# L2S-M Application Development Guide

Welcome to the L2S-M development guide. This README provides detailed instructions for setting up and developing L2S-M, which consists of four main components: `l2sm-controller`, `l2sm-operator`, `l2sm-switch`, and `l2sm-ned`. Follow the steps below to set up your development environment and deploy each component.

## Table of Contents

- [Repository Structure](#repository-structure)
- [Prerequisites](#prerequisites)
- [Component Development and Deployment](#component-development-and-deployment)
  - [L2SM-Controller](#l2sm-controller)
  - [L2SM-Operator](#l2sm-operator)
  - [L2SM-Switch](#l2sm-switch)

## Repository Structure

Below is a brief overview of the repository's structure and the purpose of major directories:

├── .vscode
│   └── launch.json
├── README.md
├── deployment
|   └── custom-installation
├── build
... [shortened for brevity] ...
└── src
    ├── controller
    ├── operator
    └── switch
In the L2S-M/src directory you will find the source code of each component, which is used to build the images in L2S-M/build. 

## Prerequisites

Before you begin, ensure you have met the following requirements:

- A kubernetes cluster you have complete access to.
- Multus installed in the cluster. 
- For each component you're gonna develop, you may need specific tools and software.
- L2S-M custom installation. Install L2S-M up to the component you want to modify/debug/develop, and come back here to check how to proceed with the installation.

## Component Development and Deployment

### L2SM-Controller

1. **Custom installation**: The source code for `l2sm-controller` is hosted in a separate repository. Refer to it to see how this component works and how to change it and deploy it manually.

2. **Configuration**: Specify the IP address the `l2sm-controller` is working on in the `deployOperator.yaml` and `deploySwitch.yaml` files, in the L2S-M/deployment/custom-installation/ directory.

3. **Custom Installation**: Follow the custom installation instructions exactly as described in the `custom-installation` directory.

### L2SM-Operator

Note: you need python3 and the requirements specified in the L2S-M/src/operator/requirements.txt to run it.

1. **Custom Installation**: Follow the custom installation steps up to the controller part.

2. **Database Setup**: Run the MySQL development database using `mysql-development.yaml`.

3. **Configuration**: Update `launch.json` with the `l2sm-controller` service IP and the database IP.  This file has been made to help launching the application locally.

4. **Debugging**: In Visual Studio Code, run the debug Kopf application. It will launch the app in a terminal, but it doesn't allow actual debugging tools such as custom breakpoints, as it's not a feature in kopf applications.

### L2SM-Switch

1. **Deployment**: Deploy `l2sm-switch` normally, ensuring to comment out `initContainers` in the YAML file. Remove the initial configuration script by using as input args: ["sleep infinity"]

2. **Debugging**: For debugging, remove the initial configuration script by and use `exec -it` on the pods to achieve the desired configuration. Since it doesn’t run any background process, no specific image is needed, the current one implements custom commands that enable the current configuration.