From 3585572a7a849a92233b15ec7db4660df701aeac Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Olivier BICHLER <>
Date: Wed, 4 Oct 2023 12:25:40 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Updated missing changes

 .../AvgPoolingImpl_forward_kernels.hpp        | 22 +++---
 .../BatchNormImpl_forward_kernels.hpp         | 12 ++--
 .../ConvDepthWiseImpl_forward_kernels.hpp     | 48 ++++++-------
 .../cpu/operator/ConvImpl_forward_kernels.hpp | 70 +++++++++----------
 .../cpu/operator/FCImpl_forward_kernels.hpp   | 36 +++++-----
 .../LeakyReLUImpl_forward_kernels.hpp         |  4 +-
 .../backend/cpu/operator/ScalingImpl.hpp      |  4 +-
 .../operator/ScalingImpl_forward_kernels.hpp  |  4 +-
 8 files changed, 100 insertions(+), 100 deletions(-)

diff --git a/include/aidge/backend/cpu/operator/AvgPoolingImpl_forward_kernels.hpp b/include/aidge/backend/cpu/operator/AvgPoolingImpl_forward_kernels.hpp
index 5e9104d6..3c6ec4ca 100644
--- a/include/aidge/backend/cpu/operator/AvgPoolingImpl_forward_kernels.hpp
+++ b/include/aidge/backend/cpu/operator/AvgPoolingImpl_forward_kernels.hpp
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ namespace Aidge {
  * @param output_ Output Tensor.
 template <class I, class O>
-void AvgPoolingImpl2D_cpu_forward_kernel(const AvgPooling_Op<2>::Attrs &params,
+void AvgPoolingImpl2D_cpu_forward_kernel(const AvgPooling_Op<2>::Attrs &attrs,
                                              const std::array<DimSize_t, 4> &dims,
                                              const void *input_,
                                              void *output_) {
@@ -43,12 +43,12 @@ void AvgPoolingImpl2D_cpu_forward_kernel(const AvgPooling_Op<2>::Attrs &params,
     // output H size
     const std::size_t oxSize =
-            static_cast<std::size_t>(std::floor(static_cast<float>(dims[2] + std::get<2>(params)[0] + std::get<2>(params)[2] - std::get<1>(params)[0] + std::get<0>(params)[0]) /
-                                static_cast<float>(std::get<0>(params)[0])));
+            static_cast<std::size_t>(std::floor(static_cast<float>(dims[2] + std::get<2>(attrs)[0] + std::get<2>(attrs)[2] - std::get<1>(attrs)[0] + std::get<0>(attrs)[0]) /
+                                static_cast<float>(std::get<0>(attrs)[0])));
     // output W size
     const std::size_t oySize =
-            static_cast<std::size_t>(std::floor(static_cast<float>(dims[3] + std::get<2>(params)[1] + std::get<2>(params)[3] - std::get<1>(params)[1] + std::get<0>(params)[1]) /
-                                static_cast<float>(std::get<0>(params)[1])));
+            static_cast<std::size_t>(std::floor(static_cast<float>(dims[3] + std::get<2>(attrs)[1] + std::get<2>(attrs)[3] - std::get<1>(attrs)[1] + std::get<0>(attrs)/
+                                static_cast<float>(std::get<0>(attrs)[1])));
     // TODO: kernel computation
     // output (batch, outCh, Xout, Yout)
@@ -61,16 +61,16 @@ void AvgPoolingImpl2D_cpu_forward_kernel(const AvgPooling_Op<2>::Attrs &params,
             const std::size_t oIndex = (ch + batch*dims[1]) * oxSize * oySize;
             const std::size_t iIndex = (ch + batch*dims[1]) * dims[2] * dims[3];
             for (std::size_t ox = 0; ox < oxSize; ++ox) {
-                const signedsize difx = static_cast<signedsize>(std::get<2>(params)[0] - ox * std::get<0>(params)[0]);
+                const signedsize difx = static_cast<signedsize>(std::get<2>(attrs)[0] - ox * std::get<0>(attrs)[0]);
                 const std::size_t sxMin = static_cast<std::size_t>(std::max(difx, signedsize(0)));
-                const std::size_t sxMax = (static_cast<signedsize>(dims[2]) + difx) < 0 ? 0 : ((dims[2] + difx) > std::get<1>(params)[0] ? std::get<1>(params)[0] : dims[2] + difx);
+                const std::size_t sxMax = (static_cast<signedsize>(dims[2]) + difx) < 0 ? 0 : ((dims[2] + difx) > std::get<1>(attrs)[0] ? std::get<1>(attrs)[0] : dims[2] + difx);
                 for (std::size_t oy = 0; oy < oySize; ++oy) {
-                    const signedsize dify = static_cast<signedsize>(std::get<2>(params)[1] - oy * std::get<0>(params)[1]);
+                    const signedsize dify = static_cast<signedsize>(std::get<2>(attrs)[1] - oy * std::get<0>(attrs)[1]);
                     const std::size_t syMin = static_cast<std::size_t>(std::max(dify, signedsize(0)));
-                    const std::size_t syMax = (static_cast<signedsize>(dims[3]) + dify) < 0 ? 0 : ((dims[3] + dify) > std::get<1>(params)[1] ? std::get<1>(params)[1] : dims[3] + dify);
+                    const std::size_t syMax = (static_cast<signedsize>(dims[3]) + dify) < 0 ? 0 : ((dims[3] + dify) > std::get<1>(attrs)[1] ? std::get<1>(attrs)[1] : dims[3] + dify);
                     const std::size_t oIndexFull = oIndex + ox*oySize + oy;
-                    const std::size_t ix = ox * std::get<0>(params)[0];
-                    const std::size_t iy = oy * std::get<0>(params)[1];
+                    const std::size_t ix = ox * std::get<0>(attrs)[0];
+                    const std::size_t iy = oy * std::get<0>(attrs)[1];
                     if (sxMin == 0 && syMin == 0 && sxMax == 3 && syMax == 3) {
                         output[oIndexFull] += static_cast<O>(
diff --git a/include/aidge/backend/cpu/operator/BatchNormImpl_forward_kernels.hpp b/include/aidge/backend/cpu/operator/BatchNormImpl_forward_kernels.hpp
index e46348f9..486829e7 100644
--- a/include/aidge/backend/cpu/operator/BatchNormImpl_forward_kernels.hpp
+++ b/include/aidge/backend/cpu/operator/BatchNormImpl_forward_kernels.hpp
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ namespace Aidge {
  * @param output_ Output Tensor.
