diff --git a/include/aidge/backend/cpu.hpp b/include/aidge/backend/cpu.hpp
index 37a781c6c0b0a6cd5ec4553889d739b5d20cac2d..a4586edfd697472d7b6206fb3b36267f52f9e556 100644
--- a/include/aidge/backend/cpu.hpp
+++ b/include/aidge/backend/cpu.hpp
@@ -40,6 +40,7 @@
 #include "aidge/backend/cpu/operator/PowImpl.hpp"
 #include "aidge/backend/cpu/operator/ReduceMeanImpl.hpp"
 #include "aidge/backend/cpu/operator/ReduceSumImpl.hpp"
+#include "aidge/backend/cpu/operator/ResizeImpl.hpp"
 #include "aidge/backend/cpu/operator/ReLUImpl.hpp"
 #include "aidge/backend/cpu/operator/RoundImpl.hpp"
 #include "aidge/backend/cpu/operator/ScalingImpl.hpp"
diff --git a/include/aidge/backend/cpu/operator/ResizeImpl.hpp b/include/aidge/backend/cpu/operator/ResizeImpl.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2bf5c1e807c0b0a64ac0dd2d3ac87219ba6349df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/aidge/backend/cpu/operator/ResizeImpl.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2023 CEA-List
+ *
+ * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
+ * terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at
+ * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-2.0.
+ *
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
+ *
+ ********************************************************************************/
+#include "aidge/backend/cpu/operator/OperatorImpl.hpp"
+#include "aidge/operator/Resize.hpp"
+#include "aidge/utils/Registrar.hpp"
+#include <aidge/data/Interpolation.hpp>
+#include <aidge/operator/Pad.hpp>
+#include <cstdint>
+namespace Aidge {
+// Operator implementation entry point for the backend
+using ResizeImpl_cpu = OperatorImpl_cpu<
+    Resize_Op,
+    void(const void *,                                  // input
+         const std::vector<DimSize_t> &,                // INput dims
+         const std::vector<DimSize_t> &,                // OUTput dims
+         const Interpolation::CoordinateTransformation, // coord transfo
+         const Interpolation::Mode,                     // interpolation mode
+         const PadBorderType,                           // padding mode
+         void *)>;                                      // output
+// Implementation entry point registration to Operator
+REGISTRAR(Resize_Op, "cpu", Aidge::ResizeImpl_cpu::create);
+} // namespace Aidge
diff --git a/include/aidge/backend/cpu/operator/ResizeImpl_kernels.hpp b/include/aidge/backend/cpu/operator/ResizeImpl_kernels.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..aac3dc64618c852423b350b90a4632345c258f72
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/aidge/backend/cpu/operator/ResizeImpl_kernels.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2023 CEA-List
+ *
+ * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
+ * terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at
+ * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-2.0.
+ *
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
+ *
+ ********************************************************************************/
+#include "aidge/backend/cpu/operator/ResizeImpl.hpp"
+#include <aidge/data/Data.hpp>
+#include <aidge/data/half.hpp>
+#include <aidge/operator/Pad.hpp>
+#include <cmath>
+#include <cstdint>
+#include <numeric>
+#include "aidge/backend/cpu/data/Interpolation.hpp"
+#include "aidge/data/Interpolation.hpp"
+#include "aidge/data/Tensor.hpp"
+#include "aidge/utils/Registrar.hpp"
+#include "aidge/utils/Types.h"
+namespace Aidge {
+template <typename IO>
+void ResizeImpl_cpu_forward_kernel(
+    const void *input_,
+    const std::vector<DimSize_t> &inputDims,
+    const std::vector<DimSize_t> &outputDims,
+    const Interpolation::CoordinateTransformation coordTransfoMode,
+    const Interpolation::Mode interpMode,
+    const PadBorderType paddingMode,
+    // const double * /*roi*/,
+    // const float * /*scales*/,
+    // const int64_t * /*sizes*/,
+    void *output_) {
+    // Seting a data
+    const IO *input = static_cast<const IO *>(input_);
+    IO *output = static_cast<IO *>(output_);
+    DimSize_t outputLen = std::accumulate(outputDims.begin(),
+                                          outputDims.end(),
+                                          1,
+                                          std::multiplies<DimSize_t>());
+    std::vector<float> coordInApprox;
+    std::vector<DimSize_t> coordOut;
+    for (DimSize_t idxFlatOut = 0; idxFlatOut < outputLen; ++idxFlatOut) {
+        coordOut = Tensor::getCoord(outputDims, idxFlatOut);
+        coordInApprox =
+            Interpolation::untransformCoordinates(coordOut,
+                                                  inputDims,
+                                                  outputDims,
+                                                  coordTransfoMode);
+        std::set<Interpolation::Point<IO>> neighbours =
