From da73529994ec233066c200fd41444209391ba41e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: NAUD Maxence <>
Date: Mon, 11 Dec 2023 01:34:40 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] [Upd] the replace function to use graph ordering

 include/aidge/graph/GraphView.hpp |  23 ++-
 src/graph/GraphView.cpp           | 292 ++++++++++++++++--------------
 2 files changed, 167 insertions(+), 148 deletions(-)

diff --git a/include/aidge/graph/GraphView.hpp b/include/aidge/graph/GraphView.hpp
index bf23ef9f0..de25e99d0 100644
--- a/include/aidge/graph/GraphView.hpp
+++ b/include/aidge/graph/GraphView.hpp
@@ -391,17 +391,24 @@ public:
                         IOIndex_t newParentInputTensorIdx,
                         IOIndex_t newParentOutputTensorIdx);
      * @brief Replace a set of Nodes in every available GraphView with a new set of Nodes if possible.
      * Both sets should include all the necessary Producers.
-     * @details Replaced Nodes are removed from any GraphView pointing at them all.
-     * The oldNodes set should have only one input/output
-     * Tensor for automatic connections of newNodes set.
-     * @param oldNodes actual set of shared_ptr<Node> to replace.
-     * @param newNodes new set of shared_ptr<Node>.
-     * @return true
-     * @return false
+     * @details There are 3 cases of replacement:
+     * Case 1: same number of input/output connections for oldNodes and newNodes sets.
+     *     - input/output connections are replacated according to their IDs.
+     * Case 2: different number of input/output connections for oldNodes and newNodes sets.
+     *     - only a single parent/child node for the newNodes set, every input/output is
+     *       connected to it.
+     *     - several parents/children nodes for newNodes set => impossible to know, return false
+     * Case 3: newNodes set is empty
+     *     - same number of input/output connections in oldNodes, parents and children are linked according
+     *       to these connections IDs
+     *     - different number of input/output connections in oldNodes => return false
+     * @param oldNodes
+     * @param newNodes
+     * @return true replacement has been performed
+     * @return false no replacement has been performed
     static bool replace(const std::set<NodePtr>& oldNodes, const std::set<NodePtr>& newNodes);
diff --git a/src/graph/GraphView.cpp b/src/graph/GraphView.cpp
index 2716de300..064cb3a04 100644
--- a/src/graph/GraphView.cpp
+++ b/src/graph/GraphView.cpp
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ void Aidge::GraphView::save(std::string path, bool verbose) const {
         std::string givenName =
                 ? "<em>" + currentType + "#" + std::to_string(typeCounter[currentType]) + "</em>"
-                : node_ptr->name() + " <sub><em>" + currentType + "</em></sub>";
+                : "\"" + node_ptr->name() + "\\n<sub><em>( " + currentType + " )</em></sub>\"";
         namePtrTable[node_ptr] =
             (currentType + "_" + std::to_string(typeCounter[currentType]));
@@ -117,14 +117,14 @@ void Aidge::GraphView::save(std::string path, bool verbose) const {
     size_t inputIdx = 0;
     for (auto input : mInputNodes) {
-      std::fprintf(fp, "input%lu((in#%lu)):::inputCls-->|&rarr;%u|%s\n", inputIdx, inputIdx,
+      std::fprintf(fp, "input%lu((in#%lu)):::inputCls--->|&rarr;%u|%s\n", inputIdx, inputIdx,
                   input.second, namePtrTable[input.first].c_str());
     size_t outputIdx = 0;
     for (auto output : mOutputNodes) {
-      std::fprintf(fp, "%s-->|%u&rarr;|output%lu((out#%lu)):::outputCls\n",
+      std::fprintf(fp, "%s--->|%u&rarr;|output%lu((out#%lu)):::outputCls\n",
                    namePtrTable[output.first].c_str(), output.second,
                    outputIdx, outputIdx);
@@ -694,128 +694,150 @@ void Aidge::GraphView::insertParent(NodePtr childNode,
 bool Aidge::GraphView::replace(const std::set<Aidge::NodePtr>& oldNodes, const std::set<Aidge::NodePtr>& newNodes) {
     // TODO: handle case where an oldNodes parameter does not come from a Producer but another Node (not included in oldNodes)
     // How to distinguish it from data input?