 template <class I, class P, class O>
-void BatchNormImpl2D_cpu_forward_kernel(const BatchNorm_Op<2>::Attrs &params, const std::array<DimSize_t, 4> &dims,
+void BatchNormImpl2D_cpu_forward_kernel(const BatchNorm_Op<2>::Attrs &attrs, const std::array<DimSize_t, 4> &dims,
                                        const void *input_, const void *scale_, const void *shift_, void *batchMean_, void *batchVar_, void *output_, const bool freeze) {
     // FIXME: missing convolution attributes as arguments
     const I *input = static_cast<const I *>(input_);
@@ -52,12 +52,12 @@ void BatchNormImpl2D_cpu_forward_kernel(const BatchNorm_Op<2>::Attrs &params, co
     const DimSize_t featureMapSize = dims[2]*dims[3];
-    if ((freeze == true) || (std::get<1>(params) == 0.0f)) {
+    if ((freeze == true) || (std::get<1>(attrs) == 0.0f)) {
         for (std::size_t batch = 0; batch < nbBatch; ++batch) {
             for (std::size_t ch = 0; ch < nbChannels; ++ch) {
                 const std::size_t ioIndex = (ch + batch*nbChannels) * featureMapSize;
                 std::fill(output + ioIndex, output + ioIndex + featureMapSize, shift[ch]);
-                const P var = std::sqrt(batchVar[ch] + static_cast<P>(std::get<0>(params)));
+                const P var = std::sqrt(batchVar[ch] + static_cast<P>(std::get<0>(attrs)));
                 for (std::size_t feature = 0; feature<featureMapSize; ++feature) {
                     output[ioIndex + feature] += scale[ch] * (input[ioIndex + feature]-batchMean[ch]) / var;
@@ -81,10 +81,10 @@ void BatchNormImpl2D_cpu_forward_kernel(const BatchNorm_Op<2>::Attrs &params, co
             const I inputMean = sum / static_cast<I>(nbDataPerChannel);
             const I inputVar = sumSquare / static_cast<I>(nbDataPerChannel)  - inputMean*inputMean;
-            batchMean[ch] = batchMean[ch]*(1-std::get<1>(params)) + inputMean*std::get<1>(params);
-            batchVar[ch] = batchVar[ch]*(1-std::get<1>(params)) + inputVar*(static_cast<I>(nbDataPerChannel)/static_cast<I>(nbDataPerChannel-1))*std::get<1>(params);
+            batchMean[ch] = batchMean[ch]*(1-std::get<1>(attrs)) + inputMean*std::get<1>(attrs);
+            batchVar[ch] = batchVar[ch]*(1-std::get<1>(attrs)) + inputVar*(static_cast<I>(nbDataPerChannel)/static_cast<I>(nbDataPerChannel-1))*std::get<1>(attrs);
-            const P var = std::sqrt(inputVar + static_cast<P>(std::get<0>(params)));
+            const P var = std::sqrt(inputVar + static_cast<P>(std::get<0>(attrs)));
             for (std::size_t batch = 0; batch < nbBatch; ++batch) {
                 const std::size_t ioIndex = (ch + batch*nbChannels) * featureMapSize;
                 for (std::size_t feature = 0; feature<featureMapSize; ++feature) {
diff --git a/include/aidge/backend/cpu/operator/ConvDepthWiseImpl_forward_kernels.hpp b/include/aidge/backend/cpu/operator/ConvDepthWiseImpl_forward_kernels.hpp
index 885115d5..669bdbc8 100644
--- a/include/aidge/backend/cpu/operator/ConvDepthWiseImpl_forward_kernels.hpp
+++ b/include/aidge/backend/cpu/operator/ConvDepthWiseImpl_forward_kernels.hpp
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ namespace Aidge {
  * @param output_ Output Tensor.