+            InterpolationCPU::retrieveNeighbours(input,
+                                                 inputDims,
+                                                 coordInApprox,
+                                                 paddingMode);
+        output[idxFlatOut] = InterpolationCPU::interpolate(coordInApprox,
+                                                           neighbours,
+                                                           interpMode);
+    }
+    return;
+// Kernels registration to implementation entry point
+          {{{DataType::Int16},
+            {DataType::Float32},
+            {DataType::Float32},
+            {DataType::Int64}},
+           {DataType::Int16}},
+          {ProdConso::inPlaceModel,
+           ResizeImpl_cpu_forward_kernel<int16_t>,
+           nullptr});
+          {{{DataType::Int32},
+            {DataType::Float32},
+            {DataType::Float32},
+            {DataType::Int64}},
+           {DataType::Int32}},
+          {ProdConso::inPlaceModel,
+           ResizeImpl_cpu_forward_kernel<int32_t>,
+           nullptr});
+          {{{DataType::Int64},
+            {DataType::Float32},
+            {DataType::Float32},
+            {DataType::Int64}},
+           {DataType::Int64}},
+          {ProdConso::inPlaceModel,
+           ResizeImpl_cpu_forward_kernel<int64_t>,
+           nullptr});
+          {{{DataType::Float16},
+            {DataType::Float32},
+            {DataType::Float32},
+            {DataType::Int64}},
+           {DataType::Float16}},
+          {ProdConso::inPlaceModel,
+           ResizeImpl_cpu_forward_kernel<half_float::half>,
+           nullptr});
+          {{{DataType::Float32},
+            {DataType::Float32},
+            {DataType::Float32},
+            {DataType::Int64}},
+           {DataType::Float32}},
+          {ProdConso::inPlaceModel,
+           ResizeImpl_cpu_forward_kernel<float>,
+           nullptr});
+          {{{DataType::Float64},
+            {DataType::Float32},
+            {DataType::Float32},
+            {DataType::Int64}},
+           {DataType::Float64}},
+          {ProdConso::inPlaceModel,
+           ResizeImpl_cpu_forward_kernel<double>,
+           nullptr});
+} // namespace Aidge
diff --git a/src/operator/ResizeImpl.cpp b/src/operator/ResizeImpl.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..38e3639312879ed75dac13fd5ed1226620e0cbd9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/operator/ResizeImpl.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2023 CEA-List
+ *
+ * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
+ * terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at
+ * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-2.0.
+ *
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
+ *
+ ********************************************************************************/
+#include "aidge/backend/cpu/operator/ResizeImpl.hpp"
+#include "aidge/backend/cpu/operator/ResizeImpl_kernels.hpp"
+#include "aidge/operator/Resize.hpp"
+#include <cassert>
+#include <cstdint>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include "aidge/backend/OperatorImpl.hpp"
+#include "aidge/utils/ErrorHandling.hpp"
+namespace Aidge {
+template <> void ResizeImpl_cpu::forward() {
+    auto &op = dynamic_cast<const Resize_Op &>(mOp);
+    /** @brief input #0 */
+    int8_t idxData = 0;
+    const bool input0DataPresent =
+        op.getInput(idxData) && !op.getInput(idxData)->undefined();
+    ///////////////////////////////////////
+    AIDGE_ASSERT(input0DataPresent, "{}: missing data input #0", op.type());
+    ///////////////////////////////////////
+    const auto impl =
+        Registrar<ResizeImpl_cpu>::create(getBestMatch(getRequiredSpec()));
+    impl.forward(op.getInput(idxData)->getImpl()->rawPtr(),
+                 op.getInput(idxData)->dims(),
+                 op.getOutput(0)->dims(),
+                 op.coordinateTransformationMode(),
+                 op.interpolationMode(),
+                 op.paddingMode(),
+                 op.getOutput(0)->getImpl()->rawPtr() // output pointer
+    );
+template <> void Aidge::ResizeImpl_cpu::backward() {
+        std::runtime_error,
+        "Backward not yet implemented for Slice_Op on backend cpu");
+} // namespace Aidge
diff --git a/unit_tests/operator/Test_ResizeImpl.cpp b/unit_tests/operator/Test_ResizeImpl.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b007316274684108c52b3c2fa7927018a6cdd1e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/unit_tests/operator/Test_ResizeImpl.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,261 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2023 CEA-List
+ *
+ * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
+ * terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at
+ * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-2.0.
