diff --git a/unit_tests/operator/Test_MatMul_Op.cpp b/unit_tests/operator/Test_MatMul_Op.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6c810e675ad46cc5580bd24e57f7e7dbb84db38f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/unit_tests/operator/Test_MatMul_Op.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2023 CEA-List
+ *
+ * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
+ * terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at
+ * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-2.0.
+ *
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
+ *
+ ********************************************************************************/
+#include <catch2/catch_test_macros.hpp>
+#include <cstddef>  // std::size_t
+#include <memory>
+#include <random>   // std::random_device, std::mt19937, std::uniform_int_distribution
+#include <vector>
+#include "aidge/data/Tensor.hpp"
+#include "aidge/operator/MatMul.hpp"
+#include "aidge/operator/OperatorTensor.hpp"
+namespace Aidge {
+TEST_CASE("[core/operator] MatMul_Op(computeOutputDims)", "[MatMul][computeOutputDims]") {
+    // Create a random number generator
+    std::random_device rd;
+    std::mt19937 gen(rd());
+    std::uniform_int_distribution<std::size_t> dist(1, 10);
+    // Create MatMul Operator
+    std::shared_ptr<Node> myMatMul = MatMul();
+    auto op = std::static_pointer_cast<OperatorTensor>(myMatMul -> getOperator());
+    /** @todo Special case of scalar Tensor objects.
+     * Not handled yet.
+    */
+    // SECTION("0-D / 0-D") {
+    //     std::shared_ptr<Tensor> T0 = std::make_shared<Tensor>();
+    //     T0->resize({});
+    //     op -> associateInput(0,T0);
+    //     // input_1 - right
+    //     std::shared_ptr<Tensor> T1 = std::make_shared<Tensor>();
+    //     T1->resize({});
+    //     op -> associateInput(1,T1);
+    //     REQUIRE_NOTHROW(op->computeOutputDims());
+    //     REQUIRE((op->getOutput(0)->dims()).empty());
+    //     // input_1 - wrong
+    //     T1->resize({dist(gen)});
+    //     REQUIRE_THROWS(op->computeOutputDims());
+    // }
+    SECTION("1-D / N-D") {
+        // input_0
+        std::shared_ptr<Tensor> T0 = std::make_shared<Tensor>();
+        const std::size_t dim0 = dist(gen);
+        T0->resize({dim0});
+        op -> associateInput(0,T0);
+        std::shared_ptr<Tensor> T1 = std::make_shared<Tensor>();
+        op -> associateInput(1,T1);
+        SECTION("1-D / 1-D") {
+            // input_1 - right
+            T1->resize({dim0});
+            REQUIRE_NOTHROW(op -> computeOutputDims());
+            REQUIRE((op->getOutput(0)->dims()).empty());
+            // input_1 - wrong
+            T1->resize({dim0+1});
+            REQUIRE_THROWS(op -> computeOutputDims());
+        }
+        SECTION("1-D / 2-D") {
+            // input_1 - right
+            const std::size_t dim1 = dist(gen);
+            T1->resize({dim0,dim1});
+            REQUIRE_NOTHROW(op -> computeOutputDims());
+            REQUIRE(op->getOutput(0)->dims() == std::vector<std::size_t>({dim1}));
+            // input_1 - wrong
+            T1->resize({dim0+1,dim1});
+            REQUIRE_THROWS(op -> computeOutputDims());
+        }
+        SECTION("1-D / +2-D") {
+            // input_1 - right
+            const std::size_t dim1 = dist(gen);
+            const std::size_t dim2 = dist(gen);
+            const std::size_t dim3 = dist(gen);
+            T1->resize({dim1,dim2,dim0,dim3});
+            REQUIRE_NOTHROW(op -> computeOutputDims());
+            REQUIRE(op->getOutput(0)->dims() == std::vector<std::size_t>({dim1,dim2,dim3}));
