 1) {}
+    /**
+     * @brief Copy-constructor. Copy the operator attributes and its output tensor(s), but not its input tensors (the new operator has no input associated).
+     * @param op Operator to copy.
+     */
+    Erf_Op(const Erf_Op& op)
+        : OperatorTensor(op)
+    {
+        mImpl = op.mImpl ? Registrar<Erf_Op>::create(mOutputs[0]->getImpl()->backend())(*this) : nullptr;
+    }
+    /**
+     * @brief Clone the operator using its copy-constructor.
+     * @see Operator::Erf_Op
+     */
+    std::shared_ptr<Operator> clone() const override {
+        return std::make_shared<Erf_Op>(*this);
+    }
+    void setBackend(const std::string& name) override {
+        mImpl = Registrar<Erf_Op>::create(name)(*this);
+        mOutputs[0]->setBackend(name);
+        // FIXME: temporary workaround
+        getInput(0)->setBackend(name);
+    }
+    static const std::vector<std::string> getInputsName(){
+        return {"data_input"};
+    }
+    static const std::vector<std::string> getOutputsName(){
+        return {"data_output"};
+    }
+inline std::shared_ptr<Node> Erf(const std::string& name = "") {
+    return std::make_shared<Node>(std::make_shared<Erf_Op>(), name);
diff --git a/include/aidge/operator/FC.hpp b/include/aidge/operator/FC.hpp
index 8dea38335dd052f2dbf7d0aa7fc4f7fe84741a06..a73734ad20e10fe2a3e1d0d12d40e584b4540fb4 100644
--- a/include/aidge/operator/FC.hpp
+++ b/include/aidge/operator/FC.hpp
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ class FC_Op : public OperatorTensor,
                                  std::unique_ptr<OperatorImpl>(const FC_Op &)>,
               public StaticAttributes<FCAttr, DimSize_t, bool> {
-    static constexpr const char* Type = "FC";
+    static const std::string Type;
     FC_Op() = delete;
@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ public:
         mInputs[inputIdx] = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<Tensor>(data);
         if (inputIdx == 0 && getInput(0)->nbDims() == 1)
-            mInputs[inputIdx]->resize(std::array<DimSize_t, 2>({1, getInput(inputIdx)->size()}));
+            mInputs[inputIdx]->resize({1, getInput(inputIdx)->size()});
     void computeOutputDims() override final {
@@ -95,14 +95,13 @@ public:
-    void setBackend(const std::string& name) override {
+    void setBackend(const std::string& name, DeviceIdx_t device = 0) override {
         mImpl = Registrar<FC_Op>::create(name)(*this);
-        mOutputs[0]->setBackend(name);
+        mOutputs[0]->setBackend(name, device);
-        // FIXME: temporary workaround
-        getInput(0)->setBackend(name);
-        getInput(1)->setBackend(name);
-        getInput(2)->setBackend(name);
+        // By default, automatically set backend for weight and bias inputs
+        getInput(1)->setBackend(name, device);
+        getInput(2)->setBackend(name, device);
     static const std::vector<std::string> getInputsName(){
@@ -116,8 +115,8 @@ public:
 inline std::shared_ptr<Node> FC(DimSize_t inChannels, DimSize_t outChannels, bool noBias = false, const std::string& name = "") {
     // FIXME: properly handle default w&b initialization in every cases
     auto fc = std::make_shared<Node>(std::make_shared<FC_Op>(outChannels, noBias), name);
-    addProducer(fc, 1, std::array<DimSize_t, 2>({outChannels, inChannels}), "w");
-    addProducer(fc, 2, (noBias ? std::array<DimSize_t, 1>({0}) : std::array<DimSize_t, 1>({outChannels})), "b"); // already sets bias dims
+    addProducer(fc, 1, {outChannels, inChannels}, "w");
+    addProducer(fc, 2, {(noBias ? 0 : outChannels)}, "b"); // already sets bias dims
     return fc;
 } // namespace Aidge
diff --git a/include/aidge/operator/Gather.hpp b/include/aidge/operator/Gather.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f8276222811f6cc02c062d85e7ae99d72edead7a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/aidge/operator/Gather.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2023 CEA-List
+ *
+ * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
+ * terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at
+ * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-2.0.
+ *
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
+ *
+ ********************************************************************************/
+#include <cassert>
+#include <memory>
+#include <vector>
+#include "aidge/backend/OperatorImpl.hpp"
+#include "aidge/data/Tensor.hpp"
+#include "aidge/data/Data.hpp"
+#include "aidge/graph/Node.hpp"
+#include "aidge/operator/OperatorTensor.hpp"
+#include "aidge/operator/Producer.hpp"
+#include "aidge/utils/Registrar.hpp"
+#include "aidge/utils/StaticAttributes.hpp"
+#include "aidge/utils/Types.h"
+namespace Aidge {
+enum class GatherAttr { Axis };
+class Gather_Op : public OperatorTensor,
+                public Registrable<Gather_Op,
+                                   std::string,
+                                   std::unique_ptr<OperatorImpl>(const Gather_Op&)>,
+                public StaticAttributes<GatherAttr, int> {
+    static const std::string Type;
+    Gather_Op() = delete;
+    using Attributes_ = StaticAttributes<GatherAttr, int>;
+    template <GatherAttr e> using attr = typename Attributes_::template attr<e>;
+    Gather_Op(int axis)
+            : OperatorTensor(Type, 2, 0, 1),
+            Attributes_(
+                attr<GatherAttr::Axis>(axis))
+    {}
+    /**
+     * @brief Copy-constructor. Copy the operator attributes and its output tensor(s), but not its input tensors (the new operator has no input associated).
+     * @param op Operator to copy.
+     */
+    Gather_Op(const Gather_Op& op)
+        : OperatorTensor(op),
+          Attributes_(op)
+    {
+        mImpl = op.mImpl ? Registrar<Gather_Op>::create(mOutputs[0]->getImpl()->backend())(*this) : nullptr;
+    }
+    /**
+     * @brief Clone the operator using its copy-constructor.
+     * @see Operator::Gather_Op
+     */
+    std::shared_ptr<Operator> clone() const override {
+        return std::make_shared<Gather_Op>(*this);
+    }
+    void computeOutputDims() override final;
+    void setBackend(const std::string& name) override {
+        mImpl = Registrar<Gather_Op>::create(name)(*this);
+        mOutputs[0]->setBackend(name);
+        // FIXME: temporary workaround
+        getInput(0)->setBackend(name);
+        getInput(1)->setBackend(name);
+    }
+    static const std::vector<std::string> getInputsName(){
+        return {"data_input", "indexes"};
+    }
+    static const std::vector<std::string> getOutputsName(){
+        return {"data_output"};
+    }
+inline std::shared_ptr<Node> Gather(int axis = 0, const std::string& name = "") {
+    return std::make_shared<Node>(std::make_shared<Gather_Op>(axis), name);
+} // namespace Aidge
+namespace {
+template <>
+const char *const EnumStrings<Aidge::GatherAttr>::data[] = {"Axis"};
diff --git a/include/aidge/operator/GenericOperator.hpp b/include/aidge/operator/GenericOperator.hpp
index 505c5344990453c8f4ab84fa3893e75b216d7a54..c966b5f5c1bb4914f3e46f96493da87a6707b1ff 100644
--- a/include/aidge/operator/GenericOperator.hpp
+++ b/include/aidge/operator/GenericOperator.hpp
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ private:
     ComputeDimsFunc mComputeOutputDims;
-    GenericOperator_Op(const char *type, IOIndex_t nbData, IOIndex_t nbParam, IOIndex_t nbOut)
+    GenericOperator_Op(const std::string& type, IOIndex_t nbData, IOIndex_t nbParam, IOIndex_t nbOut)
         : OperatorTensor(type, nbData, nbParam, nbOut)
@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ public:
     ~GenericOperator_Op() = default;
-    void setBackend(const std::string & /*name*/) override { printf("setBackend: not available yet.\n"); }
+    void setBackend(const std::string & /*name*/, DeviceIdx_t /*device*/ = 0) override { printf("setBackend: not available yet.\n"); }
     void setDataType(const DataType& /*datatype*/) const override { printf("setDataType: not available yet.\n"); }
     void forward() override final {
@@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ public:
  * @param name (optional) name of the Operator.
  * @return std::shared_ptr<Node> Node associated with the Generic Operator.
-inline std::shared_ptr<Node> GenericOperator(const char *type, IOIndex_t nbData, IOIndex_t nbParam, IOIndex_t nbOut,
+inline std::shared_ptr<Node> GenericOperator(const std::string& type, IOIndex_t nbData, IOIndex_t nbParam, IOIndex_t nbOut,
                                              const std::string& name = "") {
     return std::make_shared<Node>(std::make_shared<GenericOperator_Op>(type, nbData, nbParam, nbOut), name);
diff --git a/include/aidge/operator/Identity.hpp b/include/aidge/operator/Identity.hpp
index c5cd9bb62e0097c9a0e646caaf14cddd73bf512d..7348fa10a96c55914bae68983b5e3bd4a9c40b12 100644
--- a/include/aidge/operator/Identity.hpp
+++ b/include/aidge/operator/Identity.hpp
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ namespace Aidge {
 class Identity_Op : public OperatorTensor,
     public Registrable<Identity_Op, std::string, std::unique_ptr<OperatorImpl>(const Identity_Op&)> {
-    static constexpr const char* Type = "Identity";
+    static const std::string Type;
             : OperatorTensor(Type, 1, 0, 0)
@@ -103,10 +103,10 @@ public:
         return mInputs[outputIdx];
-    void setBackend(const std::string& name) override final {
+    void setBackend(const std::string& /*name*/, DeviceIdx_t /*device*/ = 0) override final {
         // setBackend do nothing, Identity node has no backend it just pass the same Tensor
-    void setDataType(const DataType& dataType) const override final {
+    void setDataType(const DataType& /*dataType*/) const override final {
         // setDatatype do nothing, Identity node has no backend it just pass the same Tensor
diff --git a/include/aidge/operator/LeakyReLU.hpp b/include/aidge/operator/LeakyReLU.hpp
index 2474e2e5af4139b77cace03b27b603fb66b7699a..5976f1d88d70ae7fb716f4038e57da95242c3551 100644
--- a/include/aidge/operator/LeakyReLU.hpp
+++ b/include/aidge/operator/LeakyReLU.hpp
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ class LeakyReLU_Op : public OperatorTensor,
     public Registrable<LeakyReLU_Op, std::string, std::unique_ptr<OperatorImpl>(const LeakyReLU_Op&)>,
     public StaticAttributes<LeakyReLUAttr, float> {
-    static constexpr const char* Type = "LeakyReLU";
+    static const std::string Type;
     LeakyReLU_Op() = delete;
@@ -67,12 +67,9 @@ public:
-    void setBackend(const std::string& name) override {
+    void setBackend(const std::string& name, DeviceIdx_t device = 0) override {
         mImpl = Registrar<LeakyReLU_Op>::create(name)(*this);
-        mOutputs[0]->setBackend(name);
-        // FIXME: temporary workaround
-        getInput(0)->setBackend(name);
+        mOutputs[0]->setBackend(name, device);
     static const std::vector<std::string> getInputsName(){
diff --git a/include/aidge/operator/MatMul.hpp b/include/aidge/operator/MatMul.hpp
index 90930dd22a36f84a7479e245eb09d9c28dfd031d..3d80193be3f669b00e5a138470269e52d0715780 100644
--- a/include/aidge/operator/MatMul.hpp
+++ b/include/aidge/operator/MatMul.hpp
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ class MatMul_Op : public OperatorTensor,
                                  std::unique_ptr<OperatorImpl>(const MatMul_Op &)>,
               public StaticAttributes<MatMulAttr, DimSize_t> {
-    static constexpr const char* Type = "MatMul";
+    static const std::string Type;
     MatMul_Op() = delete;
@@ -83,13 +83,9 @@ public:
-    void setBackend(const std::string& name) override {
+    void setBackend(const std::string& name, DeviceIdx_t device = 0) override {
         mImpl = Registrar<MatMul_Op>::create(name)(*this);
-        mOutputs[0]->setBackend(name);
-        // FIXME: temporary workaround
-        getInput(0)->setBackend(name);
-        getInput(1)->setBackend(name);
+        mOutputs[0]->setBackend(name, device);
     static const std::vector<std::string> getInputsName(){
@@ -103,7 +99,7 @@ public:
 inline std::shared_ptr<Node> MatMul(DimSize_t inChannels, DimSize_t outChannels, const std::string& name = "") {
     // FIXME: properly handle default w initialization in every cases
     auto matmul = std::make_shared<Node>(std::make_shared<MatMul_Op>(outChannels), name);
-    addProducer(matmul, 1, std::array<DimSize_t, 2>({outChannels, inChannels}), "w");
+    addProducer(matmul, 1, {outChannels, inChannels}, "w");
     return matmul;
 } // namespace Aidge
diff --git a/include/aidge/operator/MaxPooling.hpp b/include/aidge/operator/MaxPooling.hpp
index c46ddb3797e2303ee27814c96ef060156bdc9108..467a69d73c98a21c85e956acf42536e197833cbd 100644
--- a/include/aidge/operator/MaxPooling.hpp
+++ b/include/aidge/operator/MaxPooling.hpp
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ class MaxPooling_Op : public OperatorTensor,
                                        std::array<DimSize_t, DIM>,
                                        bool> {
-    static constexpr const char *Type = "MaxPooling";
+    static const std::string Type;
     MaxPooling_Op() = delete;
@@ -104,12 +104,9 @@ public:
-    void setBackend(const std::string &name) override {
+    void setBackend(const std::string &name, DeviceIdx_t device = 0) override {
         mImpl = Registrar<MaxPooling_Op<DIM>>::create(name)(*this);
-        mOutputs[0]->setBackend(name);
-        // FIXME: temporary workaround
-        getInput(0)->setBackend(name);
+        mOutputs[0]->setBackend(name, device);
     static const std::vector<std::string> getInputsName(){
@@ -120,6 +117,9 @@ public:
+template <DimIdx_t DIM>
+const std::string MaxPooling_Op<DIM>::Type = "MaxPooling";
 template <std::array<DimSize_t, 1>::size_type DIM>
 inline std::shared_ptr<Node> MaxPooling(const std::array<DimSize_t, DIM> &kernel_dims,
                                            const std::string& name = "",
diff --git a/include/aidge/operator/MetaOperator.hpp b/include/aidge/operator/MetaOperator.hpp
index 4c8feb46c3e3db33bd380302e3e0683f1b8734f5..1fe050b295e102bcdd4e5bd3651d126754b79618 100644
--- a/include/aidge/operator/MetaOperator.hpp
+++ b/include/aidge/operator/MetaOperator.hpp
@@ -25,16 +25,9 @@ public:
     // Micro-graph handling:
     std::shared_ptr<GraphView> mGraph; // Meta operator micro-graph
     std::shared_ptr<SequentialScheduler> mScheduler;
-    // Need to store an ordored list of input/output operators for the micro-graph,
-    // because input/output nodes in a GraphView are unordered.
-    // TODO: refactor GraphView to handle ordered input/output?
-    std::vector<std::pair<std::shared_ptr<OperatorTensor>, IOIndex_t>> mInputOps;
-    std::vector<std::pair<std::shared_ptr<OperatorTensor>, IOIndex_t>> mOutputOps;
-    MetaOperator_Op(const char *type, const std::shared_ptr<GraphView>& graph,
-        std::vector<NodePtr> inputNodes = std::vector<NodePtr>(),
-        std::vector<NodePtr> outputNodes = std::vector<NodePtr>());
+    MetaOperator_Op(const char *type, const std::shared_ptr<GraphView>& graph);
      * @brief Copy-constructor. Copy the operator attributes and its output tensor(s), but not its input tensors (the new operator has no input associated).
@@ -47,7 +40,7 @@ public:
      * @brief Clone the operator using its copy-constructor.
-     * @see Operator::MatMul_Op
+     * @see Operator::MetaOperator_Op
     std::shared_ptr<Operator> clone() const override {
         return std::make_shared<MetaOperator_Op>(*this);
@@ -64,8 +57,8 @@ public:
     void associateInput(const IOIndex_t inputIdx, const std::shared_ptr<Data>& data) override final {
         assert(strcmp(data->type(), Tensor::Type) == 0 && "input data must be of Tensor type");
-        const auto& inputOp = mInputOps[inputIdx];
-        inputOp.first->associateInput(inputOp.second, data);
+        const auto& inputOp = mGraph->getOrderedInputs()[inputIdx];
+        inputOp.first->getOperator()->associateInput(inputOp.second, data);
         // Associate inputs for custom implementation
         mInputs[inputIdx] = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<Tensor>(data);
@@ -77,7 +70,7 @@ public:
-    void setBackend(const std::string &name) override {
+    void setBackend(const std::string &name, DeviceIdx_t device = 0) override {
         if (Registrar<MetaOperator_Op>::exists({name, type()})) {
             // A custom implementation exists for this meta operator
             mImpl = Registrar<MetaOperator_Op>::create({name, type()})(*this);
@@ -86,7 +79,7 @@ public:
         // The micro-graph should always be set to the right backend, since it
         // shares input/output tensors.
         // Input/output tensors backend are updated here.
-        mGraph->setBackend(name);
+        mGraph->setBackend(name, device);
     void setDataType(const DataType &datatype) const override {
@@ -106,15 +99,15 @@ public:
         assert(false && "not implemented");
+    inline bool isAtomic() const noexcept override final { return false; }
 inline std::shared_ptr<Node> MetaOperator(const char *type,
                                   const std::shared_ptr<GraphView>& graph,
-                                  const std::string& name = "",
-                                  std::vector<NodePtr> inputNodes = std::vector<NodePtr>(),
-                                  std::vector<NodePtr> outputNodes = std::vector<NodePtr>())
+                                  const std::string& name = "")
-    return std::make_shared<Node>(std::make_shared<MetaOperator_Op>(type, graph, inputNodes, outputNodes), name);
+    return std::make_shared<Node>(std::make_shared<MetaOperator_Op>(type, graph), name);
 }  // namespace Aidge
diff --git a/include/aidge/operator/MetaOperatorDefs.hpp b/include/aidge/operator/MetaOperatorDefs.hpp
index 9ec6cdb928cdfa433b04ea23c69344133a3c7064..2832f9fce005e0ae9d2bab98bf764c68f93e3cda 100644
--- a/include/aidge/operator/MetaOperatorDefs.hpp
+++ b/include/aidge/operator/MetaOperatorDefs.hpp
@@ -32,10 +32,8 @@ inline std::shared_ptr<Node> PaddedConv(DimSize_t in_channels,
     // Construct micro-graph
     auto pad = Pad<DIM>(padding_dims, (!name.empty()) ? name + "_pad" : "", PadBorderType::Constant, 0.0);
     auto conv = std::make_shared<Node>(std::make_shared<Conv_Op<static_cast<DimIdx_t>(DIM)>>(in_channels, out_channels, kernel_dims, stride_dims, dilation_dims), (!name.empty()) ? name + "_conv" : "");
-    // Need to specify the ordered list of input operators
-    const std::vector<NodePtr> orderedInputNodes = {pad, conv};
-    auto metaOp = MetaOperator("PaddedConv", Sequential({pad, conv}), name, orderedInputNodes);
+    auto metaOp = MetaOperator("PaddedConv", Sequential({pad, conv}), name);
     addProducer(metaOp, 1, append(out_channels, append(in_channels, kernel_dims)), "w");
     addProducer(metaOp, 2, {out_channels}, "b");
     return metaOp;
@@ -66,12 +64,10 @@ inline std::shared_ptr<Node> PaddedConvDepthWise(const DimSize_t nb_channels,
     // Construct micro-graph
     auto pad = Pad<DIM>(padding_dims, (!name.empty()) ? name + "_pad" : "", PadBorderType::Constant, 0.0);
     auto conv = std::make_shared<Node>(std::make_shared<ConvDepthWise_Op<static_cast<DimIdx_t>(DIM)>>(nb_channels, kernel_dims, stride_dims, dilation_dims), (!name.empty()) ? name + "_conv" : "");
-    // Need to specify the ordered list of input operators
-    const std::vector<NodePtr> orderedInputNodes = {pad, conv};
-    auto metaOp = MetaOperator("PaddedConvDepthWise", Sequential({pad, conv}), name, orderedInputNodes);
-    addProducer(metaOp, 1, std::array<DimSize_t,0>({}), "w");
-    addProducer(metaOp, 2, std::array<DimSize_t,0>({}), "b");
+    auto metaOp = MetaOperator("PaddedConvDepthWise", Sequential({pad, conv}), name);
+    addProducer(metaOp, 1, append(nb_channels, append(DimSize_t(1), kernel_dims)), "w");
+    addProducer(metaOp, 2, {nb_channels}, "b");
     return metaOp;
diff --git a/include/aidge/operator/Move.hpp b/include/aidge/operator/Move.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..62fb9897384673c695895b54557b4cf637aa2447
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/aidge/operator/Move.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2023 CEA-List
+ *
+ * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
+ * terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at
+ * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-2.0.
+ *
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
+ *
+ ********************************************************************************/
+#include <cassert>
+#include <memory>
+#include <vector>
+#include "aidge/utils/Registrar.hpp"
+#include "aidge/operator/OperatorTensor.hpp"
+#include "aidge/backend/OperatorImpl.hpp"
+#include "aidge/data/Tensor.hpp"
+#include "aidge/graph/Node.hpp"
+#include "aidge/utils/Types.h"
+namespace Aidge {
+class Move_Op : public OperatorTensor,
+    public Registrable<Move_Op, std::tuple<std::string, std::string>, std::unique_ptr<OperatorImpl>(const Move_Op&)> {
+    static const std::string Type;
+    Move_Op() : OperatorTensor(Type, 1, 0, 1) {}
+    /**
+     * @brief Copy-constructor. Copy the operator attributes and its output tensor(s), but not its input tensors (the new operator has no input associated).
+     * @param op Operator to copy.
+     */
+    Move_Op(const Move_Op& op)
+        : OperatorTensor(op)
+    {
+        mImpl = op.mImpl ? Registrar<Move_Op>::create({mInputs[0]->getImpl()->backend(), mOutputs[0]->getImpl()->backend()})(*this) : nullptr;
+    }
+    /**
+     * @brief Clone the operator using its copy-constructor.
+     * @see Operator::Move_Op
+     */
+    std::shared_ptr<Operator> clone() const override {
+        return std::make_shared<Move_Op>(*this);
+    }
+    void setBackend(const std::string& name, DeviceIdx_t device = 0) override {
+        if (mInputs[0]->getImpl() && Registrar<Move_Op>::exists({mInputs[0]->getImpl()->backend(), name})) {
+            mImpl = Registrar<Move_Op>::create({mInputs[0]->getImpl()->backend(), name})(*this);
+        }
+        mOutputs[0]->setBackend(name, device);
+    }
+    void forward() override;
+    static const std::vector<std::string> getInputsName(){
+        return {"data_input"};
+    }
+    static const std::vector<std::string> getOutputsName(){
+        return {"data_output"};
+    }
+inline std::shared_ptr<Node> Move(const std::string& name = "") {
+    return std::make_shared<Node>(std::make_shared<Move_Op>(), name);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/include/aidge/operator/Mul.hpp b/include/aidge/operator/Mul.hpp
index 337fe6e65cc040e67ee033516731a7ba8de86d2d..78b2fa5f98c9dae66ae291769f2de08d7805a738 100644
--- a/include/aidge/operator/Mul.hpp
+++ b/include/aidge/operator/Mul.hpp
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ namespace Aidge {
 class Mul_Op : public OperatorTensor,
     public Registrable<Mul_Op, std::string, std::unique_ptr<OperatorImpl>(const Mul_Op&)> {
-    static constexpr const char* Type = "Mul";
+    static const std::string Type;
     Mul_Op() : OperatorTensor(Type, 2, 0, 1) {}
@@ -56,13 +56,9 @@ public:
     void computeOutputDims() override final;
-    void setBackend(const std::string& name) override {
+    void setBackend(const std::string& name, DeviceIdx_t device = 0) override {
         mImpl = Registrar<Mul_Op>::create(name)(*this);
-        mOutputs[0]->setBackend(name);
-        // FIXME: temporary workaround
-        getInput(0)->setBackend(name);
-        getInput(1)->setBackend(name);
+        mOutputs[0]->setBackend(name, device);
     static const std::vector<std::string> getInputsName(){
diff --git a/include/aidge/operator/Operator.hpp b/include/aidge/operator/Operator.hpp
index 1f4cdd23f9a765924305ebeb43e3e6ee1ad73496..dd4ad16441f536fd786036672d57817b892cf155 100644
--- a/include/aidge/operator/Operator.hpp
+++ b/include/aidge/operator/Operator.hpp
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ private:
     Operator() = delete;
-    Operator(const char* type, const IOIndex_t nbData, const IOIndex_t nbParam, const IOIndex_t nbOut, const OperatorType operatorType = OperatorType::Data)
+    Operator(const std::string& type, const IOIndex_t nbData, const IOIndex_t nbParam, const IOIndex_t nbOut, const OperatorType operatorType = OperatorType::Data)
     : mType(type),
@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ public:
-    virtual void setBackend(const std::string& name) = 0;
+    virtual void setBackend(const std::string& name, DeviceIdx_t device = 0) = 0;
     virtual void setDataType(const DataType& dataType) const = 0;
@@ -157,6 +157,8 @@ public:
         return mOperatorType;
+    virtual inline bool isAtomic() const noexcept { return true; }
     inline IOIndex_t nbInputs() const noexcept { return mNbData+mNbParam; };
     inline IOIndex_t nbData() const noexcept { return mNbData; };
     inline IOIndex_t nbParam() const noexcept { return mNbParam; };
diff --git a/include/aidge/operator/OperatorTensor.hpp b/include/aidge/operator/OperatorTensor.hpp
index 126e5d467d0f341a8c5b8c5d16d188ebe92135d0..504a416488651d43126a60981cd8afe0f95821f2 100644
--- a/include/aidge/operator/OperatorTensor.hpp
+++ b/include/aidge/operator/OperatorTensor.hpp
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ protected:
     OperatorTensor() = delete;
-    OperatorTensor(const char* type, const IOIndex_t nbData, const IOIndex_t nbParam,
+    OperatorTensor(const std::string& type, const IOIndex_t nbData, const IOIndex_t nbParam,
                    const IOIndex_t nbOut)
         : Operator(type, nbData, nbParam, nbOut, OperatorType::Tensor),
           mInputs(std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Tensor>>(nbData + nbParam, nullptr)),
@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ public:
      * @return std::vector<std::pair<std::size_t, std::vector<DimSize_t>>>
      * For each dataInput Tensor of the Operator, the first index and dimensions of the feature area.
-    virtual std::vector<std::pair<std::size_t, std::vector<DimSize_t>>> computeReceptiveField(const std::size_t firstIdx, const std::vector<DimSize_t>& outputDims, const IOIndex_t outputIdx = 0) const;
+    virtual std::vector<std::pair<std::vector<Aidge::DimSize_t>, std::vector<DimSize_t>>> computeReceptiveField(const std::vector<DimSize_t>& firstEltDims, const std::vector<DimSize_t>& outputDims, const IOIndex_t outputIdx = 0) const;
     virtual void computeOutputDims();
     virtual bool outputDimsForwarded() const;
diff --git a/include/aidge/operator/Pad.hpp b/include/aidge/operator/Pad.hpp
index 279b8b3d2c173d18c65c17e50385954a88fde77e..56245dd2dfd62d4dc765de6e3d43b08c144cc62b 100644
--- a/include/aidge/operator/Pad.hpp
+++ b/include/aidge/operator/Pad.hpp
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ class Pad_Op : public OperatorTensor,
                                        double> {
-    static constexpr const char *Type = "Pad";
+    static const std::string Type;
     Pad_Op() = delete;
@@ -97,12 +97,9 @@ public:
-    void setBackend(const std::string &name) override {
+    void setBackend(const std::string &name, DeviceIdx_t device = 0) override {
         mImpl = Registrar<Pad_Op<DIM>>::create(name)(*this);
-        mOutputs[0]->setBackend(name);
-        // FIXME: temporary workaround
-        getInput(0)->setBackend(name);
+        mOutputs[0]->setBackend(name, device);
     static const std::vector<std::string> getInputsName(){
@@ -113,6 +110,9 @@ public:
+template <DimIdx_t DIM>
+const std::string Pad_Op<DIM>::Type = "Pad";
 template <std::array<DimSize_t, 1>::size_type DIM>
 inline std::shared_ptr<Node> Pad(const std::array<DimSize_t, 2*DIM> &beginEndTuples,
                                            const std::string& name = "",
diff --git a/include/aidge/operator/Pow.hpp b/include/aidge/operator/Pow.hpp
index a5cd3a9b047f9a32665cc2de1ead4f2221fed4aa..d498cacc7c5b2ddc3269f3ebc77707aead8eb52d 100644
--- a/include/aidge/operator/Pow.hpp
+++ b/include/aidge/operator/Pow.hpp
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ namespace Aidge {
 class Pow_Op : public OperatorTensor,
     public Registrable<Pow_Op, std::string, std::unique_ptr<OperatorImpl>(const Pow_Op&)> {
-    static constexpr const char* Type = "Pow";
+    static const std::string Type;
     Pow_Op() : OperatorTensor(Type, 2, 0, 1) {}
@@ -54,13 +54,9 @@ public:
     void computeOutputDims() override final;
-    void setBackend(const std::string& name) override {
+    void setBackend(const std::string& name, DeviceIdx_t device = 0) override {
         mImpl = Registrar<Pow_Op>::create(name)(*this);
-        mOutputs[0]->setBackend(name);
-        // FIXME: temporary workaround
-        getInput(0)->setBackend(name);
-        getInput(1)->setBackend(name);
+        mOutputs[0]->setBackend(name, device);
     static const std::vector<std::string> getInputsName(){
diff --git a/include/aidge/operator/Producer.hpp b/include/aidge/operator/Producer.hpp
index a3f6e085ce3849c1b057f0fdb043093b338b48a1..ee00ead696efe623a4e051994f470a38397777ec 100644
--- a/include/aidge/operator/Producer.hpp
+++ b/include/aidge/operator/Producer.hpp
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ class Producer_Op
       public Registrable<Producer_Op, std::string, std::unique_ptr<OperatorImpl>(
                                           const Producer_Op &)> {
-    static constexpr const char* Type = "Producer";
+    static const std::string Type;
     template <std::size_t DIM>
     Producer_Op(const std::array<DimSize_t, DIM>& dims)
@@ -76,9 +76,9 @@ public:
     inline const std::vector<DimSize_t> dims() const noexcept { return mOutputs[0]->dims(); }
-    void setBackend(const std::string& name) override {
+    void setBackend(const std::string& name, DeviceIdx_t device = 0) override {
         mImpl = Registrar<Producer_Op>::create(name)(*this);
-        mOutputs[0]->setBackend(name);
+        mOutputs[0]->setBackend(name, device);
     static const std::vector<std::string> getInputsName(){
diff --git a/include/aidge/operator/ReLU.hpp b/include/aidge/operator/ReLU.hpp
index 15dec9be8516f71f5f4dfd0aec6a2985671da53d..0bb7cdffe421b973ae7c86b4569e7464b3cf6da4 100644
--- a/include/aidge/operator/ReLU.hpp
+++ b/include/aidge/operator/ReLU.hpp
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ namespace Aidge {
 class ReLU_Op : public OperatorTensor,
     public Registrable<ReLU_Op, std::string, std::unique_ptr<OperatorImpl>(const ReLU_Op&)> {
-    static constexpr const char* Type = "ReLU";
+    static const std::string Type;
     ReLU_Op() : OperatorTensor(Type, 1, 0, 1) {}
@@ -51,12 +51,9 @@ public:
-    void setBackend(const std::string& name) override {
+    void setBackend(const std::string& name, DeviceIdx_t device = 0) override {
         mImpl = Registrar<ReLU_Op>::create(name)(*this);
-        mOutputs[0]->setBackend(name);
-        // FIXME: temporary workaround
-        getInput(0)->setBackend(name);
+        mOutputs[0]->setBackend(name, device);
     static const std::vector<std::string> getInputsName(){
diff --git a/include/aidge/operator/ReduceMean.hpp b/include/aidge/operator/ReduceMean.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0acd21b28fac54e7e6d30e8219ead0e04ef777f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/aidge/operator/ReduceMean.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2023 CEA-List
+ *
+ * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
+ * terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at
+ * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-2.0.
+ *
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
+ *
+ ********************************************************************************/
+#include <array>
+#include <cmath>
+#include <numeric>
+#include <vector>
+#include "aidge/data/Tensor.hpp"
+#include "aidge/graph/Node.hpp"
+#include "aidge/operator/OperatorTensor.hpp"
+#include "aidge/operator/Producer.hpp"
+#include "aidge/utils/StaticAttributes.hpp"
+#include "aidge/utils/Registrar.hpp"
+#include "aidge/utils/Types.h"
+namespace Aidge {
+enum class ReduceMeanAttr { Axes, KeepDims };
+template <DimIdx_t DIM>
+class ReduceMean_Op : public OperatorTensor,
+                public Registrable<ReduceMean_Op<DIM>, std::string, std::unique_ptr<OperatorImpl>(const ReduceMean_Op<DIM> &)>,
+                public StaticAttributes<ReduceMeanAttr, std::array<int, DIM>, DimSize_t> {
+   public:
+    static const std::string Type;
+    ReduceMean_Op() = delete;
+    using Attributes_ = StaticAttributes<ReduceMeanAttr, std::array<int, DIM>, DimSize_t>;
+    template <ReduceMeanAttr e>
+    using attr = typename Attributes_::template attr<e>;
+    constexpr ReduceMean_Op(const std::array<int, DIM> &axes, DimSize_t keep_dims)
+        : OperatorTensor(Type, 1, 0, 1),
+          Attributes_(attr<ReduceMeanAttr::Axes>(axes),
+                      attr<ReduceMeanAttr::KeepDims>(keep_dims)) {}
+    /**
+     * @brief Copy-constructor. Copy the operator attributes and its output tensor(s), but not its input tensors (the new operator has no input associated).
