diff --git a/include/aidge/backend/cpu/operator/ReduceMeanImpl_forward_kernels.hpp b/include/aidge/backend/cpu/operator/ReduceMeanImpl_forward_kernels.hpp
index 810f8457db3d3b6e01c915945d63d082acd451fd..d92026152fa1f667fd7aae041efbedf1958ef35d 100644
--- a/include/aidge/backend/cpu/operator/ReduceMeanImpl_forward_kernels.hpp
+++ b/include/aidge/backend/cpu/operator/ReduceMeanImpl_forward_kernels.hpp
@@ -12,13 +12,15 @@
-#include "aidge/utils/Registrar.hpp"
-#include "aidge/operator/ReduceMean.hpp"
-#include "aidge/backend/cpu/operator/ReduceMeanImpl.hpp"
-#include <array>
 #include <cstddef>
 #include <algorithm>
+#include <numeric>     //std::accumulate
+#include <functional>  //std::multiplies
+#include "aidge/backend/cpu/operator/ReduceMeanImpl.hpp"
 #include "aidge/data/Data.hpp"
+#include "aidge/operator/ReduceMean.hpp"
+#include "aidge/utils/Registrar.hpp"
 namespace Aidge {
 template <class I, class O, DimSize_t DIM>
@@ -32,22 +34,19 @@ void ReduceMeanImpl_cpu_forward_kernel(const typename ReduceMean_Op<DIM>::Attrs&
     const DimSize_t keepDims = std::get<1>(attrs);
     // Calculate the total number of elements in the input array
-    size_t totalElements = 1;
-    for (size_t dimSize : inputDims) {
-        totalElements *= dimSize;
-    }
+    const std::size_t totalElements = std::accumulate(inputDims.cbegin(), inputDims.cend(), 1, std::multiplies<std::size_t>());
     // Create a temporary arrays to store intermediate input/output for each Reduce op
     std::vector<I> tempInArray(input, input + totalElements);
     std::vector<I> tempOutArray(input, input + totalElements);
-    std::vector<size_t> currentDims = inputDims;
+    std::vector<std::size_t> currentDims = inputDims;
     std::size_t addedElems = 0;
-    for(std::size_t i=0; i<DIM ; ++i)
+    for(std::size_t i = 0; i < DIM ; ++i)
 		addedElems = 0;
-		int axis_ = std::get<0>(attrs)[i];
-		std::size_t axis = axis_>=0? axis_: axis_ + inputDims.size();
+		const std::size_t axis = static_cast<std::size_t>(std::get<0>(attrs)[i]);
 		I* tempOutArrayPtr = tempOutArray.data();
@@ -68,7 +67,7 @@ void ReduceMeanImpl_cpu_forward_kernel(const typename ReduceMean_Op<DIM>::Attrs&
                 I mean = 0;
                 for(std::size_t l=0; l<currentDims[axis];l++)
-					size_t idx = j * (postAxisElems * currentDims[axis]) + l * postAxisElems + k;
+					std::size_t idx = j * (postAxisElems * currentDims[axis]) + l * postAxisElems + k;
 					mean += tempInArray[idx];
                 tempOutArrayPtr[addedElems] = mean / currentDims[axis];
@@ -83,7 +82,7 @@ void ReduceMeanImpl_cpu_forward_kernel(const typename ReduceMean_Op<DIM>::Attrs&
         else if (currentDims.size()>1)
-	std::copy_n(tempInArray.data(), addedElems, output);
+	std::copy_n(tempInArray.cbegin(), addedElems, output);
 namespace {
 // DIM = 1