 template <class I, class W, class B, class O>
-void ConvDepthWiseImpl2D_cpu_forward_kernel(const ConvDepthWise_Op<2>::Attrs &params, const std::array<DimSize_t, 4> &dims,
+void ConvDepthWiseImpl2D_cpu_forward_kernel(const ConvDepthWise_Op<2>::Attrs &attrs, const std::array<DimSize_t, 4> &dims,
                                        const void *input_, const void *weights_, const void *biases_, void *output_) {
     // FIXME: missing convolution attributes as arguments
     const I *input = static_cast<const I *>(input_);
@@ -46,12 +46,12 @@ void ConvDepthWiseImpl2D_cpu_forward_kernel(const ConvDepthWise_Op<2>::Attrs &pa
     // output H size
     const std::size_t oxSize =
-            static_cast<std::size_t>(std::floor(static_cast<float>(dims[2] + std::get<4>(params)[0] + std::get<4>(params)[2] - std::get<3>(params)[0] + std::get<0>(params)[0]) /
-                                static_cast<float>(std::get<0>(params)[0])));
+            static_cast<std::size_t>(std::floor(static_cast<float>(dims[2] + std::get<4>(attrs)[0] + std::get<4>(attrs)[2] - std::get<3>(attrs)[0] + std::get<0>(attrs)[0]) /
+                                static_cast<float>(std::get<0>(attrs)[0])));
     // output W size
     const std::size_t oySize =
-            static_cast<std::size_t>(std::floor(static_cast<float>(dims[3] + std::get<4>(params)[1] + std::get<4>(params)[3] - std::get<3>(params)[1] + std::get<0>(params)[1]) /
-                                static_cast<float>(std::get<0>(params)[1])));
+            static_cast<std::size_t>(std::floor(static_cast<float>(dims[3] + std::get<4>(attrs)[1] + std::get<4>(attrs)[3] - std::get<3>(attrs)[1] + std::get<0>(attrs)[1]) /
+                                static_cast<float>(std::get<0>(attrs)[1])));
     // TODO: kernel computation
     // output (batch, outCh, Xout, Yout)
@@ -60,38 +60,38 @@ void ConvDepthWiseImpl2D_cpu_forward_kernel(const ConvDepthWise_Op<2>::Attrs &pa
     // does not take Dilation attribute into account
     using signedsize = std::make_signed<std::size_t>::type;
     for (std::size_t batch = 0; batch < dims[0]; ++batch) {
-        for (std::size_t ch = 0; ch < std::get<2>(params); ++ch) {
-            const std::size_t oIndex = (ch + batch*std::get<2>(params)) * oxSize * oySize;
+        for (std::size_t ch = 0; ch < std::get<2>(attrs); ++ch) {
+            const std::size_t oIndex = (ch + batch*std::get<2>(attrs)) * oxSize * oySize;
             B biasVal = (biases != nullptr) ? biases[ch] : B(0);
             std::fill(output + oIndex, output+(oIndex+oxSize*oySize), biasVal);
             const std::size_t iIndex = (ch + batch*dims[1]) * dims[2] * dims[3];
-            const std::size_t wIndex = ch * std::get<3>(params)[0] * std::get<3>(params)[1];
+            const std::size_t wIndex = ch * std::get<3>(attrs)[0] * std::get<3>(attrs)[1];
             for (std::size_t ox = 0; ox < oxSize; ++ox) {
-                const signedsize difx = static_cast<signedsize>(std::get<4>(params)[0] - ox * std::get<0>(params)[0]);
+                const signedsize difx = static_cast<signedsize>(std::get<4>(attrs)[0] - ox * std::get<0>(attrs)[0]);
                 const std::size_t sxMin = static_cast<std::size_t>(std::max(difx, signedsize(0)));
-                const std::size_t sxMax = (static_cast<signedsize>(dims[2]) + difx) < 0 ? 0 : ((dims[2] + difx) > std::get<3>(params)[0] ? std::get<3>(params)[0] : dims[2] + difx);
+                const std::size_t sxMax = (static_cast<signedsize>(dims[2]) + difx) < 0 ? 0 : ((dims[2] + difx) > std::get<3>(attrs)[0] ? std::get<3>(attrs)[0] : dims[2] + difx);
                 for (std::size_t oy = 0; oy < oySize; ++oy) {
-                    const signedsize dify = static_cast<signedsize>(std::get<4>(params)[1] - oy * std::get<0>(params)[1]);
+                    const signedsize dify = static_cast<signedsize>(std::get<4>(attrs)[1] - oy * std::get<0>(attrs)[1]);
                     const std::size_t syMin = static_cast<std::size_t>(std::max(dify, signedsize(0)));
-                    const std::size_t syMax = (static_cast<signedsize>(dims[3]) + dify) < 0 ? 0 : ((dims[3] + dify) > std::get<3>(params)[1] ? std::get<3>(params)[1] : dims[3] + dify);
+                    const std::size_t syMax = (static_cast<signedsize>(dims[3]) + dify) < 0 ? 0 : ((dims[3] + dify) > std::get<3>(attrs)[1] ? std::get<3>(attrs)[1] : dims[3] + dify);
                     const std::size_t oIndexFull = oIndex + ox*oySize + oy;
-                    const signedsize ix = static_cast<signedsize>(ox * std::get<0>(params)[0]) - std::get<4>(params)[0];
-                    const signedsize iy = static_cast<signedsize>(oy * std::get<0>(params)[1]) - std::get<4>(params)[1];
+                    const signedsize ix = static_cast<signedsize>(ox * std::get<0>(attrs)[0]) - std::get<4>(attrs)[0];
+                    const signedsize iy = static_cast<signedsize>(oy * std::get<0>(attrs)[1]) - std::get<4>(attrs)[1];
                     if (sxMin == 0 && syMin == 0 && sxMax == 3 && syMax == 3) {
-                        output[oIndexFull] +=  (weights[wIndex + 0*std::get<3>(params)[1] + 0] * input[iIndex + static_cast<std::size_t>(ix+0)*dims[3] + static_cast<std::size_t>(iy+0)] +