+     * @param op Operator to copy.
+     */
+    ReduceMean_Op(const ReduceMean_Op<DIM>& op)
+        : OperatorTensor(op),
+          Attributes_(op)
+    {
+        mImpl = op.mImpl ? Registrar<ReduceMean_Op<DIM>>::create(mOutputs[0]->getImpl()->backend())(*this) : nullptr;
+    }
+    /**
+     * @brief Clone the operator using its copy-constructor.
+     * @see Operator::ReduceMean_Op
+     */
+    std::shared_ptr<Operator> clone() const override {
+        return std::make_shared<ReduceMean_Op<DIM>>(*this);
+    }
+    void computeOutputDims() override final {
+        if (!getInput(0)->empty()) {
+            std::vector<DimSize_t> outDims;
+            for(std::size_t d=0; d<getInput(0)->dims().size(); ++d)
+            {
+                bool reducedDim =  false;
+                for(std::size_t i=0; i<DIM; ++i)
+                {
+                    int axis_ = this->template getAttr<ReduceMeanAttr::Axes>()[i];
+                    std::size_t axis= axis_>=0? axis_: axis_ + getInput(0)->nbDims();
+                    if(axis == d)
+                    {
+                        reducedDim = true;
+                        break;
+                    }
+                }
+                if(reducedDim)
+                {
+                    if(this->template getAttr<ReduceMeanAttr::KeepDims>())
+                        outDims.push_back(1);
+                }
+                else
+                    outDims.push_back(getInput(0)->dims()[d]);
+            }        
+            if(outDims.size()>0)
+                mOutputs[0]->resize(outDims);
+            else
+                mOutputs[0]->resize({1});
+        }
+    }
+    void setBackend(const std::string &name) override {
+        mImpl = Registrar<ReduceMean_Op<DIM>>::create(name)(*this);
+        mOutputs[0]->setBackend(name);
+        // FIXME: temporary workaround
+        getInput(0)->setBackend(name);
+    }
+    static const std::vector<std::string> getInputsName(){
+        return {"data_input"};
+    }
+    static const std::vector<std::string> getOutputsName(){
+        return {"data_output"};
+    }
+template <std::array<DimSize_t, 1>::size_type DIM>
+inline std::shared_ptr<Node> ReduceMean(const std::array<int, DIM> &axes,
+                                        DimSize_t keep_dims=1,
+                                        const std::string& name = "") {
+    // FIXME: properly handle default w&b initialization in every cases
+    static_assert(DIM<=MaxDim,"Too many kernel dimensions required by ReduceMean, not supported");
+    return std::make_shared<Node>(std::make_shared<ReduceMean_Op<static_cast<DimIdx_t>(DIM)>>(axes, keep_dims), name);
+// helper with C-style array instead of std::array for kernel_dims to allow automatic template DIM deduction
+template <DimSize_t DIM>
+inline std::shared_ptr<Node> ReduceMean(
+    int const (&axes)[DIM],
+    DimSize_t keep_dims = 1,
+    const std::string& name = "") {
+    static_assert(DIM<=MaxDim,"Too many kernel dimensions required by ReduceMean, not supported");
+    return ReduceMean(to_array(axes), keep_dims, name);
+template <DimIdx_t DIM>
+const std::string ReduceMean_Op<DIM>::Type = "ReduceMean";
+}  // namespace Aidge
+namespace {
+template <>
+const char *const EnumStrings<Aidge::ReduceMeanAttr>::data[] = {"Axes", "KeepDims"};
diff --git a/include/aidge/operator/Reshape.hpp b/include/aidge/operator/Reshape.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1ffa045960037f35167ae2d6e8904c49e2c55560
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/aidge/operator/Reshape.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2023 CEA-List
+ *
+ * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
+ * terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at
+ * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-2.0.
+ *
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
+ *
+ ********************************************************************************/
+#include <cassert>
+#include <memory>
+#include <vector>
+#include "aidge/backend/OperatorImpl.hpp"
+#include "aidge/graph/Node.hpp"
+#include "aidge/operator/OperatorTensor.hpp"
+#include "aidge/utils/Registrar.hpp"
+#include "aidge/utils/StaticAttributes.hpp"
+#include "aidge/utils/Types.h"
+namespace Aidge {
+enum class ReshapeAttr { Shape };
+class Reshape_Op : public OperatorTensor,
+                   public Registrable<Reshape_Op, std::string, std::unique_ptr<OperatorImpl>(const Reshape_Op&)>,
+                   public StaticAttributes<ReshapeAttr, std::vector<std::int64_t>> {
+    static const std::string Type;
+    Reshape_Op() = delete;
+    using Attributes_ = StaticAttributes<ReshapeAttr, std::vector<std::int64_t>>;
+    template <ReshapeAttr e>
+    using attr = typename Attributes_::template attr<e>;
+    Reshape_Op(const std::vector<std::int64_t>& shape)
+        : OperatorTensor(Type, 1, 0, 1),
+          Attributes_(attr<ReshapeAttr::Shape>(shape))
+    {}
+    /**
+     * @brief Copy-constructor. Copy the operator attributes and its output tensor(s), but not its input tensors (the new operator has no input associated).
+     * @param op Operator to copy.
+     */
+    Reshape_Op(const Reshape_Op& op)
+        : OperatorTensor(op),
+          Attributes_(op)
+    {
+        mImpl = op.mImpl ? Registrar<Reshape_Op>::create(mOutputs[0]->getImpl()->backend())(*this) : nullptr;
+    }
+    /**
+     * @brief Clone the operator using its copy-constructor.
+     * @see Operator::Reshape_Op
+     */
+    std::shared_ptr<Operator> clone() const override {
+        return std::make_shared<Reshape_Op>(*this);
+    }
+    void computeOutputDims() override final;
+    void setBackend(const std::string& name) override {
+        mImpl = Registrar<Reshape_Op>::create(name)(*this);
+        mOutputs[0]->setBackend(name);
+        // FIXME: temporary workaround
+        getInput(0)->setBackend(name);
+    }
+    static const std::vector<std::string> getInputsName(){
+        return {"data_input"};
+    }
+    static const std::vector<std::string> getOutputsName(){
+        return {"data_output"};
+    }
+inline std::shared_ptr<Node> Reshape(const std::vector<std::int64_t>& shape,
+                                   		const std::string &name = "") {
+    // FIXME: properly handle default w&b initialization in every cases
+    return std::make_shared<Node>(std::make_shared<Reshape_Op>(shape), name);
+}  // namespace Aidge
+namespace {
+template <>
+const char *const EnumStrings<Aidge::ReshapeAttr>::data[] = { "Shape" };
diff --git a/include/aidge/operator/Scaling.hpp b/include/aidge/operator/Scaling.hpp
index 98e082ac27f7cdf90d5d0464d811f116ae9f59ae..54f1d98d2f61d18dd821c9f0a6b574bb52b0c9f0 100644
--- a/include/aidge/operator/Scaling.hpp
+++ b/include/aidge/operator/Scaling.hpp
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ class Scaling_Op : public OperatorTensor,
     public Registrable<Scaling_Op, std::string, std::unique_ptr<OperatorImpl>(const Scaling_Op&)>,
     public StaticAttributes<ScalingAttr, float, size_t, bool> {
-    static constexpr const char* Type = "Scaling";
+    static const std::string Type;
     Scaling_Op() = delete;
@@ -66,11 +66,9 @@ public:
         return std::make_shared<Scaling_Op>(*this);
-    void setBackend(const std::string& name) override {
+    void setBackend(const std::string& name, DeviceIdx_t device = 0) override {
         mImpl = Registrar<Scaling_Op>::create(name)(*this);
-        mOutputs[0]->setBackend(name);
-        // FIXME: temporary workaround
-        mInputs[0]->setBackend(name);
+        mOutputs[0]->setBackend(name, device);
     static const std::vector<std::string> getInputsName() {
diff --git a/include/aidge/operator/Slice.hpp b/include/aidge/operator/Slice.hpp
index b92c1818d49b53d4a2eda9a8d2704a06ca2980ca..12a7425f3339b7fbc0ae010639aacf23d97b0f5f 100644
--- a/include/aidge/operator/Slice.hpp
+++ b/include/aidge/operator/Slice.hpp
@@ -24,25 +24,26 @@
 #include "aidge/utils/Types.h"
 namespace Aidge {
-enum class SliceAttr { Beginning, SliceDims };
+enum class SliceAttr { Starts, Ends, Axes };
 class Slice_Op
     : public OperatorTensor,
       public Registrable<Slice_Op, std::string, std::unique_ptr<OperatorImpl>(const Slice_Op &)>,
-      public StaticAttributes<SliceAttr, std::size_t, std::vector<DimSize_t>> {
+      public StaticAttributes<SliceAttr, std::vector<std::int32_t>, std::vector<std::int32_t>, std::vector<std::int32_t>> {
-    static constexpr const char *Type = "Slice";
+    static const std::string Type;
     Slice_Op() = delete;
-    using Attributes_ = StaticAttributes<SliceAttr, std::size_t, std::vector<DimSize_t>>;
+    using Attributes_ = StaticAttributes<SliceAttr, std::vector<std::int32_t>, std::vector<std::int32_t>, std::vector<std::int32_t>>;
     template <SliceAttr e>
     using attr = typename Attributes_::template attr<e>;
-    Slice_Op(const std::size_t beginningPos, const std::vector<DimSize_t> sliceDims)
+    Slice_Op(const std::vector<std::int32_t>& starts, const std::vector<std::int32_t>&  ends, const std::vector<std::int32_t>& axes)
         : OperatorTensor(Type, 1, 0, 1),
-          Attributes_(attr<SliceAttr::Beginning>(beginningPos),
-                      attr<SliceAttr::SliceDims>(sliceDims))
+          Attributes_(attr<SliceAttr::Starts>(starts),
+                      attr<SliceAttr::Ends>(ends),
+                      attr<SliceAttr::Axes>(axes))
@@ -65,37 +66,11 @@ public:
     std::shared_ptr<Operator> clone() const override { return std::make_shared<Slice_Op>(*this); }
-    void computeOutputDims() override final {
-        if (!getInput(0) || (getInput(0)->empty())) {
-            AIDGE_THROW_OR_ABORT(std::runtime_error, "Every input should be associated with a Tensor");
-        }
-        std::vector<DimSize_t> outputDims = std::vector<DimSize_t>(getInput(0)->nbDims());
-        const std::vector<DimSize_t> inputDims = getInput(0)->dims();
-        // Check that the sliced Tensor is actually part of the input Tensor
-        // For a 5*5 tensor ('x') and a 3*3 slice kernel ('o'):
-        // xxxxx               xxxxx
-        // xxxxx               xxxxx
-        // xxooo  --> ok       xxxoo --> out of bound
-        // xxooo               xxxoo
-        // xxooo               xxxoo
-        std::vector<std::size_t> beginningCoords = mInputs[0]->getCoord(this->template getAttr<SliceAttr::Beginning>());
-        for (std::size_t i = 0; i < getInput(0)->nbDims(); ++i) {
-            if (beginningCoords[i] + this->template getAttr<SliceAttr::SliceDims>()[i] > inputDims[i]) {
-                AIDGE_THROW_OR_ABORT(std::runtime_error, "ROI of Slice operator out of bounds");
-            } else {
-                outputDims[i] = this->template getAttr<SliceAttr::SliceDims>()[i];
-            }
-        }
-        mOutputs[0]->resize(outputDims);
-    }
+    void computeOutputDims() override final;
-    void setBackend(const std::string &name) override {
+    void setBackend(const std::string &name, DeviceIdx_t device = 0) override {
         mImpl = Registrar<Slice_Op>::create(name)(*this);
-        mOutputs[0]->setBackend(name);
-        // FIXME: temporary workaround
-        getInput(0)->setBackend(name);
+        mOutputs[0]->setBackend(name, device);
     static const std::vector<std::string> getInputsName(){
@@ -106,17 +81,31 @@ public:
-inline std::shared_ptr<Node> Slice(const std::size_t beginningPos, const std::vector<DimSize_t> sliceDims,
+ * @brief Exract a sub-Tensor from a bigger original Tensor.
+ * @param starts Indexes for each dimension of the first element.
+ * Can be a negative value. Negative values start their reference from the last index.
+ * ``-1`` referes to the last index of a dimension.
+ * @param ends Indexes for each dimension of the last element.
+ * Can be a negative value. Negative values start their reference from the last index.
+ * ``-1`` referes to the last index of a dimension.
+ * @param axes Dimensions for which start/end indexes apply. Not specifying a dimensions
+ * means the whole dimensions is extracted.
+ * @param name Name of the Operator.
+ * @return std::shared_ptr<Node> A Node containing the Operator.
+ */
+inline std::shared_ptr<Node> Slice(const std::vector<std::int32_t> starts,
+                                   const std::vector<std::int32_t> ends,
+                                   const std::vector<std::int32_t> axes,
                                    const std::string &name = "") {
     // FIXME: properly handle default w&b initialization in every cases
-    return std::make_shared<Node>(std::make_shared<Slice_Op>(beginningPos, sliceDims), name);
+    return std::make_shared<Node>(std::make_shared<Slice_Op>(starts, ends, axes), name);
 }  // namespace Aidge
 namespace {
 template <>
-const char *const EnumStrings<Aidge::SliceAttr>::data[] = { "Beginning", "SliceDims" };
+const char *const EnumStrings<Aidge::SliceAttr>::data[] = { "Starts", "Ends", "Axes" };
diff --git a/include/aidge/operator/Softmax.hpp b/include/aidge/operator/Softmax.hpp
index d5c91945e83469dc9c6fef2b5adef026790b568d..ed6689dc97ef17276df260cd90649f2a75b10007 100644
--- a/include/aidge/operator/Softmax.hpp
+++ b/include/aidge/operator/Softmax.hpp
@@ -16,29 +16,44 @@
 #include <memory>
 #include <vector>
-#include "aidge/utils/Registrar.hpp"
-#include "aidge/operator/OperatorTensor.hpp"
 #include "aidge/backend/OperatorImpl.hpp"
 #include "aidge/data/Tensor.hpp"
 #include "aidge/data/Data.hpp"
 #include "aidge/graph/Node.hpp"
+#include "aidge/operator/OperatorTensor.hpp"
+#include "aidge/operator/Producer.hpp"
+#include "aidge/utils/Registrar.hpp"
+#include "aidge/utils/StaticAttributes.hpp"
 #include "aidge/utils/Types.h"
 namespace Aidge {
+enum class SoftmaxAttr { AxisIdx };
 class Softmax_Op : public OperatorTensor,
-    public Registrable<Softmax_Op, std::string, std::unique_ptr<OperatorImpl>(const Softmax_Op&)> {
+                public Registrable<Softmax_Op,
+                                   std::string,
+                                   std::unique_ptr<OperatorImpl>(const Softmax_Op&)>,
+                public StaticAttributes<SoftmaxAttr, int> {
-    static constexpr const char* Type = "Softmax";
+    static const std::string Type;
+    Softmax_Op() = delete;
-    Softmax_Op() : OperatorTensor(Type, 1, 0, 1) {}
+    using Attributes_ = StaticAttributes<SoftmaxAttr, int>;
+    template <SoftmaxAttr e> using attr = typename Attributes_::template attr<e>;
+    Softmax_Op(int axis)
+            :  OperatorTensor(Type, 1, 0, 1),
+            Attributes_(attr<SoftmaxAttr::AxisIdx>(axis)) {}
      * @brief Copy-constructor. Copy the operator attributes and its output tensor(s), but not its input tensors (the new operator has no input associated).
      * @param op Operator to copy.
     Softmax_Op(const Softmax_Op& op)
-        : OperatorTensor(op)
+        : OperatorTensor(op),
+          Attributes_(op)
         mImpl = op.mImpl ? Registrar<Softmax_Op>::create(op.mOutputs[0]->getImpl()->backend())(*this) : nullptr;
@@ -51,12 +66,9 @@ public:
         return std::make_shared<Softmax_Op>(*this);
-    void setBackend(const std::string& name) override {
+    void setBackend(const std::string& name, DeviceIdx_t device = 0) override {
         mImpl = Registrar<Softmax_Op>::create(name)(*this);
-        mOutputs[0]->setBackend(name);
-        // FIXME: temporary workaround
-        getInput(0)->setBackend(name);
+        mOutputs[0]->setBackend(name, device);
     static const std::vector<std::string> getInputsName(){
@@ -67,9 +79,14 @@ public:
-inline std::shared_ptr<Node> Softmax(const std::string& name = "") {
-    return std::make_shared<Node>(std::make_shared<Softmax_Op>(), name);
+inline std::shared_ptr<Node> Softmax(int axis, const std::string& name = "") {
+    return std::make_shared<Node>(std::make_shared<Softmax_Op>(axis), name);
+} // namespace Aidge
+namespace {
+template <>
+const char *const EnumStrings<Aidge::SoftmaxAttr>::data[] = {"Axis"};
diff --git a/include/aidge/operator/Sqrt.hpp b/include/aidge/operator/Sqrt.hpp
index 1fe609fc2913afcda735ba2859126188aad4de5f..32adfdb93db1e9da857f4147efdcfe64bbb34475 100644
--- a/include/aidge/operator/Sqrt.hpp
+++ b/include/aidge/operator/Sqrt.hpp
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ public:
     const std::shared_ptr<Tensor> mOutput = std::make_shared<Tensor>();
-    static constexpr const char* Type = "Sqrt";
+    static const std::string Type;
     Sqrt_Op() : OperatorTensor(Type, 1, 0, 1) {}
@@ -56,12 +56,9 @@ public:
         return std::make_shared<Sqrt_Op>(*this);
-    void setBackend(const std::string& name) override {
+    void setBackend(const std::string& name, DeviceIdx_t device = 0) override {
         mImpl = Registrar<Sqrt_Op>::create(name)(*this);
-        mOutputs[0]->setBackend(name);
-        // FIXME: temporary workaround
-        getInput(0)->setBackend(name);
+        mOutputs[0]->setBackend(name, device);
     static const std::vector<std::string> getInputsName(){
diff --git a/include/aidge/operator/Sub.hpp b/include/aidge/operator/Sub.hpp
index d141ad42015838e89e6d59c22bcefe56e795170c..ee5efa24dc24ebcd5ad4c45491c968caf691eee9 100644
--- a/include/aidge/operator/Sub.hpp
+++ b/include/aidge/operator/Sub.hpp
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ public:
     const std::shared_ptr<Tensor> mOutput = std::make_shared<Tensor>();
-    static constexpr const char* Type = "Sub";
+    static const std::string Type;
     Sub_Op() : OperatorTensor(Type, 2, 0, 1) {}
@@ -59,13 +59,9 @@ public:
     void computeOutputDims() override final;
-    void setBackend(const std::string& name) override {
+    void setBackend(const std::string& name, DeviceIdx_t device = 0) override {
         mImpl = Registrar<Sub_Op>::create(name)(*this);
-        mOutputs[0]->setBackend(name);
-        // FIXME: temporary workaround
-        getInput(0)->setBackend(name);
-        getInput(1)->setBackend(name);
+        mOutputs[0]->setBackend(name, device);
     static const std::vector<std::string> getInputsName(){
diff --git a/include/aidge/operator/Transpose.hpp b/include/aidge/operator/Transpose.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f111be76cd712265e92e2e4c3e0220f79e13b1f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/aidge/operator/Transpose.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2023 CEA-List
+ *
+ * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
+ * terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at
+ * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-2.0.
+ *
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
+ *
+ ********************************************************************************/
+#include <array>
+#include <cmath>
+#include <numeric>
+#include <vector>
+#include "aidge/data/Tensor.hpp"
+#include "aidge/graph/Node.hpp"
+#include "aidge/operator/OperatorTensor.hpp"
+#include "aidge/operator/Producer.hpp"
+#include "aidge/utils/StaticAttributes.hpp"
+#include "aidge/utils/Registrar.hpp"
+#include "aidge/utils/Types.h"
+namespace Aidge {
+enum class TransposeAttr { OutputDimsOrder };
+template <DimIdx_t DIM>
+class Transpose_Op : public OperatorTensor,
+                public Registrable<Transpose_Op<DIM>, std::string, std::unique_ptr<OperatorImpl>(const Transpose_Op<DIM> &)>,
+                public StaticAttributes<TransposeAttr,
+                                       std::array<DimSize_t, DIM>> {
+   public:
+    static const std::string Type;
+    Transpose_Op() = delete;
+    using Attributes_ = StaticAttributes<TransposeAttr,
+                                             std::array<DimSize_t, DIM>>;
+    template <TransposeAttr e>
+    using attr = typename Attributes_::template attr<e>;
+    constexpr Transpose_Op(const std::array<DimSize_t, DIM> &output_dims_order)
+        : OperatorTensor(Type, 1, 0, 1),
+          Attributes_(attr<TransposeAttr::OutputDimsOrder>(output_dims_order)) { }
+    /**
+     * @brief Copy-constructor. Copy the operator attributes and its output tensor(s), but not its input tensors (the new operator has no input associated).
+     * @param op Operator to copy.
+     */
+    Transpose_Op(const Transpose_Op<DIM>& op)
+        : OperatorTensor(op),
+          Attributes_(op)
+    {
+        mImpl = op.mImpl ? Registrar<Transpose_Op<DIM>>::create(mOutputs[0]->getImpl()->backend())(*this) : nullptr;
+    }
+    /**
+     * @brief Clone the operator using its copy-constructor.
+     * @see Operator::Transpose_Op
+     */
+    std::shared_ptr<Operator> clone() const override {
+        return std::make_shared<Transpose_Op<DIM>>(*this);
+    }
+    void computeOutputDims() override final {
+        if (!getInput(0)->empty()) {
+            auto attr = (this)->getStaticAttributes();
+            const std::array<DimSize_t, DIM>& outDimsOrder = static_cast<const std::array<DimSize_t, DIM>&>(std::get<0>(attr));
+            std::vector<DimSize_t> outputDims;
+            for (std::size_t i = 0; i < DIM; ++i) {
+                outputDims.push_back(getInput(0)->dims()[outDimsOrder[i]]);
+            }
+            mOutputs[0]->resize(outputDims);
+        }
+    }
+    void setBackend(const std::string &name) override {
+        mImpl = Registrar<Transpose_Op<DIM>>::create(name)(*this);
+        mOutputs[0]->setBackend(name);
+        // FIXME: temporary workaround
+        getInput(0)->setBackend(name);
+    }
+    static const std::vector<std::string> getInputsName(){
+        return {"data_input"};
+    }
+    static const std::vector<std::string> getOutputsName(){
+        return {"data_output"};
+    }
+template <std::array<DimSize_t, 1>::size_type DIM>
+inline std::shared_ptr<Node> Transpose(const std::array<DimSize_t, DIM> &output_dims_order,
+                                           const std::string& name = "") {
+    // FIXME: properly handle default w&b initialization in every cases
+    static_assert(DIM<=MaxDim,"Too many kernel dimensions required by Transpose, not supported");
+    return std::make_shared<Node>(std::make_shared<Transpose_Op<static_cast<DimIdx_t>(DIM)>>(output_dims_order), name);
+// helper with C-style array instead of std::array for kernel_dims to allow automatic template DIM deduction
+template <DimSize_t DIM>
+inline std::shared_ptr<Node> Transpose(
+    DimSize_t const (&output_dims_order)[DIM],
+    const std::string& name = "") {
+    static_assert(DIM<=MaxDim,"Too many kernel dimensions required by Transpose, not supported");
+    return Transpose(to_array(output_dims_order), name);
+template <DimIdx_t DIM>
+const std::string Transpose_Op<DIM>::Type = "Transpose";
+}  // namespace Aidge
+namespace {
+template <>
+const char *const EnumStrings<Aidge::TransposeAttr>::data[] = {"OutputDimsOrder"};
diff --git a/include/aidge/recipies/Recipies.hpp b/include/aidge/recipies/Recipies.hpp
index a17ead8f8f5fa5106c375050ef5b82e6f149535a..fb4bc22c69ec2b4e8dcc6178c9fcda0a85190f78 100644
--- a/include/aidge/recipies/Recipies.hpp
+++ b/include/aidge/recipies/Recipies.hpp
@@ -38,10 +38,28 @@ void fuseMulAdd(std::shared_ptr<Node> matmul,std::shared_ptr<Node> add);
  * @brief Merge ``MatMul`` and :cpp:function:`Aidge::Add` Node into a :cpp:function:`Aidge::FC` Node.
- * @param graphView Graph view to use graph matching on, in order to apply transfomrations.
+ * @param graphView Graph view to use graph matching on, in order to apply transformations.
 void fuseMulAdd(std::shared_ptr<GraphView> graphView);
+// REMOVE Dropout
+ * @brief Remove ``Dropout`` Node.
+ *
+ * @param nodes Node to remove.
+ */
+void removeDropout(std::shared_ptr<Node> dropout);
+void removeDropout(std::shared_ptr<MatchSolution> solution);
+ * @brief Remove ``Dropout`` Node.
+ *
+ * @param graphView Graph view to use graph matching on, in order to apply transfomrations.
+ */
+void removeDropout(std::shared_ptr<GraphView> graphView);
@@ -58,7 +76,7 @@ void removeFlatten(std::shared_ptr<MatchSolution> solution);
  * @brief Remove ``Flatten`` before :cpp:function:`Aidge::FC` Node.
- * @param graphView Graph view to use graph matching on, in order to apply transfomrations.
+ * @param graphView Graph view to use graph matching on, in order to apply transformations.
 void removeFlatten(std::shared_ptr<GraphView> graphView);
@@ -80,7 +98,7 @@ void fuseBatchNorm(std::shared_ptr<MatchSolution> solution);
  * @brief Fuse :cpp:function:`Aidge::BatchNorm` with :cpp:function:`Aidge::Conv` or :cpp:function:`Aidge::FC` Nodes.
  * Ref: https://nenadmarkus.com/p/fusing-batchnorm-and-conv/
- * @param graphView Graph view to use graph matching on, in order to apply transfomrations.
+ * @param graphView Graph view to use graph matching on, in order to apply transformations.
 void fuseBatchNorm(std::shared_ptr<GraphView> graphView);
@@ -89,6 +107,14 @@ std::set<std::shared_ptr<Node>> getConvHorizontalTiling(const std::shared_ptr<No
 // std::set<std::shared_ptr<Node>> getHorizontalTiling(std::set<std::shared_ptr<Node>> setOfNodes, DimIdx_t dim, std::size_t nbSlices);
 // void horizontalTiling(std::set<std::shared_ptr<Node>> setOfNodes, DimIdx_t dim, std::size_t nbSlices);
+ * Add Convert operators where needed to ensure no conversion needs to be done
+ * at the Operator level.
+void explicitCastMove(std::shared_ptr<GraphView> graphView);
 } // namespace Aidge
diff --git a/include/aidge/utils/ArrayHelpers.hpp b/include/aidge/utils/ArrayHelpers.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b0db3ca11c10c10a3ce63c3c4809cf7ae09173da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/aidge/utils/ArrayHelpers.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2023 CEA-List
+ *
+ * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
+ * terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at
+ * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-2.0.
+ *
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
+ *
+ ********************************************************************************/
+#include <array>
+namespace Aidge {
+// Helper to create default arrays
+template <typename T, std::size_t ... Is>
+constexpr std::array<T, sizeof...(Is)>
+create_array_impl(T value, std::index_sequence<Is...>)
+    // cast Is to void to remove the warning: unused value
+    return {{(static_cast<void>(Is), value)...}};
+template <typename T, std::size_t N>
+constexpr std::array<T, N> create_array(const T& value)
+    return create_array_impl(value, std::make_index_sequence<N>());
+// Helper to convert vector to array
+template <typename T, typename Iter, std::size_t... Is>
+constexpr auto to_array(Iter &iter, std::index_sequence<Is...>) -> std::array<T, sizeof...(Is)> {
+    return {{((void)Is, T(*iter++))...}};
+ * @brief Convert an object with an iterator to an std::array.
+ */
+template <std::size_t N, typename U = void, typename Iter, typename V = typename std::iterator_traits<Iter>::value_type,
+          typename T = std::conditional_t<std::is_same<U, void>{}, V, U>>
+constexpr auto to_array(Iter iter) -> std::array<T, N> {
+    return to_array<T>(iter, std::make_index_sequence<N>{});
+namespace detail {
+template <class T, std::size_t N, std::size_t... I>
+constexpr std::array<std::remove_cv_t<T>, N> to_array_impl(T (&a)[N], std::index_sequence<I...>) {
+    return {{a[I]...}};
+}  // namespace detail
+ * @brief Convert a C-stype array into a C++ std::array.
+ *
+ * @tparam T Data type.
+ * @tparam N Number of elements.
+ * @param a C-style array to convert.
+ * @return constexpr std::array<std::remove_cv_t<T>, N>
+ */
+template <class T, std::size_t N>
+constexpr std::array<std::remove_cv_t<T>, N> to_array(T (&a)[N]) {
+    return detail::to_array_impl(a, std::make_index_sequence<N>{});
+template <typename T, std::size_t N, std::size_t... I>
+constexpr std::array<T, N + 1> append(std::array<T, N> a, T t, std::index_sequence<I...>) {
+    return std::array<T, N + 1>{a[I]..., t};
+template <typename T, std::size_t N, std::size_t... I>
+constexpr std::array<T, N + 1> append(T t, std::array<T, N> a, std::index_sequence<I...>) {
+    return std::array<T, N + 1>{t, a[I]...};
+ * @brief Create a new array concatenating the initial one with the value to
+ * add.
+ * @details append({1,2,7}, 3) -> {1,2,7,3}
+ *
+ * @tparam T Data type.
+ * @tparam N Number of elements in the initilial array.
+ * @param a Initial array.
+ * @param t Element to add.
+ * @return constexpr std::array<T, N + 1>
+ */
+template <typename T, std::size_t N>
+constexpr std::array<T, N + 1> append(std::array<T, N> a, T t) {
+    return append(a, t, std::make_index_sequence<N>());
+template <typename T, std::size_t N>
+constexpr std::array<T, N + 1> append(T t, std::array<T, N> a) {
+    return append(t, a, std::make_index_sequence<N>());
+// Generic helper for initializing a Tensor
+template <typename T, std::size_t SIZE_0>
+struct Array1D {
+    T data[SIZE_0];
+template <typename T, std::size_t SIZE_0, std::size_t SIZE_1>
+struct Array2D {
+    T data[SIZE_0][SIZE_1];
+template <typename T, std::size_t SIZE_0, std::size_t SIZE_1, std::size_t SIZE_2>
+struct Array3D {
+    T data[SIZE_0][SIZE_1][SIZE_2];
+template <typename T, std::size_t SIZE_0, std::size_t SIZE_1, std::size_t SIZE_2, std::size_t SIZE_3>
+struct Array4D {
+    T data[SIZE_0][SIZE_1][SIZE_2][SIZE_3];
diff --git a/include/aidge/utils/Registrar.hpp b/include/aidge/utils/Registrar.hpp
index ece74509d466800c870d73d1e0bbe1d639f8bf54..66a07eb0ce21354b20f1ca416cc68d26d9bd6280 100644
--- a/include/aidge/utils/Registrar.hpp
+++ b/include/aidge/utils/Registrar.hpp
@@ -51,26 +51,29 @@ public:
 template <class C>
 struct Registrar {
-    Registrar(const typename C::registrar_key& key, typename C::registrar_type func) {
+    typedef typename C::registrar_key registrar_key;
+    typedef typename C::registrar_type registrar_type;
+    Registrar(const registrar_key& key, registrar_type func) {
         //printf("REGISTRAR: %s\n", key.c_str());
         bool newInsert;
         std::tie(std::ignore, newInsert) = C::registry().insert(std::make_pair(key, func));
         //assert(newInsert && "registrar already exists");
-    static bool exists(const typename C::registrar_key& key) {
+    static bool exists(const registrar_key& key) {
         const auto it = C::registry().find(key);
         return (it != C::registry().end());
-    static auto create(const typename C::registrar_key& key){
+    static auto create(const registrar_key& key){
         const auto it = C::registry().find(key);
         assert(it != C::registry().end() && "invalid registrar key");
         return (*it).second;
-    static std::vector<typename C::registrar_key> getKeys(){
-        std::vector<typename C::registrar_key> keys;
+    static std::vector<registrar_key> getKeys(){
+        std::vector<registrar_key> keys;
         for(auto keyValue : C::registry())
         return keys;
diff --git a/include/aidge/utils/StaticAttributes.hpp b/include/aidge/utils/StaticAttributes.hpp
index 50ed0895e82bb468dee57264534f0ec3a486a815..a90a08b01915c461bc8951c08ee2dbd979b957de 100644
--- a/include/aidge/utils/StaticAttributes.hpp
+++ b/include/aidge/utils/StaticAttributes.hpp
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
 #include <cassert>
 #include <cstddef>
 #include <typeinfo>
+#include <array>
 #include "aidge/utils/Attributes.hpp"
 #include "aidge/utils/ErrorHandling.hpp"
diff --git a/include/aidge/utils/TensorUtils.hpp b/include/aidge/utils/TensorUtils.hpp
index 6387619546c66922e48cf95a8a56487d4b0d0641..1bfe0929bf67bb0c6d3b893f3dbaf6993dcfd6ff 100644
--- a/include/aidge/utils/TensorUtils.hpp
+++ b/include/aidge/utils/TensorUtils.hpp
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
 #include <cmath>  // std::abs
 #include "aidge/data/Tensor.hpp"
+namespace Aidge {
  * @brief Compare two :cpp:class:`Aidge::Tensor` value wise. The comparison function is:
@@ -31,22 +32,23 @@
  * @param absolute absolute error allowed (shoulmd be positive)
  * @return true if both tensor are approximately equal and have the datatype, shape. Else return false
-template <typename T>
-bool approxEq(Aidge::Tensor t1, Aidge::Tensor t2, float relative, float absolute){
-    assert(t1.dataType() == t2.dataType());
-    assert(t1.dataType() == NativeType<T>::type);
+template <typename T1, typename T2 = T1>
+bool approxEq(const Tensor& t1, const Tensor& t2, float relative = 1e-5f, float absolute = 1e-8f){
+    assert(t1.dataType() == NativeType<T1>::type);
+    assert(t2.dataType() == NativeType<T2>::type);
     assert(relative >= 0);
     assert(absolute >= 0 && absolute<=1);
     if (t1.size() != t2.size()){
         return false;
-    for(size_t i; i < t1.size(); ++i){
-        if (static_cast<float>(std::abs(t1.get<T>(i) - t2.get<T>(i))) > (absolute + (relative * static_cast<float>(std::abs(t2.get<T>(i)))))){
+    for(size_t i = 0; i < t1.size(); ++i){
+        if (static_cast<float>(std::abs(t1.get<T1>(i) - t2.get<T2>(i))) > (absolute + (relative * static_cast<float>(std::abs(t2.get<T2>(i)))))){
             return false;
     return true;
diff --git a/include/aidge/utils/Types.h b/include/aidge/utils/Types.h
index d65279f1f4d36498ea7653428332690fc99a5def..b601df1cb8f8fa81cd2339e7eb393f7297e63499 100644
--- a/include/aidge/utils/Types.h
+++ b/include/aidge/utils/Types.h
@@ -24,6 +24,10 @@ namespace Aidge
 ///          Tensor
+/// @brief Device index in a given backend
+using DeviceIdx_t = std::uint8_t;
+constexpr DeviceIdx_t MaxDeviceIdx = std::numeric_limits<DeviceIdx_t>::max();
 /// @brief Number of elements used for scheduling
 using NbElts_t = std::size_t;
 constexpr NbElts_t MaxElts = std::numeric_limits<NbElts_t>::max();
diff --git a/include/aidge/utils/future_std/span.hpp b/include/aidge/utils/future_std/span.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ba8d6c0317135ac9a934891a8510b844fbb0dc85
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/aidge/utils/future_std/span.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,618 @@
+This is an implementation of C++20's std::span
+//          Copyright Tristan Brindle 2018.
+// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
+//    (See accompanying file ../../LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+//          https://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
+#include <array>
+#include <cstddef>
+#include <cstdint>
+#include <type_traits>
+// Attempt to discover whether we're being compiled with exception support
+#if !(defined(__cpp_exceptions) || defined(__EXCEPTIONS) || defined(_CPPUNWIND))
+#include <cstdio>
+#include <stdexcept>
+// Various feature test macros
+#define TCB_SPAN_NAMESPACE_NAME future_std
+#if __cplusplus >= 201703L || (defined(_MSVC_LANG) && _MSVC_LANG >= 201703L)
+#define TCB_SPAN_HAVE_CPP17
+#if __cplusplus >= 201402L || (defined(_MSVC_LANG) && _MSVC_LANG >= 201402L)
+#define TCB_SPAN_HAVE_CPP14
+// Establish default contract checking behavior
+#if !defined(TCB_SPAN_THROW_ON_CONTRACT_VIOLATION) &&                          \
+    !defined(TCB_SPAN_TERMINATE_ON_CONTRACT_VIOLATION) &&                      \
+#if defined(NDEBUG) || !defined(TCB_SPAN_HAVE_CPP14)
+struct contract_violation_error : std::logic_error {
+    explicit contract_violation_error(const char* msg) : std::logic_error(msg)
+    {}
+inline void contract_violation(const char* msg)
+    throw contract_violation_error(msg);
+[[noreturn]] inline void contract_violation(const char* /*unused*/)
+    std::terminate();
+#define TCB_SPAN_STRINGIFY(cond) #cond
+#define TCB_SPAN_EXPECT(cond)                                                  \
+    cond ? (void) 0 : contract_violation("Expected " TCB_SPAN_STRINGIFY(cond))
+#define TCB_SPAN_EXPECT(cond)
+#if defined(TCB_SPAN_HAVE_CPP17) || defined(__cpp_inline_variables)
+#define TCB_SPAN_INLINE_VAR inline
+#if defined(TCB_SPAN_HAVE_CPP14) ||                                            \
+    (defined(__cpp_constexpr) && __cpp_constexpr >= 201304)
+#define TCB_SPAN_CONSTEXPR14 constexpr
+#if defined(TCB_SPAN_HAVE_CPP14_CONSTEXPR) &&                                  \
+    (!defined(_MSC_VER) || _MSC_VER > 1900)
+#define TCB_SPAN_CONSTEXPR_ASSIGN constexpr
+#define TCB_SPAN_CONSTEXPR11 constexpr
+#if defined(TCB_SPAN_HAVE_CPP17) || defined(__cpp_deduction_guides)
+#if defined(TCB_SPAN_HAVE_CPP17) || defined(__cpp_lib_byte)
+#if defined(TCB_SPAN_HAVE_CPP17) || defined(__cpp_lib_array_constexpr)
+#define TCB_SPAN_ARRAY_CONSTEXPR constexpr
+using byte = std::byte;
+using byte = unsigned char;
+#if defined(TCB_SPAN_HAVE_CPP17)
+#define TCB_SPAN_NODISCARD [[nodiscard]]
+TCB_SPAN_INLINE_VAR constexpr std::size_t dynamic_extent = SIZE_MAX;
+template <typename ElementType, std::size_t Extent = dynamic_extent>
+class span;
+namespace detail {
+template <typename E, std::size_t S>
+struct span_storage {
+    constexpr span_storage() noexcept = default;
+    constexpr span_storage(E* p_ptr, std::size_t /*unused*/) noexcept
+       : ptr(p_ptr)
+    {}
+    E* ptr = nullptr;
+    static constexpr std::size_t size = S;
+template <typename E>
+struct span_storage<E, dynamic_extent> {
+    constexpr span_storage() noexcept = default;
+    constexpr span_storage(E* p_ptr, std::size_t p_size) noexcept
+        : ptr(p_ptr), size(p_size)
+    {}
+    E* ptr = nullptr;
+    std::size_t size = 0;
+// Reimplementation of C++17 std::size() and std::data()
+#if defined(TCB_SPAN_HAVE_CPP17) ||                                            \
+    defined(__cpp_lib_nonmember_container_access)
+using std::data;
+using std::size;
+template <class C>
+constexpr auto size(const C& c) -> decltype(c.size())
+    return c.size();
+template <class T, std::size_t N>
+constexpr std::size_t size(const T (&)[N]) noexcept
+    return N;
+template <class C>
+constexpr auto data(C& c) -> decltype(c.data())
+    return c.data();
+template <class C>
+constexpr auto data(const C& c) -> decltype(c.data())
+    return c.data();
+template <class T, std::size_t N>
+constexpr T* data(T (&array)[N]) noexcept
+    return array;
+template <class E>
+constexpr const E* data(std::initializer_list<E> il) noexcept
+    return il.begin();
+#endif // TCB_SPAN_HAVE_CPP17
+#if defined(TCB_SPAN_HAVE_CPP17) || defined(__cpp_lib_void_t)
+using std::void_t;
+template <typename...>
+using void_t = void;
+template <typename T>
+using uncvref_t =
+    typename std::remove_cv<typename std::remove_reference<T>::type>::type;
+template <typename>
+struct is_span : std::false_type {};
+template <typename T, std::size_t S>
+struct is_span<span<T, S>> : std::true_type {};
+template <typename>
+struct is_std_array : std::false_type {};
+template <typename T, std::size_t N>
+struct is_std_array<std::array<T, N>> : std::true_type {};
+template <typename, typename = void>
+struct has_size_and_data : std::false_type {};
+template <typename T>
+struct has_size_and_data<T, void_t<decltype(detail::size(std::declval<T>())),
+                                   decltype(detail::data(std::declval<T>()))>>
+    : std::true_type {};
+template <typename C, typename U = uncvref_t<C>>
+struct is_container {
+    static constexpr bool value =
+        !is_span<U>::value && !is_std_array<U>::value &&
+        !std::is_array<U>::value && has_size_and_data<C>::value;
+template <typename T>
+using remove_pointer_t = typename std::remove_pointer<T>::type;
+template <typename, typename, typename = void>
+struct is_container_element_type_compatible : std::false_type {};
+template <typename T, typename E>
+struct is_container_element_type_compatible<
+    T, E,
+    typename std::enable_if<
+        !std::is_same<
+            typename std::remove_cv<decltype(detail::data(std::declval<T>()))>::type,
+            void>::value &&
+        std::is_convertible<
+            remove_pointer_t<decltype(detail::data(std::declval<T>()))> (*)[],
+            E (*)[]>::value
+        >::type>
+    : std::true_type {};
+template <typename, typename = size_t>
+struct is_complete : std::false_type {};
+template <typename T>
+struct is_complete<T, decltype(sizeof(T))> : std::true_type {};
+} // namespace detail
+template <typename ElementType, std::size_t Extent>
+class span {
+    static_assert(std::is_object<ElementType>::value,
+                  "A span's ElementType must be an object type (not a "
+                  "reference type or void)");
+    static_assert(detail::is_complete<ElementType>::value,
+                  "A span's ElementType must be a complete type (not a forward "
+                  "declaration)");
+    static_assert(!std::is_abstract<ElementType>::value,
+                  "A span's ElementType cannot be an abstract class type");
+    using storage_type = detail::span_storage<ElementType, Extent>;
+    // constants and types
+    using element_type = ElementType;
+    using value_type = typename std::remove_cv<ElementType>::type;
+    using size_type = std::size_t;
+    using difference_type = std::ptrdiff_t;
+    using pointer = element_type*;
+    using const_pointer = const element_type*;
+    using reference = element_type&;
+    using const_reference = const element_type&;
+    using iterator = pointer;
+    using reverse_iterator = std::reverse_iterator<iterator>;
+    static constexpr size_type extent = Extent;
+    // [span.cons], span constructors, copy, assignment, and destructor
+    template <
+        std::size_t E = Extent,
+        typename std::enable_if<(E == dynamic_extent || E <= 0), int>::type = 0>
+    constexpr span() noexcept
+    {}
+    TCB_SPAN_CONSTEXPR11 span(pointer ptr, size_type count)
+        : storage_(ptr, count)
+    {
+        TCB_SPAN_EXPECT(extent == dynamic_extent || count == extent);
+    }
+    TCB_SPAN_CONSTEXPR11 span(pointer first_elem, pointer last_elem)
+        : storage_(first_elem, last_elem - first_elem)
+    {
+        TCB_SPAN_EXPECT(extent == dynamic_extent ||
+                        last_elem - first_elem ==
+                            static_cast<std::ptrdiff_t>(extent));
+    }
+    template <std::size_t N, std::size_t E = Extent,
+              typename std::enable_if<
+                  (E == dynamic_extent || N == E) &&
+                      detail::is_container_element_type_compatible<
+                          element_type (&)[N], ElementType>::value,
+                  int>::type = 0>
+    constexpr span(element_type (&arr)[N]) noexcept : storage_(arr, N)
+    {}
+    template <typename T, std::size_t N, std::size_t E = Extent,
+              typename std::enable_if<
+                  (E == dynamic_extent || N == E) &&
+                      detail::is_container_element_type_compatible<
+                          std::array<T, N>&, ElementType>::value,
+                  int>::type = 0>
+    TCB_SPAN_ARRAY_CONSTEXPR span(std::array<T, N>& arr) noexcept
+        : storage_(arr.data(), N)
+    {}
+    template <typename T, std::size_t N, std::size_t E = Extent,
+              typename std::enable_if<
+                  (E == dynamic_extent || N == E) &&
+                      detail::is_container_element_type_compatible<
+                          const std::array<T, N>&, ElementType>::value,
+                  int>::type = 0>
+    TCB_SPAN_ARRAY_CONSTEXPR span(const std::array<T, N>& arr) noexcept
+        : storage_(arr.data(), N)
+    {}
+    template <
+        typename Container, std::size_t E = Extent,
+        typename std::enable_if<
+            E == dynamic_extent && detail::is_container<Container>::value &&
+                detail::is_container_element_type_compatible<
+                    Container&, ElementType>::value,
+            int>::type = 0>
+    constexpr span(Container& cont)
+        : storage_(detail::data(cont), detail::size(cont))
+    {}
+    template <
+        typename Container, std::size_t E = Extent,
+        typename std::enable_if<
+            E == dynamic_extent && detail::is_container<Container>::value &&
+                detail::is_container_element_type_compatible<
+                    const Container&, ElementType>::value,
+            int>::type = 0>
+    constexpr span(const Container& cont)
+        : storage_(detail::data(cont), detail::size(cont))
+    {}
+    constexpr span(const span& other) noexcept = default;
+    template <typename OtherElementType, std::size_t OtherExtent,
+              typename std::enable_if<
+                  (Extent == dynamic_extent || OtherExtent == dynamic_extent ||
+                   Extent == OtherExtent) &&
+                      std::is_convertible<OtherElementType (*)[],
+                                          ElementType (*)[]>::value,
+                  int>::type = 0>
+    constexpr span(const span<OtherElementType, OtherExtent>& other) noexcept
+        : storage_(other.data(), other.size())
+    {}
+    ~span() noexcept = default;
+    operator=(const span& other) noexcept = default;
+    // [span.sub], span subviews
+    template <std::size_t Count>
+    TCB_SPAN_CONSTEXPR11 span<element_type, Count> first() const
+    {
+        TCB_SPAN_EXPECT(Count <= size());
+        return {data(), Count};
+    }
+    template <std::size_t Count>
+    TCB_SPAN_CONSTEXPR11 span<element_type, Count> last() const
+    {
+        TCB_SPAN_EXPECT(Count <= size());
+        return {data() + (size() - Count), Count};
+    }
+    template <std::size_t Offset, std::size_t Count = dynamic_extent>
+    using subspan_return_t =
+        span<ElementType, Count != dynamic_extent
+                              ? Count
+                              : (Extent != dynamic_extent ? Extent - Offset
+                                                          : dynamic_extent)>;
+    template <std::size_t Offset, std::size_t Count = dynamic_extent>
+    TCB_SPAN_CONSTEXPR11 subspan_return_t<Offset, Count> subspan() const
+    {
+        TCB_SPAN_EXPECT(Offset <= size() &&
+                        (Count == dynamic_extent || Offset + Count <= size()));
+        return {data() + Offset,
+                Count != dynamic_extent ? Count : size() - Offset};
+    }
+    TCB_SPAN_CONSTEXPR11 span<element_type, dynamic_extent>
+    first(size_type count) const
+    {
+        TCB_SPAN_EXPECT(count <= size());
+        return {data(), count};
+    }
+    TCB_SPAN_CONSTEXPR11 span<element_type, dynamic_extent>
+    last(size_type count) const
+    {
+        TCB_SPAN_EXPECT(count <= size());
+        return {data() + (size() - count), count};
+    }
+    TCB_SPAN_CONSTEXPR11 span<element_type, dynamic_extent>
+    subspan(size_type offset, size_type count = dynamic_extent) const
+    {
+        TCB_SPAN_EXPECT(offset <= size() &&
+                        (count == dynamic_extent || offset + count <= size()));
+        return {data() + offset,
+                count == dynamic_extent ? size() - offset : count};
+    }
+    // [span.obs], span observers
+    constexpr size_type size() const noexcept { return storage_.size; }
+    constexpr size_type size_bytes() const noexcept
+    {
+        return size() * sizeof(element_type);
+    }
+    TCB_SPAN_NODISCARD constexpr bool empty() const noexcept
+    {
+        return size() == 0;
+    }
+    // [span.elem], span element access
+    TCB_SPAN_CONSTEXPR11 reference operator[](size_type idx) const
+    {
+        TCB_SPAN_EXPECT(idx < size());
+        return *(data() + idx);
+    }
+    TCB_SPAN_CONSTEXPR11 reference front() const
+    {
+        TCB_SPAN_EXPECT(!empty());
+        return *data();
+    }
+    TCB_SPAN_CONSTEXPR11 reference back() const
+    {
+        TCB_SPAN_EXPECT(!empty());
+        return *(data() + (size() - 1));
+    }
+    constexpr pointer data() const noexcept { return storage_.ptr; }
+    // [span.iterators], span iterator support
+    constexpr iterator begin() const noexcept { return data(); }
+    constexpr iterator end() const noexcept { return data() + size(); }
+    TCB_SPAN_ARRAY_CONSTEXPR reverse_iterator rbegin() const noexcept
+    {
+        return reverse_iterator(end());
+    }
+    TCB_SPAN_ARRAY_CONSTEXPR reverse_iterator rend() const noexcept
+    {
+        return reverse_iterator(begin());
+    }
+    storage_type storage_{};
+/* Deduction Guides */
+template <class T, size_t N>
+span(T (&)[N])->span<T, N>;
+template <class T, size_t N>
+span(std::array<T, N>&)->span<T, N>;
+template <class T, size_t N>
+span(const std::array<T, N>&)->span<const T, N>;
+template <class Container>
+span(Container&)->span<typename std::remove_reference<
+    decltype(*detail::data(std::declval<Container&>()))>::type>;
+template <class Container>
+span(const Container&)->span<const typename Container::value_type>;
+template <typename ElementType, std::size_t Extent>
+constexpr span<ElementType, Extent>
+make_span(span<ElementType, Extent> s) noexcept
+    return s;
+template <typename T, std::size_t N>
+constexpr span<T, N> make_span(T (&arr)[N]) noexcept
+    return {arr};
+template <typename T, std::size_t N>
+TCB_SPAN_ARRAY_CONSTEXPR span<T, N> make_span(std::array<T, N>& arr) noexcept
+    return {arr};
+template <typename T, std::size_t N>
+make_span(const std::array<T, N>& arr) noexcept
+    return {arr};
+template <typename Container>
+constexpr span<typename std::remove_reference<
+    decltype(*detail::data(std::declval<Container&>()))>::type>
+make_span(Container& cont)
+    return {cont};
+template <typename Container>
+constexpr span<const typename Container::value_type>
+make_span(const Container& cont)
+    return {cont};
+template <typename ElementType, std::size_t Extent>
+span<const byte, ((Extent == dynamic_extent) ? dynamic_extent
+                                             : sizeof(ElementType) * Extent)>
+as_bytes(span<ElementType, Extent> s) noexcept
+    return {reinterpret_cast<const byte*>(s.data()), s.size_bytes()};
+template <
+    class ElementType, size_t Extent,
+    typename std::enable_if<!std::is_const<ElementType>::value, int>::type = 0>
+span<byte, ((Extent == dynamic_extent) ? dynamic_extent
+                                       : sizeof(ElementType) * Extent)>
+as_writable_bytes(span<ElementType, Extent> s) noexcept
+    return {reinterpret_cast<byte*>(s.data()), s.size_bytes()};
+template <std::size_t N, typename E, std::size_t S>
+constexpr auto get(span<E, S> s) -> decltype(s[N])
+    return s[N];
+namespace std {
+template <typename ElementType, size_t Extent>
+class tuple_size<TCB_SPAN_NAMESPACE_NAME::span<ElementType, Extent>>
+    : public integral_constant<size_t, Extent> {};
+template <typename ElementType>
+class tuple_size<TCB_SPAN_NAMESPACE_NAME::span<
+    ElementType, TCB_SPAN_NAMESPACE_NAME::dynamic_extent>>; // not defined
+template <size_t I, typename ElementType, size_t Extent>
+class tuple_element<I, TCB_SPAN_NAMESPACE_NAME::span<ElementType, Extent>> {
+    static_assert(Extent != TCB_SPAN_NAMESPACE_NAME::dynamic_extent &&
+                      I < Extent,
+                  "");
+    using type = ElementType;
+} // end namespace std
diff --git a/python_binding/data/pybind_Tensor.cpp b/python_binding/data/pybind_Tensor.cpp
index babc534bdc23e87e17e21312d18b51b04baee7ca..fa109a9af4b1146b60f0fffc80b8dfc6e4a2c256 100644
--- a/python_binding/data/pybind_Tensor.cpp
+++ b/python_binding/data/pybind_Tensor.cpp
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ void addCtor(py::class_<Tensor,
         std::set<std::string> availableBackends = Tensor::getAvailableBackends();
         if (availableBackends.find("cpu") != availableBackends.end()){
-            newTensor->getImpl()->setRawPtr(static_cast<T*>(info.ptr));
+            newTensor->getImpl()->setRawPtr(static_cast<T*>(info.ptr), newTensor->size());
             printf("Warning : Could not use aidge_cpu backend, verify you have `import aidge_cpu`\n");
@@ -71,7 +71,8 @@ void init_Tensor(py::module& m){
         (m,"Tensor", py::multiple_inheritance(), py::buffer_protocol());
-    .def("set_backend", &Tensor::setBackend, py::arg("name"))
+    .def("set_datatype", &Tensor::setDataType, py::arg("datatype"), py::arg("copyCast") = true)
+    .def("set_backend", &Tensor::setBackend, py::arg("name"), py::arg("device") = 0, py::arg("copyFrom") = true)
     .def("dims", (const std::vector<DimSize_t>& (Tensor::*)()const) &Tensor::dims)
     .def("dtype", &Tensor::dataType)
     .def("size", &Tensor::size)
diff --git a/python_binding/graph/pybind_GraphView.cpp b/python_binding/graph/pybind_GraphView.cpp
index 61392470adaeb7db8812a3063edc5f8eee1d3083..32151a66a46f7d7da73473c90effa760ebc93891 100644
--- a/python_binding/graph/pybind_GraphView.cpp
+++ b/python_binding/graph/pybind_GraphView.cpp
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ void init_GraphView(py::module& m) {
           :type include_learnable_parameters: bool, optional
-          .def("add", (void (GraphView::*)(std::shared_ptr<GraphView>)) & GraphView::add,
+          .def("add", (bool (GraphView::*)(std::shared_ptr<GraphView>)) & GraphView::add,
           Include a GraphView to the current GraphView object.
@@ -97,9 +97,10 @@ void init_GraphView(py::module& m) {
           .def("get_nodes", &GraphView::getNodes)
           .def("get_node", &GraphView::getNode, py::arg("node_name"))
           .def("forward_dims", &GraphView::forwardDims)
+          .def("compile", &GraphView::compile, py::arg("backend"), py::arg("datatype"))
           .def("__call__", &GraphView::operator(), py::arg("connectors"))
           .def("set_datatype", &GraphView::setDataType, py::arg("datatype"))
-          .def("set_backend", &GraphView::setBackend, py::arg("backend"))
+          .def("set_backend", &GraphView::setBackend, py::arg("backend"), py::arg("device") = 0)
           //   .def("__getitem__", [](Tensor& b, size_t idx)-> py::object {
           //      // TODO : Should return error if backend not compatible with get
           //      if (idx >= b.size()) throw py::index_error();
diff --git a/python_binding/graph/pybind_Node.cpp b/python_binding/graph/pybind_Node.cpp
index aa5c21372730536662106a035307d885fa011107..1f655b50a38dddf597f51879411535ff655ed694 100644
--- a/python_binding/graph/pybind_Node.cpp
+++ b/python_binding/graph/pybind_Node.cpp
@@ -137,6 +137,8 @@ void init_Node(py::module& m) {
     :rtype: int
+    .def("get_parent", &Node::getParent, py::arg("in_id"))
     .def("get_parents", &Node::getParents,
     Get parents.
diff --git a/python_binding/operator/pybind_BatchNorm.cpp b/python_binding/operator/pybind_BatchNorm.cpp
index ff0b9e0dfcb0d1c5e5567a938b1ca74faf242bed..411a2e1b6ae78065a79b92f25c23dac13e341997 100644
--- a/python_binding/operator/pybind_BatchNorm.cpp
+++ b/python_binding/operator/pybind_BatchNorm.cpp
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ void declare_BatchNormOp(py::module& m) {
     .def("get_inputs_name", &BatchNorm_Op<DIM>::getInputsName)
     .def("get_outputs_name", &BatchNorm_Op<DIM>::getOutputsName);
-    m.def(("BatchNorm" + std::to_string(DIM) + "D").c_str(), &BatchNorm<DIM>, py::arg("epsilon") = 1.0e-5F, py::arg("momentum") = 0.1F, py::arg("name") = "");
+    m.def(("BatchNorm" + std::to_string(DIM) + "D").c_str(), &BatchNorm<DIM>, py::arg("nbFeatures"), py::arg("epsilon") = 1.0e-5F, py::arg("momentum") = 0.1F, py::arg("name") = "");
 void init_BatchNorm(py::module &m) {
diff --git a/python_binding/operator/pybind_Concat.cpp b/python_binding/operator/pybind_Concat.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2b7e5d6b99194e914e48dc6263d0bdcd6a4a8a2f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python_binding/operator/pybind_Concat.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2023 CEA-List
+ *
+ * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
+ * terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at
+ * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-2.0.
+ *
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
+ *
+ ********************************************************************************/
+#include <pybind11/pybind11.h>
+#include <string>
+#include "aidge/operator/Concat.hpp"
+#include "aidge/operator/OperatorTensor.hpp"
+namespace py = pybind11;
+namespace Aidge {
+void init_Concat(py::module& m) {
+    py::class_<Concat_Op, std::shared_ptr<Concat_Op>, OperatorTensor, Attributes>(m, "ConcatOp", py::multiple_inheritance())
+    .def("get_inputs_name", &Concat_Op::getInputsName)
+    .def("get_outputs_name", &Concat_Op::getOutputsName);
+    m.def("Concat", &Concat, py::arg("nbIn"), py::arg("axis"), py::arg("name") = "");
+}  // namespace Aidge
diff --git a/python_binding/operator/pybind_Conv.cpp b/python_binding/operator/pybind_Conv.cpp
index 71231b8218ac6af28c97ec29039301bc25b2d195..2200cd3fec1450011d6e0b5197f8b99b4dfeb4c3 100644
--- a/python_binding/operator/pybind_Conv.cpp
+++ b/python_binding/operator/pybind_Conv.cpp
@@ -11,7 +11,6 @@
 #include <pybind11/pybind11.h>
 #include <pybind11/stl.h>
-#include <iostream>
 #include <string>
 #include <vector>
 #include <array>
diff --git a/python_binding/operator/pybind_Erf.cpp b/python_binding/operator/pybind_Erf.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..806867f61c3580543c184d529edc2856ee8d7a6c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python_binding/operator/pybind_Erf.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2023 CEA-List
+ *
+ * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
+ * terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at
+ * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-2.0.
+ *
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
+ *
+ ********************************************************************************/
+#include <pybind11/pybind11.h>
+#include "aidge/operator/Erf.hpp"
+#include "aidge/operator/OperatorTensor.hpp"
+namespace py = pybind11;
+namespace Aidge {
+void init_Erf(py::module& m) {
+    py::class_<Erf_Op, std::shared_ptr<Erf_Op>, OperatorTensor>(m, "ErfOp", py::multiple_inheritance())
+    .def("get_inputs_name", &Erf_Op::getInputsName)
+    .def("get_outputs_name", &Erf_Op::getOutputsName);
+    m.def("Erf", &Erf, py::arg("name") = "");
+}  // namespace Aidge
diff --git a/python_binding/operator/pybind_Gather.cpp b/python_binding/operator/pybind_Gather.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f9768e38fbdceef4a15cc74430bc2205bb32cb6a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python_binding/operator/pybind_Gather.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2023 CEA-List
+ *
+ * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
+ * terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at
+ * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-2.0.
+ *
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
+ *
+ ********************************************************************************/
+#include <pybind11/pybind11.h>
+#include <string>
+#include "aidge/operator/Gather.hpp"
+#include "aidge/operator/OperatorTensor.hpp"
+namespace py = pybind11;
+namespace Aidge {
+void init_Gather(py::module& m) {
+    py::class_<Gather_Op, std::shared_ptr<Gather_Op>, OperatorTensor, Attributes>(m, "GatherOp", py::multiple_inheritance())
+    .def("get_inputs_name", &Gather_Op::getInputsName)
+    .def("get_outputs_name", &Gather_Op::getOutputsName);
+    m.def("Gather", &Gather, py::arg("axis"), py::arg("name") = "");
+}  // namespace Aidge
diff --git a/python_binding/operator/pybind_MetaOperatorDefs.cpp b/python_binding/operator/pybind_MetaOperatorDefs.cpp
index d1eff7b387f9b339e6641a8049e020a7e8a4f021..f5c5145e0a86d939b96e6d2a579dfa2579f8b3a5 100644
--- a/python_binding/operator/pybind_MetaOperatorDefs.cpp
+++ b/python_binding/operator/pybind_MetaOperatorDefs.cpp
@@ -128,9 +128,7 @@ void init_MetaOperatorDefs(py::module &m) {
   m.def("meta_operator", &MetaOperator,
-    py::arg("name") = "",
-    py::arg("input_nodes") = std::vector<NodePtr>(),
-    py::arg("output_nodes") = std::vector<NodePtr>()
+    py::arg("name") = ""
diff --git a/python_binding/operator/pybind_Operator.cpp b/python_binding/operator/pybind_Operator.cpp
index f9482eda2f93b5492cfcc89175da69d140f23df8..79a85cb92cf27c7edb745c36eefe61ae86c66786 100644
--- a/python_binding/operator/pybind_Operator.cpp
+++ b/python_binding/operator/pybind_Operator.cpp
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ namespace Aidge {
 void init_Operator(py::module& m){
     py::class_<Operator, std::shared_ptr<Operator>>(m, "Operator")
     .def("set_output", py::overload_cast<const IOIndex_t, const std::shared_ptr<Data>&>(&Operator::setOutput), py::arg("outputIdx"), py::arg("data"))
+    .def("set_input", py::overload_cast<const IOIndex_t, const std::shared_ptr<Data>&>(&Operator::setInput), py::arg("inputIdx"), py::arg("data"))
     .def("get_raw_output", &Operator::getRawOutput, py::arg("outputIdx"))
     .def("set_input", py::overload_cast<const IOIndex_t, const std::shared_ptr<Data>&>(&Operator::setInput), py::arg("inputIdx"), py::arg("data"))
     .def("get_raw_input", &Operator::getRawInput, py::arg("inputIdx"))
@@ -29,7 +30,7 @@ void init_Operator(py::module& m){
     .def("nb_outputs", &Operator::nbOutputs)
     .def("associate_input", &Operator::associateInput, py::arg("inputIdx"), py::arg("data"))
     .def("set_datatype", &Operator::setDataType, py::arg("dataType"))
-    .def("set_backend", &Operator::setBackend, py::arg("name"))
+    .def("set_backend", &Operator::setBackend, py::arg("name"), py::arg("device") = 0)
     .def("forward", &Operator::forward)
     // py::keep_alive forbide Python to garbage collect implementation will the Operator is not garbade collected !
     .def("set_impl", &Operator::setImpl, py::arg("implementation"), py::keep_alive<1, 2>())
diff --git a/python_binding/operator/pybind_ReduceMean.cpp b/python_binding/operator/pybind_ReduceMean.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e5de98b69adde5133dde302f7306bc8a5c471eef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python_binding/operator/pybind_ReduceMean.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2023 CEA-List
+ *
+ * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
+ * terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at
+ * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-2.0.
+ *
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
+ *
+ ********************************************************************************/
+#include <pybind11/pybind11.h>
+#include <pybind11/stl.h>
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+#include <array>
+#include "aidge/backend/OperatorImpl.hpp"
+#include "aidge/operator/OperatorTensor.hpp"
+#include "aidge/operator/ReduceMean.hpp"
+#include "aidge/utils/Types.h"
+namespace py = pybind11;
+namespace Aidge {
+template <DimIdx_t DIM> void declare_ReduceMeanOp(py::module &m) {
+  py::class_<ReduceMean_Op<DIM>, std::shared_ptr<ReduceMean_Op<DIM>>, OperatorTensor, Attributes>(
+    m, ("ReduceMeanOp" + std::to_string(DIM) + "D").c_str(), py::multiple_inheritance())
+    .def("get_inputs_name", &ReduceMean_Op<DIM>::getInputsName)
+    .def("get_outputs_name", &ReduceMean_Op<DIM>::getOutputsName)
+    ;
+  m.def(("ReduceMean" + std::to_string(DIM) + "D").c_str(), [](const std::vector<int>& axes,
+                                                                DimSize_t keepDims,
+                                                                const std::string& name) {
+        AIDGE_ASSERT(axes.size() == DIM, "axes size [%ld] does not match DIM [%d]", axes.size(), DIM);
+        return ReduceMean<DIM>(to_array<DIM>(axes.begin()), keepDims, name);
+    }, py::arg("axes"),
+       py::arg("keep_dims") = 1,
+       py::arg("name") = "");
+void init_ReduceMean(py::module &m) {
+  declare_ReduceMeanOp<1>(m);
+  declare_ReduceMeanOp<2>(m);
+  declare_ReduceMeanOp<3>(m);
+  // FIXME:
+  // m.def("ReduceMean1D", static_cast<NodeAPI(*)(const char*, int, int, int const
+  // (&)[1])>(&ReduceMean));
+} // namespace Aidge
diff --git a/python_binding/operator/pybind_Reshape.cpp b/python_binding/operator/pybind_Reshape.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d34a411c719bdbb1144edaa65b50050d705e0d90
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python_binding/operator/pybind_Reshape.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2023 CEA-List
+ *
+ * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
+ * terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at
+ * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-2.0.