+ *
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
+ *
+ ********************************************************************************/
+#include <aidge/data/Data.hpp>
+#include <aidge/data/Interpolation.hpp>
+#include <aidge/data/half.hpp>
+#include <aidge/operator/Pad.hpp>
+#include <aidge/utils/ArrayHelpers.hpp>
+#include <catch2/catch_test_macros.hpp>
+#include <cstdint>
+#include <memory>
+#include "aidge/data/Tensor.hpp"
+#include "aidge/operator/OperatorTensor.hpp"
+#include "aidge/operator/Resize.hpp"
+#include "aidge/utils/TensorUtils.hpp"
+namespace Aidge {
+void setupTestResize(std::shared_ptr<Resize_Op> op,
+                     Interpolation::Mode interpMode,
+                     Interpolation::CoordinateTransformation coordTransfoMode,
+                     PadBorderType paddingMode,
+                     std::shared_ptr<Tensor> input,
+                     std::shared_ptr<Tensor> roi,
+                     std::shared_ptr<Tensor> scales,
+                     std::shared_ptr<Tensor> sizes) {
+    ////////////////////////////////////
+    // attributes
+    op->interpolationMode() = interpMode;
+    op->coordinateTransformationMode() = coordTransfoMode;
+    op->paddingMode() = paddingMode;
+    ////////////////////////////////////
+    // op backend & inputs
+    op->setBackend("cpu");
+    input->setBackend("cpu");
+    op->associateInput(0, input);
+    if (scales != nullptr) {
+        scales->setBackend("cpu");
+        op->associateInput(2, scales);
+        if (roi != nullptr) {
+            roi->setBackend("cpu");
+            op->associateInput(1, roi);
+        }
+    } else if (sizes != nullptr) {
+        sizes->setBackend("cpu");
+        op->associateInput(3, sizes);
+    } else {
+        Log::warn("Test Resize Impl : Neither scales nor sizes provided. test "
+                  "is excpected to crash.");
+    }
+TEST_CASE("[cpu/operator] Resize(forward)", "[Resize][CPU]") {
+    Log::setConsoleLevel(Log::Level::Debug);
+    std::shared_ptr<Node> node = Resize();
+    auto op = std::static_pointer_cast<Resize_Op>(node->getOperator());
+    std::shared_ptr<Tensor> input;
+    std::shared_ptr<Tensor> roi;
+    std::shared_ptr<Tensor> scales;
+    std::shared_ptr<Tensor> sizes;
+    std::shared_ptr<Tensor> expectedOutput;
+    SECTION("1-sized input tensor (upscaling)") {
+        setupTestResize(
+            op,
+            Interpolation::Linear,
+            Interpolation::CoordinateTransformation::HalfPixel,
+            PadBorderType::Nearest,
+            std::make_shared<Tensor>(
+                Array4D<float, 1, 1, 1, 1>{{{{{0.417022}}}}}),
+            nullptr,
+            nullptr,
+            std::make_shared<Tensor>(Array1D<int64_t, 4>{1, 1, 2, 2}));
+        op->setDataType(DataType::Float32);
+        op->forwardDims(true);
+        op->forward();
+        expectedOutput = std::make_shared<Tensor>(Array4D<float, 1, 1, 2, 2>{
+            {{{{0.417022, 0.417022}, {0.417022, 0.417022}}}}});
+        op->getOutput(0)->print();
+        CHECK(approxEq<float>(*op->getOutput(0), *expectedOutput) == true);
+    }
+    SECTION("Upscaling from 5x5 to 10x10 (linear)") {
+        setupTestResize(
+            op,
+            Interpolation::Linear,
+            Interpolation::Asymmetric,
+            PadBorderType::Nearest,
+            std::make_shared<Tensor>(
+                Array4D<float, 1, 1, 5, 5>{{{{{7.20324516e-01,
+                                               1.14374816e-04,
+                                               3.02332580e-01,
+                                               1.46755889e-01,
+                                               9.23385918e-02},
+                                              {1.86260208e-01,
+                                               3.45560730e-01,
+                                               3.96767467e-01,
+                                               5.38816750e-01,
+                                               4.19194520e-01},
+                                              {6.85219526e-01,
+                                               2.04452246e-01,
+                                               8.78117442e-01,
+                                               2.73875929e-02,
+                                               6.70467496e-01},
+                                              {4.17304814e-01,
+                                               5.58689833e-01,
+                                               1.40386939e-01,
+                                               1.98101491e-01,
+                                               8.00744593e-01},
+                                              {9.68261600e-01,
+                                               3.13424170e-01,
+                                               6.92322612e-01,
+                                               8.76389146e-01,
+                                               8.94606650e-01}}}}}
+                ),
+            nullptr,
+            nullptr,
+            std::make_shared<Tensor>(Array1D<int64_t, 4>{1, 1, 10, 10}));
+        op->setDataType(DataType::Float32);
+        op->forwardDims(true);
+        op->forward();
+        expectedOutput = std::make_shared<Tensor>(
+            Array4D<float, 1, 1, 10, 10>{{{{{7.20324516e-01,
+                                             3.60219449e-01,
+                                             1.14374816e-04,
+                                             1.51223481e-01,
+                                             3.02332580e-01,
+                                             2.24544227e-01,
+                                             1.46755889e-01,
+                                             1.19547240e-01,
+                                             9.23385918e-02,
+                                             9.23385918e-02},
+                                            {4.53292370e-01,