+        }
+    }
+    SECTION("2-D / N-D") {
+        // input_0
+        std::shared_ptr<Tensor> T0 = std::make_shared<Tensor>();
+        const std::size_t dim0 = dist(gen);
+        const std::size_t dim1 = dist(gen);
+        T0->resize({dim0,dim1});
+        op -> associateInput(0,T0);
+        // input_1
+        std::shared_ptr<Tensor> T1 = std::make_shared<Tensor>();
+        op -> associateInput(1,T1);
+        SECTION("2-D / 1-D") {
+            // input_1 - right
+            T1->resize({dim1});
+            REQUIRE_NOTHROW(op -> computeOutputDims());
+            REQUIRE(op->getOutput(0)->dims() == std::vector<std::size_t>({dim0}));
+            // input_1 - wrong
+            T1->resize({dim1+1});
+            REQUIRE_THROWS(op -> computeOutputDims());
+        }
+        SECTION("2-D / 2-D") {
+            // input_1 - right
+            const std::size_t dim2 = dist(gen);
+            T1->resize({dim1, dim2});
+            REQUIRE_NOTHROW(op -> computeOutputDims());
+            REQUIRE(op->getOutput(0)->dims() == std::vector<std::size_t>({dim0,dim2}));
+            // input_1 - wrong
+            T1->resize({dim1+1,dim2});
+            REQUIRE_THROWS(op -> computeOutputDims());
+        }
+        SECTION("2-D / +2-D") {
+            // input_1 - right
+            const std::size_t dim2 = dist(gen);
+            const std::size_t dim3 = dist(gen);
+            const std::size_t dim4 = dist(gen);
+            T1->resize({dim3,dim4,dim1, dim2});
+            REQUIRE_NOTHROW(op -> computeOutputDims());
+            REQUIRE(op->getOutput(0)->dims() == std::vector<std::size_t>({dim3,dim4,dim0,dim2}));
+            // input_1 - wrong
+            T1->resize({dim3,dim4,dim1+1,dim2});
+            REQUIRE_THROWS(op -> computeOutputDims());
+        }
+    }
+    SECTION("+2-D / +2-D") {
+        // input_0
+        std::shared_ptr<Tensor> T0 = std::make_shared<Tensor>();
+        const std::size_t dim0 = dist(gen) + 1;
+        const std::size_t dim1 = 1;
+        const std::size_t dim2 = dist(gen);
+        const std::size_t dim3 = dist(gen);
+        T0->resize({dim0,dim1,dim2,dim3});
+        op -> associateInput(0,T0);
+        // input_1
+        std::shared_ptr<Tensor> T1 = std::make_shared<Tensor>();
+        op -> associateInput(1,T1);
+        // input_1 - right
+        // 1
+        const std::size_t dim5 = dist(gen);
+        T1->resize({dim0,dim1,dim3,dim5});
+        REQUIRE_NOTHROW(op -> computeOutputDims());
+        REQUIRE(op->getOutput(0)->dims() == std::vector<std::size_t>({dim0,dim1,dim2,dim5}));
+        // 2 - input_1 broadcast
+        T1->resize({1,dim1,dim3,dim5});
+        REQUIRE_NOTHROW(op -> computeOutputDims());
+        REQUIRE(op->getOutput(0)->dims() == std::vector<std::size_t>({dim0,dim1,dim2,dim5}));
+        // 3 - input_0 broadcast
+        const std::size_t dim1_bigger = dist(gen) + 1;
+        T1->resize({dim0,dim1_bigger,dim3,dim5});
+        REQUIRE_NOTHROW(op -> computeOutputDims());
+        REQUIRE(op->getOutput(0)->dims() == std::vector<std::size_t>({dim0,dim1_bigger,dim2,dim5}));
+        // 4 - input_0+input_1 broadcast
+        T1->resize({1,dim1_bigger,dim3,dim5});
+        REQUIRE_NOTHROW(op -> computeOutputDims());
+        REQUIRE(op->getOutput(0)->dims() == std::vector<std::size_t>({dim0,dim1_bigger,dim2,dim5}));
+        // input_1 - wrong
+        T1->resize({dim0+1,dim1,dim3,dim5});
+        REQUIRE_THROWS(op -> computeOutputDims());
+    }
+} // namespace Aidge
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