+ *
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
+ *
+ ********************************************************************************/
+#include <pybind11/pybind11.h>
+#include "aidge/operator/Reshape.hpp"
+#include "aidge/operator/OperatorTensor.hpp"
+namespace py = pybind11;
+namespace Aidge {
+void init_Reshape(py::module& m) {
+    py::class_<Reshape_Op, std::shared_ptr<Reshape_Op>, OperatorTensor>(m, "ReshapeOp", py::multiple_inheritance())
+    .def("get_inputs_name", &Reshape_Op::getInputsName)
+    .def("get_outputs_name", &Reshape_Op::getOutputsName);
+    m.def("Reshape", &Reshape, py::arg("shape"), py::arg("name") = "");
+}  // namespace Aidge
diff --git a/python_binding/operator/pybind_Slice.cpp b/python_binding/operator/pybind_Slice.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7bfd1b4f00579ed29658db73b71f2c596048fe75
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python_binding/operator/pybind_Slice.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2023 CEA-List
+ *
+ * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
+ * terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at
+ * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-2.0.
+ *
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
+ *
+ ********************************************************************************/
+#include <pybind11/pybind11.h>
+#include "aidge/operator/Slice.hpp"
+#include "aidge/operator/OperatorTensor.hpp"
+namespace py = pybind11;
+namespace Aidge {
+void init_Slice(py::module& m) {
+    py::class_<Slice_Op, std::shared_ptr<Slice_Op>, OperatorTensor>(m, "SliceOp", py::multiple_inheritance())
+    .def("get_inputs_name", &Slice_Op::getInputsName)
+    .def("get_outputs_name", &Slice_Op::getOutputsName);
+    m.def("Slice", &Slice, py::arg("starts"), py::arg("ends"), py::arg("axes"), py::arg("name") = "");
+}  // namespace Aidge
diff --git a/python_binding/operator/pybind_Softmax.cpp b/python_binding/operator/pybind_Softmax.cpp
index dc29e2171ff6f0fbbb5c80183778d8f20cbe085b..04e92d39971a731931397e943aba6e296a81a14d 100644
--- a/python_binding/operator/pybind_Softmax.cpp
+++ b/python_binding/operator/pybind_Softmax.cpp
@@ -19,10 +19,10 @@ namespace py = pybind11;
 namespace Aidge {
 void init_Softmax(py::module& m) {
-    py::class_<Softmax_Op, std::shared_ptr<Softmax_Op>, OperatorTensor>(m, "SoftmaxOp", py::multiple_inheritance())
+    py::class_<Softmax_Op, std::shared_ptr<Softmax_Op>, OperatorTensor, Attributes>(m, "SoftmaxOp", py::multiple_inheritance())
     .def("get_inputs_name", &Softmax_Op::getInputsName)
     .def("get_outputs_name", &Softmax_Op::getOutputsName);
-    m.def("Softmax", &Softmax, py::arg("name") = "");
+    m.def("Softmax", &Softmax, py::arg("axis"), py::arg("name") = "");
 }  // namespace Aidge
diff --git a/python_binding/operator/pybind_Transpose.cpp b/python_binding/operator/pybind_Transpose.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e92e9c2aaafe2d20220da053a2b9d799fbe8466d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python_binding/operator/pybind_Transpose.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2023 CEA-List
+ *
+ * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
+ * terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at
+ * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-2.0.
+ *
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
+ *
+ ********************************************************************************/
+#include <pybind11/pybind11.h>
+#include <pybind11/stl.h>
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+#include <array>
+#include "aidge/backend/OperatorImpl.hpp"
+#include "aidge/operator/Transpose.hpp"
+#include "aidge/operator/OperatorTensor.hpp"
+#include "aidge/utils/Types.h"
+#include "aidge/data/Tensor.hpp"
+namespace py = pybind11;
+namespace Aidge {
+template <DimIdx_t DIM> 
+void declare_Transpose(py::module &m) {
+  py::class_<Transpose_Op<DIM>, std::shared_ptr<Transpose_Op<DIM>>, OperatorTensor, Attributes>(
+    m, ("TransposeOp" + std::to_string(DIM) + "D").c_str(), py::multiple_inheritance())
+  .def("get_inputs_name", &Transpose_Op<DIM>::getInputsName)
+  .def("get_outputs_name", &Transpose_Op<DIM>::getOutputsName);
+  m.def(("Transpose" + std::to_string(DIM) + "D").c_str(), [](const std::vector<DimSize_t>& output_dims_order,
+                                                                  const std::string& name) {
+        AIDGE_ASSERT(output_dims_order.size() == DIM, "output_dims_order size [%ld] does not match DIM [%d]", output_dims_order.size(), DIM);
+        return Transpose<DIM>(to_array<DIM>(output_dims_order.begin()), name);
+    }, py::arg("output_dims_order"),
+       py::arg("name") = "");
+void init_Transpose(py::module &m) {
+  declare_Transpose<2>(m);
+  declare_Transpose<3>(m);
+  declare_Transpose<4>(m);
+  declare_Transpose<5>(m);
+  declare_Transpose<6>(m);
+} // namespace Aidge
diff --git a/python_binding/pybind_core.cpp b/python_binding/pybind_core.cpp
index 0da3ea03a36b0dd6e23d482c73c4bc3b3b468c22..ea61f05adc1ac4471d80bd8f9ebbd780dfdf39bd 100644
--- a/python_binding/pybind_core.cpp
+++ b/python_binding/pybind_core.cpp
@@ -25,10 +25,13 @@ void init_OperatorTensor(py::module&);
 void init_Add(py::module&);
 void init_AvgPooling(py::module&);
 void init_BatchNorm(py::module&);
+void init_Concat(py::module&);
 void init_Conv(py::module&);
 void init_ConvDepthWise(py::module&);
 void init_Div(py::module&);
+void init_Erf(py::module&);
 void init_FC(py::module&);
+void init_Gather(py::module&);
 void init_GenericOperator(py::module&);
 void init_LeakyReLU(py::module&);
 void init_MatMul(py::module&);
@@ -38,10 +41,14 @@ void init_Mul(py::module&);
 void init_Producer(py::module&);
 void init_Pad(py::module&);
 void init_Pow(py::module&);
+void init_ReduceMean(py::module&);
 void init_ReLU(py::module&);
+void init_Reshape(py::module&);
+void init_Slice(py::module&);
 void init_Softmax(py::module&);
 void init_Sqrt(py::module&);
 void init_Sub(py::module&);
+void init_Transpose(py::module&);
 void init_Identity(py::module&);
 void init_Node(py::module&);
@@ -74,10 +81,13 @@ void init_Aidge(py::module& m){
+    init_Concat(m);
+    init_Erf(m);
+    init_Gather(m);
@@ -87,10 +97,14 @@ void init_Aidge(py::module& m){
+    init_ReduceMean(m);
+    init_Reshape(m);
+    init_Slice(m);
+    init_Transpose(m);
diff --git a/python_binding/recipies/pybind_Recipies.cpp b/python_binding/recipies/pybind_Recipies.cpp
index 820b6e12b11116b874170bd25a6dc75675894257..bd058defb21c13cea1323e4748129c92519de039 100644
--- a/python_binding/recipies/pybind_Recipies.cpp
+++ b/python_binding/recipies/pybind_Recipies.cpp
@@ -12,9 +12,11 @@
 #include <pybind11/pybind11.h>
 #include <pybind11/stl.h>
+#include <cstddef>
 #include <string>
 #include "aidge/recipies/Recipies.hpp"
+#include "aidge/utils/Types.h"
 namespace py = pybind11;
@@ -28,7 +30,7 @@ void init_Recipies(py::module &m) {
     :param graph_view: Graph view on which we want to apply the recipie
     :type graph_view: :py:class:`aidge_core.GraphView`
   // m.def("fuse_mul_add", static_cast<void(*)(std::set<std::shared_ptr<Node>>)>(fuseMulAdd), py::arg("nodes"), R"mydelimiter(
   //   Recipie to Fuse MatMul and Add operators into an :py:class:`aidge_core.FC` operator.
@@ -36,6 +38,13 @@ void init_Recipies(py::module &m) {
   //   :type nodes: list of :py:class:`aidge_core.Node`
   //   )mydelimiter");
+  m.def("remove_dropout",static_cast<void(*)(std::shared_ptr<GraphView>)>(removeDropout), py::arg("graph_view"), R"mydelimiter(
+    Recipie to remove a dropout operator.
+    :param graph_view: Graph view on which we want to apply the recipie
+    :type graph_view: :py:class:`aidge_core.GraphView`
+    )mydelimiter");
   m.def("remove_flatten", static_cast<void(*)(std::shared_ptr<GraphView>)>(removeFlatten), py::arg("graph_view"), R"mydelimiter(
     Recipie to remove a flatten operator.
@@ -63,7 +72,10 @@ void init_Recipies(py::module &m) {
     :param graph_view: Graph view on which we want to apply the recipie
     :type graph_view: :py:class:`aidge_core.GraphView`
+ m.def("get_conv_horizontal_tiling", static_cast<std::set<std::shared_ptr<Node>>(*)(const std::shared_ptr<Node>&, const DimIdx_t, const std::size_t)>(getConvHorizontalTiling),
+        py::arg("node"), py::arg("axis"), py::arg("nb_slices"));
   // m.def("fuse_batchnorm", static_cast<void(*)(std::set<std::shared_ptr<Node>>)>(fuseBatchNorm), py::arg("nodes"), R"mydelimiter(
   //   Recipie to remove a flatten operator.
diff --git a/python_binding/scheduler/pybind_Scheduler.cpp b/python_binding/scheduler/pybind_Scheduler.cpp
index 85479d41f51e74dee4079e78a37e7f3a520639e2..d963b81d501f5cd2faf4f69810c897bb4b4da86d 100644
--- a/python_binding/scheduler/pybind_Scheduler.cpp
+++ b/python_binding/scheduler/pybind_Scheduler.cpp
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ void init_Scheduler(py::module& m){
     .def(py::init<std::shared_ptr<GraphView>&>(), py::arg("graph_view"))
     .def("forward", &SequentialScheduler::forward, py::arg("forward_dims")=true, py::arg("verbose")=false)
     .def("save_scheduling_diagram", &SequentialScheduler::saveSchedulingDiagram, py::arg("file_name"))
+    .def("resetScheduling", &SequentialScheduler::resetScheduling)
     .def("generate_scheduling", &SequentialScheduler::generateScheduling, py::arg("verbose")=false)
     .def("get_static_scheduling", &SequentialScheduler::getStaticScheduling)
diff --git a/python_binding/utils/pybind_TensorUtils.cpp b/python_binding/utils/pybind_TensorUtils.cpp
index 78825a5f3b8d45f22f76c57bd780dc7019fbc123..d82db0355ad641062ec89b1b331c74ccfde4c0b6 100644
--- a/python_binding/utils/pybind_TensorUtils.cpp
+++ b/python_binding/utils/pybind_TensorUtils.cpp
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ void addTensorUtilsFunction(py::module &m){
 void init_TensorUtils(py::module &m) {
-    addTensorUtilsFunction<int>(m);
-    addTensorUtilsFunction<long>(m);
+    addTensorUtilsFunction<int32_t>(m);
+    addTensorUtilsFunction<int64_t>(m);
 } // namespace Aidge
diff --git a/src/backend/TensorImpl.cpp b/src/backend/TensorImpl.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3982ee1fed9c9198b539bf9a28edd461992b791f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/backend/TensorImpl.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2023 CEA-List
+ *
+ * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
+ * terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at
+ * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-2.0.
+ *
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
+ *
+ ********************************************************************************/
+#include "aidge/data/Tensor.hpp"
+#include "aidge/backend/TensorImpl.hpp"
+#include "aidge/utils/Types.h"
+#include "aidge/utils/ErrorHandling.hpp"
+void Aidge::TensorImpl::copyFrom(const TensorImpl& srcImpl, NbElts_t length) {
+    if (&srcImpl == this) {
+        return;
+    }
+    if (srcImpl.device() != device()) {
+        if (srcImpl.backend() == backend()) {
+            // Same backend, but different device
+            copyFromDevice(srcImpl.rawPtr(), length, srcImpl.device());
+        }
+        else if (srcImpl.hostPtr() != nullptr) {
+            // Different backend, but input is valid on host
+            copyFromHost(srcImpl.hostPtr(), length);
+        }
+        else if (hostPtr() != nullptr) {
+            // Different backend, but dst is valid on host
+            srcImpl.copyToHost(hostPtr(), length);
+        }
+        else {
+            // No direct link possible from src to dst device
+            // SLOW SOLUTION: must pass through the host, requires TWO copies
+            // Allocate a temporary host buffer just for the copy
+            // We might reuse a pre-allocated buffer, but for now this feature is not provided because:
+            // - There is currently no concrete use case
+            // - Just providing a pointer would be unsafe (risk of buffer overflow...)
+            auto tmpHostBuffer = std::unique_ptr<char[]>(new char[scalarSize() * length]);
+            srcImpl.copyToHost(tmpHostBuffer.get(), length);
+            copyFromHost(tmpHostBuffer.get(), length);
+        }
+    }
+    else {
+        // Same device: simple copy on device
+        copy(srcImpl.rawPtr(), length);
+    }
diff --git a/src/data/Tensor.cpp b/src/data/Tensor.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..da0c626d78dd1cc4452bfc07bf6c6a7f58b8d1e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/data/Tensor.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2023 CEA-List
+ *
+ * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
+ * terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at
+ * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-2.0.
+ *
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
+ *
+ ********************************************************************************/
+#include "aidge/data/Tensor.hpp"
+#include "aidge/utils/Types.h"
+#include "aidge/utils/ErrorHandling.hpp"
+void Aidge::Tensor::copyCast(const Tensor& src) {
+    if (&src == this) {
+        return;
+    }
+    // Current Tensor has necessarily a data type, but may not have backend
+    if (!getImpl()) {
+        // If no backend was set for the current tensor, use the same as src
+        const auto deviceSrc = src.getImpl()->device();
+        setBackend(deviceSrc.first, deviceSrc.second);
+    }
+    resize(src.dims());
+    AIDGE_ASSERT(src.getImpl()->device() == getImpl()->device(), "cannot copy-cast from a different backend/device");
+    getImpl()->copyCast(src.getImpl()->rawPtr(), src.size(), src.dataType());
+void Aidge::Tensor::copyFrom(const Tensor& src) {
+    if (&src == this) {
+        return;
+    }
+    // Current Tensor has necessarily a data type, but may not have backend
+    if (!getImpl()) {
+        // If no backend was set for the current tensor, use the same as src
+        const auto deviceSrc = src.getImpl()->device();
+        setBackend(deviceSrc.first, deviceSrc.second);
+    }
+    resize(src.dims());
+    AIDGE_ASSERT(src.dataType() == dataType(), "cannot copy from a different data type");
+    getImpl()->copyFrom(*(src.getImpl()), src.size());
+void Aidge::Tensor::copyCastFrom(const Tensor& src, std::shared_ptr<Tensor>& movedSrcPtr) {
+    if (&src == this) {
+        return;
+    }
+    // Current Tensor has necessarily a data type, but may not have backend
+    if (!getImpl()) {
+        // If no backend was set for the current tensor, use the same as src
+        const auto deviceSrc = src.getImpl()->device();
+        setBackend(deviceSrc.first, deviceSrc.second);
+    }
+    resize(src.dims());
+    if (dataType() != src.dataType()) {
+        // First move data to the target device (only if needed)
+        const auto device = getImpl()->device();
+        const Tensor& movedSrc = src.refFrom(movedSrcPtr, device.first, device.second);
+        // Second, copy-cast data (necessary)
+        getImpl()->copyCast(movedSrc.getImpl()->rawPtr(), movedSrc.size(), movedSrc.dataType());
+    }
+    else {
+        // Directly copy, no conversion necessary
+        // Avoid making a double copy if both data type and device are the same
+        getImpl()->copyFrom(*(src.getImpl()), src.size());
+    }
+Aidge::Tensor& Aidge::Tensor::refCast(std::shared_ptr<Tensor>& fallback, const Aidge::DataType& dt) {
+    // Scott Meyers' solution to avoid code duplication
+    return const_cast<Tensor&>(static_cast<const Tensor&>(*this).refCast(fallback, dt));
+const Aidge::Tensor& Aidge::Tensor::refCast(std::shared_ptr<Tensor>& fallback, const Aidge::DataType& dt) const {
+    AIDGE_ASSERT(getImpl(), "no backend was set for tensor, cannot refCast() it");
+    if (dt == dataType()) {
+        return *this;
+    }
+    else {
+        if (this == fallback.get()) {
+            // if refFrom() was called before, just change the type
+            fallback->setDataType(dt);
+        }
+        else {
+            if (!fallback) {
+                fallback = std::make_shared<Tensor>(dt);
+            }
+            else {
+                fallback->setDataType(dt, false); // don't keep previous data (no copy)
+            }
+            const auto device = getImpl()->device();
+            fallback->setBackend(device.first, device.second, false); // don't keep previous data (no copy)
+            fallback->resize(dims());
+            fallback->getImpl()->copyCast(getImpl()->rawPtr(), size(), dataType());
+        }
+        return *fallback;
+    }
+Aidge::Tensor& Aidge::Tensor::refFrom(std::shared_ptr<Tensor>& fallback, const std::string &backend, DeviceIdx_t device) {
+    // Scott Meyers' solution to avoid code duplication
+    return const_cast<Tensor&>(static_cast<const Tensor&>(*this).refFrom(fallback, backend, device));
+const Aidge::Tensor& Aidge::Tensor::refFrom(std::shared_ptr<Tensor>& fallback, const std::string &backend, DeviceIdx_t device) const {
+    AIDGE_ASSERT(getImpl(), "no backend was set for tensor, cannot refFrom() it");
+    if (std::make_pair(backend, device) == getImpl()->device()) {
+        return *this;
+    }
+    else {
+        if (this == fallback.get()) {
+            // if refCast() was called before, just change the backend
+            fallback->setBackend(backend, device);
+        }
+        else {
+            if (!fallback) {
+                fallback = std::make_shared<Tensor>(dataType());
+            }
+            else {
+                fallback->setDataType(dataType(), false); // don't keep previous data (no copy)
+            }
+            fallback->setBackend(backend, device, false); // don't keep previous data (no copy)
+            fallback->resize(dims());
+            fallback->getImpl()->copyFrom(*getImpl(), size());
+        }
+        return *fallback;
+    }
diff --git a/src/graph/GraphView.cpp b/src/graph/GraphView.cpp
index ce956d115e282c43751619070dd8a10ac5c9cfae..c2439a459dcbe1b53d6aa31fd467ca3cd137aa23 100644
--- a/src/graph/GraphView.cpp
+++ b/src/graph/GraphView.cpp
@@ -71,33 +71,74 @@ void Aidge::GraphView::save(std::string path, bool verbose) const {
         typeCounter[currentType] = 0;
-        const std::string givenName =
+        std::string givenName =
-                ? currentType + std::to_string(typeCounter[currentType])
-                : node_ptr->name();
+                ? "<em>" + currentType + "#" + std::to_string(typeCounter[currentType]) + "</em>"
+                : "\"" + node_ptr->name() + "\\n<sub><em>( " + currentType + "#" + std::to_string(typeCounter[currentType]) + " )</em></sub>\"";
         namePtrTable[node_ptr] =
             (currentType + "_" + std::to_string(typeCounter[currentType]));
-        std::fprintf(fp, "%s(%s)\n", namePtrTable[node_ptr].c_str(),
-                    givenName.c_str());
+        if (node_ptr == mRootNode) {
+          std::fprintf(fp, "%s(%s):::rootCls\n", namePtrTable[node_ptr].c_str(),
+                      givenName.c_str());
+        }
+        else {
+          std::fprintf(fp, "%s(%s)\n", namePtrTable[node_ptr].c_str(),
+                      givenName.c_str());
+        }
     // Write every link
-    std::size_t emptyInputCounter = 0;
     for (const std::shared_ptr<Node> &node_ptr : mNodes) {
-        for (const std::shared_ptr<Node> &pa_ptr : node_ptr->getParents()) {
-        if ((pa_ptr == nullptr) || !inView(pa_ptr)) {
-            std::fprintf(fp, "input%zu((in - %zu))-->%s\n", emptyInputCounter,
-                        emptyInputCounter, namePtrTable[node_ptr].c_str());
-            ++emptyInputCounter;
-        } else {
-            std::fprintf(fp, "%s-->%s\n", namePtrTable[pa_ptr].c_str(),
-                        namePtrTable[node_ptr].c_str());
-        }
+      IOIndex_t outputIdx = 0;
+      for (auto childs : node_ptr->getOrderedChildren()) {
+        for (auto child : childs) {
+          if (child != nullptr) {
+            IOIndex_t inputIdx = 0;
+            for (auto parent : child->inputs()) {
+              if (parent.first == node_ptr && parent.second == outputIdx) {
+                if (mNodes.find(child) != mNodes.end()) {
+                  std::fprintf(fp, "%s-->|%u&rarr;%u|%s\n", namePtrTable[node_ptr].c_str(),
+                              outputIdx, inputIdx, namePtrTable[child].c_str());
+                }
+                else if (verbose) {
+                  std::fprintf(fp, "%s-->|%u&rarr;%u|%p:::externalCls\n", namePtrTable[node_ptr].c_str(),
+                              outputIdx, inputIdx, static_cast<void*>(child.get()));
+                }
+                break;
+              }
+              ++inputIdx;
+            }
+          }
+        ++outputIdx;
+      }
+    }
+    size_t inputIdx = 0;
+    for (auto input : mInputNodes) {
+      std::fprintf(fp, "input%lu((in#%lu)):::inputCls--->|&rarr;%u|%s\n", inputIdx, inputIdx,
+                  input.second, namePtrTable[input.first].c_str());
+      ++inputIdx;
+    }
+    size_t outputIdx = 0;
+    for (auto output : mOutputNodes) {
+      std::fprintf(fp, "%s--->|%u&rarr;|output%lu((out#%lu)):::outputCls\n",
+                   namePtrTable[output.first].c_str(), output.second,
+                   outputIdx, outputIdx);
+      ++outputIdx;
+    std::fprintf(fp, "classDef inputCls fill:#afa\n");
+    std::fprintf(fp, "classDef outputCls fill:#ffa\n");
+    std::fprintf(fp, "classDef externalCls fill:#ccc\n");
+    std::fprintf(fp, "classDef rootCls stroke:#f00\n");
     if (verbose) {
-        for (const auto &c : typeCounter) {
+      for (const auto &c : typeCounter) {
         std::printf("%s - %zu\n", c.first.c_str(), c.second);
-        }
+      }
     std::fprintf(fp, "\n");
@@ -108,20 +149,60 @@ void Aidge::GraphView::save(std::string path, bool verbose) const {
+void Aidge::GraphView::setOrderedInputs(const std::vector<std::pair<NodePtr, IOIndex_t>>& inputs) {
+  AIDGE_ASSERT(inputs.size() <= mInputNodes.size(), "too many specified number of inputs");
+  std::vector<std::pair<NodePtr, IOIndex_t>> ignoredInputs(mInputNodes);
+  for (auto input : inputs) {
+    auto it = std::find(ignoredInputs.begin(), ignoredInputs.end(), input);
+    AIDGE_ASSERT(it != ignoredInputs.end(), "unknown or duplicate input");
+    ignoredInputs.erase(it);
+  }
+  mInputNodes = inputs;
+  mInputNodes.insert(mInputNodes.end(), ignoredInputs.begin(), ignoredInputs.end());
+void Aidge::GraphView::setOrderedOutputs(const std::vector<std::pair<NodePtr, IOIndex_t>>& outputs) {
+  AIDGE_ASSERT(outputs.size() <= mOutputNodes.size(), "too many specified number of outputs");
+  std::vector<std::pair<NodePtr, IOIndex_t>> ignoredOutputs(mOutputNodes);
+  for (auto output : outputs) {
+    auto it = std::find(ignoredOutputs.begin(), ignoredOutputs.end(), output);
+    AIDGE_ASSERT(it != ignoredOutputs.end(), "unknown or duplicate output");
+    ignoredOutputs.erase(it);
+  }
+  mOutputNodes = outputs;
+  mOutputNodes.insert(mOutputNodes.end(), ignoredOutputs.begin(), ignoredOutputs.end());
 Aidge::IOIndex_t Aidge::GraphView::getNbDataInputs() const {
-    return std::accumulate(mInputNodes.cbegin(), mInputNodes.cend(), 0,
-                            [](IOIndex_t sumData, const std::shared_ptr<Node> inNode) {
-                                return sumData + inNode->nbData();
-                            }
-                        );
+  IOIndex_t nbDataInput = 0;
+  for (const std::shared_ptr<Node> &inNode : inputNodes()) {
+    // We cannot simply add inNode->nbDataInputs(), as input nodes may already
+    // have some inputs connected within the GraphView, which would therefore not
+    // constitue inputs (from outside) for the GraphView!
+    const std::vector<std::pair<std::shared_ptr<Node>, IOIndex_t>> inputNodeinputs =
+        inNode->dataInputs();
+    for (const auto& input : inputNodeinputs) {
+      if (input.first == nullptr || mNodes.find(input.first) == mNodes.end()) {
+        ++nbDataInput;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  return nbDataInput;
 Aidge::IOIndex_t Aidge::GraphView::getNbFreeDataInputs() const {
-  return std::accumulate(mInputNodes.cbegin(), mInputNodes.cend(), 0,
-                            [](IOIndex_t sumData, const std::shared_ptr<Node> inNode) {
-                                return sumData + inNode->getNbFreeDataInputs();
-                            }
-                        );
+  IOIndex_t nbIn = 0;
+  // Free inputs within the GraphView are logically also free inputs from outside
+  // the GraphView.
+  for (const std::shared_ptr<Node>& inputNode : inputNodes()) {
+    nbIn += inputNode->getNbFreeDataInputs();
+  }
+  return nbIn;
@@ -129,12 +210,12 @@ std::vector<std::pair<std::shared_ptr<Aidge::Node>, Aidge::IOIndex_t>>
 Aidge::GraphView::dataInputs() const {
   std::vector<std::pair<std::shared_ptr<Node>, IOIndex_t>> res;
-  for (const std::shared_ptr<Node>& inputNode : mInputNodes) {
-    std::vector<std::pair<std::shared_ptr<Node>, IOIndex_t>> inputNodeinputs =
+  for (const std::shared_ptr<Node>& inputNode : inputNodes()) {
+    const std::vector<std::pair<std::shared_ptr<Node>, IOIndex_t>> inputNodeinputs =
     for (const auto& input : inputNodeinputs) {
-      if (mNodes.find(input.first) == mNodes.end()) {
+      if (input.first == nullptr || mNodes.find(input.first) == mNodes.end()) {
@@ -147,12 +228,12 @@ std::vector<std::pair<std::shared_ptr<Aidge::Node>, Aidge::IOIndex_t>>
 Aidge::GraphView::inputs() const {
   std::vector<std::pair<std::shared_ptr<Node>, IOIndex_t>> res;
-  for (const std::shared_ptr<Node>& inputNode : mInputNodes) {
-    std::vector<std::pair<std::shared_ptr<Node>, IOIndex_t>> inputNodeinputs =
+  for (const std::shared_ptr<Node>& inputNode : inputNodes()) {
+    const std::vector<std::pair<std::shared_ptr<Node>, IOIndex_t>> inputNodeinputs =
     for (const auto& input : inputNodeinputs) {
-      if (mNodes.find(input.first) == mNodes.end()) {
+      if (input.first == nullptr || mNodes.find(input.first) == mNodes.end()) {
@@ -166,10 +247,10 @@ Aidge::GraphView::inputs(std::string name) const {
   return mNodeRegistry.at(name)->inputs();
-void Aidge::GraphView::compile(const std::string& backend, const Aidge::DataType datatype) {
+void Aidge::GraphView::compile(const std::string& backend, const Aidge::DataType datatype, DeviceIdx_t device) {
     // Backend
     // TODO: add Backend attribute to Operator
-    setBackend(backend);
+    setBackend(backend, device);
     // Data type
     // TODO: manage Datatype attribute in OperatorImpl
@@ -238,9 +319,9 @@ void Aidge::GraphView::_forwardDims(std::set<std::shared_ptr<Node>> listNodes) {
-void Aidge::GraphView::setBackend(const std::string &backend) {
+void Aidge::GraphView::setBackend(const std::string &backend, DeviceIdx_t device) {
     for (auto node : getNodes()) {
-        node->getOperator()->setBackend(backend);
+        node->getOperator()->setBackend(backend, device);
@@ -250,68 +331,28 @@ void Aidge::GraphView::setDataType(const Aidge::DataType &datatype) {
-void Aidge::GraphView::updateOutputNodes() {
-  mOutputNodes.clear();
-  for (const std::shared_ptr<Node>& go_it : mNodes) {
-    if (go_it->nbOutputs() !=
-        go_it->nbValidOutputs()) { // an output linked to nothing
-      mOutputNodes.insert(go_it);
-      continue;
-    }
-    for (const std::shared_ptr<Node>& ch_ptr : go_it->getChildren()) {
-      if (mNodes.find(ch_ptr) == mNodes.end()) { // Child not in the graph
-        mOutputNodes.insert(go_it);
-        break;
-      }
-    }
-  }
-void Aidge::GraphView::updateOutputNodes(std::shared_ptr<Node> node) {
-  if (node->nbOutputs() !=
-      node->nbValidOutputs()) { // an output linked to nothing
-    mOutputNodes.insert(node);
-  } else { // don't enter if was already added to outputNodes
-    for (const std::shared_ptr<Node> &ch_ptr : node->getChildren()) {
-      if (mNodes.find(ch_ptr) == mNodes.end()) { // Child not in the graph
-        mOutputNodes.insert(node);
-        break;
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  // update other outputNodes
-  for (const std::shared_ptr<Node> &pa_ptr :
-       node->getParents()) { // check if any parent is in OutputNodes too
-    if ((pa_ptr != nullptr) &&
-        (mOutputNodes.find(pa_ptr) !=
-         mOutputNodes.end())) { // it's a match! Must check if the outputNode
-                                // found is still an outputNode
-      bool remove = (pa_ptr->nbOutputs() == pa_ptr->nbValidOutputs());
-      for (const std::shared_ptr<Node>& ch_ptr : pa_ptr->getChildren()) {
-        if (mNodes.find(ch_ptr) == mNodes.end()) { // Child not in the graph
-          remove = false;
-          break;
-        }
-      }
-      if (remove) {
-        mOutputNodes.erase(pa_ptr);
-      }
-    }
-  }
     std::vector<std::pair<std::shared_ptr<Aidge::Node>, Aidge::IOIndex_t>>>
 Aidge::GraphView::outputs() const {
   std::vector<std::vector<std::pair<std::shared_ptr<Node>, Aidge::IOIndex_t>>>
-      outputTensors;
-  for (const std::shared_ptr<Node>& outputNode : mOutputNodes) {
-    std::vector<std::vector<std::pair<std::shared_ptr<Node>, Aidge::IOIndex_t>>>
-        tmpOutputs = (outputNode->outputs());
-    outputTensors.insert(outputTensors.end(), tmpOutputs.begin(),
-                         tmpOutputs.end());
+      outsideOutputs;
+  for (const std::shared_ptr<Node>& outputNode : outputNodes()) {
+    const std::vector<std::vector<std::pair<std::shared_ptr<Node>, Aidge::IOIndex_t>>>
+        outputNodeOutputs = outputNode->outputs();
+    for (const auto& outputPos : outputNodeOutputs) {
+      // Keep only the nodes connected at this output position that are outside the GraphView
+      std::vector<std::pair<std::shared_ptr<Node>, Aidge::IOIndex_t>> outsideOutputPos;
+      for (const auto& output : outputPos) {
+        if (mNodes.find(output.first) == mNodes.end()) {
+          outsideOutputPos.push_back(output);
+        }
+      }
+      outsideOutputs.push_back(outsideOutputPos);
+    }
-  return outputTensors;
+  return outsideOutputs;
@@ -326,11 +367,20 @@ void Aidge::GraphView::setInputId(Aidge::IOIndex_t /*inID*/,
 void Aidge::GraphView::add(std::shared_ptr<Node> node, bool includeLearnableParam) {
+  // first node to be added to the graph is the root node by default
+  if (mRootNode == nullptr) {
+    mRootNode = node;
+  }
   // add to the GraphView nodes
   if (!(node->name()).empty())
     mNodeRegistry.insert(std::make_pair(node->name(), node));
+  // check if the node is an input/output node
+  updateInputsOutputsNew(node);
   // add learnable parameters to the graph
   if (includeLearnableParam) {
     for (IOIndex_t i = node->nbData(); i < node->nbInputs(); ++i) {
@@ -340,33 +390,124 @@ void Aidge::GraphView::add(std::shared_ptr<Node> node, bool includeLearnablePara
           if (!(parentNode->name()).empty())
             mNodeRegistry.insert(std::make_pair(parentNode->name(), parentNode));
-          // check if the Node is an input node
-          updateInputNodes(parentNode);
+          // check if the parentNode is an input/output node
+          updateInputsOutputsNew(parentNode);
-  // check if the Node is an input node
-  updateInputNodes(node);
-  // check if the Node is an input node
-  updateOutputNodes(node);
-void Aidge::GraphView::add(std::set<std::shared_ptr<Node>> otherNodes, bool includeLearnableParam) {
-    for (auto& nodePtr : otherNodes) { add(nodePtr, includeLearnableParam); }
+bool Aidge::GraphView::add(std::set<std::shared_ptr<Node>> otherNodes, bool includeLearnableParam) {
+  if (otherNodes.empty()) {
+    return true;
+  }
+  bool orderUnicity = true;
+  // List only the nodes that are not already present in current graph
+  std::set<NodePtr> nodesToAdd;
+  std::set_difference(otherNodes.begin(), otherNodes.end(), mNodes.begin(), mNodes.end(), std::inserter(nodesToAdd, nodesToAdd.begin()));
+  // List the nodes to rank, initially all the nodes in the GraphView
+  std::set<NodePtr> nodesToRank(mNodes);
+  nodesToRank.insert(nodesToAdd.begin(), nodesToAdd.end());
+  std::vector<NodePtr> rankedNodesToAdd;
+  if (mRootNode == nullptr) {
+    std::set<NodePtr> noParentNodes;
+    // If no root node is defined, check nodes without parents
+    for (auto node : nodesToRank) {
+      bool noParent = true;
+      for (auto parent : node->getParents()) {
+        if (parent != nullptr && nodesToRank.find(parent) != nodesToRank.end()) {
+          noParent = false;
+          break;
+        }
+      }
+      if (noParent) {
+        noParentNodes.insert(node);
+      }
+    }
+    // Take the first one found (this is an arbitrary choice)
+    mRootNode = *noParentNodes.begin();
+    if (noParentNodes.size() > 1) {
+      // If there is more than one, order unicity cannot be garanteed!