     // TODO: Parameter Tensors could be identified with their dimensions
     // TODO: Take GraphView as input parameters since new Nodes should be connected whatever.
     // It also avoids specifying each producer since they are automatically included
+    // (1) create GraphViews from both sets of Nodes
     auto oldG = std::make_shared<GraphView>("oldG");
     oldG->add(oldNodes, false);
     auto newG = std::make_shared<GraphView>("newG");
     newG->add(newNodes, false);
-    if ((oldG->inputNodes().size() == 0) || (oldG->outputNodes().size() != 1)) {
-        return false;
-    }
-    if (!(newNodes.empty()) && ((newG->inputNodes().size() == 0) ||
-                                (newG->outputNodes().size() != 1))) {
-        return false;
+    const auto oldOI = oldG->getOrderedInputs();
+    const auto oldOO = oldG->getOrderedOutputs();
+    const auto newOI = newG->getOrderedInputs();
+    const auto newOO = newG->getOrderedOutputs();
+    std::vector<std::pair<std::shared_ptr<Node>, IOIndex_t>> inputParents = std::vector<std::pair<std::shared_ptr<Node>, IOIndex_t>>(oldOI.size());
+    std::vector<std::pair<std::shared_ptr<Node>, IOIndex_t>> outputChildren = std::vector<std::pair<std::shared_ptr<Node>, IOIndex_t>>(oldOO.size());
+    // keep in memory every parent
+    for (std::size_t i = 0; i < oldOI.size(); ++i) {
+        auto inputParent = oldOI[i].first -> input(oldOI[i].second);
+        inputParents[i]= inputParent;
+        // inputParent.first -> addChild(newOI[i].first, inputParent.second, newOI[i].second);
-    // there is at least one inputNode in the old/new GraphView
-    std::shared_ptr<Node> firstPreviousInputNode = (*(oldG->inputNodes()).begin());
-    std::shared_ptr<Node> firstPreviousOutputNode = (*(oldG->outputNodes()).begin());
-    // find Node to link to new input Node
-    //compute number of input for firstPreviousInputNode not in oldNodes set
-    std::size_t nbExternalInputs = 0;
-    std::shared_ptr<Node> externalInput = nullptr;
-    IOIndex_t externalInputId = gk_IODefaultIndex;
-    for (const auto& input : firstPreviousInputNode->inputs()) {
-        if (oldNodes.find(input.first) == oldNodes.end()) { // Node connected to another Node outside of oldG
-            nbExternalInputs++;
-            externalInput = input.first;
-            externalInputId = input.second;
+    for (std::size_t i = 0; i < oldOO.size();) {
+        auto outputChildList = oldOO[i].first -> output(oldOO[i].second);
+        if (outputChildList.empty()) {
+            outputChildren[i] = std::pair<std::shared_ptr<Node>, IOIndex_t>({nullptr, gk_IODefaultIndex});
+            ++i;
-    }
-    if (nbExternalInputs > 1) {
-        AIDGE_INTERNAL_ASSERT("To many input to link for oldNodes set");
-    }
-    if (oldG->inputNodes().size() > 1){
-        // one or no input has been identified. Checking every input points to the same source
-        for (const auto& previousInputNode : oldG->inputNodes()) {
-            for (const auto& input : previousInputNode->inputs()) {
-                if (oldNodes.find(input.first) == oldNodes.end()) {
-                    if ( (externalInput != input.first) || (externalInputId != input.second) ) {
-                        return false; // an inputNode points to an external Node different from the registered one
-                    }
+        else {
+            for (const auto& child : outputChildList) {
+                if (oldNodes.find(child.first) == oldNodes.cend()) {
+                    outputChildren[i] = child;
+                    ++i;
-    if (firstPreviousOutputNode->nbOutputs() != 1) {
-        return false;
-    }
-    // find Node to replicate output connections
-    std::shared_ptr<Node> newOutputNode = newNodes.empty() ? externalInput : *(newG->outputNodes().begin());
-    auto copyOutputs = firstPreviousOutputNode->outputs();
-    // manage Views for newNodes
     // only keep common views to each node for the new set
+    // set of common GraphView for oldNodes' Nodes
     std::set<std::shared_ptr<GraphView>> commonGraphViews =  (*oldNodes.begin())->views();
     for (const auto& nodePtr : oldNodes) {
-      const auto nodeView = nodePtr->views();
-      std::set<std::shared_ptr<GraphView>> intersection;
-      std::set_intersection(commonGraphViews.begin(), commonGraphViews.end(),
-                          nodeView.begin(), nodeView.end(),
-                          std::inserter(intersection, intersection.begin()));
-      commonGraphViews = intersection;
+        const auto nodeView = nodePtr->views();
+        std::set<std::shared_ptr<GraphView>> intersection;
+        std::set_intersection(commonGraphViews.begin(), commonGraphViews.end(),
+                            nodeView.begin(), nodeView.end(),