-                                                weights[wIndex + 0*std::get<3>(params)[1] + 1] * input[iIndex + static_cast<std::size_t>(ix+0)*dims[3] + static_cast<std::size_t>(iy+1)] +
-                                                weights[wIndex + 0*std::get<3>(params)[1] + 2] * input[iIndex + static_cast<std::size_t>(ix+0)*dims[3] + static_cast<std::size_t>(iy+2)] +
-                                                weights[wIndex + 1*std::get<3>(params)[1] + 0] * input[iIndex + static_cast<std::size_t>(ix+1)*dims[3] + static_cast<std::size_t>(iy+0)] +
-                                                weights[wIndex + 1*std::get<3>(params)[1] + 1] * input[iIndex + static_cast<std::size_t>(ix+1)*dims[3] + static_cast<std::size_t>(iy+1)] +
-                                                weights[wIndex + 1*std::get<3>(params)[1] + 2] * input[iIndex + static_cast<std::size_t>(ix+1)*dims[3] + static_cast<std::size_t>(iy+2)] +
-                                                weights[wIndex + 2*std::get<3>(params)[1] + 0] * input[iIndex + static_cast<std::size_t>(ix+2)*dims[3] + static_cast<std::size_t>(iy+0)] +
-                                                weights[wIndex + 2*std::get<3>(params)[1] + 1] * input[iIndex + static_cast<std::size_t>(ix+2)*dims[3] + static_cast<std::size_t>(iy+1)] +
-                                                weights[wIndex + 2*std::get<3>(params)[1] + 2] * input[iIndex + static_cast<std::size_t>(ix+2)*dims[3] + static_cast<std::size_t>(iy+2)]);
+                        output[oIndexFull] +=  (weights[wIndex + 0*std::get<3>(attrs)[1] + 0] * input[iIndex + static_cast<std::size_t>(ix+0)*dims[3] + static_cast<std::size_t>(iy+0)] +
+                                                weights[wIndex + 0*std::get<3>(attrs)[1] + 1] * input[iIndex + static_cast<std::size_t>(ix+0)*dims[3] + static_cast<std::size_t>(iy+1)] +
+                                                weights[wIndex + 0*std::get<3>(attrs)[1] + 2] * input[iIndex + static_cast<std::size_t>(ix+0)*dims[3] + static_cast<std::size_t>(iy+2)] +
+                                                weights[wIndex + 1*std::get<3>(attrs)[1] + 0] * input[iIndex + static_cast<std::size_t>(ix+1)*dims[3] + static_cast<std::size_t>(iy+0)] +
+                                                weights[wIndex + 1*std::get<3>(attrs)[1] + 1] * input[iIndex + static_cast<std::size_t>(ix+1)*dims[3] + static_cast<std::size_t>(iy+1)] +
+                                                weights[wIndex + 1*std::get<3>(attrs)[1] + 2] * input[iIndex + static_cast<std::size_t>(ix+1)*dims[3] + static_cast<std::size_t>(iy+2)] +
+                                                weights[wIndex + 2*std::get<3>(attrs)[1] + 0] * input[iIndex + static_cast<std::size_t>(ix+2)*dims[3] + static_cast<std::size_t>(iy+0)] +
+                                                weights[wIndex + 2*std::get<3>(attrs)[1] + 1] * input[iIndex + static_cast<std::size_t>(ix+2)*dims[3] + static_cast<std::size_t>(iy+1)] +
+                                                weights[wIndex + 2*std::get<3>(attrs)[1] + 2] * input[iIndex + static_cast<std::size_t>(ix+2)*dims[3] + static_cast<std::size_t>(iy+2)]);
                     } else {
                         for (std::size_t sx = sxMin; sx < sxMax; ++sx) {
                             for (std::size_t sy = syMin; sy < syMax; ++sy) {
-                                output[oIndexFull] += weights[wIndex + sx*std::get<3>(params)[1] + sy] *
+                                output[oIndexFull] += weights[wIndex + sx*std::get<3>(attrs)[1] + sy] *
                                                         input[iIndex + static_cast<std::size_t>(ix+static_cast<signedsize>(sx))*dims[3] + static_cast<std::size_t>(iy+static_cast<signedsize>(sy))];
diff --git a/include/aidge/backend/cpu/operator/ConvImpl_forward_kernels.hpp b/include/aidge/backend/cpu/operator/ConvImpl_forward_kernels.hpp
index 5594927e..9d4d6dfd 100644
--- a/include/aidge/backend/cpu/operator/ConvImpl_forward_kernels.hpp
+++ b/include/aidge/backend/cpu/operator/ConvImpl_forward_kernels.hpp
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ namespace Aidge {
  * @param output_ Output Tensor.
 template <class I, class W, class B, class O>
-void ConvImpl2D_cpu_forward_kernel(const Conv_Op<2>::Attrs &params, const std::array<DimSize_t, 4> &dims,
+void ConvImpl2D_cpu_forward_kernel(const Conv_Op<2>::Attrs &attrs, const std::array<DimSize_t, 4> &dims,
                                        const void *input_, const void *weights_, const void *biases_, void *output_) {
     // FIXME: missing convolution attributes as arguments
     const I *input = static_cast<const I *>(input_);
@@ -45,12 +45,12 @@ void ConvImpl2D_cpu_forward_kernel(const Conv_Op<2>::Attrs &params, const std::a
     // output H size
     const std::size_t oxSize =
-            static_cast<std::size_t>(static_cast<float>(dims[0] - std::get<4>(params)[0] + std::get<0>(params)[0]) /
-                                static_cast<float>(std::get<0>(params)[0]));
+            static_cast<std::size_t>(static_cast<float>(dims[0] - std::get<4>(attrs)[0] + std::get<0>(attrs)[0]) /
+                                static_cast<float>(std::get<0>(attrs)[0]));
     // output W size
     const std::size_t oySize =