+                                             3.13064963e-01,
+                                             1.72837555e-01,
+                                             2.61193782e-01,
+                                             3.49550009e-01,
+                                             3.46168160e-01,
+                                             3.42786312e-01,
+                                             2.99276441e-01,
+                                             2.55766571e-01,
+                                             2.55766571e-01},
+                                            {1.86260208e-01,
+                                             2.65910476e-01,
+                                             3.45560730e-01,
+                                             3.71164083e-01,
+                                             3.96767467e-01,
+                                             4.67792094e-01,
+                                             5.38816750e-01,
+                                             4.79005635e-01,
+                                             4.19194520e-01,
+                                             4.19194520e-01},
+                                            {4.35739875e-01,
+                                             3.55373204e-01,
+                                             2.75006473e-01,
+                                             4.56224471e-01,
+                                             6.37442470e-01,
+                                             4.60272312e-01,
+                                             2.83102185e-01,
+                                             4.13966596e-01,
+                                             5.44831038e-01,
+                                             5.44831038e-01},
+                                            {6.85219526e-01,
+                                             4.44835901e-01,
+                                             2.04452246e-01,
+                                             5.41284859e-01,
+                                             8.78117442e-01,
+                                             4.52752531e-01,
+                                             2.73875929e-02,
+                                             3.48927557e-01,
+                                             6.70467496e-01,
+                                             6.70467496e-01},
+                                            {5.51262140e-01,
+                                             4.66416597e-01,
+                                             3.81571054e-01,
+                                             4.45411623e-01,
+                                             5.09252191e-01,
+                                             3.10998380e-01,
+                                             1.12744540e-01,
+                                             4.24175322e-01,
+                                             7.35606015e-01,
+                                             7.35606015e-01},
+                                            {4.17304814e-01,
+                                             4.87997323e-01,
+                                             5.58689833e-01,
+                                             3.49538386e-01,
+                                             1.40386939e-01,
+                                             1.69244215e-01,
+                                             1.98101491e-01,
+                                             4.99423027e-01,
+                                             8.00744593e-01,
+                                             8.00744593e-01},
+                                            {6.92783237e-01,
+                                             5.64420104e-01,
+                                             4.36057001e-01,
+                                             4.26205903e-01,
+                                             4.16354775e-01,
+                                             4.76800054e-01,
+                                             5.37245333e-01,
+                                             6.92460477e-01,
+                                             8.47675622e-01,
+                                             8.47675622e-01},
+                                            {9.68261600e-01,
+                                             6.40842915e-01,
+                                             3.13424170e-01,
+                                             5.02873421e-01,
+                                             6.92322612e-01,
+                                             7.84355879e-01,
+                                             8.76389146e-01,
+                                             8.85497928e-01,
+                                             8.94606650e-01,
+                                             8.94606650e-01},
+                                            {9.68261600e-01,
+                                             6.40842915e-01,
+                                             3.13424170e-01,
+                                             5.02873421e-01,
+                                             6.92322612e-01,
+                                             7.84355879e-01,
+                                             8.76389146e-01,
+                                             8.85497928e-01,
+                                             8.94606650e-01,
+                                             8.94606650e-01}}}}});
+        Log::notice("Expected result : dims = {}", expectedOutput->dims());
+        expectedOutput->print();
+        Log::notice("\nActual result: dims = {}", op->getOutput(0)->dims());
+        op->getOutput(0)->print();
+        CHECK(approxEq<float>(*op->getOutput(0),
+                              *expectedOutput,
+                              1e-5f,
+                              1e-5f) == true);
+    }
+} // namespace Aidge