+                            std::inserter(intersection, intersection.begin()));
+        commonGraphViews = intersection;
-    // clean Nodes to replace
-    // Do not include common Nodes to avoid cleaning Producers linked to newNodes
-    std::set<std::shared_ptr<Node>> nodesToClean;
-    std::set_difference(oldNodes.begin(), oldNodes.end(),
-                          newNodes.begin(), newNodes.end(),
-                          std::inserter(nodesToClean, nodesToClean.begin()));
-    for (auto& nodePtr : nodesToClean) { nodePtr->resetConnections(true); }
-    // copy output connections
-    if (newOutputNode) {
-        for (IOIndex_t o = 0; o < firstPreviousOutputNode->nbOutputs(); ++o) {
-            auto outputPairs = copyOutputs[o];
-            for (const auto& onePair : outputPairs) {
-                newOutputNode->addChild(onePair.first, o, onePair.second);
-            }
+    if ((newNodes.size() > 0) && (oldOI.size() != newOI.size()) && (oldOO.size() != newOO.size())) {
+        for (const auto& nodePtr : oldNodes) {
+            nodePtr->removeView(oldG);
+        }
+        for (const auto& nodePtr : newNodes) {
+            nodePtr->removeView(newG);
+        }
+        return false;
+    }
+    for (const auto& nodePtr : oldNodes) {
+        for (const auto& g : commonGraphViews) {
+            g -> remove(nodePtr, false);
+            g -> updateInputsOutputsDelete(nodePtr);
+        nodePtr -> resetConnections(true);
-    // copy input connections
-    if (!newNodes.empty() && externalInput) {
-        for (const auto& newInputNode : newG->inputNodes()) {
-            IOIndex_t inputId = 0;
-            for (const auto& input : newInputNode->inputs()) {
-                if (newNodes.find(input.first) == newNodes.end()) {
-                    externalInput->addChild(newInputNode, externalInputId, inputId);
+    if ((oldOI.size() == newOI.size()) &&
+        (oldOO.size() == newOO.size())) {
+        // Case 1
+        for (std::size_t i = 0; i < oldOI.size(); ++i) {
+            if (inputParents[i].first) {
+                inputParents[i].first -> addChild(newOI[i].first, inputParents[i].second, newOI[i].second);
+            }
+        }
+        for (std::size_t o = 0; o < oldOO.size(); ++o) {
+            if (outputChildren[o].first) {
+                newOO[o].first -> addChild(outputChildren[o].first, newOO[o].second, outputChildren[o].second);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    else {
+        // get the number of Parents for oldG->inputNodes()
+        // get the number of Children for oldg->outputNodes()
+        if (newNodes.size() == 0) {
+            // Case 3
+            if (oldOI.size() == oldOO.size()) {
+                for (std::size_t i = 0; i < oldOI.size(); ++i) {
+                    inputParents[i].first -> addChild(outputChildren[i].first, inputParents[i].second, outputChildren[i].second);
+                }
+            }
+            else if (oldOI.size() == 1) {
+                for (std::size_t i = 0; i < oldOI.size(); ++i) {
+                    inputParents[0].first -> addChild(outputChildren[i].first, inputParents[0].second, outputChildren[i].second);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        else if ( // for tiling-like cases. The number of inputNodes changes but not outputNodes
+            ((oldOI.size() == 1) || (newOI.size() == 1)) && // (oldOI.size() == newOI.size()) already handled in Case 1
+            ((oldOO.size() == newOO.size()))
+        ) {
+            // Case 2
+            if ((oldOI.size() == 1)) {
+                for (std::size_t i = 0; i < newOI.size(); ++i) {
+                    inputParents[0].first -> addChild(newOI[i].first, inputParents[0].second, newOI[i].second);
+                }
+            } else {
+                for (std::size_t i = 0; i < oldOI.size(); ++i) {
+                    inputParents[i].first -> addChild(newOI[0].first, inputParents[i].second, newOI[0].second);
+                }
+            }
+            for (std::size_t o = 0; o < oldOO.size(); ++o) {
+                if (outputChildren[o].first) {
+                    newOO[o].first -> addChild(outputChildren[o].first, newOO[o].second, outputChildren[o].second);
-                inputId++;
+        else {
+            for (const auto& nodePtr : oldNodes) {
+                nodePtr->removeView(oldG);
+            }
+            for (const auto& nodePtr : newNodes) {
+                nodePtr->removeView(newG);
+            }
+            return false;
+        }
-    // insert new Nodes in the right GraphViews
-    for (const auto& graphPtr : commonGraphViews) {
-        graphPtr->add(newNodes, false);
-        if (newNodes.empty()) {
-            // TODO: FIXME: this function should not be called anymore!