-            static_cast<std::size_t>(static_cast<float>(dims[1] - std::get<4>(params)[1] + std::get<0>(params)[1]) /
-                                static_cast<float>(std::get<0>(params)[1]));
+            static_cast<std::size_t>(static_cast<float>(dims[1] - std::get<4>(attrs)[1] + std::get<0>(attrs)[1]) /
+                                static_cast<float>(std::get<0>(attrs)[1]));
     // TODO: kernel computation
     // output (Xout, Yout, outCh, batch)
@@ -59,20 +59,20 @@ void ConvImpl2D_cpu_forward_kernel(const Conv_Op<2>::Attrs &params, const std::a
     // does not take Dilation attribute into account
     for (std::size_t ox = 0; ox < oxSize; ++ox) {
         for (std::size_t oy = 0; oy < oySize; ++oy) {
-            const std::size_t ix = ox * std::get<0>(params)[0];
-            const std::size_t iy = oy * std::get<0>(params)[1];
+            const std::size_t ix = ox * std::get<0>(attrs)[0];
+            const std::size_t iy = oy * std::get<0>(attrs)[1];
-            for (std::size_t outCh = 0; outCh < std::get<3>(params); ++outCh) {
-                const std::size_t oIndex = dims[3] * (outCh + std::get<3>(params) * (oy + oySize * ox));
+            for (std::size_t outCh = 0; outCh < std::get<3>(attrs); ++outCh) {
+                const std::size_t oIndex = dims[3] * (outCh + std::get<3>(attrs) * (oy + oySize * ox));
                 B biasVal = (biases != nullptr) ? biases[outCh] : B(0);
                 for (std::size_t batch = 0; batch < dims[3]; ++batch) {
                     output[oIndex + batch] = biasVal;
                 for (std::size_t inCh = 0; inCh < dims[2]; ++inCh) {
-                    for (std::size_t sx = 0; sx < std::get<4>(params)[0]; ++sx) {
-                        for (std::size_t sy = 0; sy < std::get<4>(params)[1]; ++sy) {
+                    for (std::size_t sx = 0; sx < std::get<4>(attrs)[0]; ++sx) {
+                        for (std::size_t sy = 0; sy < std::get<4>(attrs)[1]; ++sy) {
                             const std::size_t wIndex =
-                                    outCh + std::get<3>(params) * (inCh + dims[2] * (sy + std::get<4>(params)[1] * sx));
+                                    outCh + std::get<3>(attrs) * (inCh + dims[2] * (sy + std::get<4>(attrs)[1] * sx));
                             std::size_t iIndex = dims[3] * (inCh + dims[2] * ((iy + sy) + dims[1] * (ix + sx)));
                             for (std::size_t batch = 0; batch < dims[3]; ++batch) {
                                 output[oIndex + batch] += weights[wIndex] * input[iIndex + batch];
@@ -88,12 +88,12 @@ void ConvImpl2D_cpu_forward_kernel(const Conv_Op<2>::Attrs &params, const std::a
     // output H size
     const std::size_t oxSize =
-            static_cast<std::size_t>(std::floor(static_cast<float>(dims[2] + std::get<5>(params)[0] + std::get<5>(params)[2] - std::get<4>(params)[0] + std::get<0>(params)[0]) /
-                                static_cast<float>(std::get<0>(params)[0])));
+            static_cast<std::size_t>(std::floor(static_cast<float>(dims[2] + std::get<5>(attrs)[0] + std::get<5>(attrs)[2] - std::get<4>(attrs)[0] + std::get<0>(attrs)[0]) /
+                                static_cast<float>(std::get<0>(attrs)[0])));
     // output W size
     const std::size_t oySize =
-            static_cast<std::size_t>(std::floor(static_cast<float>(dims[3] + std::get<5>(params)[1] + std::get<5>(params)[3] - std::get<4>(params)[1] + std::get<0>(params)[1]) /
-                                static_cast<float>(std::get<0>(params)[1])));
+            static_cast<std::size_t>(std::floor(static_cast<float>(dims[3] + std::get<5>(attrs)[1] + std::get<5>(attrs)[3] - std::get<4>(attrs)[1] + std::get<0>(attrs)[1]) /
+                                static_cast<float>(std::get<0>(attrs)[1])));
     // TODO: kernel computation
     // output (batch, outCh, Xout, Yout)
@@ -102,39 +102,39 @@ void ConvImpl2D_cpu_forward_kernel(const Conv_Op<2>::Attrs &params, const std::a
     // does not take Dilation attribute into account
     using signedsize = std::make_signed<std::size_t>::type;
     for (std::size_t batch = 0; batch < dims[0]; ++batch) {
-        for (std::size_t outCh = 0; outCh < std::get<3>(params); ++outCh) {
-            const std::size_t oIndex = (outCh + batch*std::get<3>(params)) * oxSize * oySize;
+        for (std::size_t outCh = 0; outCh < std::get<3>(attrs); ++outCh) {
+            const std::size_t oIndex = (outCh + batch*std::get<3>(attrs)) * oxSize * oySize;
             B biasVal = (biases != nullptr) ? biases[outCh] : B(0);
             std::fill(output + oIndex, output+(oIndex+oxSize*oySize), biasVal);
             for (std::size_t inCh = 0; inCh < dims[1]; ++inCh) {
                 const std::size_t iIndex = (inCh + batch*dims[1]) * dims[2] * dims[3];
-                const std::size_t wIndex = (inCh + outCh*dims[1]) * std::get<4>(params)[0] * std::get<4>(params)[1];
+                const std::size_t wIndex = (inCh + outCh*dims[1]) * std::get<4>(attrs)[0] * std::get<4>(attrs)[1];
                 for (std::size_t ox = 0; ox < oxSize; ++ox) {
-                    const signedsize difx = static_cast<signedsize>(std::get<5>(params)[0] - ox * std::get<0>(params)[0]);