+      orderUnicity = false;
+    }
+    rankedNodesToAdd.push_back(mRootNode);
+  }
+  nodesToRank.erase(mRootNode);
+  std::vector<NodePtr> rankedNodes;
+  rankedNodes.push_back(mRootNode);
+  for (size_t curNodeIdx = 0; curNodeIdx < rankedNodes.size(); ++curNodeIdx) {
+    NodePtr curNode = rankedNodes[curNodeIdx];
+    for (auto childs : curNode->getOrderedChildren()) {
+      for (auto child : childs) {
+        if (nodesToRank.find(child) != nodesToRank.end()) {
+          rankedNodes.push_back(child);
+          nodesToRank.erase(child);
+          if (nodesToAdd.find(child) != nodesToAdd.end()) {
+            rankedNodesToAdd.push_back(child);
+            nodesToAdd.erase(child);
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    for (auto parent : curNode->getParents()) {
+      if (nodesToRank.find(parent) != nodesToRank.end()) {
+        rankedNodes.push_back(parent);
+        nodesToRank.erase(parent);
+        if (nodesToAdd.find(parent) != nodesToAdd.end()) {
+          rankedNodesToAdd.push_back(parent);
+          nodesToAdd.erase(parent);
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  if (!nodesToAdd.empty()) {
+    // There are remaining nodes without path to the root node
+    orderUnicity = false;
+    while (!nodesToAdd.empty()) {
+      const auto it = nodesToAdd.begin();
+      rankedNodesToAdd.push_back(*it);
+      nodesToAdd.erase(it);
+    }
+  }
+  for (auto node_ptr : rankedNodesToAdd) {
+    add(node_ptr, includeLearnableParam);
+  }
+  return orderUnicity;
+bool Aidge::GraphView::add(std::pair<NodePtr, std::set<NodePtr>> nodes, bool includeLearnableParam) {
+  if (nodes.first != nullptr) {
+    mRootNode = nodes.first;
+    add(nodes.first, includeLearnableParam);
+  }
+  return add(nodes.second, includeLearnableParam);
-void Aidge::GraphView::add(std::shared_ptr<GraphView> graph) {
-  for (const std::shared_ptr<Node> &node_ptr : graph->getNodes()) {
-    node_ptr->addView(shared_from_this());
-    mNodes.insert(node_ptr);
-    if (!(node_ptr->name()).empty())
-      mNodeRegistry.insert(std::make_pair(node_ptr->name(), node_ptr));
-    // if node_ptr is part of graph inputNodes or outputNodes
-    // if (graph->isInputNode(node_ptr) || graph->isOutputNode(node_ptr)) {
-    // Update OutputNodes/inputNodes
-    updateInputNodes();
-    updateOutputNodes();
+bool Aidge::GraphView::add(std::shared_ptr<GraphView> graph) {
+  if (mRootNode == nullptr) {
+    mRootNode = graph->getRootNode();
+  return add(graph->getNodes(), false);
 void Aidge::GraphView::addChild(std::shared_ptr<Node> toOtherNode,
@@ -414,7 +555,7 @@ void Aidge::GraphView::addChild(
 std::set<std::shared_ptr<Aidge::Node>> Aidge::GraphView::getParents() const {
   // TODO: choose if we return a set or a vector
   std::set<std::shared_ptr<Node>> parents;
-  for (const std::shared_ptr<Node>& inputNode : mInputNodes) {
+  for (const std::shared_ptr<Node>& inputNode : inputNodes()) {
@@ -433,7 +574,7 @@ std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Aidge::Node>> Aidge::GraphView::getParents(const std
 Aidge::GraphView::getOrderedParents() const {
   std::vector<std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Node>>> parents;
-  for (const std::shared_ptr<Node>& inputNode : mInputNodes) {
+  for (const std::shared_ptr<Node>& inputNode : inputNodes()) {
   return parents;
@@ -441,7 +582,7 @@ Aidge::GraphView::getOrderedParents() const {
 std::set<std::shared_ptr<Aidge::Node>> Aidge::GraphView::getChildren() const {
   std::set<std::shared_ptr<Node>> children;
-  for (const std::shared_ptr<Node>& outputNode : mOutputNodes) {
+  for (const std::shared_ptr<Node>& outputNode : outputNodes()) {
@@ -475,48 +616,54 @@ std::shared_ptr<Aidge::Node>
 Aidge::GraphView::getNode(const std::string& nodeName) const {
   std::map<std::string, std::shared_ptr<Node>>::const_iterator it =
-  if (it != mNodeRegistry.end()) {
+  if (it != mNodeRegistry.cend()) {
     return it->second;
   } else {
     printf("No Node named %s in the current GraphView.\n", nodeName.c_str());
-    exit(-1);
+    return nullptr;
 void Aidge::GraphView::remove(std::shared_ptr<Node> nodePtr, bool includeLearnableParam) {
-  if (mNodes.find(nodePtr) != mNodes.end()) {
-    mNodes.erase(nodePtr);
-    nodePtr->removeView(shared_from_this());
-  }
-  if (!nodePtr->name().empty()) { mNodeRegistry.erase(nodePtr->name()); }
-  // same for learnable params
+  // remove learnable params
   if (includeLearnableParam) {
     for (IOIndex_t i = nodePtr->nbData(); i < nodePtr->nbInputs(); ++i) {
       auto inputI = nodePtr->input(i);
-      bool removeNode = true;
-      for (const auto& parentOutput : inputI.first->outputs()) {
-        for (const auto& childOfParentOutput : parentOutput) {
-          // only remove the learnable parameter if not related to any other Node in the GraphView
-          if (childOfParentOutput.first != nodePtr) {
-            removeNode = false;
-            break;
+      if (inputI.first != nullptr) {
+        bool removeNode = true;
+        for (const auto& parentOutput : inputI.first->outputs()) {
+          for (const auto& childOfParentOutput : parentOutput) {
+            // only remove the learnable parameter if not related to any other Node in the GraphView
+            if (childOfParentOutput.first != nodePtr) {
+              removeNode = false;
+              break;
+            }
-      }
-      if (removeNode) {
-        // assert Learnable Parameter in the GraphView scope
-        if (mNodes.find(inputI.first) != mNodes.end()) {
-          mNodes.erase(inputI.first);
-          inputI.first->removeView(shared_from_this());
+        if (removeNode) {
+          // assert Learnable Parameter in the GraphView scope
+          if (mNodes.find(inputI.first) != mNodes.end()) {
+            mNodes.erase(inputI.first);
+            inputI.first->removeView(shared_from_this());
+          }
+          if (!inputI.first->name().empty()) { mNodeRegistry.erase(inputI.first->name()); }
+          // check if the node was an input/output node
+          updateInputsOutputsDelete(inputI.first);
-        if (!inputI.first->name().empty()) { mNodeRegistry.erase(inputI.first->name()); }
-  updateInputNodes();
-  updateOutputNodes();
+  if (mNodes.find(nodePtr) != mNodes.end()) {
+    mNodes.erase(nodePtr);
+    nodePtr->removeView(shared_from_this());
+    // check if the nodePtr was an input/output node
+    updateInputsOutputsDelete(nodePtr);
+  }
+  if (!nodePtr->name().empty()) { mNodeRegistry.erase(nodePtr->name()); }
@@ -547,211 +694,369 @@ void Aidge::GraphView::insertParent(NodePtr childNode,
 bool Aidge::GraphView::replace(const std::set<Aidge::NodePtr>& oldNodes, const std::set<Aidge::NodePtr>& newNodes) {
     // TODO: handle case where an oldNodes parameter does not come from a Producer but another Node (not included in oldNodes)
     // How to distinguish it from data input?
     // TODO: Parameter Tensors could be identified with their dimensions
     // TODO: Take GraphView as input parameters since new Nodes should be connected whatever.
     // It also avoids specifying each producer since they are automatically included
+    // (1) create GraphViews from both sets of Nodes
     auto oldG = std::make_shared<GraphView>("oldG");
     oldG->add(oldNodes, false);
     auto newG = std::make_shared<GraphView>("newG");
     newG->add(newNodes, false);
-    if ((oldG->inputNodes().size() == 0) || (oldG->outputNodes().size() != 1)) {
-        return false;
+    const auto oldOI = oldG->getOrderedInputs();
+    const auto oldOO = oldG->getOrderedOutputs();
+    const auto newOI = newG->getOrderedInputs();
+    const auto newOO = newG->getOrderedOutputs();
+    std::vector<std::pair<std::shared_ptr<Node>, IOIndex_t>> inputParents = std::vector<std::pair<std::shared_ptr<Node>, IOIndex_t>>(oldOI.size());
+    std::vector<std::pair<std::shared_ptr<Node>, IOIndex_t>> outputChildren = std::vector<std::pair<std::shared_ptr<Node>, IOIndex_t>>(oldOO.size());
+    // keep in memory every parent
+    for (std::size_t i = 0; i < oldOI.size(); ++i) {
+        auto inputParent = oldOI[i].first -> input(oldOI[i].second);
+        inputParents[i]= inputParent;
+        // inputParent.first -> addChild(newOI[i].first, inputParent.second, newOI[i].second);
-    if (!(newNodes.empty()) && ((newG->inputNodes().size() == 0) ||
-                                (newG->outputNodes().size() != 1))) {
-        return false;
+    for (std::size_t i = 0; i < oldOO.size();) {
+        auto outputChildList = oldOO[i].first -> output(oldOO[i].second);
+        if (outputChildList.empty()) {
+            outputChildren[i] = std::pair<std::shared_ptr<Node>, IOIndex_t>({nullptr, gk_IODefaultIndex});
+            ++i;
+        }
+        else {
+            for (const auto& child : outputChildList) {
+                if (oldNodes.find(child.first) == oldNodes.cend()) {
+                    outputChildren[i] = child;
+                    ++i;
+                }
+            }
+        }
-    // there is at least one inputNode in the old/new GraphView
-    std::shared_ptr<Node> firstPreviousInputNode = (*(oldG->inputNodes()).begin());
-    std::shared_ptr<Node> firstPreviousOutputNode = (*(oldG->outputNodes()).begin());
+    // only keep common views to each node for the new set
+    // set of common GraphView for oldNodes' Nodes
+    std::set<std::shared_ptr<GraphView>> commonGraphViews =  (*oldNodes.begin())->views();
+    for (const auto& nodePtr : oldNodes) {
+        const auto nodeView = nodePtr->views();
+        std::set<std::shared_ptr<GraphView>> intersection;
+        std::set_intersection(commonGraphViews.begin(), commonGraphViews.end(),
+                            nodeView.begin(), nodeView.end(),
+                            std::inserter(intersection, intersection.begin()));
+        commonGraphViews = intersection;
+    }
+    commonGraphViews.erase(oldG);
+    commonGraphViews.erase(newG);
-    // find Node to link to new input Node
-    //compute number of input for firstPreviousInputNode not in oldNodes set
-    std::size_t nbExternalInputs = 0;
-    std::shared_ptr<Node> externalInput = nullptr;
-    IOIndex_t externalInputId = gk_IODefaultIndex;
-    for (const auto& input : firstPreviousInputNode->inputs()) {
-        if (oldNodes.find(input.first) == oldNodes.end()) { // Node connected to another Node outside of oldG
-            nbExternalInputs++;
-            externalInput = input.first;
-            externalInputId = input.second;
+    if ((newNodes.size() > 0) && (oldOI.size() != newOI.size()) && (oldOO.size() != newOO.size())) {
+        for (const auto& nodePtr : oldNodes) {
+            nodePtr->removeView(oldG);
-    }
-    if (nbExternalInputs > 1) {
-        AIDGE_INTERNAL_ASSERT("To many input to link for oldNodes set");
+        for (const auto& nodePtr : newNodes) {
+            nodePtr->removeView(newG);
+        }
+        return false;
-    if (oldG->inputNodes().size() > 1){
-        // one or no input has been identified. Checking every input points to the same source
-        for (const auto& previousInputNode : oldG->inputNodes()) {
-            for (const auto& input : previousInputNode->inputs()) {
-                if (oldNodes.find(input.first) == oldNodes.end()) {
-                    if ( (externalInput != input.first) || (externalInputId != input.second) ) {
-                        return false; // an inputNode points to an external Node different from the registered one
+    if ((oldOI.size() == newOI.size()) &&
+        (oldOO.size() == newOO.size())) {
+        // Case 1
+        for (std::size_t i = 0; i < oldOI.size(); ++i) {
+            if (inputParents[i].first) {
+                inputParents[i].first -> addChild(newOI[i].first, inputParents[i].second, newOI[i].second);
+            }
+        }
+        for (std::size_t o = 0; o < oldOO.size(); ++o) {
+            if (outputChildren[o].first) {
+                newOO[o].first -> addChild(outputChildren[o].first, newOO[o].second, outputChildren[o].second);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    else {
+        // get the number of Parents for oldG->inputNodes()
+        // get the number of Children for oldg->outputNodes()
+        if (newNodes.size() == 0) {
+            // Case 3
+            if (oldOI.size() == oldOO.size()) {
+                for (std::size_t i = 0; i < oldOI.size(); ++i) {
+                    if (inputParents[i].first)
+                        inputParents[i].first -> addChild(outputChildren[i].first, inputParents[i].second, outputChildren[i].second);
+                }
+            }
+            else if ((oldOI.size() == 1) && (inputParents[0].first)) {
+                for (std::size_t i = 0; i < oldOI.size(); ++i) {
+                    inputParents[0].first -> addChild(outputChildren[i].first, inputParents[0].second, outputChildren[i].second);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        else if ( // for tiling-like cases. The number of inputNodes changes but not outputNodes
+            ((oldOI.size() == 1) || (newOI.size() == 1)) && // (oldOI.size() == newOI.size()) already handled in Case 1
+            ((oldOO.size() == newOO.size()))
+        ) {
+            // Case 2
+            if ((oldOI.size() == 1) && (inputParents[0].first)) {
+                for (std::size_t i = 0; i < newOI.size(); ++i) {
+                    inputParents[0].first -> addChild(newOI[i].first, inputParents[0].second, newOI[i].second);
+                }
+            } else {
+                for (std::size_t i = 0; i < oldOI.size(); ++i) {
+                    if (inputParents[i].first) {
+                        inputParents[i].first -> addChild(newOI[0].first, inputParents[i].second, newOI[0].second);
+            for (std::size_t o = 0; o < oldOO.size(); ++o) {
+                if (outputChildren[o].first) {
+                    newOO[o].first -> addChild(outputChildren[o].first, newOO[o].second, outputChildren[o].second);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        else {
+            for (const auto& nodePtr : oldNodes) {
+                nodePtr->removeView(oldG);
+            }
+            for (const auto& nodePtr : newNodes) {
+                nodePtr->removeView(newG);
+            }
+            return false;
-    if (firstPreviousOutputNode->nbOutputs() != 1) {
-        return false;
-    }
+    auto oldGOutputs = oldG->outputNodes();
+    for (const auto& nodePtr : oldNodes) {
+        bool removeFromGraphs = true;
+        if (std::find(oldGOutputs.cbegin(), oldGOutputs.cend(), nodePtr) == oldGOutputs.cend()) {
+            for (const auto& chPtr : nodePtr->getChildren()) {
+                if (oldNodes.find(chPtr) == oldNodes.cend()) {
+                    removeFromGraphs = false;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        if (removeFromGraphs) {
+            for (const auto& g : commonGraphViews) {
+                g -> remove(nodePtr, false);
+                g -> updateInputsOutputsDelete(nodePtr);
+            }
+            nodePtr -> resetConnections(true);
+        }
-    // find Node to replicate output connections
-    std::shared_ptr<Node> newOutputNode = newNodes.empty() ? externalInput : *(newG->outputNodes().begin());
+    }
-    auto copyOutputs = firstPreviousOutputNode->outputs();
-    // manage Views for newNodes
-    // only keep common views to each node for the new set
-    std::set<std::shared_ptr<GraphView>> commonGraphViews =  (*oldNodes.begin())->views();
+    for (const auto& nodePtr : newNodes) {
+        for (const auto& g : commonGraphViews) {
+            g -> add(nodePtr);
+        }
+    }
     for (const auto& nodePtr : oldNodes) {
-      const auto nodeView = nodePtr->views();
-      std::set<std::shared_ptr<GraphView>> intersection;
-      std::set_intersection(commonGraphViews.begin(), commonGraphViews.end(),
-                          nodeView.begin(), nodeView.end(),
-                          std::inserter(intersection, intersection.begin()));
-      commonGraphViews = intersection;
+        nodePtr -> removeView(oldG);
-    commonGraphViews.erase(oldG);
-    commonGraphViews.erase(newG);
+    for (const auto& nodePtr : newNodes) {
+        nodePtr -> removeView(newG);
+    }
+    return true;
-    // clean Nodes to replace
-    // Do not include common Nodes to avoid cleaning Producers linked to newNodes
-    std::set<std::shared_ptr<Node>> nodesToClean;
-    std::set_difference(oldNodes.begin(), oldNodes.end(),
-                          newNodes.begin(), newNodes.end(),
-                          std::inserter(nodesToClean, nodesToClean.begin()));
-    for (auto& nodePtr : nodesToClean) { nodePtr->resetConnections(true); }
-    // copy output connections
-    if (newOutputNode) {
-        for (IOIndex_t o = 0; o < firstPreviousOutputNode->nbOutputs(); ++o) {
-            auto outputPairs = copyOutputs[o];
-            for (const auto& onePair : outputPairs) {
-                newOutputNode->addChild(onePair.first, o, onePair.second);
+void Aidge::GraphView::updateInputsOutputsNew(std::shared_ptr<Node> newNode) {
+  // Can be called several times with the same node, e.g. when addChild() is
+  // called on a node already part of the GraphView. In this case, inputs/outputs
+  // need to be updated!
+  std::vector<std::pair<NodePtr, IOIndex_t>>::const_iterator newInputsInsertionPoint = mInputNodes.cend();
+  // Remove inputs that are not input anymore because connected to newNode
+  for (auto orderedChilds : newNode->getOrderedChildren()) {
+    for (auto ch_ptr : orderedChilds) {
+      // Check that newNode child is in current GraphView
+      if (mNodes.find(ch_ptr) != mNodes.cend()) {
+        IOIndex_t inputIdx = 0;
+        for (const std::shared_ptr<Node>& pa_ptr : ch_ptr->getParents()) {
+          // If newNode is connected to it
+          if (pa_ptr == newNode) {
+            const auto val = std::make_pair(ch_ptr, inputIdx);
+            const auto iter = std::find(mInputNodes.cbegin(), mInputNodes.cend(), val);
+            // Check that it was not already the case (if node UPDATE)
+            if (iter != mInputNodes.cend()) { // newNode is linked to an actual inputNode to an input connection
+              // The first old (removed) input becomes the insertion point for newNode GraphView inputs
+              if (std::distance(newInputsInsertionPoint, iter) <= 0) {
+                newInputsInsertionPoint = mInputNodes.erase(iter);
+              }
+              else {
+                mInputNodes.erase(iter);
+              }
+          }
+          ++inputIdx;
+      }
+  }
-    // copy input connections
-    if (!newNodes.empty() && externalInput) {
-        for (const auto& newInputNode : newG->inputNodes()) {
-            IOIndex_t inputId = 0;
-            for (const auto& input : newInputNode->inputs()) {
-                if (newNodes.find(input.first) == newNodes.end()) {
-                    externalInput->addChild(newInputNode, externalInputId, inputId);
-                }
-                inputId++;
+    // Manage newNode parents
+    // Check if any input connection is an input for the GraphView
+    IOIndex_t inputIdx = 0U;
+    for (const std::shared_ptr<Node>& pa_ptr : newNode->getParents()) {
+        const auto val = std::make_pair(newNode, inputIdx);
+        const auto it = std::find(mInputNodes.cbegin(), mInputNodes.cend(), val);
+        if ((pa_ptr == nullptr) ||
+            (mNodes.find(pa_ptr) == mNodes.cend())) {
+            // Parent doesn't exist || Parent not in the graph
+            if (it == mInputNodes.cend()) {
+                // If node's inputs are inputs for the GraphView: add them to the input list
+                // Addition rule:
+                // - Inputs addition order follows node inputs order
+                // - Inputs are inserted at the position of the first input removed
+                newInputsInsertionPoint = mInputNodes.insert(newInputsInsertionPoint, val);
+                newInputsInsertionPoint = std::next(newInputsInsertionPoint);
+        } else if (it != mInputNodes.cend()) {
+            // Parent already in the graph SO edge is not an input anymore for the graph
+            mInputNodes.erase(it);
+        ++inputIdx;
-    // insert new Nodes in the right GraphViews
-    for (const auto& graphPtr : commonGraphViews) {
-        graphPtr->add(newNodes, false);
-        if (newNodes.empty()) {
-            graphPtr->updateInputNodes();
-            graphPtr->updateOutputNodes();
+  std::vector<std::pair<NodePtr, IOIndex_t>>::const_iterator newOutputsInsertionPoint = mOutputNodes.cend();
+  // Remove outputs that are not output anymore because connected to newNode
+  for (const std::shared_ptr<Node>& parent : newNode->getParents()) {
+    // Check that newNode parent is in current GraphView
+    if (mNodes.find(parent) != mNodes.cend()) {
+      IOIndex_t outputIdx = 0;
+      for (auto orderedChilds : parent->getOrderedChildren()) {
+        for (auto ch_ptr : orderedChilds) {
+          // If newNode is connected to it
+          if (ch_ptr == newNode) {
+            const auto val = std::make_pair(parent, outputIdx);
+            const auto iter = std::find(mOutputNodes.cbegin(), mOutputNodes.cend(), val);
+            if (iter != mOutputNodes.cend()) {
+              // The first old (removed) output becomes the insertion point for newNode GraphView outputs
+              if (std::distance(newOutputsInsertionPoint, iter) <= 0) {
+                newOutputsInsertionPoint = mOutputNodes.erase(iter);
+              }
+              else {
+                mOutputNodes.erase(iter);
+              }
+            }
+          }
+        ++outputIdx;
+      }
+  }
-    for (const auto& node : oldNodes) {
-      node->removeView(oldG);
+  // Check if node outputs are outputs for the GraphView and add them to the output list if so
+  IOIndex_t outputIdx = 0;
+  for (const auto& orderedChilds : newNode->getOrderedChildren()) {
+    bool noInsideConnection = true;
+    for (const auto& ch_ptr : orderedChilds) {
+      if (mNodes.find(ch_ptr) != mNodes.cend()) {
+        noInsideConnection = false;
+        break;
+      }
-    for (const auto& node : newNodes) {
-      node->removeView(newG);
+    if (noInsideConnection) {
+      const auto val = std::make_pair(newNode, outputIdx);
+      // Output may be already be present (see addChild() with a node already in GraphView)
+      if (std::find(mOutputNodes.cbegin(), mOutputNodes.cend(), val) == mOutputNodes.cend()) {
+        newOutputsInsertionPoint = mOutputNodes.insert(newOutputsInsertionPoint, val);
+        newOutputsInsertionPoint = std::next(newOutputsInsertionPoint);
+      }
-    return true;
+    ++outputIdx;
+  }
+void Aidge::GraphView::updateInputsOutputsDelete(std::shared_ptr<Node> deletedNode) {
+  std::vector<std::pair<NodePtr, IOIndex_t>>::const_iterator newInputsInsertionPoint = mInputNodes.cend();
-void Aidge::GraphView::updateInputNodes() {
-  mInputNodes.clear();
-  for (const std::shared_ptr<Node>& go_ptr : mNodes) {
-    for (const std::shared_ptr<Node>& pa_ptr : go_ptr->getParents()) {
-      if ((pa_ptr == nullptr) ||
-          (mNodes.find(pa_ptr) ==
-           mNodes.end())) { // Parent doesn't exist || Parent not in the graph
-        mInputNodes.insert(go_ptr);
-        break;
+  // Check if node inputs were inputs for the GraphView and remove them from the list if so
+  for (IOIndex_t inputIdx = 0; inputIdx < deletedNode->getParents().size(); ++inputIdx) {
+    const auto val = std::make_pair(deletedNode, inputIdx);
+    const auto iter = std::find(mInputNodes.cbegin(), mInputNodes.cend(), val);
+    if (iter != mInputNodes.cend()) {
+      // The first old (removed) input becomes the insertion point for new GraphView inputs
+      if (std::distance(newInputsInsertionPoint, iter) <= 0) {
+        newInputsInsertionPoint = mInputNodes.erase(iter);
+      }
+      else {
+        mInputNodes.erase(iter);
-void Aidge::GraphView::updateInputNodes(std::shared_ptr<Node> node) {
-  // add node_ptr to inputNode if it can
-  std::size_t filledWithKnownInputs = 0U;
-  bool wasAdded = mInputNodes.find(node) != mInputNodes.end();
-  for (const std::shared_ptr<Node>& pa_ptr : node->getParents()) {
-    if ((pa_ptr == nullptr) ||
-        (mNodes.find(pa_ptr) ==
-         mNodes.end())) { // Parent doesn't exist || Parent not in the graph
-      mInputNodes.insert(node);
-      wasAdded = true;
-      break;
-    }
-    ++filledWithKnownInputs;
-  }
-  if (filledWithKnownInputs == node->nbInputs() && wasAdded) {
-    mInputNodes.erase(node);
-  }
-  // update other inputNodes
-  for (const std::shared_ptr<Node>& ch_ptr :
-       node->getChildren()) { // check if any child is in InputNodes too
-    if (mInputNodes.find(ch_ptr) !=
-        mInputNodes.end()) { // it's a match! Must check if the inputNode found
-                             // is still an inputNode
-                             // change here
-      bool remove = true;
-      for (const std::shared_ptr<Node>& pa_ptr : ch_ptr->getParents()) {
-        if (pa_ptr == nullptr ||
-            mNodes.find(pa_ptr) ==
-                mNodes
-                    .end()) { // Parent doesn't exist || Parent not in the graph
-          remove = false;
-          break;
+  // Add child node inputs that become GraphView input following the removal of the node
+  // Inputs addition order follows deletedNode outputs order
+  for (auto orderedChilds : deletedNode->getOrderedChildren()) {
+    for (auto ch_ptr : orderedChilds) {
+      // Check that deletedNode child is in current GraphView
+      if (mNodes.find(ch_ptr) != mNodes.cend()) {
+        IOIndex_t inputIdx = 0;
+        for (const std::shared_ptr<Node>& pa_ptr : ch_ptr->getParents()) {
+          // If newNode was connected to it
+          if (pa_ptr == deletedNode) {
+            const auto val = std::make_pair(ch_ptr, inputIdx);
+            if (std::find(mInputNodes.cbegin(), mInputNodes.cend(), val) == mInputNodes.cend()) {
+              newInputsInsertionPoint = mInputNodes.insert(newInputsInsertionPoint, val);
+              newInputsInsertionPoint = std::next(newInputsInsertionPoint);
+            }
+          }
+          ++inputIdx;
-      if (remove) {
-        mInputNodes.erase(ch_ptr);
-      }
+  std::vector<std::pair<NodePtr, IOIndex_t>>::const_iterator newOutputsInsertionPoint = mOutputNodes.cend();
-void Aidge::GraphView::removeInputNode(const std::string nodeName) {
-  std::map<std::string, std::shared_ptr<Node>>::iterator it =
-      mNodeRegistry.find(nodeName);
-  if (it != mNodeRegistry.end()) {
-    const std::shared_ptr<Node> val = (*it).second;
-    if (mInputNodes.find(val) != mInputNodes.end()) {
-      mInputNodes.erase(val);
+  // Check if node outputs were outputs for the GraphView and remove them from the list if so
+  for (IOIndex_t outputIdx = 0; outputIdx < deletedNode->getOrderedChildren().size(); ++outputIdx) {
+    const auto val = std::make_pair(deletedNode, outputIdx);
+    const auto iter = std::find(mOutputNodes.cbegin(), mOutputNodes.cend(), val);
+    if (iter != mOutputNodes.cend()) {
+      // The first old (removed) output becomes the insertion point for newNode GraphView outputs
+      if (std::distance(newOutputsInsertionPoint, iter) <= 0) {
+        newOutputsInsertionPoint = mOutputNodes.erase(iter);
+      }
+      else {
+        mOutputNodes.erase(iter);
+      }
-void Aidge::GraphView::removeOutputNode(const std::string nodeName) {
-  std::map<std::string, std::shared_ptr<Node>>::iterator it =
-      mNodeRegistry.find(nodeName);
-  if (it != mNodeRegistry.end()) {
-    const std::shared_ptr<Node> val = (*it).second;
-    if (mOutputNodes.find(val) != mOutputNodes.end()) {
-      mOutputNodes.erase(val);
+  // Add parent node outputs that become GraphView output following the removal of the node
+  // Outputs addition order follows deletedNode inputs order
+  for (const std::shared_ptr<Node>& parent : deletedNode->getParents()) {
+    if (mNodes.find(parent) != mNodes.end()) {
+      IOIndex_t outputIdx = 0;
+      for (auto orderedChilds : parent->getOrderedChildren()) {
+        bool noInsideConnection = true;
+        for (auto ch_ptr : orderedChilds) {
+          if (mNodes.find(ch_ptr) != mNodes.end()) {
+            noInsideConnection = false;
+            break;
+          }
+        }
+        if (noInsideConnection) {
+          const auto val = std::make_pair(parent, outputIdx);
+          if (std::find(mOutputNodes.cbegin(), mOutputNodes.cend(), val) == mOutputNodes.cend()) {
+            newOutputsInsertionPoint = mOutputNodes.insert(newOutputsInsertionPoint, val);
+            newOutputsInsertionPoint = std::next(newOutputsInsertionPoint);
+          }
+        }
+        ++outputIdx;
+      }
 std::shared_ptr<Aidge::GraphView> Aidge::GraphView::cloneCallback(NodePtr(*cloneNode)(NodePtr)) const {
   std::shared_ptr<GraphView> newGraph = std::make_shared<GraphView>(mName);
@@ -759,46 +1064,132 @@ std::shared_ptr<Aidge::GraphView> Aidge::GraphView::cloneCallback(NodePtr(*clone
   std::map<NodePtr, NodePtr> oldToNewNodes;
   for (const std::shared_ptr<Node> &node_ptr : mNodes) {
-    oldToNewNodes[node_ptr] = cloneNode(node_ptr);
+    auto clonedNode = cloneNode(node_ptr);
+    if (clonedNode == nullptr) {
+      AIDGE_ASSERT(node_ptr->getChildren().size() <= 1, "deleted nodes in GraphView::clone() cannot have multiple children");
+      AIDGE_ASSERT(node_ptr->nbData() <= 1, "deleted nodes in GraphView::clone() cannot have multiple data input parents");
+    }
+    oldToNewNodes[node_ptr] = clonedNode;
   // For each node, convert old node -> new node connections
   for (auto &oldToNewNode : oldToNewNodes) {
-    if (oldToNewNode.second == nullptr)
+    if (oldToNewNode.second == nullptr) {
       continue;  // deleted node
-    // Add new node to new GraphView
-    newGraph->add(oldToNewNode.second, false);
+    }
     // Connect parent nodes. Nodes that were removed with cloneNode() are set to nullptr
     size_t parentId = 0;
     for (auto parent : oldToNewNode.first->inputs()) {
-      while (oldToNewNodes[parent.first] == nullptr) {
-        // Find next valid parent in line, going backward in the graph
-        assert(parent.first->nbData() <= 1 && "deleted nodes in GraphView::clone() cannot have multiple data inputs");
-        const auto& parents = parent.first->inputs();
+      if (parent.first != nullptr) {
+        while (oldToNewNodes[parent.first] == nullptr) {
+          // Find next valid parent in line, going backward in the graph
+          AIDGE_INTERNAL_ASSERT(parent.first->getChildren().size() == 1);
+          AIDGE_INTERNAL_ASSERT(parent.first->nbData() <= 1);
+          const auto& parents = parent.first->dataInputs();
+          if (!parents.empty() && parents[0].first != nullptr // a valid parent exists
+            && oldToNewNodes.find(parents[0].first) != oldToNewNodes.end()) // parent is in the GraphView
+          {
+            parent = parents[0];
+          }
+          else {
+            break;
+          }
+        }
-        if (!parents.empty() && parents[0].first != nullptr // a valid parent exists
-          && oldToNewNodes.find(parents[0].first) != oldToNewNodes.end()) // parent is in the GraphView
-        {
-          parent = parents[0];
+        if (oldToNewNodes[parent.first]) {
+          AIDGE_INTERNAL_ASSERT(oldToNewNodes[parent.first]->nbOutputs() == parent.first->nbOutputs());
+          oldToNewNodes[parent.first]->addChild(oldToNewNode.second, parent.second, parentId);
-        else {
-          break;
+      }
+      ++parentId;
+    }
+  }
+  // Once connected, add each new nodes to new GraphView
+  // This has to be done in a second step to ensure that new GraphView inputs/outputs
+  // are properly set (otherwise, some node's inputs/outputs may be wrongly registered as
+  // GraphView inputs/outputs because not yet connected to other nodes)
+  if (oldToNewNodes[mRootNode] != nullptr) {
+    // Add root node first if is still exists!