-            graphPtr->updateInputsOutputsNodes_DEPRECATED();
+    for (const auto& nodePtr : newNodes) {
+        for (const auto& g : commonGraphViews) {
+            g -> add(nodePtr);
-    for (const auto& node : oldNodes) {
-      node->removeView(oldG);
+    for (const auto& nodePtr : oldNodes) {
+        nodePtr -> removeView(oldG);
-    for (const auto& node : newNodes) {
-      node->removeView(newG);
+    for (const auto& nodePtr : newNodes) {
+        nodePtr -> removeView(newG);
     return true;
@@ -824,22 +846,22 @@ void Aidge::GraphView::updateInputsOutputsNew(std::shared_ptr<Node> newNode) {
   // Can be called several times with the same node, e.g. when addChild() is
   // called on a node already part of the GraphView. In this case, inputs/outputs
   // need to be updated!
-  std::vector<std::pair<NodePtr, IOIndex_t>>::iterator newInputsInsertionPoint = mInputNodes.end();
+  std::vector<std::pair<NodePtr, IOIndex_t>>::const_iterator newInputsInsertionPoint = mInputNodes.cend();
   // Remove inputs that are not input anymore because connected to newNode
   for (auto orderedChilds : newNode->getOrderedChildren()) {
     for (auto ch_ptr : orderedChilds) {
       // Check that newNode child is in current GraphView
-      if (mNodes.find(ch_ptr) != mNodes.end()) {
+      if (mNodes.find(ch_ptr) != mNodes.cend()) {
         IOIndex_t inputIdx = 0;
         for (const std::shared_ptr<Node>& pa_ptr : ch_ptr->getParents()) {
           // If newNode is connected to it
           if (pa_ptr == newNode) {
             const auto val = std::make_pair(ch_ptr, inputIdx);
-            const auto iter = std::find(mInputNodes.begin(), mInputNodes.end(), val);
+            const auto iter = std::find(mInputNodes.cbegin(), mInputNodes.cend(), val);
             // Check that it was not already the case (if node UPDATE)
-            if (iter != mInputNodes.end()) {
+            if (iter != mInputNodes.cend()) { // newNode is linked to an actual inputNode to an input connection
               // The first old (removed) input becomes the insertion point for newNode GraphView inputs
               if (std::distance(newInputsInsertionPoint, iter) <= 0) {
                 newInputsInsertionPoint = mInputNodes.erase(iter);
@@ -855,55 +877,45 @@ void Aidge::GraphView::updateInputsOutputsNew(std::shared_ptr<Node> newNode) {
-  // Check if node inputs are inputs for the GraphView and add them to the input list if so
-  // Inputs addition order follows node inputs order
-  // Inputs are inserted at the position of the first input removed
-  IOIndex_t inputIdx = 0U;
-  for (const std::shared_ptr<Node>& pa_ptr : newNode->getParents()) {
-    if ((pa_ptr == nullptr) ||
-        (mNodes.find(pa_ptr) ==
-        mNodes.end())) { // Parent doesn't exist || Parent not in the graph
-      const auto val = std::make_pair(newNode, inputIdx);
-      if (std::find(mInputNodes.begin(), mInputNodes.end(), val) == mInputNodes.end()) {
-        newInputsInsertionPoint = mInputNodes.insert(newInputsInsertionPoint, val);
-        newInputsInsertionPoint = std::next(newInputsInsertionPoint);
-      }
-    }
-    ++inputIdx;
-  }
-  // (if node UPDATE)
-  // newNode may already exists in the graph and may have been updated
-  // Check and remove inputs that are not inputs anymore
-  inputIdx = 0U;
-  for (const std::shared_ptr<Node>& pa_ptr : newNode->getParents()) {
-    if ((pa_ptr != nullptr) &&
-        (mNodes.find(pa_ptr) !=
-        mNodes.end())) {
-      const auto val = std::make_pair(newNode, inputIdx);