+                    const signedsize difx = static_cast<signedsize>(std::get<5>(attrs)[0] - ox * std::get<0>(attrs)[0]);
                     const std::size_t sxMin = static_cast<std::size_t>(std::max(difx, signedsize(0)));
-                    const std::size_t sxMax = (static_cast<signedsize>(dims[2]) + difx) < 0 ? 0 : ((dims[2] + difx) > std::get<4>(params)[0] ? std::get<4>(params)[0] : dims[2] + difx);
+                    const std::size_t sxMax = (static_cast<signedsize>(dims[2]) + difx) < 0 ? 0 : ((dims[2] + difx) > std::get<4>(attrs)[0] ? std::get<4>(attrs)[0] : dims[2] + difx);
                     for (std::size_t oy = 0; oy < oySize; ++oy) {
-                        const signedsize dify = static_cast<signedsize>(std::get<5>(params)[1] - oy * std::get<0>(params)[1]);
+                        const signedsize dify = static_cast<signedsize>(std::get<5>(attrs)[1] - oy * std::get<0>(attrs)[1]);
                         const std::size_t syMin = static_cast<std::size_t>(std::max(dify, signedsize(0)));
-                        const std::size_t syMax = (static_cast<signedsize>(dims[3]) + dify) < 0 ? 0 : ((dims[3] + dify) > std::get<4>(params)[1] ? std::get<4>(params)[1] : dims[3] + dify);
+                        const std::size_t syMax = (static_cast<signedsize>(dims[3]) + dify) < 0 ? 0 : ((dims[3] + dify) > std::get<4>(attrs)[1] ? std::get<4>(attrs)[1] : dims[3] + dify);
                         const std::size_t oIndexFull = oIndex + ox*oySize + oy;
-                        const signedsize ix = static_cast<signedsize>(ox * std::get<0>(params)[0]) - std::get<5>(params)[0];
-                        const signedsize iy = static_cast<signedsize>(oy * std::get<0>(params)[1]) - std::get<5>(params)[1];
+                        const signedsize ix = static_cast<signedsize>(ox * std::get<0>(attrs)[0]) - std::get<5>(attrs)[0];
+                        const signedsize iy = static_cast<signedsize>(oy * std::get<0>(attrs)[1]) - std::get<5>(attrs)[1];
                         if (sxMin == 0 && syMin == 0 && sxMax == 3 && syMax == 3) {
-                            output[oIndexFull] += (weights[wIndex + 0*std::get<4>(params)[1] + 0] * input[iIndex + static_cast<std::size_t>(ix+0)*dims[3] + static_cast<std::size_t>(iy+0)] +
-                                                   weights[wIndex + 0*std::get<4>(params)[1] + 1] * input[iIndex + static_cast<std::size_t>(ix+0)*dims[3] + static_cast<std::size_t>(iy+1)] +
-                                                   weights[wIndex + 0*std::get<4>(params)[1] + 2] * input[iIndex + static_cast<std::size_t>(ix+0)*dims[3] + static_cast<std::size_t>(iy+2)] +
-                                                   weights[wIndex + 1*std::get<4>(params)[1] + 0] * input[iIndex + static_cast<std::size_t>(ix+1)*dims[3] + static_cast<std::size_t>(iy+0)] +
-                                                   weights[wIndex + 1*std::get<4>(params)[1] + 1] * input[iIndex + static_cast<std::size_t>(ix+1)*dims[3] + static_cast<std::size_t>(iy+1)] +
-                                                   weights[wIndex + 1*std::get<4>(params)[1] + 2] * input[iIndex + static_cast<std::size_t>(ix+1)*dims[3] + static_cast<std::size_t>(iy+2)] +
-                                                   weights[wIndex + 2*std::get<4>(params)[1] + 0] * input[iIndex + static_cast<std::size_t>(ix+2)*dims[3] + static_cast<std::size_t>(iy+0)] +
-                                                   weights[wIndex + 2*std::get<4>(params)[1] + 1] * input[iIndex + static_cast<std::size_t>(ix+2)*dims[3] + static_cast<std::size_t>(iy+1)] +
-                                                   weights[wIndex + 2*std::get<4>(params)[1] + 2] * input[iIndex + static_cast<std::size_t>(ix+2)*dims[3] + static_cast<std::size_t>(iy+2)]);
+                            output[oIndexFull] += (weights[wIndex + 0*std::get<4>(attrs)[1] + 0] * input[iIndex + static_cast<std::size_t>(ix+0)*dims[3] + static_cast<std::size_t>(iy+0)] +
+                                                   weights[wIndex + 0*std::get<4>(attrs)[1] + 1] * input[iIndex + static_cast<std::size_t>(ix+0)*dims[3] + static_cast<std::size_t>(iy+1)] +
+                                                   weights[wIndex + 0*std::get<4>(attrs)[1] + 2] * input[iIndex + static_cast<std::size_t>(ix+0)*dims[3] + static_cast<std::size_t>(iy+2)] +
+                                                   weights[wIndex + 1*std::get<4>(attrs)[1] + 0] * input[iIndex + static_cast<std::size_t>(ix+1)*dims[3] + static_cast<std::size_t>(iy+0)] +
+                                                   weights[wIndex + 1*std::get<4>(attrs)[1] + 1] * input[iIndex + static_cast<std::size_t>(ix+1)*dims[3] + static_cast<std::size_t>(iy+1)] +
+                                                   weights[wIndex + 1*std::get<4>(attrs)[1] + 2] * input[iIndex + static_cast<std::size_t>(ix+1)*dims[3] + static_cast<std::size_t>(iy+2)] +
+                                                   weights[wIndex + 2*std::get<4>(attrs)[1] + 0] * input[iIndex + static_cast<std::size_t>(ix+2)*dims[3] + static_cast<std::size_t>(iy+0)] +
+                                                   weights[wIndex + 2*std::get<4>(attrs)[1] + 1] * input[iIndex + static_cast<std::size_t>(ix+2)*dims[3] + static_cast<std::size_t>(iy+1)] +