+    newGraph->add(oldToNewNodes[mRootNode], false);
+  }
+  for (auto &oldToNewNode : oldToNewNodes) {
+    if (oldToNewNode.second == nullptr)
+      continue;  // deleted node
+    newGraph->add(oldToNewNode.second, false);
+  }
+  // Update cloned graph inputs/outputs order to match initial graph order
+  auto newInputNodes = mInputNodes;
+  for (auto it = newInputNodes.begin(); it != newInputNodes.end(); ) {
+    // If input node was removed, find next valid input
+    while (oldToNewNodes[it->first] == nullptr) {
+      // Removed node should have only one connected output, otherwise cloning is invalid
+      AIDGE_INTERNAL_ASSERT(it->first->getChildren().size() <= 1);
+      bool found = false;
+      if (it->first->getChildren().size() == 1) {
+        auto child = *it->first->getChildren().begin();
+        std::size_t inputIdx = 0;
+        for (auto parent : child->getParents()) {
+          if (parent == it->first) {
+            it->first = child;
+            it->second = inputIdx;
+            found = true;
+            break;
+          }
+          ++inputIdx;
-      if (oldToNewNodes[parent.first]) {
-        oldToNewNodes[parent.first]->addChild(oldToNewNode.second, parent.second, parentId);
+      if (!found) {
+        break;
+    }
-      ++parentId;
+    if (oldToNewNodes[it->first] == nullptr) {
+      it = newInputNodes.erase(it);
+    }
+    else {
+      it->first = oldToNewNodes[it->first];
+      ++it;
+  newGraph->setOrderedInputs(newInputNodes);
+  auto newOutputNodes = mOutputNodes;
+  for (auto it = newOutputNodes.begin(); it != newOutputNodes.end(); ) {
+    // If output node was removed, find previous valid output
+    while (oldToNewNodes[it->first] == nullptr) {
+      // Removed node should have only one connected data input, otherwise cloning is invalid
+      AIDGE_INTERNAL_ASSERT(it->first->nbData() <= 1);
+      auto parents = it->first->dataInputs();
+      if (!parents.empty() && parents[0].first != nullptr // a valid parent exists
+        && oldToNewNodes.find(parents[0].first) != oldToNewNodes.end()) // parent is in the GraphView
+      {
+        *it = parents[0];
+      }
+      else {
+        break;
+      }
+    }
-  // Update OutputNodes/inputNodes
-  newGraph->updateInputNodes();
-  newGraph->updateOutputNodes();
+    if (oldToNewNodes[it->first] == nullptr) {
+      it = newOutputNodes.erase(it);
+    }
+    else {
+      it->first = oldToNewNodes[it->first];
+      ++it;
+    }
+  }
+  newGraph->setOrderedOutputs(newOutputNodes);
   return newGraph;
diff --git a/src/graph/Node.cpp b/src/graph/Node.cpp
index 5a7b05e469daab10a4abd468177a3ad137096f63..6f0cc55159b1cc72b87bb34230376eb140b7ab8a 100644
--- a/src/graph/Node.cpp
+++ b/src/graph/Node.cpp
@@ -11,22 +11,25 @@
 #include "aidge/graph/Node.hpp"
-#include "aidge/graph/GraphView.hpp"
-#include "aidge/operator/Producer.hpp"
 #include <memory>
 #include <vector>
+#include "aidge/graph/GraphView.hpp"
 #include "aidge/operator/OperatorTensor.hpp"
+#include "aidge/operator/Producer.hpp"
 #include "aidge/utils/Types.h"
 Aidge::Node::Node(std::shared_ptr<Operator> op, const std::string& name)
     : mName(name),
-      mParents(std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Node>>(static_cast<std::size_t>(op->nbInputs()), nullptr)),
-      mChildren(std::vector<std::vector<std::weak_ptr<Node>>>(static_cast<std::size_t>(op->nbOutputs()),
-                                                                std::vector<std::weak_ptr<Node>>())),
-      mIdInChildren(
-              std::vector<std::vector<IOIndex_t>>(static_cast<std::size_t>(op->nbOutputs()), std::vector<IOIndex_t>())),
-      mIdOutParents(std::vector<IOIndex_t>(static_cast<std::size_t>(op->nbInputs()), gk_IODefaultIndex)) {
+      mParents(std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Node>>(static_cast<std::size_t>(op->nbInputs()),
+                                                  nullptr)),
+      mChildren(std::vector<std::vector<std::weak_ptr<Node>>>(
+              static_cast<std::size_t>(op->nbOutputs()), std::vector<std::weak_ptr<Node>>())),
+      mIdInChildren(std::vector<std::vector<IOIndex_t>>(static_cast<std::size_t>(op->nbOutputs()),
+                                                        std::vector<IOIndex_t>())),
+      mIdOutParents(
+              std::vector<IOIndex_t>(static_cast<std::size_t>(op->nbInputs()), gk_IODefaultIndex)) {
     // ctor
@@ -34,14 +37,15 @@ Aidge::Node::Node(std::shared_ptr<Operator> op, const std::string& name)
-Aidge::Connector Aidge::Node::operator()(const std::vector<Connector> &ctors) {
+Aidge::Connector Aidge::Node::operator()(const std::vector<Connector>& ctors) {
     assert((ctors.size() == nbData()) && "Wrong number of arguments.\n");
-    for (std::pair<std::shared_ptr<Node>, IOIndex_t> &input : inputs()) {
-        assert((gk_IODefaultIndex == input.second) && "At least one input connection is not free.\n");
-        (void) input; // avoid unused warning
+    for (std::pair<std::shared_ptr<Node>, IOIndex_t>& input : inputs()) {
+        assert((gk_IODefaultIndex == input.second) &&
+               "At least one input connection is not free.\n");
+        (void)input;  // avoid unused warning
     IOIndex_t i = 0;
-    for (const Connector &ctor : ctors) {
+    for (const Connector& ctor : ctors) {
         if (ctor.node() != nullptr) {  // ctor must be associated with a node
             ctor.node()->addChild(shared_from_this(), ctor.index(), i++);
@@ -53,7 +57,7 @@ Aidge::Connector Aidge::Node::operator()(const std::vector<Connector> &ctors) {
 //        INNER
-void Aidge::Node::setName(const std::string &name) { mName = name; }
+void Aidge::Node::setName(const std::string& name) { mName = name; }
 //        OPERATORS
@@ -92,8 +96,8 @@ Aidge::IOIndex_t Aidge::Node::getNbFreeDataInputs() const {
     return nbFreeDataIn;
-std::vector<std::pair<std::shared_ptr<Aidge::Node>, Aidge::IOIndex_t>>
-Aidge::Node::dataInputs() const {
+std::vector<std::pair<std::shared_ptr<Aidge::Node>, Aidge::IOIndex_t>> Aidge::Node::dataInputs()
+        const {
     std::vector<std::pair<std::shared_ptr<Node>, IOIndex_t>> res =
             std::vector<std::pair<std::shared_ptr<Node>, IOIndex_t>>(nbData());
     for (std::size_t i = 0; i < static_cast<std::size_t>(nbData()); ++i) {
@@ -104,15 +108,15 @@ Aidge::Node::dataInputs() const {
 std::vector<std::pair<std::shared_ptr<Aidge::Node>, Aidge::IOIndex_t>> Aidge::Node::inputs() const {
     std::vector<std::pair<std::shared_ptr<Node>, IOIndex_t>> res =
-        std::vector<std::pair<std::shared_ptr<Node>, IOIndex_t>>(nbInputs());
+            std::vector<std::pair<std::shared_ptr<Node>, IOIndex_t>>(nbInputs());
     for (std::size_t i = 0; i < nbInputs(); ++i) {
-      res[i] =
-          std::pair<std::shared_ptr<Node>, IOIndex_t>(mParents[i], mIdOutParents[i]);
+        res[i] = std::pair<std::shared_ptr<Node>, IOIndex_t>(mParents[i], mIdOutParents[i]);
     return res;
-// void Aidge::Node::setInput(const Aidge::IOIndex_t idx, const std::shared_ptr<Aidge::Tensor> tensor) {
+// void Aidge::Node::setInput(const Aidge::IOIndex_t idx, const std::shared_ptr<Aidge::Tensor>
+// tensor) {
 //     assert(((idx != gk_IODefaultIndex) && (idx < nbInputs())) && "Parent index out of bound.");
 //     if (mParents[idx] != nullptr) {
 //         mParents[idx]->removeChild(shared_from_this(), mIdOutParents[idx]);
@@ -128,20 +132,21 @@ std::vector<std::pair<std::shared_ptr<Aidge::Node>, Aidge::IOIndex_t>> Aidge::No
 std::vector<std::vector<std::pair<std::shared_ptr<Aidge::Node>, Aidge::IOIndex_t>>>
 Aidge::Node::outputs() const {
     std::vector<std::vector<std::pair<std::shared_ptr<Node>, IOIndex_t>>> listOutputs =
-            std::vector<std::vector<std::pair<std::shared_ptr<Node>, IOIndex_t>>>(mIdInChildren.size());
+            std::vector<std::vector<std::pair<std::shared_ptr<Node>, IOIndex_t>>>(
+                    mIdInChildren.size());
     for (std::size_t i = 0; i < mIdInChildren.size(); ++i) {
         listOutputs[i] = output(static_cast<IOIndex_t>(i));
     return listOutputs;
-std::vector<std::pair<std::shared_ptr<Aidge::Node>, Aidge::IOIndex_t>>
-Aidge::Node::output(Aidge::IOIndex_t outId) const {
+std::vector<std::pair<std::shared_ptr<Aidge::Node>, Aidge::IOIndex_t>> Aidge::Node::output(
+        Aidge::IOIndex_t outId) const {
     std::vector<std::pair<std::shared_ptr<Node>, IOIndex_t>> listOutputs =
             std::vector<std::pair<std::shared_ptr<Node>, IOIndex_t>>(mIdInChildren[outId].size());
     for (std::size_t i = 0; i < mIdInChildren[outId].size(); ++i) {
-        listOutputs[i] =
-                std::pair<std::shared_ptr<Node>, IOIndex_t>(mChildren[outId][i].lock(), mIdInChildren[outId][i]);
+        listOutputs[i] = std::pair<std::shared_ptr<Node>, IOIndex_t>(mChildren[outId][i].lock(),
+                                                                     mIdInChildren[outId][i]);
     return listOutputs;
@@ -180,7 +185,8 @@ void Aidge::Node::setInputId(const IOIndex_t inId, const IOIndex_t newNodeoutId)
-void Aidge::Node::addChildOp(std::shared_ptr<Node> otherNode, const IOIndex_t outId, const IOIndex_t otherInId) {
+void Aidge::Node::addChildOp(std::shared_ptr<Node> otherNode, const IOIndex_t outId,
+                             const IOIndex_t otherInId) {
     assert((otherInId < otherNode->nbInputs()) && "Input index out of bound.");
     assert((outId < nbOutputs()) && "Output index out of bound.");
     if (otherNode->input(otherInId).second != gk_IODefaultIndex) {
@@ -196,33 +202,41 @@ void Aidge::Node::addChildOp(std::shared_ptr<Node> otherNode, const IOIndex_t ou
 void Aidge::Node::addChildView(std::shared_ptr<GraphView> otherGraph, const IOIndex_t outId,
-                              std::pair<std::shared_ptr<Node>, IOIndex_t> otherInId) {
-    assert((otherInId.second < otherInId.first->nbInputs()) && "Other graph input index out of bound.");
+                               std::pair<std::shared_ptr<Node>, IOIndex_t> otherInId) {
+    assert((otherInId.second < otherInId.first->nbInputs()) &&
+           "Other graph input index out of bound.");
     assert((outId < nbOutputs()) && "Output index out of bound.");
     std::set<std::shared_ptr<Node>> inNodes = otherGraph->inputNodes();
     if (inNodes.size() == std::size_t(0)) {  // no input Node
         printf("Cannot add GraphView to the Node. No input node detected.\n");
     } else  // inNodes.size() >= 1
-        assert((inNodes.find(otherInId.first) != inNodes.end()));  // assert it really is an input node
+        assert((inNodes.find(otherInId.first) !=
+                inNodes.end()));  // assert it really is an input node
         addChildOp(otherInId.first, outId, otherInId.second);
-void Aidge::Node::addChild(std::shared_ptr<Node> otherNode, const IOIndex_t outId, IOIndex_t otherInId) {
-    otherInId = (otherInId != gk_IODefaultIndex) ? otherInId : otherNode->getFirstFreeDataInput();
-    addChildOp(otherNode, outId, otherInId);
+void Aidge::Node::addChild(std::shared_ptr<Node> otherNode, const IOIndex_t outId,
+                           IOIndex_t otherInId) {
+    if (otherNode) {
+        otherInId =
+                (otherInId != gk_IODefaultIndex) ? otherInId : otherNode->getFirstFreeDataInput();
+        addChildOp(otherNode, outId, otherInId);
+    }
 void Aidge::Node::addChild(std::shared_ptr<GraphView> otherView, const IOIndex_t outId,
-                          std::pair<std::shared_ptr<Node>, IOIndex_t> otherInId) {
+                           std::pair<std::shared_ptr<Node>, IOIndex_t> otherInId) {
     if (!otherInId.first) {
         assert((otherView->inputNodes().size() == 1U) &&
                "Specify an input Node for the GraphView. More or less than one "
                "Node is not explicit.");
         otherInId.first = *(otherView->inputNodes().begin());
-    otherInId.second = (otherInId.second != gk_IODefaultIndex) ? otherInId.second : otherInId.first->getFirstFreeDataInput();
+    otherInId.second = (otherInId.second != gk_IODefaultIndex)
+                               ? otherInId.second
+                               : otherInId.first->getFirstFreeDataInput();
     addChildView(otherView, outId, otherInId);
@@ -255,8 +269,8 @@ bool Aidge::Node::removeParent(const IOIndex_t inId) {
 std::set<std::shared_ptr<Aidge::Node>> Aidge::Node::getChildren() const {
     std::set<std::shared_ptr<Node>> children;
-    for (const auto &childrenOfOneOutput : mChildren) {
-        for (const auto &oneChild : childrenOfOneOutput) {
+    for (const auto& childrenOfOneOutput : mChildren) {
+        for (const auto& oneChild : childrenOfOneOutput) {
@@ -264,7 +278,8 @@ std::set<std::shared_ptr<Aidge::Node>> Aidge::Node::getChildren() const {
 std::vector<std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Aidge::Node>>> Aidge::Node::getOrderedChildren() const {
-    std::vector<std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Node>>> children = std::vector<std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Node>>>(mChildren.size());
+    std::vector<std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Node>>> children =
+            std::vector<std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Node>>>(mChildren.size());
     for (std::size_t outId = 0; outId < mChildren.size(); ++outId) {
         children[outId] = getChildren(outId);
@@ -273,14 +288,16 @@ std::vector<std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Aidge::Node>>> Aidge::Node::getOrderedCh
 std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Aidge::Node>> Aidge::Node::getChildren(const IOIndex_t outId) const {
     assert((outId < nbOutputs()) && "Output index out of bound.");
-    std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Node>> children = std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Node>>(mChildren[outId].size());
+    std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Node>> children =
+            std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Node>>(mChildren[outId].size());
     for (std::size_t i = 0; i < mChildren[outId].size(); ++i) {
-            children.push_back(mChildren[outId][i].lock());
-        }
+        children.push_back(mChildren[outId][i].lock());
+    }
     return children;
-bool Aidge::Node::removeChild(const std::shared_ptr<Aidge::Node> nodePtr, const Aidge::IOIndex_t outId) {
+bool Aidge::Node::removeChild(const std::shared_ptr<Aidge::Node> nodePtr,
+                              const Aidge::IOIndex_t outId) {
     assert((outId < nbOutputs()) && "Child index out of bound.");
     bool removed = false;
     for (std::size_t j = 0; j < mChildren[outId].size(); ++j) {
@@ -301,7 +318,8 @@ void Aidge::Node::resetConnections(bool includeLearnableParam) {
         std::pair<std::shared_ptr<Node>, IOIndex_t> parent = input(i);
         if (parent.first) {
             // number of children linked to the parent's output
-            while(parent.first->removeChild(shared_from_this(), parent.second) == true) {}
+            while (parent.first->removeChild(shared_from_this(), parent.second) == true) {
+            }
         // every reference to this object as child has been removed
         // removing reference to parents.
@@ -316,24 +334,23 @@ void Aidge::Node::resetConnections(bool includeLearnableParam) {
         mIdInChildren[i] = std::vector<IOIndex_t>();
     // removing this Node from every GraphView it belongs to
-    for (auto& graph : views()) {
-        // if keeping connections with LEarnable Parameters, then also remove them from graph
-        graph->remove(shared_from_this(), !includeLearnableParam);
-    }
+    // for (auto& graph : views()) {
+    //     // if keeping connections with LEarnable Parameters, then also remove them from graph
+    //     graph->remove(shared_from_this(), !includeLearnableParam);
+    // }
-  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-  //        CLONE
-  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+//        CLONE
 Aidge::NodePtr Aidge::Node::cloneSharedOperators() const {
     return std::make_shared<Node>(mOperator, mName);
 Aidge::NodePtr Aidge::Node::cloneSharedProducers() const {
-    std::shared_ptr<Operator> op = (mOperator->type() == Producer_Op::Type)
-        ? mOperator
-        : mOperator->clone();
+    std::shared_ptr<Operator> op =
+            (mOperator->type() == Producer_Op::Type) ? mOperator : mOperator->clone();
     return std::make_shared<Node>(op, mName);
@@ -342,27 +359,25 @@ Aidge::NodePtr Aidge::Node::clone() const {
     return std::make_shared<Node>(mOperator->clone(), mName);
-std::set<Aidge::NodePtr> Aidge::Node::getNodeDelta(int delta,std::set<Aidge::NodePtr> nodeSee){
+std::set<Aidge::NodePtr> Aidge::Node::getNodeDelta(int delta, std::set<Aidge::NodePtr> nodeSee) {
     std::set<Aidge::NodePtr> out;
-    if(delta == 0) {
+    if (delta == 0) {
-    }else if (delta > 0){
-        for (const NodePtr& node :  getChildren()) {
-            if(nodeSee.find(node) == nodeSee.end()){ //loop avoidance
-                for (const NodePtr& ch : node->getNodeDelta(delta-1,nodeSee)){
+    } else if (delta > 0) {
+        for (const NodePtr& node : getChildren()) {
+            if (nodeSee.find(node) == nodeSee.end()) {  // loop avoidance
+                for (const NodePtr& ch : node->getNodeDelta(delta - 1, nodeSee)) {
-    }else{
-        for (const NodePtr& node :  getParents()) {
-            if(nodeSee.find(node) == nodeSee.end()){ //loop avoidance
-                for (const NodePtr& pr : node->getNodeDelta(delta+1,nodeSee)){
+    } else {
+        for (const NodePtr& node : getParents()) {
+            if (nodeSee.find(node) == nodeSee.end()) {  // loop avoidance
+                for (const NodePtr& pr : node->getNodeDelta(delta + 1, nodeSee)) {
diff --git a/src/graph/Testing.cpp b/src/graph/Testing.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f30ad6e25b81e1ce7768fcc201ddf00c2226eebf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/graph/Testing.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2023 CEA-List
+ *
+ * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
+ * terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at
+ * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-2.0.
+ *
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
+ *
+ ********************************************************************************/
+#include <algorithm> // std::shuffle, std::transform
+#include <cstddef>
+#include <memory>
+#include <numeric>   // std::iota
+#include <random>    // std::binomial_distribution, std::mt19937, std::discrete_distribution
+#include <string>
+#include <utility>   // std::pair
+#include <vector>
+#include "aidge/graph/Testing.hpp"
+#include "aidge/operator/GenericOperator.hpp"
+#include "aidge/utils/Types.h"
+std::pair<Aidge::NodePtr, std::set<Aidge::NodePtr>> Aidge::RandomGraph::gen(std::mt19937::result_type seed, std::size_t nbNodes) const {
+    std::mt19937 gen(seed);
+    std::binomial_distribution<> dIn(maxIn - 1, avgIn/maxIn);
+    std::binomial_distribution<> dOut(maxOut - 1, avgOut/maxOut);
+    std::binomial_distribution<> dLink(1, density);
+    std::discrete_distribution<> dType(typesWeights.begin(), typesWeights.end());
+    std::vector<std::pair<IOIndex_t, IOIndex_t>> nbIOs;
+    std::vector<std::string> nodesType;
+    for (std::size_t i = 0; i < nbNodes; ++i) {
+        const auto nbIn = 1 + dIn(gen);
+        nbIOs.push_back(std::make_pair(nbIn, 1 + dOut(gen)));
+        nodesType.push_back(types[dType(gen)]);
+    }
+    std::vector<std::size_t> nodesSeq(nbNodes);
+    std::iota(nodesSeq.begin(), nodesSeq.end(), static_cast<std::size_t>(0));
+    // Don't use gen or seed here, must be different each time!
+    std::shuffle(nodesSeq.begin(), nodesSeq.end(), std::default_random_engine(std::random_device{}()));
+    std::vector<NodePtr> nodes(nbNodes, nullptr);
+    for (auto idx : nodesSeq) {
+        const std::string name = nodesType[idx] + std::to_string(idx);
+        nodes[idx] = GenericOperator(nodesType[idx], nbIOs[idx].first, 0, nbIOs[idx].second, name);
+    }
+    for (std::size_t i = 0; i < nbNodes; ++i) {
+        for (std::size_t j = (acyclic) ? i + 1 : 0; j < nbNodes; ++j) {
+            if (i == j) {
+                // Do not connected node to itself in case of cyclic graph!
+                continue;
+            }
+            for (std::size_t outId = 0; outId < nodes[i]->nbOutputs(); ++outId) {
+                for (std::size_t inId = 0; inId < nodes[j]->nbInputs(); ++inId) {
+                    if (dLink(gen)) {
+                        // Warning: connections can be set multiple time for the
+                        // same node input! In this case, the previous connection
+                        // is overwritten. This is the expected behavior.
+                        nodes[i]->addChild(nodes[j], outId, inId);
+                        if (nodes[i]->type() == omitType || nodes[j]->type() == omitType) {
+                            // Let nodes[i]->addChild() overwrite the previous connection.
+                            // Now we remove the new one!
+                            nodes[i]->removeChild(nodes[j], outId);
+                            nodes[j]->removeParent(inId);
+                        }
+                        // Alternative: only add child if no node is omitted
+                        // and remove the potential previous connection, like this:
+                        if (nodes[i]->type() != omitType && nodes[j]->type() != omitType) {
+                            nodes[i]->addChild(nodes[j], outId, inId);
+                        }
+                        else {
+                            const auto prevIn = nodes[j]->input(inId);
+                            if (prevIn.first != nullptr) {
+                                prevIn.first->removeChild(nodes[j], prevIn.second);
+                                nodes[j]->removeParent(inId);
+                            }
+                        }
+                        break;
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    NodePtr rootNode = nullptr;
+    std::set<NodePtr> nodesSet;
+    for (std::size_t i = 0; i < nbNodes; ++i) {
+        if (nodes[i]->type() != omitType) {
+            if (rootNode == nullptr) {
+                rootNode = nodes[i];
+            }
+            nodesSet.insert(nodes[i]);
+        }
+    }
+    return std::make_pair(rootNode, nodesSet);
+std::string Aidge::nodePtrToType(NodePtr node) {
+    return node->type();
+std::string Aidge::nodePtrToName(NodePtr node) {
+    return node->name();
+std::set<std::string> Aidge::nodePtrTo(const std::set<NodePtr>& nodes,
+    std::string(*nodeTo)(NodePtr))
+    std::set<std::string> nodesStr;
+    std::transform(nodes.begin(), nodes.end(), std::inserter(nodesStr, nodesStr.begin()), nodeTo);
+    return nodesStr;
+std::vector<std::pair<std::string, Aidge::IOIndex_t>> Aidge::nodePtrTo(
+    const std::vector<std::pair<NodePtr, IOIndex_t>>& nodes,
+    std::string(*nodeTo)(NodePtr))
+    std::vector<std::pair<std::string, IOIndex_t>> nodesStr;
+    std::transform(nodes.begin(), nodes.end(), std::back_inserter(nodesStr),
+        [nodeTo](const std::pair<NodePtr, IOIndex_t>& node) {
+            return std::make_pair(nodeTo(node.first), node.second);
+        });
+    return nodesStr;
diff --git a/src/operator/Add.cpp b/src/operator/Add.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4e638fd86da487565a89760925e45339213fa8f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/operator/Add.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2023 CEA-List
+ *
+ * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
+ * terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at
+ * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-2.0.
+ *
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
+ *
+ ********************************************************************************/
+#include <string>
+#include "aidge/operator/Add.hpp"
+const std::string Aidge::Add_Op::Type = "Add";
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/operator/Cast.cpp b/src/operator/Cast.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f09d8eb83c6a6dae6416ffebcc01b22fb479a862
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/operator/Cast.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2023 CEA-List
+ *
+ * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
+ * terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at
+ * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-2.0.
+ *
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
+ *
+ ********************************************************************************/
+#include "aidge/backend/OperatorImpl.hpp"
+#include "aidge/operator/Cast.hpp"
+const std::string Aidge::Cast_Op::Type = "Cast";
+void Aidge::Cast_Op::forward() {
+    if (mImpl) {
+        mImpl->forward();
+    }
+    else {
+        mOutputs[0]->copyCast(*(mInputs[0]));
+    }
+    runHooks();
diff --git a/src/operator/Concat.cpp b/src/operator/Concat.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..eafcd126480df6da2c0127bdbb896d3ce98d0e0a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/operator/Concat.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2023 CEA-List
+ *
+ * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
+ * terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at
+ * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-2.0.
+ *
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
+ *
+ ********************************************************************************/
+#include <string>
+#include "aidge/operator/Concat.hpp"
+const std::string Aidge::Concat_Op::Type = "Concat";
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/operator/Div.cpp b/src/operator/Div.cpp
index 273eac2e8fa9623e617d1be204ac2ae46d8da02d..85db3ac6ef66c837c86dbece288185deaca88ba6 100644
--- a/src/operator/Div.cpp
+++ b/src/operator/Div.cpp
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
 #include <cassert>
 #include <cstddef>
+#include <string>
 #include <vector>
 #include <utility>
@@ -19,6 +20,8 @@
 #include "aidge/utils/Types.h"
 #include "aidge/utils/ErrorHandling.hpp"
+const std::string Aidge::Div_Op::Type = "Div";
 void Aidge::Div_Op::computeOutputDims() {
     // check inputs have been associated
     if (!getInput(0) || !getInput(1)) {
diff --git a/src/operator/Erf.cpp b/src/operator/Erf.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..387af4edf417f8c7ac6ee9b8b2b7069179ad59cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/operator/Erf.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2023 CEA-List
+ *
+ * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
+ * terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at
+ * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-2.0.
+ *
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
+ *
+ ********************************************************************************/
+#include <string>
+#include "aidge/operator/Erf.hpp"
+const std::string Aidge::Erf_Op::Type = "Erf";
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/operator/FC.cpp b/src/operator/FC.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..32114f5bf9e0d160db9fdc2d1971481be0b4e703
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/operator/FC.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2023 CEA-List
+ *
+ * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
+ * terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at
+ * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-2.0.
+ *
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
+ *
+ ********************************************************************************/
+#include <string>
+#include "aidge/operator/FC.hpp"
+const std::string Aidge::FC_Op::Type = "FC";
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/operator/Gather.cpp b/src/operator/Gather.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..30804994b6084a5a5558f106a38a6087e54471bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/operator/Gather.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2023 CEA-List
+ *
+ * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
+ * terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at
+ * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-2.0.
+ *
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
+ *
+ ********************************************************************************/
+#include <cassert>
+#include <cstddef>
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+#include "aidge/operator/Gather.hpp"
+#include "aidge/utils/Types.h"
+#include "aidge/utils/ErrorHandling.hpp"
+const std::string Aidge::Gather_Op::Type = "Gather";
+void Aidge::Gather_Op::computeOutputDims() {
+    // check inputs have been associated
+    if (!getInput(0) || !getInput(1)) {
+        AIDGE_THROW_OR_ABORT(std::runtime_error, "At least one input was not connected");
+    }
+    if (getInput(1)->nbDims()!=2){
+        AIDGE_THROW_OR_ABORT(std::runtime_error, "Indices input must be a 2D Tensor");
+    }
+    std::vector<DimSize_t> outDims = getInput(0)->dims();
+    std::vector<DimSize_t> indexesDims = getInput(1)->dims();
+    int axisIdx = this->template getAttr<GatherAttr::Axis>()>=0?this->template getAttr<GatherAttr::Axis>():this->template getAttr<GatherAttr::Axis>()+outDims.size();
+    outDims.erase(outDims.begin() + static_cast<std::size_t>(axisIdx));
+    outDims.insert(outDims.begin() + static_cast<std::size_t>(axisIdx), indexesDims.begin(),indexesDims.end());
+    mOutputs[0]->resize(outDims);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/operator/Identity.cpp b/src/operator/Identity.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f57906dd4f3564b52cde16236bda87370e8f86d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/operator/Identity.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2023 CEA-List
+ *
+ * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
+ * terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at
+ * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-2.0.
+ *
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
+ *
+ ********************************************************************************/
+#include <string>
+#include "aidge/operator/Identity.hpp"
+const std::string Aidge::Identity_Op::Type = "Identity";
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/operator/LeakyReLU.cpp b/src/operator/LeakyReLU.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..32e050ee1595cf83b5cd0ffbfeba6153dc2243af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/operator/LeakyReLU.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2023 CEA-List
+ *
+ * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
+ * terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at
+ * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-2.0.
+ *
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
+ *
+ ********************************************************************************/
+#include <string>
+#include "aidge/operator/LeakyReLU.hpp"
+const std::string Aidge::LeakyReLU_Op::Type = "LeakyReLU";
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/operator/MatMul.cpp b/src/operator/MatMul.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..666ed3921ed1190a91935bd9f38303e23963d912
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/operator/MatMul.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2023 CEA-List
+ *
+ * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
+ * terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at
+ * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-2.0.
+ *
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
+ *
+ ********************************************************************************/
+#include <string>
+#include "aidge/operator/MatMul.hpp"
+const std::string Aidge::MatMul_Op::Type = "MatMul";
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/operator/MetaOperator.cpp b/src/operator/MetaOperator.cpp
index bbc921d3c7b334223b2a92a8fbfee1ffae9c10e1..530357085a16ca3e834669cebd2d26882ca8ddab 100644
--- a/src/operator/MetaOperator.cpp
+++ b/src/operator/MetaOperator.cpp
@@ -12,63 +12,19 @@
 #include "aidge/operator/MetaOperator.hpp"
 #include "aidge/utils/ErrorHandling.hpp"
-Aidge::MetaOperator_Op::MetaOperator_Op(const char *type, const std::shared_ptr<GraphView>& graph,
-    std::vector<NodePtr> inputNodes,
-    std::vector<NodePtr> outputNodes)
+Aidge::MetaOperator_Op::MetaOperator_Op(const char *type, const std::shared_ptr<GraphView>& graph)
     : OperatorTensor(type, graph->dataInputs().size(), (graph->inputs().size() - graph->dataInputs().size()), graph->outputs().size()),
-    // Fill inputsNodes and outputsNodes when there is no ambiguity
-    if (inputNodes.empty()) {
-        AIDGE_ASSERT(mGraph->inputNodes().size() == 1, "need to specify internal nodes input mapping");
-        inputNodes.push_back(*mGraph->inputNodes().begin());
+    mInputs = std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Tensor>>(mGraph->inputs().size());
+    for (std::size_t i = 0; i < mInputs.size(); ++i) {
+        mInputs[i] = std::make_shared<Tensor>();
-    if (outputNodes.empty()) {
-        AIDGE_ASSERT(mGraph->outputNodes().size() == 1, "need to specify internal nodes output mapping");
-        outputNodes.push_back(*mGraph->outputNodes().begin());
-    }
-    AIDGE_ASSERT(mGraph->inputNodes().size() == inputNodes.size(), "wrong number of specified input nodes");
-    AIDGE_ASSERT(mGraph->outputNodes().size() == outputNodes.size(), "wrong number of specified output nodes");
-    // Identify inputs that are outside the micro-graph
-    for (const auto& inputNode : inputNodes) {
-        AIDGE_ASSERT(mGraph->inView(inputNode), "input node must be in the graph");
-        const std::vector<std::pair<std::shared_ptr<Node>, IOIndex_t>> inputNodeinputs =
-            inputNode->inputs();
-        int inputIdx = 0;   // input idx relative to the current node
-        for (const auto& in : inputNodeinputs) {
-            if (in.first == nullptr || !mGraph->inView(in.first)) {
-                // The input is not connected inside the micro-graph
-                // (no connection to this input or connection outside the micro-graph)
-                // => it is therefore an input for the meta-operator
-                mInputOps.push_back(std::make_pair(std::dynamic_pointer_cast<OperatorTensor>(inputNode->getOperator()), inputIdx));
-            }
-            ++inputIdx;
-        }
-    }
-    // The outputs of the output nodes are also the outputs of the meta-operator
-    for (const auto& outputNode : outputNodes) {
-        AIDGE_ASSERT(mGraph->inView(outputNode), "output node must be in the graph");
-        const std::vector<std::vector<std::pair<std::shared_ptr<Node>, IOIndex_t>>> outputNodeoutputs =
-            outputNode->outputs();
-        for (size_t outputIdx = 0; outputIdx < outputNodeoutputs.size(); ++outputIdx) {
-            mOutputOps.push_back(std::make_pair(std::dynamic_pointer_cast<OperatorTensor>(outputNode->getOperator()), outputIdx));
-        }
-    }
-    AIDGE_INTERNAL_ASSERT(mInputOps.size() == mGraph->inputs().size());
-    AIDGE_INTERNAL_ASSERT(mOutputOps.size() == mGraph->outputs().size());
     // Associate outputs to micro-graph outputs for custom implementation
-    for (size_t outputIdx = 0; outputIdx < mOutputOps.size(); ++outputIdx) {
-        const auto& outputOp = mOutputOps[outputIdx];
-        mOutputs[outputIdx] = outputOp.first->getOutput(outputOp.second);
+    mOutputs = std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Tensor>>(mGraph->getOrderedOutputs().size());
+    for (size_t outputIdx = 0; outputIdx < mOutputs.size(); ++outputIdx) {
+        const auto& outputOp = mGraph->getOrderedOutputs()[outputIdx];
+        mOutputs[outputIdx] = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<Tensor>(outputOp.first->getOperator()->getRawOutput(outputOp.second));
@@ -77,8 +33,8 @@ Aidge::NbElts_t Aidge::MetaOperator_Op::getNbRequiredData(const IOIndex_t inputI
         return mImpl->getNbRequiredData(inputIdx);
     else {
-        const auto& inputOp = mInputOps[inputIdx];
-        return inputOp.first->getNbRequiredData(inputOp.second);
+        const auto& inputOp = mGraph->getOrderedInputs()[inputIdx];
+        return inputOp.first->getOperator()->getNbRequiredData(inputOp.second);
@@ -87,8 +43,8 @@ Aidge::NbElts_t Aidge::MetaOperator_Op::getNbConsumedData(IOIndex_t inputIdx) co
         return mImpl->getNbConsumedData(inputIdx);
     else {
-        const auto& inputOp = mInputOps[inputIdx];
-        return inputOp.first->getNbConsumedData(inputOp.second);
+        const auto& inputOp = mGraph->getOrderedInputs()[inputIdx];
+        return inputOp.first->getOperator()->getNbConsumedData(inputOp.second);
@@ -97,8 +53,8 @@ Aidge::NbElts_t Aidge::MetaOperator_Op::getNbProducedData(IOIndex_t outputIdx) c
         return mImpl->getNbProducedData(outputIdx);
     else {
-        const auto& outputOp = mOutputOps[outputIdx];
-        return outputOp.first->getNbProducedData(outputOp.second);
+        const auto& outputOp = mGraph->getOrderedOutputs()[outputIdx];
+        return outputOp.first->getOperator()->getNbProducedData(outputOp.second);
diff --git a/src/operator/Move.cpp b/src/operator/Move.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d8776e32fca909663bafe3fae3ebf9f5616c69c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/operator/Move.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2023 CEA-List
+ *
+ * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
+ * terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at
+ * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-2.0.