-      auto it = std::find(mInputNodes.begin(), mInputNodes.end(), val);
-      if (it != mInputNodes.end()) {
-        mInputNodes.erase(it);
-      }
+    // Manage newNode parents
+    // Check if any input connection is an input for the GraphView
+    IOIndex_t inputIdx = 0U;
+    for (const std::shared_ptr<Node>& pa_ptr : newNode->getParents()) {
+        const auto val = std::make_pair(newNode, inputIdx);
+        const auto it = std::find(mInputNodes.cbegin(), mInputNodes.cend(), val);
+        if ((pa_ptr == nullptr) ||
+            (mNodes.find(pa_ptr) == mNodes.cend())) {
+            // Parent doesn't exist || Parent not in the graph
+            if (it == mInputNodes.cend()) {
+                // If node's inputs are inputs for the GraphView: add them to the input list
+                // Addition rule:
+                // - Inputs addition order follows node inputs order
+                // - Inputs are inserted at the position of the first input removed
+                newInputsInsertionPoint = mInputNodes.insert(newInputsInsertionPoint, val);
+                newInputsInsertionPoint = std::next(newInputsInsertionPoint);
+            }
+        } else if (it != mInputNodes.cend()) {
+            // Parent already in the graph SO edge is not an input anymore for the graph
+            mInputNodes.erase(it);
+        }
+        ++inputIdx;
-    ++inputIdx;
-  }
-  std::vector<std::pair<NodePtr, IOIndex_t>>::iterator newOutputsInsertionPoint = mOutputNodes.end();
+  std::vector<std::pair<NodePtr, IOIndex_t>>::const_iterator newOutputsInsertionPoint = mOutputNodes.cend();
   // Remove outputs that are not output anymore because connected to newNode
   for (const std::shared_ptr<Node>& parent : newNode->getParents()) {
     // Check that newNode parent is in current GraphView
-    if (mNodes.find(parent) != mNodes.end()) {
+    if (mNodes.find(parent) != mNodes.cend()) {
       IOIndex_t outputIdx = 0;
       for (auto orderedChilds : parent->getOrderedChildren()) {
         for (auto ch_ptr : orderedChilds) {
           // If newNode is connected to it
           if (ch_ptr == newNode) {
             const auto val = std::make_pair(parent, outputIdx);
-            const auto iter = std::find(mOutputNodes.begin(), mOutputNodes.end(), val);
+            const auto iter = std::find(mOutputNodes.cbegin(), mOutputNodes.cend(), val);
-            if (iter != mOutputNodes.end()) {
+            if (iter != mOutputNodes.cend()) {
               // The first old (removed) output becomes the insertion point for newNode GraphView outputs
               if (std::distance(newOutputsInsertionPoint, iter) <= 0) {
                 newOutputsInsertionPoint = mOutputNodes.erase(iter);
@@ -943,14 +955,14 @@ void Aidge::GraphView::updateInputsOutputsNew(std::shared_ptr<Node> newNode) {
 void Aidge::GraphView::updateInputsOutputsDelete(std::shared_ptr<Node> deletedNode) {
-  std::vector<std::pair<NodePtr, IOIndex_t>>::iterator newInputsInsertionPoint = mInputNodes.end();
+  std::vector<std::pair<NodePtr, IOIndex_t>>::const_iterator newInputsInsertionPoint = mInputNodes.cend();
   // Check if node inputs were inputs for the GraphView and remove them from the list if so
   for (IOIndex_t inputIdx = 0; inputIdx < deletedNode->getParents().size(); ++inputIdx) {
     const auto val = std::make_pair(deletedNode, inputIdx);
-    const auto iter = std::find(mInputNodes.begin(), mInputNodes.end(), val);
+    const auto iter = std::find(mInputNodes.cbegin(), mInputNodes.cend(), val);