+                                                   weights[wIndex + 2*std::get<4>(attrs)[1] + 2] * input[iIndex + static_cast<std::size_t>(ix+2)*dims[3] + static_cast<std::size_t>(iy+2)]);
                         } else {
                             for (std::size_t sx = sxMin; sx < sxMax; ++sx) {
                                 for (std::size_t sy = syMin; sy < syMax; ++sy) {
-                                    output[oIndexFull] += weights[wIndex + sx*std::get<4>(params)[1] + sy] *
+                                    output[oIndexFull] += weights[wIndex + sx*std::get<4>(attrs)[1] + sy] *
                                                             input[iIndex + static_cast<std::size_t>(ix+static_cast<signedsize>(sx))*dims[3] + static_cast<std::size_t>(iy+static_cast<signedsize>(sy))];
diff --git a/include/aidge/backend/cpu/operator/FCImpl_forward_kernels.hpp b/include/aidge/backend/cpu/operator/FCImpl_forward_kernels.hpp
index 2b639a73..91e2558a 100644
--- a/include/aidge/backend/cpu/operator/FCImpl_forward_kernels.hpp
+++ b/include/aidge/backend/cpu/operator/FCImpl_forward_kernels.hpp
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
 namespace Aidge {
 // template <class I, class W, class B, class O>
-// void FCImpl_cpu_forward_kernel(const FC_Op::Attrs& params, const std::array<DimSize_t, 4>& dims,
+// void FCImpl_cpu_forward_kernel(const FC_Op::Attrs& attrs, const std::array<DimSize_t, 4>& dims,
 //                                    const void* input_, const void* weights_, const void* biases_, void* output_) {
 //     // FIXME: missing FC attributes as arguments
 //     const I* input = static_cast<const I*>(input_);
@@ -27,9 +27,9 @@ namespace Aidge {
 //     const B* biases = static_cast<const B*>(biases_);
 //     O* output = static_cast<O*>(output_);
-//     for (std::size_t outIdx = 0; outIdx < std::get<0>(params); ++outIdx) {
+//     for (std::size_t outIdx = 0; outIdx < std::get<0>(attrs); ++outIdx) {
 //         std::size_t oIndex = outIdx * dims[3];
-//         const B bias = std::get<1>(params) ? B(0) : biases[outIdx];
+//         const B bias = std::get<1>(attrs) ? B(0) : biases[outIdx];
 //         for (std::size_t batch = 0; batch < dims[3]; ++batch) {
 //             output[oIndex + batch] = bias;
 //         }
@@ -39,10 +39,10 @@ namespace Aidge {
 //         for (std::size_t iy = 0; iy < dims[1]; ++iy) {
 //             for (std::size_t inCh = 0; inCh < dims[2]; ++inCh) {
 //                 const std::size_t iIndex = dims[3] * (inCh + dims[2] * (iy + dims[1] * ix));
-//                 for (std::size_t outCh = 0; outCh < std::get<0>(params); ++outCh) {
+//                 for (std::size_t outCh = 0; outCh < std::get<0>(attrs); ++outCh) {
 //                     const std::size_t oIndex = dims[3] * outCh;
-//                     const std::size_t wIndex = (inCh + dims[2] * (iy + dims[1] * ix)) * std::get<0>(params) +
-//                                           outCh;  // (iIndex*std::get<0>(params) + oIndex)/dims[3];
+//                     const std::size_t wIndex = (inCh + dims[2] * (iy + dims[1] * ix)) * std::get<0>(attrs) +
+//                                           outCh;  // (iIndex*std::get<0>(attrs) + oIndex)/dims[3];
 //                     for (std::size_t batch = 0; batch < dims[3]; ++batch) {
 //                         output[oIndex + batch] += weights[wIndex] * input[iIndex + batch];
 //                     }
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ namespace Aidge {
 // }
 // template <class I, class W, class B, class O>
-// void FCImpl_cpu_forward_kernel(const FC_Op::Attrs& params, const std::array<DimSize_t, 2>& dims,
+// void FCImpl_cpu_forward_kernel(const FC_Op::Attrs& attrs, const std::array<DimSize_t, 2>& dims,
 //                                    const void* input_, const void* weights_, const void* biases_, void* output_) {
 //     // FIXME: missing FC attributes as arguments
 //     const I* input = static_cast<const I*>(input_);
@@ -63,9 +63,9 @@ namespace Aidge {
 //     // let's have I.dims() = [N, C, H, W] instead of [H, W, C, N]
-//     for (std::size_t outIdx = 0; outIdx < std::get<0>(params); ++outIdx) {
+//     for (std::size_t outIdx = 0; outIdx < std::get<0>(attrs); ++outIdx) {
 //         std::size_t oIndex = outIdx * dims[0];
-//         const B bias = std::get<1>(params) ? B(0) : biases[outIdx];
+//         const B bias = std::get<1>(attrs) ? B(0) : biases[outIdx];
 //         for (std::size_t batch = 0; batch < dims[0]; ++batch) {
 //             output[oIndex + batch] = bias;
 //         }
@@ -74,8 +74,8 @@ namespace Aidge {
 //     for (std::size_t batch = 0; batch < dims[0]; ++batch) {
 //         const std::size_t oIndex = dims[1] * batch;
 //         for (std::size_t i = 0; i < dims[1]; ++i) {
-//             for (std::size_t outCh = 0; outCh < std::get<0>(params); ++outCh) {
-//                 std::size_t wIndex = i * std::get<0>(params) + outCh;  // (iIndex*std::get<0>(params) + oIndex)/dims[3];
+//             for (std::size_t outCh = 0; outCh < std::get<0>(attrs); ++outCh) {
+//                 std::size_t wIndex = i * std::get<0>(attrs) + outCh;  // (iIndex*std::get<0>(attrs) + oIndex)/dims[3];
 //                 output[oIndex + outCh] += weights[wIndex] * input[i + batch];