+ *
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
+ *
+ ********************************************************************************/
+#include "aidge/backend/OperatorImpl.hpp"
+#include "aidge/operator/Move.hpp"
+const std::string Aidge::Move_Op::Type = "Move";
+void Aidge::Move_Op::forward() {
+    if (mImpl) {
+        mImpl->forward();
+    }
+    else {
+        mOutputs[0]->copyFrom(*(mInputs[0]));
+    }
+    runHooks();
diff --git a/src/operator/Mul.cpp b/src/operator/Mul.cpp
index 2e3e77288bf1e0613f0aa572e3c50e94599a902f..bc268263e8a6e2ec7c9944faa31da84dc50c4f53 100644
--- a/src/operator/Mul.cpp
+++ b/src/operator/Mul.cpp
@@ -19,6 +19,8 @@
 #include "aidge/utils/Types.h"
 #include "aidge/utils/ErrorHandling.hpp"
+const std::string Aidge::Mul_Op::Type = "Mul";
 void Aidge::Mul_Op::computeOutputDims() {
     // check inputs have been associated
     if (!getInput(0) || !getInput(1)) {
diff --git a/src/operator/OperatorTensor.cpp b/src/operator/OperatorTensor.cpp
index 1237fdc0b5565681ab1a6af6d88f74a48cbd5b57..72a71814b1463395443c6a4504f2eef660ec1185 100644
--- a/src/operator/OperatorTensor.cpp
+++ b/src/operator/OperatorTensor.cpp
@@ -88,8 +88,8 @@ const std::shared_ptr<Aidge::Tensor>& Aidge::OperatorTensor::getOutput(const Aid
-std::vector<std::pair<std::size_t, std::vector<Aidge::DimSize_t>>> Aidge::OperatorTensor::computeReceptiveField(
-        const std::size_t firstIdx,
+std::vector<std::pair<std::vector<Aidge::DimSize_t>, std::vector<Aidge::DimSize_t>>> Aidge::OperatorTensor::computeReceptiveField(
+        const std::vector<DimSize_t>& firstEltDims,
         const std::vector<Aidge::DimSize_t>& outputDims,
         const Aidge::IOIndex_t outputIdx) const
@@ -103,14 +103,13 @@ std::vector<std::pair<std::size_t, std::vector<Aidge::DimSize_t>>> Aidge::Operat
     if (!outputDimsForwarded() || getOutput(0)->nbDims() != outputDims.size()) {
         AIDGE_THROW_OR_ABORT(std::runtime_error, "Given outputDim out of range or output dim not forwarded yet.");
-    const auto outputIdxDims = getOutput(0)->getCoord(firstIdx);
     for (DimIdx_t i = 0; i < outputDims.size(); ++i) {
-        if (((outputDims[i] + outputIdxDims[i]) > getOutput(0)->dims()[i]) || (outputDims[i] == 0)) {
-            AIDGE_THROW_OR_ABORT(std::runtime_error, "Given outputDim out of range for dimension %lu (%lu + %lu)", static_cast<std::size_t>(i), outputIdxDims[i], outputDims[i]);
+        if (((outputDims[i] + firstEltDims[i]) > getOutput(0)->dims()[i]) || (outputDims[i] == 0)) {
+            AIDGE_THROW_OR_ABORT(std::runtime_error, "Given outputDim out of range for dimension %lu (%lu + %lu)", static_cast<std::size_t>(i), firstEltDims[i], outputDims[i]);
     // return the same Tensor description as given in function parameter for each data input
-    return std::vector<std::pair<std::size_t, std::vector<Aidge::DimSize_t>>>(nbData(),std::pair<std::size_t, std::vector<Aidge::DimSize_t>>(firstIdx, outputDims));
+    return std::vector<std::pair<std::vector<Aidge::DimSize_t>, std::vector<Aidge::DimSize_t>>>(nbData(),std::pair<std::vector<Aidge::DimSize_t>, std::vector<Aidge::DimSize_t>>(firstEltDims, outputDims));
 void Aidge::OperatorTensor::computeOutputDims() {
@@ -149,12 +148,8 @@ void Aidge::OperatorTensor::setDataType(const DataType& dataType) const {
     for (IOIndex_t i = 0; i < nbOutputs(); ++i) {
-    for (IOIndex_t i = 0; i < nbInputs(); ++i) {
-        if (!getInput(i)) {
-            AIDGE_THROW_OR_ABORT(std::runtime_error, "Input was not set");
-        }
-        else {
-            getInput(i)->setDataType(dataType);
-        }
+    for (IOIndex_t i = nbData(); i < nbInputs(); ++i) {
+        getInput(i)->setDataType(dataType);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/operator/Pow.cpp b/src/operator/Pow.cpp
index c213a47a4a590026c07625aeb532d303ca8dbced..de1f0c3694f51fbd5b365573f61d3e3e2b9109ff 100644
--- a/src/operator/Pow.cpp
+++ b/src/operator/Pow.cpp
@@ -19,6 +19,8 @@
 #include "aidge/utils/Types.h"
 #include "aidge/utils/ErrorHandling.hpp"
+const std::string Aidge::Pow_Op::Type = "Pow";
 void Aidge::Pow_Op::computeOutputDims() {
     // check inputs have been associated
     if (!getInput(0) || !getInput(1)) {
diff --git a/src/operator/Producer.cpp b/src/operator/Producer.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..443f2fa7d8a60cd25ccb622f2dad5b4926b88eea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/operator/Producer.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2023 CEA-List
+ *
+ * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
+ * terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at
+ * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-2.0.
+ *
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
+ *
+ ********************************************************************************/
+#include <string>
+#include "aidge/operator/Producer.hpp"
+const std::string Aidge::Producer_Op::Type = "Producer";
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/operator/ReLU.cpp b/src/operator/ReLU.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0f7874acfe7d865ea8c56d4bca02b51864480df6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/operator/ReLU.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2023 CEA-List
+ *
+ * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
+ * terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at
+ * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-2.0.
+ *
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
+ *
+ ********************************************************************************/
+#include <string>
+#include "aidge/operator/ReLU.hpp"
+const std::string Aidge::ReLU_Op::Type = "ReLU";
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/operator/Reshape.cpp b/src/operator/Reshape.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b0eea3c1f9f7054021b631c85e0f80e7f8845da6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/operator/Reshape.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2023 CEA-List
+ *
+ * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
+ * terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at
+ * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-2.0.
+ *
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
+ *
+ ********************************************************************************/
+#include <cstddef>
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+#include "aidge/operator/Reshape.hpp"
+#include "aidge/utils/Types.h"
+#include "aidge/utils/ErrorHandling.hpp"
+const std::string Aidge::Reshape_Op::Type = "Reshape";
+void Aidge::Reshape_Op::computeOutputDims() {
+    // check inputs have been associated
+    if (!getInput(0)) {
+        AIDGE_THROW_OR_ABORT(std::runtime_error, "Input was not connected");
+    }
+    DimSize_t nbOutDims = this->template getAttr<ReshapeAttr::Shape>().size();
+    std::vector<DimSize_t> outDims;
+    std::size_t outSize = 1;
+    for(std::size_t i=0; i<nbOutDims; ++i)
+    {
+        int dimSize = this->template getAttr<ReshapeAttr::Shape>()[i];
+        if (dimSize < 1)
+        {
+            AIDGE_THROW_OR_ABORT(std::runtime_error, "bad dimension value");
+        }
+        outDims.push_back(dimSize);
+        outSize *= dimSize;
+    }
+    if (getInput(0)->size() != outSize){
+        AIDGE_THROW_OR_ABORT(std::runtime_error, "Output shape must give the same size as input");
+    }
+    mOutputs[0]->resize(outDims);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/operator/Scaling.cpp b/src/operator/Scaling.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4c121e1268c1e1a62f793f38c6d816e7c6b48c25
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/operator/Scaling.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2023 CEA-List
+ *
+ * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
+ * terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at
+ * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-2.0.
+ *
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
+ *
+ ********************************************************************************/
+#include <string>
+#include "aidge/operator/Scaling.hpp"
+const std::string Aidge::Scaling_Op::Type = "Scaling";
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/operator/Slice.cpp b/src/operator/Slice.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..139e84b561a48c2f6a5ecd14ed9d6905d66dec20
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/operator/Slice.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2023 CEA-List
+ *
+ * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
+ * terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at
+ * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-2.0.
+ *
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
+ *
+ ********************************************************************************/
+#include "aidge/operator/Slice.hpp"
+#include "aidge/utils/Types.h"
+#include "aidge/utils/ErrorHandling.hpp"
+#include <cassert>
+#include <cstddef>
+#include <string>
+#include <utility>
+#include <vector>
+#include "aidge/backend/OperatorImpl.hpp"
+#include "aidge/utils/ErrorHandling.hpp"
+#include "aidge/utils/Types.h"
+const std::string Aidge::Slice_Op::Type = "Slice";
+void Aidge::Slice_Op::computeOutputDims() {
+    // check input have been associated
+    if (!getInput(0) || (getInput(0)->empty())) {
+        AIDGE_THROW_OR_ABORT(std::runtime_error, "Every input should be associated with a Tensor");
+    }
+    DimSize_t nbAxes = this->template getAttr<SliceAttr::Axes>().size();
+    std::vector<DimSize_t> outDims = getInput(0)->dims();
+    for (std::size_t i = 0; i < nbAxes; ++i) {
+        // For each slice operation get the params and cast them to size_t
+        const std::int64_t axis_ = this->template getAttr<SliceAttr::Axes>()[i];
+        const std::int64_t start_ = this->template getAttr<SliceAttr::Starts>()[i];
+        const std::int64_t end_ = this->template getAttr<SliceAttr::Ends>()[i];
+        const std::size_t axis = axis_ >= 0 ? static_cast<std::size_t>(axis_) : axis_ + getInput(0)->nbDims();
+        const std::size_t start = start_ >= 0 ? static_cast<std::size_t>(start_) : start_ + getInput(0)->dims()[axis];
+        const std::size_t end = end_ >= 0 ? static_cast<std::size_t>(end_) : end_ + getInput(0)->dims()[axis];
+        const std::size_t sliceLength = end - start + 1;
+        // Check if slice length is valid
+        if (sliceLength > getInput(0)->dims()[axis])
+            AIDGE_THROW_OR_ABORT(std::runtime_error, "ROI of Slice operator out of bounds");
+        outDims[axis] = sliceLength;
+    }
+    mOutputs[0]->resize(outDims);
diff --git a/src/operator/Softmax.cpp b/src/operator/Softmax.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e88ff4bb4ec6e2cb1357d578c2d07cc4edcb59f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/operator/Softmax.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2023 CEA-List
+ *
+ * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
+ * terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at
+ * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-2.0.
+ *
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
+ *
+ ********************************************************************************/
+#include <string>
+#include "aidge/operator/Softmax.hpp"
+const std::string Aidge::Softmax_Op::Type = "Softmax";
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/operator/Sqrt.cpp b/src/operator/Sqrt.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..dbcaba42619762f8fd00bb2f6e0aa0de11d92960
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/operator/Sqrt.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2023 CEA-List
+ *
+ * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
+ * terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at
+ * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-2.0.
+ *
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
+ *
+ ********************************************************************************/
+#include <string>
+#include "aidge/operator/Sqrt.hpp"
+const std::string Aidge::Sqrt_Op::Type = "Sqrt";
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/operator/Sub.cpp b/src/operator/Sub.cpp
index 8175f1b7ae5bb5eccd36267c1d739f764bd3c236..639eaf798c1c2a9a6685e8b8d2c4a2cb00a4b57a 100644
--- a/src/operator/Sub.cpp
+++ b/src/operator/Sub.cpp
@@ -19,6 +19,8 @@
 #include "aidge/utils/Types.h"
 #include "aidge/utils/ErrorHandling.hpp"
+const std::string Aidge::Sub_Op::Type = "Sub";
 void Aidge::Sub_Op::computeOutputDims() {
     // check inputs have been associated
     if (!getInput(0) || !getInput(1)) {
diff --git a/src/recipies/ExplicitCastMove.cpp b/src/recipies/ExplicitCastMove.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5651f2ba4cc939678ab306137464c52caa1db46c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/recipies/ExplicitCastMove.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2023 CEA-List
+ *
+ * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
+ * terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at
+ * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-2.0.
+ *
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
+ *
+ ********************************************************************************/
+#include "aidge/recipies/Recipies.hpp"
+#include "aidge/operator/OperatorTensor.hpp"
+#include "aidge/operator/Cast.hpp"
+#include "aidge/operator/Move.hpp"
+void Aidge::explicitCastMove(std::shared_ptr<GraphView> graph) {
+    // First, remove existing Cast and Move operators, if not needed anymore
+    auto nodes = graph->getNodes();
+    for (auto node : nodes) {
+        // TODO: currently, Operator data type is only reflected in its output tensor data type.
+        // But an Operator might have multiple outputs of different data type(?)
+        const auto& output = std::static_pointer_cast<OperatorTensor>(node->getOperator())->getOutput(0);
+        if (output->getImpl() == nullptr) {
+            continue;
+        }
+        const auto& device = output->getImpl()->device();
+        if (node->type() == Cast_Op::Type || node->type() == Move_Op::Type) {
+            // Remove existing Cast and Move operators, if not needed anymore
+            AIDGE_INTERNAL_ASSERT(node->inputs().size() == 1);
+            const auto parent = node->inputs()[0];
+            // Check parent is not nullptr, as this Operator may be an entry point of the graph without parent
+            if (parent.first != nullptr) {
+                const auto& input = std::static_pointer_cast<OperatorTensor>(parent.first->getOperator())->getOutput(parent.second);
+                if ((node->type() == Cast_Op::Type && input->dataType() == output->dataType())
+                    || (node->type() == Move_Op::Type && input->getImpl() != nullptr && input->getImpl()->device() == device))
+                {
+                    // Add direct connection bypassing Cast/Move node
+                    const auto childs = node->outputs()[0];
+                    for (const auto& child : childs) {
+                        parent.first->addChild(child.first, parent.second, child.second);
+                    }
+                    // Remove all node connections
+                    node->resetConnections();
+                    // Remove node from view
+                    graph->remove(node);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    // Note: why two steps and not merge the two node loops?
+    // User may have changed some data type/backends on top of existing Cast/Move operators
+    // This may lead to situation where a Cast should be removed but a Move should
+    // be inserted at the same place. In this case, some conversion may be missed
+    // depending on the order of iteration over the nodes (which are non ordered!).
+    // Second, insert Cast and/or Move operator between node inputs and parent output, if needed
+    nodes = graph->getNodes();
+    for (auto node : nodes) {
+        // TODO: currently, Operator data type is only reflected in its output tensor data type.
+        // But an Operator might have multiple outputs of different data type(?)
+        const auto& output = std::static_pointer_cast<OperatorTensor>(node->getOperator())->getOutput(0);
+        if (output->getImpl() == nullptr) {
+            continue;
+        }
+        const auto& device = output->getImpl()->device();
+        IOIndex_t inputIdx = 0;
+        for (auto parent : node->inputs()) {
+            // TODO: possible optimization: currently, a Cast/Move Operator may 
+            // be added several time to the same output, if it has multiple childs,
+            // even if it is the same conversion each time.
+            if (parent.first != nullptr) {
+                const auto& input = std::static_pointer_cast<OperatorTensor>(parent.first->getOperator())->getOutput(parent.second);
+                NodePtr moveOp = nullptr;
+                NodePtr castOp = nullptr;
+                if (node->type() != Move_Op::Type && input->getImpl()->device() != device) {
+                    // Change of backend => a Move operator is required
+                    moveOp = Move();
+                    moveOp->getOperator()->setDataType(input->dataType());
+                    castOp = moveOp;
+                }
+                if (node->type() != Cast_Op::Type && input->dataType() != output->dataType()) {
+                    // Change of date type => a Cast operator is required
+                    castOp = Cast();
+                    castOp->getOperator()->setDataType(output->dataType());
+                    castOp->getOperator()->setBackend(device.first, device.second);
+                    if (moveOp == nullptr) {
+                        moveOp = castOp;
+                    }
+                    else {
+                        moveOp->addChild(castOp, 0, 0);
+                    }
+                }
+                if (moveOp != nullptr && castOp != nullptr) {
+                    // Move and/or Cast Operator(s) are needed
+                    castOp->addChild(node, 0, inputIdx);
+                    parent.first->addChild(moveOp, parent.second, 0);
+                    // Set backend AFTER connection in case a specific implementation
+                    // of the operator exists for the input type.
+                    moveOp->getOperator()->setBackend(device.first, device.second);
+                    // Add/update nodes in the GraphView
+                    graph->add(moveOp);
+                    graph->add(castOp);
+                    graph->add(parent.first);
+                    graph->add(node);
+                }
+            }
+            ++inputIdx;
+        }
+    }
diff --git a/src/recipies/FuseBatchNorm.cpp b/src/recipies/FuseBatchNorm.cpp
index ffb4599d83ba922ce5991460810f5d248806617c..9c4cad3f7a444c627f2324f729cb3bc3d8517f49 100644
--- a/src/recipies/FuseBatchNorm.cpp
+++ b/src/recipies/FuseBatchNorm.cpp
@@ -33,10 +33,11 @@ void Aidge::fuseBatchNorm(std::shared_ptr<Aidge::Node> convNode, std::shared_ptr
     const std::shared_ptr<BatchNorm_Op<2>> batchOp = std::static_pointer_cast<BatchNorm_Op<2>>(batchnormNode->getOperator());
     const std::shared_ptr<Conv_Op<2>> convOp = std::static_pointer_cast<Conv_Op<2>>(convNode->getOperator());
-    const std::shared_ptr<Tensor> scale  = batchOp->getInput(1);
-    const std::shared_ptr<Tensor> shift  = batchOp->getInput(2);
-    const std::shared_ptr<Tensor> b_mean = batchOp->getInput(3);
-    const std::shared_ptr<Tensor> b_var  = batchOp->getInput(4);
+    std::shared_ptr<Tensor> scaleBuf, shiftBuf, b_meanBuf, b_varBuf;
+    const Tensor& scale = batchOp->getInput(1)->refCastFrom(scaleBuf, DataType::Float32, "cpu");
+    const Tensor& shift = batchOp->getInput(2)->refCastFrom(shiftBuf, DataType::Float32, "cpu");
+    const Tensor& b_mean = batchOp->getInput(3)->refCastFrom(b_meanBuf, DataType::Float32, "cpu");
+    const Tensor& b_var = batchOp->getInput(4)->refCastFrom(b_varBuf, DataType::Float32, "cpu");
     const float epsilon = batchOp -> getAttr<float>("Epsilon");
     const DimSize_t convNbOutChannels = convOp -> getAttr<DimSize_t>("OutChannels");
@@ -44,10 +45,10 @@ void Aidge::fuseBatchNorm(std::shared_ptr<Aidge::Node> convNode, std::shared_ptr
     const std::array<DimSize_t, 2> kernelDims = convOp -> getAttr<std::array<DimSize_t, 2>>("KernelDims");
-    assert(scale->size()  == convNbOutChannels);
-    assert(shift->size()  == convNbOutChannels);
-    assert(b_mean->size() == convNbOutChannels);
-    assert(b_var->size()  == convNbOutChannels);
+    assert(scale.size()  == convNbOutChannels);
+    assert(shift.size()  == convNbOutChannels);
+    assert(b_mean.size() == convNbOutChannels);
+    assert(b_var.size()  == convNbOutChannels);
     assert(epsilon > 0.0);
     // TODO : no no_bias attribute ?
@@ -56,9 +57,8 @@ void Aidge::fuseBatchNorm(std::shared_ptr<Aidge::Node> convNode, std::shared_ptr
     unsigned int count = 0;
     for (std::size_t outChId = 0; outChId < convNbOutChannels; ++outChId) {
-        // TODO: get() assumed dataType is float...
-        if (b_var->get<float>(outChId) > 1.0e-12) {
-            meanVariance += b_var->get<float>(outChId);
+        if (b_var.get<float>(outChId) > 1.0e-12) {
+            meanVariance += b_var.get<float>(outChId);
         else {
@@ -71,39 +71,43 @@ void Aidge::fuseBatchNorm(std::shared_ptr<Aidge::Node> convNode, std::shared_ptr
         printf("Warning: variance < 1e-12 for all outputs! Is the network correctly trained?\n");
-    std::shared_ptr<Tensor> weight = convOp -> getInput(1);
-    std::shared_ptr<Tensor> bias = convOp -> getInput(2);
+    std::shared_ptr<Tensor> weightBuf, biasBuf;
+    Tensor& weight = convOp->getInput(1)->refCastFrom(weightBuf, DataType::Float32, "cpu");
+    Tensor& bias = convOp->getInput(2)->refCastFrom(biasBuf, DataType::Float32, "cpu");
     for (std::size_t outChId = 0; outChId < convNbOutChannels; ++outChId) {
         // Corrected for zero-variance issue:
         // "A Quantization-Friendly Separable Convolution for MobileNets"
         // https://arxiv.org/pdf/1803.08607.pdf
         // to help post-training quantization
-        const float factor = scale->get<float>(outChId)
-            / std::sqrt(epsilon + ((b_var->get<float>(outChId) > 1.0e-12 || count == 0)
-                        ? b_var->get<float>(outChId) : meanVariance));
+        const float factor = scale.get<float>(outChId)
+            / std::sqrt(epsilon + ((b_var.get<float>(outChId) > 1.0e-12 || count == 0)
+                        ? b_var.get<float>(outChId) : meanVariance));
         // Weights adjustments
         for (std::size_t channel = 0; channel < channelsSize; ++channel) {
             // TODO : Suppose kerneldims = 2
             for(std::size_t k0 = 0; k0 < kernelDims[0]; ++ k0){
                 for(std::size_t k1 = 0; k1 < kernelDims[1]; ++ k1){
                     std::vector<DimSize_t> currentIdx = {outChId, channel, k0, k1};
-                    // TODO : suppose weights are float
-                    float weightValue = weight->get<float>(currentIdx);
-                    weight->set<float>(currentIdx, weightValue*factor); // Update check it update Conv weights
+                    float weightValue = weight.get<float>(currentIdx);
+                    weight.set<float>(currentIdx, weightValue*factor); // Update check it update Conv weights
         // TODO : check if noBias==true is set, then set biasValue to 0
-        float biasValue = bias->get<float>(outChId);
+        float biasValue = bias.get<float>(outChId);
-        biasValue = shift->get<float>(outChId) + (biasValue - b_mean->get<float>(outChId)) * factor;
+        biasValue = shift.get<float>(outChId) + (biasValue - b_mean.get<float>(outChId)) * factor;
-        bias->set<float>(outChId, biasValue);
+        bias.set<float>(outChId, biasValue);
+    // Copy values back to the original tensors (actual copy only if needed)
+    convOp->getInput(1)->copyCastFrom(weight);
+    convOp->getInput(2)->copyCastFrom(bias);
diff --git a/src/recipies/FuseMulAdd.cpp b/src/recipies/FuseMulAdd.cpp
index d37f4749635b2bf76d10f7f8de3a44e254c56347..322b1d9a0632b893a912c6225ac5b13d63278f8d 100644
--- a/src/recipies/FuseMulAdd.cpp
+++ b/src/recipies/FuseMulAdd.cpp
@@ -38,9 +38,8 @@ void Aidge::fuseMulAdd(std::shared_ptr<Aidge::Node> matmulNode, std::shared_ptr<
     // Fetch the output dimension throught the bias size
     std::shared_ptr<Node> bias = (addNode->getParent(1)) ? addNode->getParent(1)->cloneSharedOperators() : nullptr;
-    if (!(matmulNode->getParent(1))) {
-        AIDGE_INTERNAL_ASSERT("No weight detected to produce the fuseMulAdd recipe.");
-    }
+    AIDGE_ASSERT(matmulNode->getParent(1), "No weight detected to produce the fuseMulAdd recipe.");
     std::shared_ptr<Node> weight = matmulNode->getParent(1)->cloneSharedOperators();
     const DimSize_t outSize = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<MatMul_Op>(matmulNode->getOperator()) -> getAttr<DimSize_t>("OutChannels");
diff --git a/src/recipies/HorizontalTiling.cpp b/src/recipies/HorizontalTiling.cpp
index d8eb015939e7be19eb866b75e5a5601ba80631d0..6cc34eba076934b884b336ce40081a855d917182 100644
--- a/src/recipies/HorizontalTiling.cpp
+++ b/src/recipies/HorizontalTiling.cpp
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
 #include <set>
 #include <memory>
+#include <numeric>   // std::iota
 #include <vector>
 #include <utility>
@@ -74,16 +75,26 @@ std::set<std::shared_ptr<Aidge::Node>> Aidge::getConvHorizontalTiling(const std:
-    for (; currentFirstDims[axis] < outTensor->dims()[axis]; currentFirstDims[axis] += outputDims[axis]) {
-        const auto inputDims = op->computeReceptiveField(outTensor->getIdx(currentFirstDims), outputDims, 0);
+    for (IOIndex_t i = 0; currentFirstDims[axis] < outTensor->dims()[axis]; currentFirstDims[axis] += outputDims[axis], ++i) {
+        const auto inputDims = op->computeReceptiveField(currentFirstDims, outputDims, 0);
         auto newNode = node -> clone(); // no input associated to clones
         newNode -> setName(node->name() + "_" + std::to_string(currentFirstDims[axis]));
         clonedInputs[1] -> addChild(newNode, 0, 1);
         clonedInputs[2] -> addChild(newNode, 0, 2);
         // Slice for input and each parameter
-        auto slice = Slice(inputDims[0].first, inputDims[0].second, "Slice_" + std::to_string(currentFirstDims[axis]));
+        std::vector<std::int32_t> inputDimsEnd(inputDims[0].first.size());
+        for (std::size_t dim = 0; dim < inputDimsEnd.size(); ++dim) {
+            inputDimsEnd[dim] = static_cast<std::int32_t>(inputDims[0].first[dim] + inputDims[0].second[dim]) - 1;
+        }
+        std::vector<std::int32_t> inputDimsStart(inputDims[0].first.size());
+        for (std::size_t dim = 0; dim < inputDimsStart.size(); ++dim) {
+            inputDimsStart[dim] = static_cast<std::int32_t>(inputDims[0].first[dim]);
+        }
+        std::vector<std::int32_t> usedDims(inputDimsEnd.size());
+        std::iota(usedDims.begin(), usedDims.end(), static_cast<std::int32_t>(0));
+        auto slice = Slice(inputDimsStart, inputDimsEnd, usedDims, "Slice_" + std::to_string(currentFirstDims[axis]));
         slice -> addChild(newNode, 0, 0);
-        newNode -> addChild(concat, 0, currentFirstDims[axis]);
+        newNode -> addChild(concat, 0, i);
diff --git a/src/recipies/RemoveDropout.cpp b/src/recipies/RemoveDropout.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1dedac8f19e6ec6b4b1f6dabb6bd3e9b8c759def
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/recipies/RemoveDropout.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2023 CEA-List
+ *
+ * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
+ * terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at
+ * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-2.0.