-    if (iter != mInputNodes.end()) {
+    if (iter != mInputNodes.cend()) {
       // The first old (removed) input becomes the insertion point for new GraphView inputs
       if (std::distance(newInputsInsertionPoint, iter) <= 0) {
         newInputsInsertionPoint = mInputNodes.erase(iter);
@@ -966,13 +978,13 @@ void Aidge::GraphView::updateInputsOutputsDelete(std::shared_ptr<Node> deletedNo
   for (auto orderedChilds : deletedNode->getOrderedChildren()) {
     for (auto ch_ptr : orderedChilds) {
       // Check that deletedNode child is in current GraphView
-      if (mNodes.find(ch_ptr) != mNodes.end()) {
+      if (mNodes.find(ch_ptr) != mNodes.cend()) {
         IOIndex_t inputIdx = 0;
         for (const std::shared_ptr<Node>& pa_ptr : ch_ptr->getParents()) {
           // If newNode was connected to it
           if (pa_ptr == deletedNode) {
             const auto val = std::make_pair(ch_ptr, inputIdx);
-            if (std::find(mInputNodes.begin(), mInputNodes.end(), val) == mInputNodes.end()) {
+            if (std::find(mInputNodes.cbegin(), mInputNodes.cend(), val) == mInputNodes.cend()) {
               newInputsInsertionPoint = mInputNodes.insert(newInputsInsertionPoint, val);
               newInputsInsertionPoint = std::next(newInputsInsertionPoint);
@@ -982,15 +994,15 @@ void Aidge::GraphView::updateInputsOutputsDelete(std::shared_ptr<Node> deletedNo
-  std::vector<std::pair<NodePtr, IOIndex_t>>::iterator newOutputsInsertionPoint = mOutputNodes.end();
+  std::vector<std::pair<NodePtr, IOIndex_t>>::const_iterator newOutputsInsertionPoint = mOutputNodes.cend();
   // Check if node outputs were outputs for the GraphView and remove them from the list if so
   for (IOIndex_t outputIdx = 0; outputIdx < deletedNode->getOrderedChildren().size(); ++outputIdx) {
     const auto val = std::make_pair(deletedNode, outputIdx);
-    const auto iter = std::find(mOutputNodes.begin(), mOutputNodes.end(), val);
+    const auto iter = std::find(mOutputNodes.cbegin(), mOutputNodes.cend(), val);
-    if (iter != mOutputNodes.end()) {
+    if (iter != mOutputNodes.cend()) {
       // The first old (removed) output becomes the insertion point for newNode GraphView outputs
       if (std::distance(newOutputsInsertionPoint, iter) <= 0) {
         newOutputsInsertionPoint = mOutputNodes.erase(iter);
@@ -1004,7 +1016,7 @@ void Aidge::GraphView::updateInputsOutputsDelete(std::shared_ptr<Node> deletedNo
   // Add parent node outputs that become GraphView output following the removal of the node
   // Outputs addition order follows deletedNode inputs order
   for (const std::shared_ptr<Node>& parent : deletedNode->getParents()) {
-    if (parent != nullptr && mNodes.find(parent) != mNodes.end()) {
+    if (mNodes.find(parent) != mNodes.end()) {
       IOIndex_t outputIdx = 0;
       for (auto orderedChilds : parent->getOrderedChildren()) {
         bool noInsideConnection = true;
@@ -1017,7 +1029,7 @@ void Aidge::GraphView::updateInputsOutputsDelete(std::shared_ptr<Node> deletedNo
         if (noInsideConnection) {
           const auto val = std::make_pair(parent, outputIdx);
-          if (std::find(mOutputNodes.begin(), mOutputNodes.end(), val) == mOutputNodes.end()) {
+          if (std::find(mOutputNodes.cbegin(), mOutputNodes.cend(), val) == mOutputNodes.cend()) {
             newOutputsInsertionPoint = mOutputNodes.insert(newOutputsInsertionPoint, val);
             newOutputsInsertionPoint = std::next(newOutputsInsertionPoint);