 //             }
 //         }
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ namespace Aidge {
 // }
 template <class I, class W, class B, class O>
-void FCImpl_cpu_forward_kernel(const FC_Op::Attrs& params, const DimSize_t batchSize, const DimSize_t oneInputSize,
+void FCImpl_cpu_forward_kernel(const FC_Op::Attrs& attrs, const DimSize_t batchSize, const DimSize_t oneInputSize,
                                    const void* input_, const void* weights_, const void* biases_, void* output_) {
     // FIXME: missing FC attributes as arguments
     const I* input = static_cast<const I*>(input_);
@@ -91,21 +91,21 @@ void FCImpl_cpu_forward_kernel(const FC_Op::Attrs& params, const DimSize_t batch
     const B* biases = static_cast<const B*>(biases_);
     O* output = static_cast<O*>(output_);
-    if (std::get<1>(params)) {
-        std::fill(output, output+(batchSize*std::get<0>(params)), B(0));
+    if (std::get<1>(attrs)) {
+        std::fill(output, output+(batchSize*std::get<0>(attrs)), B(0));
     else {
         for (std::size_t batch = 0; batch < batchSize; ++batch) {
-            std::copy(biases, biases+std::get<0>(params), output+(batch*std::get<0>(params)));
+            std::copy(biases, biases+std::get<0>(attrs), output+(batch*std::get<0>(attrs)));
     for (std::size_t batch = 0; batch < batchSize; ++batch) {
-        for (std::size_t out = 0; out < std::get<0>(params); ++out) {
-            output[out + batch*std::get<0>(params)] = std::inner_product(input + batch*oneInputSize,
+        for (std::size_t out = 0; out < std::get<0>(attrs); ++out) {
+            output[out + batch*std::get<0>(attrs)] = std::inner_product(input + batch*oneInputSize,
                                                         input + (batch + 1)*oneInputSize,
                                                         weights + out*oneInputSize,
-                                                        output[out + batch*std::get<0>(params)]);
+                                                        output[out + batch*std::get<0>(attrs)]);
diff --git a/include/aidge/backend/cpu/operator/LeakyReLUImpl_forward_kernels.hpp b/include/aidge/backend/cpu/operator/LeakyReLUImpl_forward_kernels.hpp
index a4a926e8..761b9579 100644
--- a/include/aidge/backend/cpu/operator/LeakyReLUImpl_forward_kernels.hpp
+++ b/include/aidge/backend/cpu/operator/LeakyReLUImpl_forward_kernels.hpp
@@ -18,14 +18,14 @@
 namespace Aidge {
 template <class I, class O>
-void LeakyReLUImpl_cpu_forward_kernel(const LeakyReLU_Op::Attrs& params,
+void LeakyReLUImpl_cpu_forward_kernel(const LeakyReLU_Op::Attrs& attrs,
                                      std::size_t inputLenght,
                                      const void* input_,
                                      void* output_) {
     const I* input = static_cast<const I*>(input_);
     O* output = static_cast<O*>(output_);
-    I negativeSlope = static_cast<I>(std::get<0>(params));
+    I negativeSlope = static_cast<I>(std::get<0>(attrs));
     for (std::size_t i = 0; i < inputLenght; ++i) {
         output[i] = input[i] >= 0 ? input[i] : input[i] * negativeSlope;
diff --git a/include/aidge/backend/cpu/operator/ScalingImpl.hpp b/include/aidge/backend/cpu/operator/ScalingImpl.hpp
index 6e75b6f4..c6ef9585 100644
--- a/include/aidge/backend/cpu/operator/ScalingImpl.hpp
+++ b/include/aidge/backend/cpu/operator/ScalingImpl.hpp
@@ -24,10 +24,10 @@ namespace Aidge {
 // compute kernel registry for forward and backward
 class ScalingImplForward_cpu
-    : public Registrable<ScalingImplForward_cpu, std::tuple<DataType, DataType>, void(const Scaling_Op::Parameters&, std::size_t, const void*, void*)> {
+    : public Registrable<ScalingImplForward_cpu, std::tuple<DataType, DataType>, void(const Scaling_Op::Attributes&, std::size_t, const void*, void*)> {
 class ScalingImplBackward_cpu
-    : public Registrable<ScalingImplBackward_cpu, std::tuple<DataType, DataType>, void(const Scaling_Op::Parameters&, std::size_t, const void*, void*)> {
+    : public Registrable<ScalingImplBackward_cpu, std::tuple<DataType, DataType>, void(const Scaling_Op::Attributes&, std::size_t, const void*, void*)> {
 class ScalingImpl_cpu : public OperatorImpl {
diff --git a/include/aidge/backend/cpu/operator/ScalingImpl_forward_kernels.hpp b/include/aidge/backend/cpu/operator/ScalingImpl_forward_kernels.hpp
index c5b06290..e517f0a0 100644
--- a/include/aidge/backend/cpu/operator/ScalingImpl_forward_kernels.hpp
+++ b/include/aidge/backend/cpu/operator/ScalingImpl_forward_kernels.hpp
@@ -18,14 +18,14 @@
 namespace Aidge {
 template <class I, class O>
-void ScalingImpl_cpu_forward_kernel(const Scaling_Op::Parameters& params,
+void ScalingImpl_cpu_forward_kernel(const Scaling_Op::Attributes& attrs,
                                      std::size_t inputLenght,
                                      const void* input_,
                                      void* output_) {
     const I* input = static_cast<const I*>(input_);
     O* output = static_cast<O*>(output_);
-    I scalingFactor = static_cast<I>(std::get<0>(params));
+    I scalingFactor = static_cast<I>(std::get<0>(attrs));
     for (std::size_t i = 0; i < inputLenght; ++i) {
         output[i] = input[i] * scalingFactor;