+ *
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
+ *
+ ********************************************************************************/
+#include <memory>
+#include <iostream>
+#include "aidge/graph/Node.hpp"
+#include "aidge/graph/GraphView.hpp"
+#include "aidge/recipies/Recipies.hpp"
+//Graph Regex
+#include "aidge/graphRegex/GraphRegex.hpp"
+namespace Aidge {
+    void removeDropout(std::shared_ptr<Node> dropout) {
+        std::set<NodePtr> nodesToRemove;
+        for (auto nodePtr: dropout->getParents())
+        {
+            if(nodePtr->type() == "Producer")
+            {
+                nodesToRemove.insert(nodePtr);
+            }
+        }
+        nodesToRemove.insert(dropout);
+        GraphView::replace(nodesToRemove, {});
+    }
+    void removeDropout(std::shared_ptr<MatchSolution> solution){
+        assert(solution->at("Dropout").size() == 1 && "Wrong number of nodes Dropout to replace\n");
+        for (const auto& dropout : solution->at("Dropout")) {
+            removeDropout(dropout);
+        }
+    }
+    void removeDropout(std::shared_ptr<GraphView> graphView){
+        std::shared_ptr<GraphRegex> regex = std::make_shared<GraphRegex>();
+        regex->setNodeKey("Dropout","getType($) =='Dropout'");
+        regex->addQuery("Dropout#");
+        for (const auto& solution : regex->match(graphView)) {
+            removeDropout(solution);
+        }
+    }
diff --git a/unit_tests/graph/Test_Connector.cpp b/unit_tests/graph/Test_Connector.cpp
index a7cee610e0014dc024271a008ed964fa67d367ea..79acce9281039f9f3c67b7235d8999b6c7173685 100644
--- a/unit_tests/graph/Test_Connector.cpp
+++ b/unit_tests/graph/Test_Connector.cpp
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
 #include "aidge/operator/GenericOperator.hpp"
 #include "aidge/graph/GraphView.hpp"
 #include "aidge/graph/OpArgs.hpp"
+#include "aidge/graph/Testing.hpp"
 using namespace Aidge;
@@ -112,7 +113,9 @@ TEST_CASE("GraphGeneration from Connector", "[GraphView]") {
     x= (*node09)({x});
     x = (*node10)({a, x});
     std::shared_ptr<GraphView> gv = generateGraph({x});
-    gv->save("GraphGeneration");
+    // gv->save("GraphGeneration");
+    REQUIRE(nodePtrTo(gv->getOrderedInputs()) == std::vector<std::pair<std::string, IOIndex_t>>({}));
+    REQUIRE(nodePtrTo(gv->getOrderedOutputs()) == std::vector<std::pair<std::string, IOIndex_t>>({{"g_matmul1", 0}}));
 TEST_CASE("Connector connection GraphView", "[Connector]") {
@@ -131,6 +134,9 @@ TEST_CASE("Connector connection GraphView", "[Connector]") {
             GenericOperator("g_conv3", 1, 0, 1),
             GenericOperator("g_matmul1", 2, 0, 1)
+        REQUIRE(nodePtrTo(g->getOrderedInputs()) == std::vector<std::pair<std::string, IOIndex_t>>({{"g_conv1", 0}}));
+        REQUIRE(nodePtrTo(g->getOrderedOutputs()) == std::vector<std::pair<std::string, IOIndex_t>>({{"g_matmul1", 0}}));
         x = (*prod)({});
         x = (*g)({x});
         std::shared_ptr<GraphView> g2 = generateGraph({x});
@@ -151,10 +157,14 @@ TEST_CASE("Connector connection GraphView", "[Connector]") {
             GenericOperator("g_concat", 3, 0, 1),
             GenericOperator("g_conv3", 1, 0, 1)
+        REQUIRE(nodePtrTo(g->getOrderedInputs()) == std::vector<std::pair<std::string, IOIndex_t>>({{"ElemWise", 0}, {"ElemWise", 1}, {"ElemWise", 2}}));
+        REQUIRE(nodePtrTo(g->getOrderedOutputs()) == std::vector<std::pair<std::string, IOIndex_t>>({{"g_conv3", 0}}));
         x = (*g)({x, y, z});
         std::shared_ptr<GraphView> gv = generateGraph({x});
-        gv->save("MultiInputSequentialConnector");
+        REQUIRE(nodePtrTo(gv->getOrderedInputs()) == std::vector<std::pair<std::string, IOIndex_t>>({}));
+        REQUIRE(nodePtrTo(gv->getOrderedOutputs()) == std::vector<std::pair<std::string, IOIndex_t>>({{"g_conv3", 0}}));
+        // gv->save("MultiInputSequentialConnector");
         REQUIRE(gv->inputNodes().size() == 0U);
@@ -169,7 +179,9 @@ TEST_CASE("Connector Mini-graph", "[Connector]") {
     y = (*GenericOperator("ElemWise", 2, 0, 1))({y, x});
     std::shared_ptr<GraphView> g = generateGraph({y});
-    g->save("TestGraph");
+    REQUIRE(nodePtrTo(g->getOrderedInputs()) == std::vector<std::pair<std::string, IOIndex_t>>({}));
+    REQUIRE(nodePtrTo(g->getOrderedOutputs()) == std::vector<std::pair<std::string, IOIndex_t>>({{"ElemWise", 0}}));
+    // g->save("TestGraph");
 TEST_CASE("Structural descrition - Sequential", "[GraphView]") {
diff --git a/unit_tests/graph/Test_GraphView.cpp b/unit_tests/graph/Test_GraphView.cpp
index bb726bd4d92b5674d0e19ea3138e165e1329959a..ebbfb3ad89721eb4f1390c3efca475acbb0b6f46 100644
--- a/unit_tests/graph/Test_GraphView.cpp
+++ b/unit_tests/graph/Test_GraphView.cpp
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
+#include <algorithm> // std::sort
 #include <cassert>
 #include <map>
 #include <memory>
@@ -20,20 +21,201 @@
 #include "aidge/backend/OperatorImpl.hpp"
 #include "aidge/data/Tensor.hpp"
 #include "aidge/graph/GraphView.hpp"
+#include "aidge/graph/Testing.hpp"
 #include "aidge/operator/Conv.hpp"
+#include "aidge/operator/ReLU.hpp"
+#include "aidge/graph/OpArgs.hpp"
 #include "aidge/operator/GenericOperator.hpp"
 #include "aidge/operator/Producer.hpp"
 using namespace Aidge;
-TEST_CASE("[core/graph] GraphView(Constructor)") {
+TEST_CASE("genRandomGraph", "[GraphView][randomGen]") {
+    const size_t nbTests = 100;
+    size_t nbUnicity = 0;
+    for (int test = 0; test < nbTests; ++test) {
+        std::random_device rd;
+        const std::mt19937::result_type seed(rd());
+        RandomGraph randGraph;
+        const auto g1 = std::make_shared<GraphView>("g1");
+        const bool unicity1 = g1->add(randGraph.gen(seed, 10));
+        const auto g2 = std::make_shared<GraphView>("g2");
+        const bool unicity2 = g2->add(randGraph.gen(seed, 10));
+        // g1->save("./genRandomGraph1");
+        // g2->save("./genRandomGraph2");
+        REQUIRE(unicity1 == unicity2);
+        if (unicity1) {
+            REQUIRE(nodePtrTo(g1->getNodes(), nodePtrToName) == nodePtrTo(g2->getNodes(), nodePtrToName));
+            REQUIRE(nodePtrTo(g1->getOrderedInputs(), nodePtrToName) == nodePtrTo(g2->getOrderedInputs(), nodePtrToName));
+            REQUIRE(nodePtrTo(g1->getOrderedOutputs(), nodePtrToName) == nodePtrTo(g2->getOrderedOutputs(), nodePtrToName));
+            REQUIRE(nodePtrTo(g1->inputNodes(), nodePtrToName) == nodePtrTo(g2->inputNodes(), nodePtrToName));
+            REQUIRE(nodePtrTo(g1->outputNodes(), nodePtrToName) == nodePtrTo(g2->outputNodes(), nodePtrToName));
+            ++nbUnicity;
+            // Check that inputs/outputs are the same regardless of the order
+            auto orderedInputs1 = nodePtrTo(g1->getOrderedInputs(), nodePtrToName);
+            auto orderedInputs2 = nodePtrTo(g2->getOrderedInputs(), nodePtrToName);
+            auto orderedOutputs1 = nodePtrTo(g1->getOrderedOutputs(), nodePtrToName);
+            auto orderedOutputs2 = nodePtrTo(g2->getOrderedOutputs(), nodePtrToName);
+            std::sort(orderedInputs1.begin(), orderedInputs1.end());
+            std::sort(orderedInputs2.begin(), orderedInputs2.end());
+            std::sort(orderedOutputs1.begin(), orderedOutputs1.end());
+            std::sort(orderedOutputs2.begin(), orderedOutputs2.end());
+            REQUIRE(orderedInputs1 == orderedInputs2);
+            REQUIRE(orderedOutputs1 == orderedOutputs2);
+            REQUIRE(nodePtrTo(g1->inputNodes(), nodePtrToName) == nodePtrTo(g2->inputNodes(), nodePtrToName));
+            REQUIRE(nodePtrTo(g1->outputNodes(), nodePtrToName) == nodePtrTo(g2->outputNodes(), nodePtrToName));
+        }
+    }
+    printf("nbUnicity = %zu/%zu\n", nbUnicity, nbTests);
+TEST_CASE("clone", "[GraphView][clone]") {
+    const size_t nbTests = 100;
+    for (int test = 0; test < nbTests; ++test) {
+        std::random_device rd;
+        const std::mt19937::result_type seed(rd());
+        RandomGraph randGraph;
+        const auto g1 = std::make_shared<GraphView>("g1");
+        g1->add(randGraph.gen(seed, 10));
+        // g1 -> save("GraphView_clone");
+        const auto g2 = g1->clone();
+        REQUIRE(nodePtrTo(g1->getNodes(), nodePtrToName) == nodePtrTo(g2->getNodes(), nodePtrToName));
+        REQUIRE(nodePtrTo(g1->getOrderedInputs(), nodePtrToName) == nodePtrTo(g2->getOrderedInputs(), nodePtrToName));
+        REQUIRE(nodePtrTo(g1->getOrderedOutputs(), nodePtrToName) == nodePtrTo(g2->getOrderedOutputs(), nodePtrToName));
+    }
+NodePtr nodeDel(NodePtr node) {
+    if (node->type() == "DelFictive") {
+        return nullptr;
+    }
+    return node->clone();
+TEST_CASE("clone_with_delete", "[GraphView][cloneDelete]") {
+    const size_t nbTests = 100;
+    size_t nbClonedWithDelete = 0;
+    // Note: initial seed is chosen such that for nbTests=100, the generated
+    // graphs keep the same inputs/outputs despites the deleted nodes
+    // (meaning the deleted nodes are not input/output of the graph).
+    // Otherwise, the last two REQUIRE are not garanteed to be true!
+    // Warning: distributions are not required to behave the same way by the standard,
+    // therefore the seed has to work for both GCC and MSVC...
+    // See https://stackoverflow.com/questions/38532927/why-gcc-and-msvc-stdnormal-distribution-are-different
+    std::mt19937::result_type seed(243);
+    for (int test = 0; test < nbTests; ++test) {
+        RandomGraph randGraph;
+        randGraph.types = {"Fictive", "DelFictive"};
+        randGraph.typesWeights = {0.9, 0.1};
+        const auto g1 = std::make_shared<GraphView>("g1");
+        const bool unicity1 = g1->add(randGraph.gen(seed, 10));
+        if (unicity1) {
+            randGraph.omitType = "DelFictive";
+            const auto g2 = std::make_shared<GraphView>("g2");
+            const bool unicity2 = g2->add(randGraph.gen(seed, 10));
+            // g1->save("./clone_with_delete1");
+            // g2->save("./clone_with_delete2");
+            try {
+                const auto gCloned = g1->cloneCallback(&nodeDel);
+                REQUIRE(nodePtrTo(gCloned->getNodes(), nodePtrToName) == nodePtrTo(g2->getNodes(), nodePtrToName));
+                REQUIRE(nodePtrTo(gCloned->getOrderedInputs(), nodePtrToName) == nodePtrTo(g2->getOrderedInputs(), nodePtrToName));
+                REQUIRE(nodePtrTo(gCloned->getOrderedOutputs(), nodePtrToName) == nodePtrTo(g2->getOrderedOutputs(), nodePtrToName));
+                ++nbClonedWithDelete;
+            }
+            catch (const std::runtime_error& error) {
+                // pass
+            }
+        }
+        ++seed;
+    }
+    printf("nbClonedWithDelete = %zu/%zu\n", nbClonedWithDelete, nbTests);
+TEST_CASE("remove", "[GraphView][remove]") {
+    const size_t nbTests = 100;
+    size_t nbTested = 0;
+    for (int test = 0; test < nbTests; ++test) {
+        std::random_device rd;
+        const std::mt19937::result_type seed(rd());
+        RandomGraph randGraph;
+        randGraph.types = {"Fictive", "DelFictive"};
+        randGraph.typesWeights = {0.8, 0.2};
+        const auto g1 = std::make_shared<GraphView>("g1");
+        const bool unicity1 = g1->add(randGraph.gen(seed, 10));
+        if (unicity1) {
+            // g1->save("./remove1_before");
+            const auto nodes = g1->getNodes();
+            int step = 1;
+            for (auto node : nodes) {
+                if (node->type() == "DelFictive") {
+                    g1->remove(node, false);
+                    // g1->save("./remove1_after" + std::to_string(step));
+                    step++;
+                }
+            }
+            randGraph.omitType = "DelFictive";
+            const auto g2 = std::make_shared<GraphView>("g2");
+            g2->add(randGraph.gen(seed, 10));
+            // g1->save("./remove1");
+            // g2->save("./remove2");
+            REQUIRE(nodePtrTo(g1->getNodes(), nodePtrToName) == nodePtrTo(g2->getNodes(), nodePtrToName));
+            // Order not garanteed, because when a node is removed, it can create new GraphView inputs/outputs
+            // Their order thus depends on the deletion order!
+            //REQUIRE(nodePtrTo(g1->getOrderedInputs(), nodePtrToName) == nodePtrTo(g2->getOrderedInputs(), nodePtrToName));
+            //REQUIRE(nodePtrTo(g1->getOrderedOutputs(), nodePtrToName) == nodePtrTo(g2->getOrderedOutputs(), nodePtrToName));
+            // Check that inputs/outputs are the same regardless of the order
+            auto orderedInputs1 = nodePtrTo(g1->getOrderedInputs(), nodePtrToName);
+            auto orderedInputs2 = nodePtrTo(g2->getOrderedInputs(), nodePtrToName);
+            auto orderedOutputs1 = nodePtrTo(g1->getOrderedOutputs(), nodePtrToName);
+            auto orderedOutputs2 = nodePtrTo(g2->getOrderedOutputs(), nodePtrToName);
+            std::sort(orderedInputs1.begin(), orderedInputs1.end());
+            std::sort(orderedInputs2.begin(), orderedInputs2.end());
+            std::sort(orderedOutputs1.begin(), orderedOutputs1.end());
+            std::sort(orderedOutputs2.begin(), orderedOutputs2.end());
+            REQUIRE(orderedInputs1 == orderedInputs2);
+            REQUIRE(orderedOutputs1 == orderedOutputs2);
+            ++nbTested;
+        }
+    }
+    printf("nbTested = %zu/%zu\n", nbTested, nbTests);
+TEST_CASE("[core/graph] GraphView(Constructor)", "[GraphView][constructor()]") {
     std::shared_ptr<GraphView> g0 = std::make_shared<GraphView>();
     std::shared_ptr<GraphView> g1 = std::make_shared<GraphView>("G1");
     REQUIRE(g0 != nullptr);
     REQUIRE(g1 != nullptr);
-TEST_CASE("[core/graph] GraphView(add)") {
+TEST_CASE("[core/graph] GraphView(add)", "[GraphView][add]") {
     SECTION("Node alone") {
         std::shared_ptr<GraphView> g = std::make_shared<GraphView>("TestGraph");
         std::shared_ptr<Node> GOp1 = GenericOperator("Fictive", 0, 0, 0, "Gop1");
@@ -48,6 +230,9 @@ TEST_CASE("[core/graph] GraphView(add)") {
         std::shared_ptr<Node> GOp6 = GenericOperator("Fictive", 1, 1, 1, "Gop6");
+        // g->save("node_alone");
+        REQUIRE(nodePtrTo(g->getOrderedInputs(), nodePtrToName) == std::vector<std::pair<std::string, IOIndex_t>>({{"Gop3", 0}, {"Gop4", 0}, {"Gop5", 0}, {"Gop6", 0}, {"Gop6", 1}}));
+        REQUIRE(nodePtrTo(g->getOrderedOutputs(), nodePtrToName) == std::vector<std::pair<std::string, IOIndex_t>>({{"Gop2", 0}, {"Gop5", 0}, {"Gop6", 0}}));
     SECTION("Several Nodes") {
@@ -58,10 +243,14 @@ TEST_CASE("[core/graph] GraphView(add)") {
         GOp1parent->addChild(GOp1, 0, 0);
         REQUIRE(g->getNodes() == std::set<std::shared_ptr<Node>>({GOp1, GOp1parent}));
+        REQUIRE(nodePtrTo(g->getOrderedInputs(), nodePtrToName) == std::vector<std::pair<std::string, IOIndex_t>>({}));
+        REQUIRE(nodePtrTo(g->getOrderedOutputs(), nodePtrToName) == std::vector<std::pair<std::string, IOIndex_t>>({{"Gop1", 0}}));
         // there should be no deplicates
         REQUIRE(g->getNodes() == std::set<std::shared_ptr<Node>>({GOp1, GOp1parent}));
+        REQUIRE(nodePtrTo(g->getOrderedInputs(), nodePtrToName) == std::vector<std::pair<std::string, IOIndex_t>>({}));
+        REQUIRE(nodePtrTo(g->getOrderedOutputs(), nodePtrToName) == std::vector<std::pair<std::string, IOIndex_t>>({{"Gop1", 0}}));
     SECTION("Initializer list ofr Node") {
@@ -221,7 +410,7 @@ TEST_CASE("[core/graph] GraphView(resetConnections)") {
-    SECTION("disconnect data iput + learnable parameters") {
+    SECTION("disconnect data input + learnable parameters") {
         std::shared_ptr<Node> conv = GenericOperator("Conv", 1, 0, 1, "c");
         std::shared_ptr<Node> conv1 = GenericOperator("Conv", 1, 2, 1, "c1");
         std::shared_ptr<Node> conv2 = GenericOperator("Conv", 1, 0, 1, "c2");
@@ -402,6 +591,56 @@ TEST_CASE("[core/graph] GraphView(replace)", "[GraphView][replace]") {
         REQUIRE(g->getNodes() == std::set<std::shared_ptr<Node>>({newMatmulWeight0, newAddBias0, newAddBias1, newMatmulWeight1, fc1, fc0}));
+    SECTION("Nodes with shared parameters") {
+        auto myConv1 = Conv(1, 5, {1,1}, "conv1");
+        auto myConv2 = Conv(5, 5, {1,1}, "conv2");
+        auto myConv3 = Conv(5, 5, {1,1}, "conv3");
+        auto myConv4 = Conv(5, 5, {1,1}, "conv4");
+        auto myConv5 = Conv(5, 5, {1,1}, "conv5");
+        auto sharedWeightTensor = std::make_shared<Tensor>();
+        sharedWeightTensor->resize({5,5,1,1});
+        auto sharedWeight = Producer(sharedWeightTensor, "sharedWeight");
+        sharedWeight -> addChild(myConv2, 0, 1);
+        sharedWeight -> addChild(myConv3, 0, 1);
+        sharedWeight -> addChild(myConv4, 0, 1);
+        auto sharedBiasTensor = std::make_shared<Tensor>();
+        sharedBiasTensor->resize({5});
+        auto sharedBias = Producer(sharedBiasTensor, "sharedBias");
+        sharedBias -> addChild(myConv2, 0, 2);
+        sharedBias -> addChild(myConv3, 0, 2);
+        sharedBias -> addChild(myConv4, 0, 2);
+        auto g = Sequential({
+            myConv1,
+            myConv2,
+            myConv3,
+            myConv4,
+            myConv5
+        });
+        REQUIRE(g->getNode("sharedWeight") != nullptr);
+        REQUIRE(g->getNode("sharedBias") != nullptr);
+        auto newReLU4 = ReLU("relu4");
+        GraphView::replace({myConv4, myConv4->getParent(1), myConv4->getParent(2)}, {newReLU4});
+        REQUIRE(g->getNode("sharedWeight") != nullptr);
+        REQUIRE(g->getNode("sharedBias") != nullptr);
+         auto newReLU3 = ReLU("relu3");
+        GraphView::replace({myConv3, myConv3->getParent(1), myConv3->getParent(2)}, {newReLU3});
+        REQUIRE(g->getNode("sharedWeight") != nullptr);
+        REQUIRE(g->getNode("sharedBias") != nullptr);
+         auto newReLU2 = ReLU("relu2");
+        GraphView::replace({myConv2, myConv2->getParent(1), myConv2->getParent(2)}, {newReLU2});
+        REQUIRE(g->getNode("sharedWeight") == nullptr);
+        REQUIRE(g->getNode("sharedBias") == nullptr);
+    }
 TEST_CASE("[GraphView] clone") {
diff --git a/unit_tests/operator/Test_ConvDepthWise_Op.cpp b/unit_tests/operator/Test_ConvDepthWise_Op.cpp
index 14d4dc537f527b32414151ee7f93e601f5a4bd8a..6008e3bfac346725935d5d8ffe87f392c49a3409 100644
--- a/unit_tests/operator/Test_ConvDepthWise_Op.cpp
+++ b/unit_tests/operator/Test_ConvDepthWise_Op.cpp
@@ -45,20 +45,20 @@ TEST_CASE("[core/operator] ConvDepthWise_Op(computeReceptiveField)", "[Operator]
     auto op4 = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<OperatorTensor>(cdw4 -> getOperator());
     SECTION("Check individual receptive fields") {
-        auto res1 = op1->computeReceptiveField(0, {16,3,10,10});
-        auto res2 = op2->computeReceptiveField(op2->getOutput(0)->getIdx({3,1,100,28}), {4,2,30,40});
-        auto res3 = op3->computeReceptiveField(0, {1,1,109,109});
-        auto res4 = op4->computeReceptiveField(op4->getInput(0)->getIdx({5,0,108,108}), {10,1,1,1});
+        auto res1 = op1->computeReceptiveField({0,0,0,0}, {16,3,10,10});
+        auto res2 = op2->computeReceptiveField({3,1,100,28}, {4,2,30,40});
+        auto res3 = op3->computeReceptiveField({0,0,0,0}, {1,1,109,109});
+        auto res4 = op4->computeReceptiveField({5,0,108,108}, {10,1,1,1});
-        REQUIRE(((res1[0].first == 0) && (res1[0].second == std::vector<DimSize_t>({16, 3, 14, 14}))));
-        REQUIRE(((res2[0].first == op2->getInput(0)->getIdx({3,1,100,28})) && (res2[0].second == std::vector<DimSize_t>({4, 2, 32, 42}))));
-        REQUIRE(((res3[0].first == 0) && (res3[0].second == std::vector<DimSize_t>({1, 1, 218, 218}))));
-        REQUIRE(((res4[0].first == op4->getInput(0)->getIdx({5, 0, 108, 108})) && (res4[0].second == std::vector<DimSize_t>({10, 1, 1, 1}))));
+        REQUIRE(((res1[0].first == std::vector<DimSize_t>({0,0,0,0})) && (res1[0].second == std::vector<DimSize_t>({16, 3, 14, 14}))));
+        REQUIRE(((res2[0].first == std::vector<DimSize_t>({3,1,100,28})) && (res2[0].second == std::vector<DimSize_t>({4, 2, 32, 42}))));
+        REQUIRE(((res3[0].first == std::vector<DimSize_t>({0,0,0,0})) && (res3[0].second == std::vector<DimSize_t>({1, 1, 218, 218}))));
+        REQUIRE(((res4[0].first == std::vector<DimSize_t>({5,0,108,108})) && (res4[0].second == std::vector<DimSize_t>({10, 1, 1, 1}))));
     SECTION("Check receptive field propagation") {
         // input:  first-{5, 0, 50, 50}  dims-{1, 1, 1, 1}
-        auto res4 = op4->computeReceptiveField(op4->getInput(0)->getIdx({5,0,50,50}), {1,1,1,1});
+        auto res4 = op4->computeReceptiveField({5,0,50,50}, {1,1,1,1});
         // cdw4 RF:  first-{5, 0, 50, 50}  dims-{1, 1, 1, 1}
         auto res3 = op3->computeReceptiveField(res4[0].first, res4[0].second);
         // cdw3 RF:  first-{5, 0, 100, 100} dims-{1, 1, 2, 2}
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ TEST_CASE("[core/operator] ConvDepthWise_Op(computeReceptiveField)", "[Operator]
         auto res1 = op1->computeReceptiveField(res2[0].first, res2[0].second);
         // cdw1 RF:  first-{5, 0, 100, 100} dims-{1, 1, 8, 8}
-        REQUIRE(((res1[0].first == op1->getInput(0)->getIdx({5, 0, 100, 100})) && (res1[0].second == std::vector<DimSize_t>({1, 1, 8, 8}))));
+        REQUIRE(((res1[0].first == std::vector<DimSize_t>({5, 0, 100, 100})) && (res1[0].second == std::vector<DimSize_t>({1, 1, 8, 8}))));
 }  // namespace Aidge
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/unit_tests/operator/Test_Conv_Op.cpp b/unit_tests/operator/Test_Conv_Op.cpp
index a3e84999eb2e2a31f1217330ac9718f35b0ca396..bc24fc8081d78dedf853450ff648b6d91b47c1dc 100644
--- a/unit_tests/operator/Test_Conv_Op.cpp
+++ b/unit_tests/operator/Test_Conv_Op.cpp
@@ -45,22 +45,22 @@ TEST_CASE("[core/operator] Conv_Op(computeReceptiveField)", "[Operator][computeR
     auto op4 = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<OperatorTensor>(conv4 -> getOperator());
     SECTION("Check individual receptive fields") {
-        auto res1 = op1 -> computeReceptiveField(0, {16,32,10,10});
-        auto res2 = op2 -> computeReceptiveField(op2 -> getOutput(0)->getIdx({3,20,100,28}), {4,20,30,40});
-        auto res3 = op3 -> computeReceptiveField(0, {1,1,109,109});
-        auto res4 = op4 -> computeReceptiveField(op4 -> getOutput(0)->getIdx({5,0,108,108}), {10,10,1,1});
+        auto res1 = op1 -> computeReceptiveField({0,0,0,0}, {16,32,10,10});
+        auto res2 = op2 -> computeReceptiveField({3,20,100,28}, {4,20,30,40});
+        auto res3 = op3 -> computeReceptiveField({0,0,0,0}, {1,1,109,109});
+        auto res4 = op4 -> computeReceptiveField({5,0,108,108}, {10,10,1,1});
-        REQUIRE(((res1[0].first == 0) && (res1[0].second == std::vector<DimSize_t>({16, 3, 14, 14}))));
-        REQUIRE(((res1[1].first == 0) && (res1[1].second == std::vector<DimSize_t>({32, 3, 5, 5}))));
-        REQUIRE(((res1[2].first == 0) && (res1[2].second == std::vector<DimSize_t>({32}))));
-        REQUIRE(((res2[0].first == op2->getInput(0)->getIdx({3,0,100,28})) && (res2[0].second == std::vector<DimSize_t>({4, 32, 32, 42}))));
-        REQUIRE(((res3[0].first == 0) && (res3[0].second == std::vector<DimSize_t>({1, 64, 218, 218}))));
-        REQUIRE(((res4[0].first == op4->getInput(0)->getIdx({5, 0, 108, 108})) && (res4[0].second == std::vector<DimSize_t>({10, 10, 1, 1}))));
+        REQUIRE(((res1[0].first == std::vector<DimSize_t>({0,0,0,0})) && (res1[0].second == std::vector<DimSize_t>({16, 3, 14, 14}))));
+        REQUIRE(((res1[1].first == std::vector<DimSize_t>({0,0,0,0})) && (res1[1].second == std::vector<DimSize_t>({32, 3, 5, 5}))));
+        REQUIRE(((res1[2].first == std::vector<DimSize_t>({0})) && (res1[2].second == std::vector<DimSize_t>({32}))));
+        REQUIRE(((res2[0].first == std::vector<DimSize_t>({3,0,100,28})) && (res2[0].second == std::vector<DimSize_t>({4, 32, 32, 42}))));
+        REQUIRE(((res3[0].first == std::vector<DimSize_t>({0,0,0,0})) && (res3[0].second == std::vector<DimSize_t>({1, 64, 218, 218}))));
+        REQUIRE(((res4[0].first == std::vector<DimSize_t>({5, 0, 108, 108})) && (res4[0].second == std::vector<DimSize_t>({10, 10, 1, 1}))));
     SECTION("Check receptive field propagation") {
         // input:  first-{5, 0, 50, 50}  dims-{1, 1, 1, 1}
-        auto res4 = op4->computeReceptiveField(op4->getOutput(0)->getIdx({5,0,50,50}), {1,1,1,1});
+        auto res4 = op4->computeReceptiveField({5,0,50,50}, {1,1,1,1});
         // conv4 RF:  first-{5, 0, 50, 50}  dims-{1, 10, 1, 1}
         auto res3 = op3->computeReceptiveField(res4[0].first, res4[0].second);
         // conv3 RF:  first-{5, 0, 100, 100} dims-{1, 64, 2, 2}
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ TEST_CASE("[core/operator] Conv_Op(computeReceptiveField)", "[Operator][computeR
         auto res1 = op1->computeReceptiveField(res2[0].first, res2[0].second);
         // conv1 RF:  first-{5, 0, 100, 100} dims-{1, 3, 8, 8}
-        REQUIRE(((res1[0].first == op1->getInput(0)->getIdx({5, 0, 100, 100})) && (res1[0].second == std::vector<DimSize_t>({1, 3, 8, 8}))));
+        REQUIRE(((res1[0].first == std::vector<DimSize_t>({5, 0, 100, 100})) && (res1[0].second == std::vector<DimSize_t>({1, 3, 8, 8}))));
         // std::cout << "conv1: {";
diff --git a/unit_tests/operator/Test_MetaOperator.cpp b/unit_tests/operator/Test_MetaOperator.cpp
index ef0c4e7f72d3148eccb97896a3d6e3d5ae5ad6e1..68e2d4d4d5b4fe1b40f83c087eb61c7865d3db75 100644
--- a/unit_tests/operator/Test_MetaOperator.cpp
+++ b/unit_tests/operator/Test_MetaOperator.cpp
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
 #include "aidge/operator/MetaOperator.hpp"
 #include "aidge/operator/MetaOperatorDefs.hpp"
 #include "aidge/graph/GraphView.hpp"
+#include "aidge/graph/Testing.hpp"
 #include <cstddef>
 using namespace Aidge;
@@ -26,8 +27,8 @@ TEST_CASE("[core/operators] MetaOperator", "[Operator]") {
         REQUIRE(microGraph->getNodes().size() == 2);
         REQUIRE(microGraph->inputNodes().size() == 2);  // 2 because Conv has inputs outside the meta-op (Producers for weight and bias)
-        // Order not garanteed by the GraphView
-        //REQUIRE((*microGraph->inputNodes().begin())->getOperator()->type() == "Pad");
+        REQUIRE(nodePtrTo(microGraph->getOrderedInputs()) == std::vector<std::pair<std::string, IOIndex_t>>({{"Pad", 0}, {"Conv", 1}, {"Conv", 2}}));
+        REQUIRE(nodePtrTo(microGraph->getOrderedOutputs()) == std::vector<std::pair<std::string, IOIndex_t>>({{"Conv", 0}}));
         REQUIRE(microGraph->outputNodes().size() == 1);
         REQUIRE((*microGraph->outputNodes().begin())->getOperator()->type() == "Conv");
         REQUIRE(op->nbInputs() == 3);
@@ -43,8 +44,7 @@ TEST_CASE("[core/operators] MetaOperator", "[Operator]") {
         REQUIRE(std::static_pointer_cast<Tensor>(opTensor->getRawOutput(0))->dims() == std::vector<size_t>({2,3,5,5}));
         REQUIRE(std::static_pointer_cast<Tensor>(opTensor->getRawInput(0)) == myInput);
-        // Order not garanteed by the GraphView
-        //REQUIRE((*microGraph->inputNodes().begin())->getOperator()->getRawInput(0) == myInput);
+        REQUIRE(microGraph->getOrderedInputs()[0].first->getOperator()->getRawInput(0) == myInput);
         REQUIRE(opTensor->getRawOutput(0) == (*microGraph->outputNodes().begin())->getOperator()->getRawOutput(0));
         //op->getOperator()->updateConsummerProducer();  // require implementation
diff --git a/unit_tests/recipies/Test_FuseBatchNorm.cpp b/unit_tests/recipies/Test_FuseBatchNorm.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 5d9c02d5582e3c56aba9d374d7087946c7d94bde..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/unit_tests/recipies/Test_FuseBatchNorm.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2023 CEA-List
- *
- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
- * terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at
- * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-2.0.
- *
- * SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
- *
- ********************************************************************************/
-#include <catch2/catch_test_macros.hpp>
-#include <set>
-//#include "aidge/backend/cpu/operator/BatchNormImpl.hpp"
-//#include "aidge/backend/cpu/operator/ConvImpl.hpp"
-#include "aidge/operator/Conv.hpp"
-#include "aidge/operator/GenericOperator.hpp"
-#include "aidge/operator/Producer.hpp"
-#include "aidge/graph/OpArgs.hpp"
-#include "aidge/operator/BatchNorm.hpp"
-#include "aidge/utils/Recipies.hpp"
-//#include "aidge/backend/TensorImpl.hpp"
-//#include "aidge/backend/cpu.hpp"
-//#include "aidge/"
-#include <cstddef>
-namespace Aidge {
-    TEST_CASE("[FuseBatchNorm] conv") {
-        auto g1 = Sequential({
-            Producer({16, 3, 224, 224}, "dataProvider"),
-            Conv(3, 32, {3, 3}, "conv1"),
-            BatchNorm<2>()
-        });
-        g1->setDataType(DataType::Float32);
-        g1->setBackend("cpu");
-        g1->forwardDims();
-        // std::set<std::string> availableBackends = Tensor::getAvailableBackends();
-        // if (availableBackends.find("cpu") != availableBackends.end()){
-        //     g1->setBackend("cpu");
-        //     newTensor->getImpl()->setRawPtr(static_cast<T*>(info.ptr));
-        // }else{
-        //     printf("Warning : Could not use aidge_cpu backend, verify you have `import aidge_cpu`\n");
-        // }
-       fuseBatchNorm(g1);
-        SECTION("Check resulting nodes") {
-            // REQUIRE(g1->getNodes().size() == 2);
-            // REQUIRE(g2->getNode("conv1")->getOperator()->type() == "MaxPooling");
-            // REQUIRE(g2->getNode("conv1")->getOperator()->getRawOutput(0) == g2->getNode("conv2")->getOperator()->getRawInput(0));
-            // REQUIRE(g2->getNode("conv2")->getOperator()->type() == "MaxPooling");
-            // REQUIRE(g2->getNode("conv2")->getOperator()->getRawOutput(0) == g2->getNode("conv3")->getOperator()->getRawInput(0));
-            // REQUIRE(g2->getNode("conv3")->getOperator()->type() == "MaxPooling");
-        }
-    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/unit_tests/recipies/Test_FuseMulAdd.cpp b/unit_tests/recipies/Test_FuseMulAdd.cpp
index 0c65db98917e33a11f4b7bac678b271b1a10fb94..968826230dfdf85290ee377aee155e06855c4b28 100644
--- a/unit_tests/recipies/Test_FuseMulAdd.cpp
+++ b/unit_tests/recipies/Test_FuseMulAdd.cpp
@@ -61,7 +61,6 @@ TEST_CASE("[cpu/recipies] FuseMulAdd", "[FuseMulAdd][recipies]") {
 	// Transform GraphView inplace
-	g->save("bonjour");
 	// Check new GraphView
 	 std::set<std::shared_ptr<Node>> newNodes = g->getNodes();
diff --git a/unit_tests/recipies/Test_removeFlatten.cpp b/unit_tests/recipies/Test_removeFlatten.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8d0ff29dae19ba2dd8009441c39da53bf44378f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/unit_tests/recipies/Test_removeFlatten.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2023 CEA-List
+ *
+ * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
+ * terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at
+ * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-2.0.
+ *
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
+ *
+ ********************************************************************************/
+#include <catch2/catch_test_macros.hpp>
+#include <set>
+#include "aidge/data/Tensor.hpp"
+#include "aidge/graph/GraphView.hpp"
+#include "aidge/operator/GenericOperator.hpp"
+#include "aidge/operator/FC.hpp"
+#include "aidge/recipies/Recipies.hpp"
+namespace Aidge {
+TEST_CASE("[cpu/recipies] RemoveFlatten", "[RemoveFlatten][recipies]") {
+    // generate the original GraphView
+    auto flatten = GenericOperator("Flatten", 1, 0, 1, "myFlatten");
+    auto fc = FC(10, 50, "myFC");
+    flatten -> addChild(fc);
+    auto g = std::make_shared<GraphView>();
+    g->add({fc, flatten});
+    // Check original graph
+    // g -> save("before_remove_flatten");
+    // use recipie
+    removeFlatten(g);
+    // Check transformed graph
+    // g -> save("after_remove_flatten");
+    REQUIRE(g->getOrderedInputs().size() == 1);
+    REQUIRE(g->getOrderedOutputs().size() == 1);
+    REQUIRE(g->getOrderedInputs()[0].first == fc);
+    REQUIRE(g->getOrderedOutputs()[0].first == fc);
+}  // namespace Aidge
\ No newline at end of file